Fairytale Green

: Chapter 60

I looked at his furious face and laughed nervously ‘You are going to be late. Let’s go.’

Stone moved my legs so they were dangling in the air and then he adjusted me so I was in his arms bridal style. I rolled my eyes at his antics before I kissed his frown.

‘Medusa, you are not leaving bed for a week.’

‘The day I listen to you is the day I grow taller than you.’ I said while poking his chest and attempting to compete with his glare ‘Never.’

His mouth twitched and he was holding back a smile.

A cough interrupted our staring contest.

That was when I noticed Brennan had been there the whole time.

He shook his head at the both of us while wearing his own signature grin as he pointed out ‘That was the most warped romantic moment I have ever seen. It was like the notebook but with much more threats of violence.’

A laugh escaped me before I maintained a serious face as I said to the guy who’s chest I was pressed to ‘You have to let me go.’


‘Lurch, I will be in the audience.’  I reassured him while shamelessly feeling up his bare chest ‘I am not going anywhere.’

Brennan spoke up ‘She will be with me.’

Stone dragged his attention away from me as he grumbled “You will not let her out of your sight. If one hair on her head is touched—’

‘Yes. Yes. I know. I am a dead man’ Brennan recited like it was a written rule.

‘You are insane,’ I stared up at the murderous expression as I told Stone ‘but I will keep you.’

He left a kiss on my forehead before he affirmed ‘You have no choice in the matter. I am yours.’

Once the giant had set me down on the ground, the realisation hit me about what I was about to walk into. What I was about to watch.

I clung onto his large arms in an attempt to keep him by my side.

‘I am coming back to you.’ Stone assured, picking up on my unwillingness to let him go.

I nodded and let my hold on him go hesitantly.

Brennan and I made our way towards the crowd meanwhile Stone headed off somewhere else.

The sea of people huddled up on the sand around the circle of lit torches swallowed us. I was lost in the huddle and relied on Brennan to lead the way to the front of the crowd.

We finally settled at the very front. Only merely a few metres away from the circle where the fight would take place. One of the torches was so near that I could feel the heat of the naked flame on the side of my cheek.

While Brennan was on my left hand side, Reed stood on my right. The red headed male was on his phone and had the infamous Litora Bello page open.

The words Somnus versus Vulcan were written at the top of the page in gold font. That was above the two options to click on. The red thumbs down button and the green thumbs up button.

The crowd shouted impatient by the wait. Two cameras in either side of the ring rotated to capture the eagerness of the crowd.

My eyes also landed on the two men who looked out of place. They appeared like business men. Prim and proper with their suit and tie.

I poked Brennan on the arm before motioning to the pair of suits ‘Who are they?’

He followed the direction of my finger and what he seen made him smile as he answered ‘They are scouts from a sports programming network.’

Looking up at him in confusion, I asked ‘What are they doing here?’

Brennan glanced again at them before replying ‘Do you remember what Stone said about trying to get Litora Bello legalised?’

‘Yeah.’ I answered back while I thought back to what he had said at the hospital.

‘My dad has been trying to get in contact with all sports companies in the country to try and get this mainstream.’ Brennan replied.

Both of my eyebrows raised in shock as I questioned further ‘Is that what the phone call was about when Mr Lewis told Stone to take the call outside of my hospital room?’

Reed responded instead ‘Stone has been insistent to get this all legal. To make something of himself.’

‘Out of all of us.’ Brennan corrected.

‘He is the best. He will go the furthest.’ The red haired male replied.

That had landed a blow to Brennan’s ego because he mumbled ‘Well, I am a better surfer than him.’

‘Why would he go to such lengths?’ I interrogated before explaining ‘It is obvious that all of this is on the rise. It is becoming more popular and you are all making more money.’

‘Why do you think he is doing it?’ Brennan challenged with a smirk.

Chuckling, Reed over pronounced his words as he spoke ‘For love.’

The heat rose to my face. That time not because of the proximity of the torches.  

A person entered the middle of the fighting ring. Someone familiar. I had seen him before. Brown hair and a distinctive scar over his eye.

The one Lana watched with interest on my laptop. The one she could not take her eyes off as he fought.

‘Who is he?’ I queried as I watched him trying to settle down the crowd ‘I know his name is Bacchus.’

Brennan nodded ‘He is one of the fighters. Hendrix Jones.’

‘He is a dick. Really arrogant and thinks he is better than everyone.’ Reed added ‘It was great seeing Stone knock him on his ass.’

‘I heard he was in a band.’ I mentioned to them.

‘He was. I think the other members could not stand him so they left.’ Reed responded with a chuckle.

‘Hendrix is planning on starting a band here in Santa Monica.’ Brennan added ‘You should tell Lana. She is a good singer.’

From within the area lit with fire, the Hendrix guy spoke loudly in his English accent ‘Ave caesar morituri te salutant.’

The crowd went wild. They started chanting the name of one god like mantra over and over again. The god of fire and blacksmithing.

Hendrix motioned to the right ‘Somnus.’

Stone’s opponent Somnus walked out of the crowd with his hands raised in the air like he wanted everyone to cheer him on.

They did not. Everyone booed Somnus.

Somnus was well built. Every person that took part in Litora Bello was.

However, he was not as big nor as tall as Stone.

I studied him and found faults in the opponent. I had to hate him. He was about to try and hurt my boyfriend. I seen him as the enemy. I made a list of everything wrong with him so that I would find no ounce of sympathy when Stone destroyed him.

The Somnus guy had greasy hair styled in a stupid ponytail. He also had a pathetic excuse of a beard growing on his face and his teeth were yellow.

‘Vulcan.’ Hendrix announced while moving his arm to the left.

As Stone appeared from the side, the crowd exploded into cheers and chants.

The giant made his way into the middle. His face was completely stoic. He looked relaxed and unaffected by the commotion around him. He had his gaze set on his prey. There was not a single ounce of fear in his eyes. He looked ready to kill.

The muscles under Stone’s tattooed skin flexed as he clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides. His abs and his biceps flexed as he walked into the circle.

Stone leaned closer to Somnus and whispered something in his ear. The opponent of Vulcan paled as a response to Stone’s words.

After silence surrounded the space on the sand, Hendrix took a step back and shouted ‘Pugna ad mortem.’

Somnus took a defensive stance as Vulcan attacked.

Stone went for a jab to the stomach and then a full blown fist to the face which made his opponent fall to the sand. Instantaneously, Stone bent down and grabbed ahold of him and raised his fist in the air.

Then he froze.

I watched the scene in shock. It all happened so fast. If you blinked then you would have missed it.

From what I had gathered from watching all of his old fights, Stone let the person he was fighting land a few blows before fully attacking.

The fight was different to any others as Stone had struck brutally hard and fast.

Reed and Brennan’s expressions matched. Their mouths were agape as they took in the scene in front of him.

‘I have never seen him go as fast and as hard as that before.’ Reed commented.

Brennan chuckled while looking down at me ‘Ella told him that she was going to kiss the winner.’

‘That will be why Stone looks so savage and homicidal.’ The tattooist joined in with the amusement.

As I watched Stone still with his face raised above the guy in the floor, I asked ‘Why is he not finishing him off and knocking him out?’

That is when I noticed the screaming crowd were preoccupied on their phones. All were too busy clicking as they waited patiently for the next part of the fight to happen.

‘People pay to vote for Ultima Ictu. The final blow.’ Brennan explained ‘They will either pick thumbs up or thumbs down.’

Hendrix entered the ring to announce ‘Thumbs up.’

Vulcan stood up and took a step away from a bashed up Somnus who got up also from the floor.

‘What does that mean?’ I questioned frantically as I watched the two fighters near eachother again.

‘They have to keep going until the crowd decide it is time for one of them to receive the final blow.’ Reed answered my question ‘They have to fight again.’

Somnus moved first. He grabbed on to Stone’s thick arm and tried to throw him on to the ground. Vulcan retaliated immediately by grabbing him by his ponytail and ramming his knee into his face.

Just as Somnus was about to react, Stone landed his fist on his face. It made contact in the centre of Somnus’ face over and over again until he was on the ground once more.

Both of them stoped moving as the people in the audience’s phones lit up again.

‘I thought this was the final of the season?’ I said in disbelief.

I was worried about Stone for nothing. The other guy who was not my Lurch was dying out there.

‘Somnus is one of the best fighters out there.’ Reed erupted into laughter as he talked ‘I just think Stone has the right amount of motivation. You should come to every fight and threaten him with kisses, Ella.’

While watching Stone stand over the other guy, I replied ‘What is Somnus the god of?’


‘How fitting.’ I half laughed and half snorted ‘He does look on the border of unconsciousness.’

The British voice announced from the ring ‘Thumbs up’.

‘He has to fight again?’ I exclaimed.

‘Yeah but I do not think you have anything to worry about.’ Reed joked.

I turned back to the fight in time to see Somnus land a solid punch on Vulcan, making me flinch and bring my hands up to my cover face.

Just as I thought another punch was about to be landed, Stone dodged it and crashed his elbow straight into the nose of Somnus. It was so powerful and fatal that blood splattered on the sand just by my feet.

There was something about the way Stone moved. It was calculating. Punishing. Utterly alluring yet ferocious.

As Somnus fell to the ground, the phones of the bloodlusting crowd lit up again and hopefully for the last time.

My attention landed on a random boy that looked around the same age as us. He was standing next to Brennan and his finger lingered on the green thumbs up button.

There was no way that I was going to stand back and watch the possibility of Stone getting hurt again.

I leaned forward to the boy and threatened ‘If you do not press that red thumbs down button then I will shove your phone so far up your ass that your mouth lights up like a glow stick.’

The boy peered at me before obeying my command and voting yes to Vulcan landing the final blow.

Reed adjusted his glasses as he smirked at me ‘You are just as terrifying as Stone.’

Silence filled the arena-like atmosphere as everyone awaited the results of the vote.

‘Thumbs down!’

I looked away in time before the sound of bones breaking filled the night air. I was getting used to the fighting club but it was still overwhelming.

‘Vulcan!’ The announcer in the form of Hendrix walked into the middle of the circle and said the name of the winner.

The audience also repeated the name of the blacksmith and fire god at a high volume.

When I refocused back on the two boys next to me was when I had realised that Brennan had moved to the other side of me. He was standing nearer to Reed as they both got ready to greet the pair of men in suits.

Suit man number one shook both their hands as he assumed ‘You must be Neptune and Mercury.’

Reed and Brennan nodded their heads in sync while reaching out and shaking both of the men in suits’ hands.

‘We are very interested in making Litora Bello a mainstream sport. We believe it has the potential to be just as popular as football and baseball. Maybe more popular than both combined.’ Suit Number One said to them ‘The figures that your lawyer Mr Lewis sent was proof of that.’

‘That is great.’ Brennan commented while trying to appear nonplussed but I could see the excitement in him.

Suit Number Two finally spoke ‘We do have a few concerns though.’

Reed was the one to question them ‘Can we ask what?’

‘The theme of Litora Bello is well thought out. It is engaging and people seem to love the gladiator feel to it.’ Suit Number Two answered before elaborating ‘We have a problem with a venue for the fights. Our contribution to getting this mainstream also comes with the deal that the location must be changed. This is a public beach. It cannot remain here.’

‘Although we are struggling to think of another place where the theme would fit.’ Suit Number One added.

I did not think any of it when I spoke up ‘Build a colosseum.’

All four pairs of eyes fell on me.

‘Build a colosseum in California. You know it is going to be popular. Make an arena here in Santa Monica in the style of the Roman Colosseum.’ I said before I cleared my throat and continued ‘Who is going to challenge you for copyright? Julius Caesar? Augustus? Another Roman emperor?’

Both the suits laughed before the first one said to the boys ‘Is she in charge?’

‘Stone is in charge of Litora Bello.’ Brennan stated before adding humourlessly ‘However, Stone is wrapped around her little finger so technically she kind of is.’

The second suit man handed a card with the sports company details on it and informed them to tell Stone to get in touch. They also mentioned that they would be very happy to make Litora Bello something and to build a Colosseum.

Once they had left, I turned back to locate where Stone was. I seen that he making his way over to me. Still topless but now he had the blood of Somnus wiped off him.

He took long strides in my direction, not letting his gaze leave mine. His huge form stopped right in front of me and I could see the smirk forming on his face.

I crossed my arms and raised my brow at him ‘Can I help you with something, Lurch?’

His voice grew thick and rough as he smiled down at me ‘I am here to claim my prize.’

With the largest grin I could manage, I then jumped up and left a soft kiss on his cheek before teasing ‘There you go. There is your kiss.’

Instead of frowning or grumbling like I expected him to, he smirked.

Then his hands were on my waists so he could lift me me up to him. He lifted me so the height difference lessened and he could put his mouth on mine. My legs wrapped around his waist as his tongue met mine.

His kiss was soft and perfect yet savage too. He covered every inch of my mouth as he claimed it as his own. I threw my arms around his neck and he gripped at my waist, demanding more.

The loud cheers of the crowd were a white noise. Everything but us faded away. I clung to him and decide to never let go. He slanted his mouth over mine again and again as I reached up and clutch his hair in my hand.

I pulled back and rested my forehead against his while smiling as I taunted ‘Imagine if I had to kiss the other guy like that.’

He growled before hoisting my body over his shoulder. He rested one of his large hands on my butt as he started to walk away from the commotion of the fight.

Reed called from afar ‘Do you not want to discuss the offer from the sports company—’

Stone offered the two boys a glance over the shoulder while walking away with me before he told them ‘Fuck off.’

Rolling my eyes at his bluntness, I waved to Brennan and Reed and they waved back.

My portion on his shoulder meant that I could watch as lit torches and people of Litora Bello appeared further and further away as he walked away from it all and in the direction of the pier.

The giant then lifted me off his shoulder and arranged his arms so one was under my legs and the other was holding my back. I moved closer into his chest and watched him as he smiled at me.

He took notice of my matching grin and pointed out ‘It is unlike you to not argue about me carrying you.’

‘I have missed you.’ I admitted while shrug and then I wiggled my legs ‘Plus I am so tired. I have wasted my lifetime supply of running tonight.’

He shook his head. He was still not happy that I ran. I knew that I would most likely not hear the end of his disapproval.

However, his grumpy frown faltered when he looked at my pink dress and translucent rainbow wings.

‘I was forced into this costume against my will.’ I argued

Stone left a kiss on my neck as he spoke ‘I told you from the start you would make a great Puck.’

I smiled at the memory of the first day back at school when he said that Puck from Midsummers Night Dream was the character that suited me most. That felt like such a long time ago.

We had come so far since then. We had been through so much but we were still standing. Together .

‘Back to what I was saying before,’ I got back to bickering with him because that is what I done best ‘You should not have spent so much money on me. You are returning the tickets. I still can not believe you would do that for me.’

‘Believe it.’ He said sternly in his rough voice ‘We are going to Brazil. Even if I have to stuff you into my suitcase. You are small enough to fit.’

Swatting his chest, I stuck my tongue out at him.

‘I loved the roses. They were beautiful.’ I told him as I reminisced about what else was in the galaxy box ‘How did you get fairytale green ones?’

He did not quite meet my eye as he grumbled ‘I painted them.’

‘You are such a romantic,’ I teased while smiling as my cheek pressed against his chest ‘And a nerd. You have been reading too much Alice in Wonderland.’

Stone sent a glare my way.

‘Oh, I forgot to mention that my book is getting published.’ I tried to deliver nonchalantly but I failed miserably because I was pretty much jumping up and down in his arms.

‘No way.’ His voice came out deep and musical and he appeared even more excited about my news than I was ‘That is amazing, Medusa baby.’

‘I know.’ I let out a small squeal ‘I am trying not to get my hopes up but I really want to do well.’

‘You will, Ella.’ He stated sternly, showing how much he believed in me ‘I will be at every one of your book signings.’

I rolled my eyes because he was getting way too ahead of himself but I could not fight the smile forming on my face.

‘I will be at every fight of yours.’ I promised him ‘I will be the best heckler.’

He kissed my head in response.

‘It is a good thing I am back with you.’ I admitted ‘I kind of named the evil space lord in my book Balentine Bone.’

We arrived at the start of the pier. It did not seem like he was planning to take me anywhere specific. It was like we were both drawn to the place where we both met.

He kept walking but he never took his eyes off me as he cradled me to his chest.

‘When is your birthday?’ I randomly asked before smirking up at him ‘Is it Valentine’s Day?’


‘Fine then. Do not tell me’ I huffed before sending an empty threat his way ‘No birthday sex for you.’

Stone seemed amused and unconvinced.

He tilted his head while asking with a cocky grin ‘So you are only going to let me have my way with you on my birthday?’

‘And my birthday.’ I added, fighting back a giggle ‘Also every day it is somebody in the world’s birthday.’

His head fell back a little as he let out a deep laugh that vibrated from his chest and into me.

‘It is a few people’s birthday every day.’ He pointed out, realising what I was hinting at.

‘You make a convincing point, Lurch.’

‘My birthday is the fifteenth of February.’ He told me eventually.

‘That means you will be twenty-two in a matter of months.’ I mentioned as I laughed ‘Who knew I was with such an old man.’

Stone sent another glare my way.

‘It is okay, Lurch.’ I told him ‘It only means I can get rid of you to the nursing home earlier.’

‘You are never going to get rid of me.’

He set me down on my feet near the railing at the edge of the pier that overlooked the water below. Some time ago, I would feel sick leaning over and looking down. It did not feel so scary anymore. The unknown did not look so uncertain and intimidating because I could feel his arms around my waist and the feeling of his chest against the back of my head.

I knew he was there to catch me.

I moved my head upwards so that I could stare into his eyes as I spoke ‘Just so you know. I do not have any intention of having you win any future bets between us.’

The warm breath from his mouth hit my neck and I could feel him smile on my skin.

‘We already have a wager set in place.’ He lowly informed me ‘I have every intention of winning. You do not stand a chance.’

Watching the waves crash again the wooden structure below, I hid my smile as I remembered the bet we had made in the Armstrong’s backyard.

I decided that I would let him win that one.

‘Did you know the night that I met you I got a fortune from a machine psychic?’

He asked ‘What did it say?’

‘That I would meet an annoying giant that I was going to have to put up with for the rest of my life.’

‘I doubt it said that.’ He chuckled.

‘It said I would meet my soulmate.’

His grip on my waist tightened as he replied ‘I never needed a piece of paper that night to know that.’

A green light from across the water shone and I thought to myself that I would be okay. Time would heal all wounds and one day I would look back at the memories and only focus on the good ones. One day I would remember my mother and father with only love and not as much pain. 

‘Medusa.’ He uttered huskily, capturing my attention.

I turned around and stood on my toes so that I could wrap my arms around the back of his neck.

‘Yes, Lurch?’ I asked.

‘I have a theory.’

My mouth twitched as I shook my head and scolded him ‘Hey, that is my line.’

His nose touched mine and he left one gentle kiss on my lips.

‘I think Drizella is going to live happily ever after.’ Stone revealed.

‘That is not a theory.’ I recited the words he said to me when he painted my walls and my heart a fairytale green colour ‘That is the truth.’

I used to believe fairytales were not real and that happily ever after was only something you found among the pages of a book. I was wrong. Fairytales are real.

Anyone who says different has just has not found it yet. It is out there and you just have to reach for it. You have to fight for it.

I would fight for it. I would fight for myself and my happiness because out of all of my theories, the thing I believed in most was myself. I needed Stone in a romantic way but I would never need him to stand on my own two feet. I could do it on my own but I wanted him there with me.

I wanted him more than anything.

My fairytale was not traditional. There were no pumpkins, magic or princes. Mine was twisted, crooked and angry but was it was mine. It was reality and mine was so much better than any story.

It was him. It was me. It was us. It was imperfectly perfect and there was no happily ever after because there was not an end.

The end was nevermore.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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