Fairytale Green

: Chapter 31

‘Are you going to tell me what you’re getting tattooed on you?’ I asked as I unwound my arms from his waist.

Stone got off the bike and then helped me down.

The place where his hands touched my waist as he lifted me off the motorbike felt overly heated. His hands remained on my waist, even after placing me on the ground.

I had a sneaky suspicious that he was trying to distract me to avoid the question.

‘Come on, Lurch.’ I swatted his rock-hard chest ‘I think I deserve to know. I did come here with you out of the kindness of my heart.’

‘Really?’ He chuckled ‘That is not how I see it.’

I understood what he meant. I reminisced on half an hour ago when I raced down my apartment building stairs to meet him. He commented on my eagerness to meet him, but I responded by telling him that I had missed his motorbike.

He seen right through my lie, and it left me wondering if he was some sort of Ella-Expert.

‘Are you going to tell me what your tattoo is going to be of?’ I asked frustratedly.

At the shake of his head and a cocky smile making its way onto his face, I pulled back from his embrace and started to walk away.

Not before throwing him a teasing smile.

He effortlessly caught up with my strides in a few large steps.

I glared at him and then at my tiny legs.

‘Fine. Do not tell me then.’ I huffed out before curiosity took over and I pleaded ‘Please. Give me a clue. Just a small one.’

‘It is Greek.” He answered back vaguely

I narrowed my eyes at how unhelpful his clue was and then I stared to guess what it could be ‘Olives? Hummus? The Parthenon?’

Stone shook his head as his lip twitched.

He then went on to ask, ‘Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?’

Crossing the road and following him into an unfamiliar smaller street that broke off from the main road, I nodded.

‘Yeah. I have always wanted to get one, but I want something that means something.’ I stated before explaining ‘So no skulls or cringe worthy quotes in mandarin for me.’

He let out a husky laugh.

My need to know his future tattoo took over me and I asked, ‘Does the tattoo you want today mean something?’

His reply came in one quick breath ‘It is the most important one.’

‘You can’t just say that!’ I outburst and pointed to him with a scowl on my face ‘That makes me even more curious. Greek, that could be anything. It is just cruel what you are doing. Tell me!’

‘No.’ Stone replied, trying to contain his amusement.

He stopped walking as we approached a large neon sign. There was no store front. Instead, a set of stairs led downwards to more fluorescent lights. It looked like some underground club.

In all my years living in Santa Monica, I had never been close to the area. It was nothing like I had ever seen before.

‘A tattoo parlour that is underground and in the middle of nowhere.’ I voiced aloud as I sent him a faux look of horror ‘Are you sure you are not taking me down here to kill me?’

‘If I was going to kill you then I would have done it at your apartment.’ He spoke smugly ‘I have had plenty of opportunities.’

His taunting tone gave away that he was trying to suggest that he was always with me.

I shot him a glare while I stood on my toes to appear slightly taller.

Stone noticed what I was doing and barked a laugh.

‘Maybe you are a killer with traditions.’ I suggested ‘This is where you lead all of your girls to kill.’

His breath tickled the back of my neck as leaned down and rasped ‘You are the only one, Drizella.’

A smile could not be fought from my face as I gripped the railing at the top of the stairs and started to descend.

I turned over my shoulder and smiled sweetly at the giant ‘I hope the actor who plays you for the reconstruction video in the crime documentary of us captures all of your ugliness.’

The theme of bright lights continued inside the shop. The stairs led to a large room lit up by neon signs. There was no normal lightbulbs or lamps. Everything was a bright purple, blue and green. It was like the northern lights compacted into a small space.

Covering the walls was sketches of all different kinds of things. From animals to portraits of people to landscapes of cities.

I stepped closer to admire the drawings as Stone went further into the shop to start talking to someone.

One drawing in particular caught my eye as I flicked my gaze over the wall of sketches.

It was a dragon. The creature took up the whole space of the paper. The curl of the tail reached the bottom of the page. It was extremely detailed from the talons to the few flowers at each side of the fire breathing creature.

The dragon looked like something straight out of a storybook. A fairytale came to life. I instantly fell in love with it.

‘That would suit you.’ An unfamiliar voice called.

I turned from the drawing and hurried over to the two guys.

Stone’s dark eyes watched me as I joined him at his side.

I forcefully drew my attention away from him to look at the other guy in the room.

The stranger had hair that was a mixture of red and brown. He was skinny with a larger height than me. He was nowhere near the height of the giant, however. Overall, he was quite handsome. The rounded glasses perched on his nose suited him.

I might have found him attractive if I was not too busy looking at the larger male beside me.

The red headed stranger smiled and let out a laugh when I looked back up at Stone.

Shaking myself out of the eye lock, I spoke to the other person in the room ‘Hi. I am Ella.’

‘Oh. I know.’ The stranger grinned ‘I am Reed. It is great to finally meet you, Ella.’

‘It is nice to meet you too.’ I said back before I asked, ‘Are you a friend of Stone’s?’

Reed let out a chuckle ‘I do not think Stone would class me as his friend. He does not have friends. Non-sociable asshole that he is.’

I nudged upwards at Stone’s ribs and stage whispered, ‘I like this guy already.’

The giant glared at Reed before he finally spoke up in his rough sounding voice ‘Are you going to start this tattoo or not?’

The poor tattooist rolled his eyes at his rudeness and turned to me ‘How do you put up with him every day?’

Laughing, I grinned wickedly at the subject of conversation ‘It is hard work, I will give you that.’

Stone never said anything more. He just watched me with a softer gaze than he had a minute ago.

Reed took the hint that Stone wanted to start the tattoo but before he done anything, he motioned to the wall behind me ‘Did you want a tattoo done, Ella?’

‘Oh no. That is okay.’ I quickly replied.

‘I saw you look at the dragon.’ Reed pointed out ‘I think you would suit it and I would happily do it for you.’

‘It is okay.’ I repeated and then pointed to Stone ‘We are here for the second cousin of Big Foot’s tattoo. I am only here to hold his hand.’

The tattooist burst out laughing before he said to Stone ‘She is hilarious.’

‘I know.’ The giant replied.

‘And very cute.’ Reed added.

‘I know.’ Stone said again but that time his voice went deeper and scarier.

Looking up at him, I raised an eyebrow at Lurch.

He looked back and insisted ‘If you want the tattoo then get it done.’

‘You just do not want me to go with you so you can keep me in the dark about what tattoo you are getting.’ I pointed up at his face accusingly ‘You plan to torture me.’

‘Of course not, Medusa.’ He said with a smirk.

Reed appeared shocked as he looked between us a couple of times. He then spoke to Stone ‘You have not told her what you are getting tattooed on you?’

Stone sent him a stern glare. He seemed to be telepathically communicating with the tattooist about something.

The message was received because Reed nodded before turning to me and asking ‘Do you want the tattoo? It gets you away from sitting next to the dark cloud. Plus, I will do

it for you for free.’

The response bubbled out of me because I did really want the dragon on my skin ‘Okay. How could I say no to that? But only if, you are sure.’

‘What happened to not getting anything random put on your skin?’ Stone asked, sounding almost concerned.

‘It is not random.’ I replied, ‘I am going to literally be the girl with the dragon tattoo.’

The expression on his striking features did show concern and he appeared unsettled. He looked away from me with his jaw ticking as he grumbled to himself.

Reed watched him with amusement as he questioned ‘Are you happy to get yours done by someone else if I do Ella’s?’

Stone nodded but only once.

‘I will take Ella through to get tatted.’ Reed said and then smiled at a tense Stone ‘It might take a while, so you better say goodbye to your girl.’

I blinked twice.

‘I’m not his girl.’ I interjected with a small awkward laugh like I was not fully convinced of my statement.

I was surprised at how much my voice sounded weak and unsure.

The surprise still coursed through me when I met the obsidian eyes.

His jaw was clenched as his eyes shone with longing. He flicked over my form until his evade rested on my face. The defined jaw remained ticking as his expression presented his devastating hurt.

Guilt swarmed the pit of my stomach. It was so overwhelming and confusing. I had no idea what I had to feel guilty about. Neither did I know why he was so angered.

It was like he was in a trance. He was so deep in thought as his facial expression contorted to one that looked determined.

Possessiveness radiated off him and his actions as he took a gentle hold of my hips and brought me closer to his side.

He kept his large hands on my waist as he caressed the skin while asking ‘Are you sure you are going to be, okay?’

‘Of course, I am.’ I assure him before I smiled up and teased ‘I am starting to think you really do want me to hold your hand while you get inked.’

His tense demeanours fell apart as he noticed my smiling.

‘It is the opposite.’ He grumbled ‘Do you want me to come in with you and hold your hand?’

I waved him off ‘No. I will be fine.’

‘Are you sure?’ He said, his fingers curling in and out of fist like he had a nervous twitch.

‘I am sure.’ I said for definite before throwing another taunt at him ‘You just want to see my underwear.’

Silence filled the room.

Then he bellowed ‘What?’

Raising an eyebrow, I started picking a piece of loose thread on my jeans and tried not to look offended as I spoke ‘It was a joke.’

He shook his head as his eyes darkened “Why are you taking your clothes off?’

‘I’m not taking my clothes off.’ I replied.

His shoulders visibly relaxed.

‘Just my jeans.’ I added.

Stone stiffened again and then he growled.

Reed coughed but it sounded a lot like laughter ‘The dragon is quite big, and it curls so the perfect place is the thigh to the hip. Ella is right.’

His words do not settle Stone. Instead, Reed became the victim of the terrifying scowl.

I walked over to the design of the dragon and took it off the wall as Reed instructed me to do so.

When I had my back to them, I heard Stone grumbling something and his rough tone could have been interpreted as tyrannical.

His irises went back to a softer shade of black as I walked back over to them and gave him in an encouraging smile.

‘Whipped.’ Reed spluttered between pretending to cough.

The tyrant behaviour of Stone was back as he commanded ‘Take care of her.’

Reed nodded ‘Yes boss.’

There was no hint of humour in his reply or his use of the word boss.

I was too busy gaping at Stone’s public show of concern for me to question it.

Shock was still what I felt when I was escorted further into the store by the red-haired male. He led me into a small dark room. The confined space had one chair that took up all of the room. There was also a small desk that contained an assortment of different coloured inks.

‘Take a seat.’ Reed insisted as he closed the door behind him and started to put on a pair of black rubber gloves.

A little embarrassed, I sat on the chair and pulled down my jeans before relaxing on to the chair sidewards, so I was facing away from him.

He scooted closer on his stool and started filling up the needle with the black ink.

Reed mentioned to my exposed thigh ‘Did you see his face when you mentioned sitting in your underwear? I have never seen him so caught off guard.’


The tattooist stared to sketch the design in pen on my leg as he spoke again ‘I thought he was going to kill me.’

I laughed ‘He would not have killed you.’

‘He was close to.’ He exaggerated with a look of horror on his face ‘Imagine if it was another tattoo artist doing this? Or even I was straight, me doing this? He would have really snapped my neck then.’

The middle part of his rant caught my attention, so I asked, ‘You are gay?’

‘Of course, I am.’ Reed laughed ‘Did you really think Stone would allow a straight guy to see you like this? He threatened me that if I looked at you then I would be a dead man.’

Trying to ignore the feeling in my stomach that rooted from his statement about Stone, I quickly changed the topic ‘I am just sad for my gender’s loss. You are a total catch.’

‘I know. Also, a catch for guys but unlucky for them, I am very much taken.’ Reed said with confidence as he sent a wink my way.

He knew I tried to turn the conversation back on him because he changed it right back again.

‘I bet you Stone comes in to see you.’ Reed said before nodding down towards my panties ‘It is like you knew that before coming here. Your black lacy underwear is definitely going to catch his attention.’

My face went heated as I laughed nervously ‘At least I’m not wearing my ones with the cute little frog faces.’

‘Did you see his solemn expression when you said you were not his girl?’ Reed asked while he tipped his head back and chuckled ‘I almost felt sorry for the moody fucker.’

For some reason, I felt the need to defend the giant ‘He is not that bad. He is only moody when he has to talk to people.’

‘He is only moody when has to talk to people that are not you.’ He corrected.

I adjusted myself on the seat to give him better access to my hip.

‘You do know that you have changed him, right?’ Reed asked.

‘Changed him?’ I repeated.

He nodded his head and then went on to explain ‘He is happier with you. The first time that I heard about you was a complete shock to me. I almost did not believe it.’

‘Believe what?’

‘Now I see it.’ Reed said ‘He came in today and he smiled at you. He laughed also.’

‘Are you trying to say that I have broken Stone?’

‘No.’ He disagreed ‘You fixed him.’

For the second time that night, I found myself defending him ‘There is nothing wrong with Stone. He is perfect.’

Reed chuckled at the last part of my defence, making my face go red again. This made me rest the side of my head and hide my blushed cheeks.

‘Why are you not with him?’ He asked


He repeated his question ‘Why are you not with Stone?’

‘Stone is not interested in me like that.’

‘You are right.’ Reed confirmed before adding ‘It is not a mere interest.’

‘Then what is it?’ I asked, trying to prepare myself for disappointment at his answer.

‘Ella,’ Reed delivered softly ‘You do know that Stone is in love with you.’

My mouth opened and closed again.

‘That is…That is not true.’ I stumbled on my words.

‘It is not?’ He asked sceptically.

Grabbing a piece of my hair that was falling on my forehead and twirling it, I eventually countered back with ‘We are in the same friend group because of Brennan and Lana. He maybe feels he has to be close to me for Brennan’s sake.’

Reed appeared amused at my rant.

‘I actually call him my acqenemy which is a mixture of acquaintance and enemy.’ I kept talking.

‘You are the worst liar I have ever seen!’ Reed burst out laughing ‘And I can’t even see your face because you are hiding it in the chair.’

I kept my mouth shut and continued to hide my flustered face in the chair.

I had to deny it. I had to deny it to myself another because I could see myself slowly but surely growing attracted.

He then went on to ask, ‘Do you kiss all the people that are in your friend group?’

‘How do you know we kissed?’ I questioned while turning my head to the side to see him over my shoulders

A triumphant grin took over his face.

‘I didn’t. Now I do.’ Reed chuckled before questioning ‘So how many times have you kissed?’

‘I would answer that but moving my mouth would result in moving and that might end up ruining my tattoo.’

‘I am not inking you yet.’ Reed mentioned.

‘Shut up.’ I mumbled before I queried ‘Stone is your friend. Do you not have loyalties to not talk about him behind his back?’

‘Nope.’ He answered, over pronouncing the four-letter word and dragging the syllables out.

‘I believe Stone is somewhat kind of attracted to me.’ I voiced, the conversations still on my mind ‘That is all it is though. It is not that big word you used earlier.’

He hummed before he changed his voice to a gentler tone ‘I am ready to start inking. It is going to be sore. The thigh is one of the worse places plus it is your first tattoo.’

‘That made me feel so better.’ I uttered sarcastically before I said to him ‘Just do it. I will be fine.’

The needle pricked my skin and I almost squealed at the pain. He started to move the needle gun and what he left in its path was the feeling of a thousand bee stings. The vibrations sent a wave of pain through my leg.

I put a hand on my mouth to stop from screaming.

‘Are you okay?’ Reed called over the buzzing noise which rang loud in my ear.

‘Distract me.’ I bit out ‘Tell me about something.’

‘I would like a song from Prince at my funeral.’ He told me ‘You will be in charge of my funeral once Stone kills me after hearing your screaming.’

I thought about Stone getting his tattoo done in the other room, so I spoke through gritted teeth ‘What tattoo is Stone getting?’

‘That would be telling.’

Giving the tattoo a dirty look, I shouted out in a strained voice ‘Oh, so now you have loyalties.’

One knock at the door made Reed stop and me take a sigh of relief at the small break from the pain

He wipes away the excess ink before calling ‘What is it?’

A deep voice came from the other side of the wall ‘I am coming in.’

‘I have lived a good life.’ Reed muttered to himself.

The huge wide shoulders filled the doorway as he watched me from a few metres away.

I looked away to avoid his eye as I tried to endure more of the ink related torture.

My plan to not show the pain I was in to Stone did not last long because that giant set down a chair right beside me. Right at the side where I was facing.

His pupils were dilated and had become two big black orbs as his gaze trailed to my thigh. A blink later and he was back to focusing on my face.

‘How was your tattoo finished so fast?’ I asked, remaining to bite back my screams ‘Mine is just getting started.’

‘I got it started a few days ago. I just needed a few more details finished.’

I could not hold it back anymore. I winced and let out a small whine.

Stone went from teasing to concerned in a record-breaking time.

He looked to the tattooist and growled ‘I swear to fuck, Reed. If you—’

‘Hey.’ I stopped him by putting a hand on his chest ‘It is not his fault. I wanted this. He is not directly causing the pain.’

Stone nodded but he did not relax.

‘Now say sorry to him.’ I ordered.

The dark eyes remained on me as he grumbled out ‘Sorry.’

I grinned.

Reed coughed again ‘Whipped.’

‘Now hold my hand.’ I demanded him.

He set his large hand out in front of me, and I took it instantly. The huge hand squeezed my fingers in reassurance. The contact sent warmth and a sense of comfort thought me. It was miraculous but his touch made me feel a lot better.

‘How could you get this done several times?’ I said up to him.

His reply was full of undisguised taunting ‘Fifty-three to be exact.’

That was the number that I counted on him. That was the number I told him I counted earlier that day.

At his remark, I warned him ‘Now is not the time to be teasing me. I will rip your head off, squeeze your brain for the juices and use that for the ink for my next tattoo.’

‘There will not be a next time.’ He assured me in his rough and dark tone.

‘Who are you to—’ I began but was caught off by my own squeal.

Stone started to run his free hand over my hair as his other kept clutching mine as he glared at the other person in the room.

‘My favourite song by Prince is Purple Rain.’ Reed tried to quietly say to me.

‘Do you know what would make me feel better?’ I asked Stone to keep him occupied and to prevent his bloodlust from taking over.

‘What?’ He quickly replied

‘If you told me what tattoo you got.’ I told him and tried to appear innocent.

He tried to remain serious, but his lip twitched ‘No.’

Pouting, I tried to negotiate ‘At least tell me where your tattoo is?’

‘My upper back.’

‘I have already got my jeans off.’ I pointed out ‘Just take off your t-shirt and let’s make this a party, Lurch.’

Before he could answer, I squirmed and restrained myself from jumping up in the chair. My action made Stone close his eyes and take a deep breath. His jaw ticked in a rhythm as he continued to stroke my hair.

He kept his hand there while looking down at my thigh and assured me ‘It looks good.’

‘He is not meaning the tattoo, Ella.’ Read spoke up and reminded us of his presence ‘He has got a good view from there.’

Besides the pain, I found myself laugh. Which was a completely different story from the giant. He was not amused.

I turned to Reed ‘Did you say Purple Rain for your funeral?’

The tattooist let out a strained laugh, but he had paled.

I distracted myself from my agitated leg by asking them both ‘So how do you two know each other?’

Reed was the one to answer. He began to say ‘The beach—’

Stone finished his sentence ‘Reed likes surfing as well.’

I nodded my head and closed my eyes after suddenly feeling a bit woozy. Stone picked up on my sudden lack of energy because he started to stroke my face a little quicker.

I forced my eyes open to see his ones. They looked soft staring down at me.

He tried to distract me by asking ‘Why a dragon?’

Grinning lazily, I managed a wink at him ‘I will tell you mine if you show me yours.’

‘I will get it out of you eventually, Medusa’

A quick shoot of pain stopped me from rolling my eyes.

Stone just sat there, and he looked so stressed and on edge.

‘What are you thinking about, Lurch?’

‘I am thinking that this is the perfect opening sentence to my essay about you. Drizella Miller does not have a high pain tolerance.’

Laughing, I replied “It would be a good start. You just need a few more weird facts about me because I doubt you could write good things about me. Definitely not five hundred words worth.’

In the corner of my eye, Reed moved away somewhere. I did not bother to see where because I was more interested in listening to what Stone had to say.

The giant leaned down nearer and squeezed my hand tighter ‘I would struggle to find something bad to write about you. Five hundred words to describe you is impossible. Five million is also not manageable. I do not think there is words out there that really capture you. You are simply everything. Nothing is as extraordinary as you.’

I turned to the tattooist and questioned ‘Does the ink make you hallucinate?’

‘No. It doesn’t.’ Reed answered ‘Stone wants you to stop and I think you should too. You don’t look well.’

Widening my eyes, I shouted ‘No! I want my dragon tattoo. I have already come this far.’

Stone shook his head and grumbled out roughly ‘Ella—’

I cut him off by shushing him ‘I will be fine. Just don’t let go of my hand.’

He never let go of my hand.

The tattooist just tutted ‘You have got yourself a stubborn girl there.’

The pressure on my hand increased as the deep voice spoke again ‘Yes. I do.’

I felt my eyelids grow heavier and I listened as the buzzing of the tattoo needle became background noise.

My face rested against the chair as I stared at the beautifully dark ethereal face that was made up of rough and harsh lines.

‘Stone?’ I whispered to him.

He hummed a strained noise that was a grumble of disapproval that I was still getting tattooed.

‘Move closer.’ I demanded of him with a sweet smile on my lips ‘I need to whisper something into your ear.’

Stone leaned forward so that his face hovered next to mine and his warmth breath tickled my mouth and my nose.

I moved so that my lips were his ear before I giggled the words ‘Your tattoos turn me on.’

A deep dark guttural noise that sounded like it had been lodged in his throat for a while now made its way out of him.

I let out a laugh and I kissed him on the jaw before the pain took over me.

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