Fairytale Green

: Chapter 24

‘Why do I have to knock?’ Lana complained while stalling outside the address that had Brennan sent us.

She looked extremely pale. Maybe because it was dark at night or maybe it was because she was scared to meet his parents.

‘You have to knock because it is your boyfriend’s house.’ I replied before adding ‘I’m just your plus one.’

Nodding understandably, she muttered ‘What if they don’t like me?’

Surprised at her frantic state, I told her ‘It is impossible to hate you, Lana. They are going to love you. Brennan has probably been telling them how great you are.’

Nodding her head again, she finally plucked up the courage to knock.

The house was quite large and modern. I did not know what I was expecting but I thought that it would be closer to the sea, knowing how much both boys spent most of their time at the beach. However, the building was not close to the sea and instead situated on a hill.

As we waited outside, Lana tapped her feet as she turned to me and asked, ‘I was meant to ask you last night on the phone you were all stressed, why?’

‘I could not find my Edgar Allan Poe book.’ I huffed ‘It is my favourite, and I can’t find it.’

From inside the house, I heard footsteps approach the door. That is when I started to feel my heartbeat hammer.

I wondered if his parents were going to like me.

Before we had arrived at the house, Lana video called asking me what to wear. That is when I panicked too because nothing in my wardrobe was appropriate for a dinner party. Lana instructed me not to wear any skulls or anything that looked like it belonged in a cult or a band tee.

Her input pretty much eliminated every piece of clothing that I owned. I had to go hunting to the very back of my closet to find a plain black silk tank top.

‘The girls are here!’ The female voice screamed from inside and she sounded elated.

I thought Lana was about to turn around and say something to me but before she could, the door opened.

There stood a woman with the warmest smile I had ever seen. She was a large lady with her arms in the air, enthusiastically. Her round body looked ready to embrace both of us in a hug.

Lana seemed to relax at the sight of Brennan’s mother, and I could tell she thought the same about the woman.

‘Come in! Come in!’ The friendly middle-aged lady gestured for us to come inside ‘This is so exciting. I have been telling the boys for weeks now to invite you.’

As soon as we had one foot in the door, Brennan’s mother was already embracing Lana in a hug while gushing ‘It’s so nice to finally meet you.’

My smothered friend let out a small giggle while pulling away to show off her smile ‘It is so great to meet you too, Mrs Lewis.’

‘You are a lovely girl.’ The woman said back, her twinge of an accent strong as she admired both of us.

Lana remembered that I was there also she motioned to me ‘This is—’

Mrs Lewis cut her off immediately by moving on from Lana to me as she blurted out enthusiastically ‘Ella!’

Instantly wrapping my arms around the woman to greet her back, I replied ‘Thank you so much for having us for dinner.’

She pulled back and took my face in her hands and she studied me thoroughly. Her smile was bright and hopeful as she squished my cheeks.

I had thought about how I would die a little, but I never expected that the cause would be squashed to death by Mrs Lewis.

‘I have heard so much about you, Ella.’

The flashbacks started to occur and every single insult that I had ever said to Stone ran through my head.

‘Oh no.’ I let out a small nervous laugh ‘All bad I presume.’

Shaking her head violently but still with a smile on her face, she replied ‘No. It is completely the opposite.’

Looking around his house, I noticed a few pictures on the wall. I made a mental note to try and sneak through to find an ugly picture of the giant.

On second thought, that seemed unlikely. I could not imagine him being anything else but captivating.

Already shuffling down the hall, Mrs Lewis shouted in her happy voice ‘Boys! Come downstairs! Your girls are here.’

As we followed behind her, Lana turned to me and pointed out ‘You do realise that you are going to have to try and be nice to Stone.’

I wanted to refuse and tell her that it was impossible. It was not that I ever was intentionally mean to him. It was just part of our weird dynamic and I secretly liked it that way.

Although I did have to try make an effort in front of his parents so keeping that in mind, I sighed ‘This is going to be one of the hardest things I ever have to do.’

We entered the kitchen and found Mrs Lewis stirring something in a massive pot while talking to a man.

The man looked exactly like Brennan. Just older. He was also helping to prepare the food when he spotted the us both standing at the doorway. His warm smile was just like his wife’s as he walked over to us.

‘Hello girls. How are you?’ He asked.

Lana was quick to reply ‘We’re really good, Mr Lewis. How are you?’

‘Better now that both of you are here.’ Mr Lewis expressed to us before focusing more on me as he added ‘I have been wanting to meet the girl who keeps our Stone on his toes.’

I had no idea what to say to but thankfully I did not have to reply because the boys chose then to walk in.

My gaze went straight to Stone. More accurately his stomach as it was at my eye level. I then looked up and met his eye.

Brennan circled his arms around Lana and gave her a quick peck on the cheek while I paid no attention to them and instead glared at Stone.

The glare was for no particular reason. I was trying to get all of my death glares out of my system before I pretended to be nice to him in front of the Lewis’.

‘Medusa.’ The gravelly voice spoke as he took a step towards me.

‘L—’ I began to say his nickname but then remembered that we had an audience, so I covered it up by instead saying ‘Lovely to see you, Stone.’

Mrs Lewis’ laugh filled the kitchen as she skipped over to me and took my face in her hands again.

She squashed my face between her palms as she spoke to Stone ‘Stone, she is gorgeous.’

I was glad that her hands covered my reddened face.

The straightforward woman pulled back and smiled ‘Boys, go and show the girls to their seat in the dining room. The food is nearly ready.’

Brennan led the way in front of us to the dining room which was down the hall. Lana stayed beside him. Meanwhile, Stone held back with me.

I tilted my upwards so I could study him. His face was stoic, yet I could see the amusement in him. His obsidian irises sparked with light.

The trick to finding out what Stone was thinking was to look into his eyes. I always looked to his eyes first as it was a rare occasion when he gave away his emotion on the rest of his face.

‘What do you look so smug about?’ I questioned before sighing ‘I have only been here two minutes and I am already getting sick of trying to be somewhat nice to you. It is exhausting.’

He raised an eyebrow at the last part of my sentence ‘You are trying to be nice? Is that what that was back there?’


Stone tried to lessen the roughness of his voice but failed as he tried to imitate me ‘Lovely to see you, Stone.’

‘I do not sound like that!’ I exclaimed before mentioning ‘Just so you know that saying those words actually physically hurt me to say.’

The giant bends down so he is nearer the top of my head as he huskily informs me ‘One of these days, you are going to compliment me.’

I tutted ‘I would not hold my breath if I was you.’

Just as we were about to enter the dining room where the two lovebirds were already sitting, he moved a hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear ‘You will be complimenting my mouth in a couple of days.’

That made me stop in my tracks. Pivoting to face his far too taunting face, I crossed my arms.

His words were only partly true. I would never come out and comment aloud about his lips but I would be thinking about them. I would be thinking about how they felt soft yet harsh again mine and how he dominated my whole body as held my face in his large hands.

Jolting all rogue thoughts about him away, I finally came back with ‘That will not be happening. I am going to find out your stupid name one way or another.’

With that, I strutted away and over to the table.

Lana was sitting right next to Brennan and whispering under her breath.

So much for getting away from the bane of my existence because I ended up being seated right next to him. The good thing about my seat was that it gave me perfect access to kick him under the table.

Stone sat down in the chair, his muscular arm resting on my chair right behind my head. His large legs were hitting under the table, so he moved them so one was touching mine.

Mr Lewis entered the room with a few plates. He placed them on the centre of the table and sat down. He was just about to put some rice on his plate but dropped the spoon as soon as his wife entered with a face like thunder.

She shot him a look as she set down a massive pot of chicken covered in a red sauce ‘The guests are to be served first. You know this.’

‘Sorry, Kelly.’ Mr Lewis said sheepishly but sent a small mischievous smile our way that made me compare him with Brennan once again.

Once everyone was sitting at the table, I restrained myself from leaping to help myself to the food. I was grateful when Mrs Lewis gave the all-clear to help ourselves.

I was fast to load up my plate with the delicious smelling food. Just like the smell, the taste was just as good. My reaction to the chicken on my tongue was to let out a small moan that was only loud enough for Stone to hear.

The leg against mine stiffened.

As I munched on the food, Stone watched me and let out a small chuckle ‘If you eat any faster then you are going to get heartburn.’

I pointed at him with my fork ‘You should be grateful that Mrs Lewis is such a good cook. This gives me another reason to still talk to you. So, I can get another invite to dinner.’

Everyone at the table laughed and I was reminded that we were not the only ones in the room.

‘So, Lana, what are you plans for after graduation?’ Mr Lewis took the chance to start a conversation ‘I am sure Brennan mentioned you were musical.’

The blonde girl nodded while she smiled ‘I love singing. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I guess I will try and make it in the music industry.’

What annoyed me was how she put herself down. The music industry was tough but if there was one person that could make it then it would be my best friend.

I had the urge to defend her future stardom, so I spoke up ‘She is an amazing singer. Lana writes her own music, and she has a great voice. She will make it big.’

Lana smiled in gratitude from the other side of the table before mouthing ‘Thank you.’

I winked at her, and I hoped she would read it as an encouragement to show the other two how amazing she was.

After she started to speak to Brennan, I got back to eating but was quickly interrupted by Stone nearing my ear.

His deep voice whispered along my earlobe ‘I am just grateful that it is not you wanting to be the singer. My ears have still not recovered from your Teenage Dirtbag performance.’

Not being able to hold back my laughter, I coughed while trying to swallow the piece of chicken at the back of my throat. When I took a drink and looked at Mrs Lewis, I expected to see her looking at me weirdly but instead, she was smiling from ear to ear at the both of us.

The older lady asked curiously ‘What do you want to do after school, Ella?’

‘I have always loved books, so I am thinking about studying English lit at college.’ I told them ‘I would love to be an author, but I have always wanted to teach so I am unsure still.’

Stone grumbled from beside me ‘You never told me that.’

My expression morphed to confusion as I lowly replied, ‘You never asked.’

‘It is rare to see a young person being so interested in literature.’ Mrs Lewis said before asking ‘What is your favourite book?’

‘It is hard to choose but if I had to pick an author then I would pick Edgar Allan Poe.’ I answered her before remembering ‘Although, I can’t read anymore because I have lost it.’

Mrs Lewis’ smile dropped as she looked to Stone. Her husband next to her however peered between me and Stone with a face of amusement.

‘The boys tell us nothing, so we have no idea how you all met.’ Mr Lewis spoke up.

Brennan replied to his father ‘Well Lovely Lana and I met in the line to a candy apple stall. There was only left so I said I would share it with her if she went on the Ferris wheel with me.’

‘Very smooth. I have raised you well.’ Mr Lewis interjected with a chuckle before he motioned to my side of the table ‘Now, how did you two meet?’

Stone was watching me and waiting for me to reply. His attention never left me as I retold the story.

I laughed while telling them about our infamous first encounter ‘I was actually really nice to Lurch—I mean Stone. Then he said that my hair was the colour of puke.’

A gasp came from Mrs Lewis ‘That is awful! I hope he apologised.’

I was about to shake my head and maybe let out a fake cry when the man in question spoke up while letting out a deep laugh.

‘You got even.’ Stone replied, ‘You still call me Lurch.’

‘You call me Medusa.’ I argued, ‘If you never insulted my hair, I would have been nice to you from the start.’

‘I doubt that.’ He accused, raising a brow.

I hummed ‘Maybe you are right.’

Stone then lowered his voice until it was a deep rough murmur ‘I would not change how we met.’

For a second I forgot that everyone else existed. It was just me and him. I found myself half surrendering to the small battle between us because next, I revealed ‘I would not change it either.’

Brennan’s mother’s voice pulled me out of my intense eye-lock with Stone as she asked me ‘What was your first impression of him before he insulted your hair?’

‘I thought a giant had raided the ice cream shop.’ I answered safely, not wanting to admit what I really had thought when we met. I was not going to flatter him and lose my dignity while at it.

Everyone had burst out laughing.

‘My first thought was woah this guy is huge.’ I joked and then added, ‘Then I had the urge to strangle him.’

The giant shook his head, chuckling down at me ‘Medusa, you cannot even reach my neck.’

I narrowed my eyes at him while laughing ‘I can when you are sitting down.’

‘Stone is just not as charming as me.’ Brennan inputted cockily.

Mrs Lewis shook her head ‘Ella and Lana, do you see what I have to deal with?’

Lana giggled and then responded by asking both of his parents ‘How did you both meet?’

The woman at the head of the table sighed dreamily ‘Baron and I actually met at our school prom. We were at school together but had never spoke. Not until that night. We danced all night long.’

Mr Lewis added to his wife’s story with the same dreamy look ‘I could not keep my eyes off her—’

Brennan sighed and he sounded bored ‘Do you really have to tell the story?’

‘I think it is romantic.’ Lana said to Brennan.

So, did I. It sounded like a beautiful story. You could still see the love in their eyes for each other. I really hoped I would have that when I was their age.

I eventually wanted someone to look at me that way and continue to look at me that way for years later.

Watching them put a smile on my face. Which I automatically hid with my hand as soon as I saw Stone watching me with a small smile of his own. A smile that I had to lean closer to see properly.

Dragging her gaze away from her husbands, Mrs Lewis asked ‘Is there any dances coming up at your school?’

‘There is the Fall Ball coming up at our school, but Lana and I never usually go.’ I mentioned.

The Fall Ball was a yearly event at Leavendale High where the smelly gym hall was transformed into an autumn-themed wonderland. It gave students a chance to dress nicely, get drunk and hook up.

Brennan’s mother looked at me like I was crazy as she expressed ‘You have to go. There is no point in wasting your teenage years not going to high school events.’

Lana told her ‘Ella hates school functions. Every year I try to convince her to come but she has none of it. She once told me that she would rather sell all of her organs than step foot in the school building after school hours finish.’

‘How can anybody have fun at those type of places? Like who wants to be prom queen? Have they not seen the movie, Carrie? If I ever had to go, I would simply just wear my pyjamas.’ I ranted ‘It would save me from going out shopping and overspending on a dress that I will only wear once.’

They all laughed at my outburst and as they start to talk about the good things about dances, Stone was watching me.

He neared my ear again as he taunted ‘Should I buy a green tie now? One that will match your Princess and The Frog pyjamas?’

I tilted my head so that I was facing him head-on. I attempted to avoid the feeling that came along with being so close to him or even thinking about him. I was starting to think it was inescapable.

I said the next sentence slowly so that I did not stutter a word and make it clear that I was flustered ‘What makes you think I would let you take me to a school dance?’

His eyes darkened immediately as he gnarled ‘Well there is no way you are going with some other fucker.’

‘Oh, am I not?’

‘No.’ He growled.

I rolled my eyes at his antics before I felt my mouth go up in a smile. I had visions of him dragging me out of the gym hall by throwing me over his shoulder.

It had become a signature Stone move.

‘I don’t want to go to the dance.’ I said, ‘It is not really my scene.’

‘Then it is settled.’ He affirmed ‘Brennan and Lana can go. We will stay home and watch Addams Family.’

‘That is great. Perfect almost.’ I spoke, my tone sarcastic ‘Only one tiny problem.’


‘You are never setting foot in my house again.’ I stated as I voiced what I was thinking quietly so the others could not hear ‘I have just realised that my Edgar Allan Poe book disappeared after I left you to go with Lana. You stole it!’

All he did was release a dark chuckle from the bottom of his throat.

‘I only have so many books for you to steal. You will never enter my apartment again.’ I told him.

‘You have a lot of books, Drizella.’ He teased ‘If I was only taking one each time, I was over, then it would take me five years to steal your collection. My tiny nerd.’

At the mention of my full name, I made a mental reminder to ask one of his parents for his name.

The anticipation to know his name was eating at me. I wanted to know his name more than I wanted to know the secrets of Area Fifty-One and that was a lot.

Mrs Lewis glanced at Lana and then at me before she asked ‘I know the meeting stories for everyone else but you two. How long have you been friends?’

‘Ella and I have been best friends for ten years.’ Lana replied.

‘Did you two meet at school?’

Lana nodded ‘Yes. I was really shy at school, and I would not talk to anyone because I did not have the confidence to start a conversation. Ella was…’

She trailed off when she realised what she was about to say. She looked at me and she appeared apologetic.

‘I was bullied in middle school.’ I continued for her ‘We met, and we stuck together.’

Nodding, Lana sent a smile my way.

‘That is awful!’ Mrs Lewis gasped ‘How could anyone bully such a sweet girl?’

‘I was the smallest person in the school, and I was weird and nerdy.’ I added humour to my tone as I spoke.

The only person who had not spoken since the conversation was the male beside me.

Stone did not look at me as I turned my head to him.

His expression was murderous. His jaw clenched and unclenched in a rhythm as his nostrils flared.

There was something else swirling around in his black orbs. An emotion that was unrecognised by me. One that made him unable to meet my eye.

Clenched tight was also his hands at his sides. Instinctively I reached under the table and laid my hand on top of his fists. I had no idea why I done it but I interlocked our fingers until his large hand wrapped around mine and squeezed.

He finally met my eye and I almost gasped at how much emotion was on his face as he stroked my hand with his thumb.

‘Kids can be so mean.’ Mr Lewis commented with a sigh.

I took a deep breath and watched as everyone at the table turned to look at me.

‘People sometimes don’t understand different.’ I voiced quietly ‘I’m on the spectrum. I was diagnosed in middle school and others were ignorant to what that meant. Some guys in my class found the concept hard to grasp so they picked on me for being a little different.’  

The large strong hand tightened around mine.

‘It is okay though.’ I added with a small laugh ‘The experience made me grow thick skin and I leaned not to listen to what others thought about me.’

Stone never let my hand go for the remainder of the dinner. He would not let me go.

Everyone finished their food after a long talk about school and other random topics.

Mrs Lewis started to pile the plates and clean the table up as she told everyone ‘I’ll clean this up and then come join you back in the living room.’

I got up from the table with the others but was stopped when the woman spoke again.

‘Ella, could you come and help me in the kitchen please?’ Mrs Lewis asked politely.

‘Of course.’ I replied to her, grabbing a few plates and carrying them to the next room alongside her.

I set the dirty dishes on the kitchen counter and just as I was about to load them into the already open dishwasher, a hand stopped me.

A twinkle gleamed in Mrs Lewis’ brown eyes as she told me the true motive behind the cleaning duty.

‘I’m not going to let you clean the dishes, Ella.’ The woman spoke with a mischievous grin ‘I am here to find out why my future daughter in law is not dating my Stone yet.’

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