Fairytale Green

: Chapter 15

The worst thing about my apartment was the sunlight. It shone through the windows from the early hours.

As well as something Brobdingnagian poking my leg and waking me up, the light from the window interrupted my sleep.

It was one of the best sleeps I had ever had.

I frowned at getting woke up until I realised what I was laying on or more accurately who I was laying on.

My palms were flat against the moving chest that I had thought was a pillow. I felt around and noticed that the thing I thought was an inanimate object had hard toned muscles.

The more I rubbed at my eyes, the more my mouth dropped in shock.

All that I remembered from the night before was The Addams Family playing and me closing my eyes before falling asleep. I dreamt I was sleeping on a big comfy cloud and wrapping my legs around the source of comfort.

It was not a dream, and it was not a cloud. It was a large body that I had my legs wrapped around.

I had slept on top of Stone. All night.

At the realisation that I had crawled on top of him and that it was a Monday, I let out a groan into the large chest.

A sense of panic took over me and I was determined to get off him before the large body before he had noticed what had happened.

Slowly and steadily, I tried to raise my body upwards, but it was proving difficult. Mainly because the thick arms holding on to me acted as a vice around my waist.

‘Medusa.’ The hoarse voice under me spoke, ‘I am awake.’

I blinked twice and looked up at him from my place again this chest.

His voice in the morning was even deeper and rougher. The sexy morning voice was the best sort of alarm to wake up to.

I sat up quickly and jumped off him while exclaiming ‘Why did you not push me off you? Or throw me away?’

Stone sat up, his t-shirt creased and his hair a tousled perfect mess.

‘Why would I do that?’ He questioned gruffly.

My legs felt like jelly under me. I stretched before running a hand through my hair.

My hair was a mess. It was tangled into one big bird’s nest.

‘With your bed head you do look like Medusa’ Stone chuckled, his voice still rough and hoarse.

‘I didn’t even get that chance to dye my hair back to green because you were here.’ I gritted out while trying to comb my fingers through my hair ‘Anyway, you are hypocrite. Your hair is messy too.’

The small smirk he wore grew in size. He was enjoying my flushed state far too much.

Stone’s veins on his left bicep bulged out as he tried to tame the black short strands of his hair ‘That is because a certain girl who slept on top of me kept touching it.’

‘Shut up!’ I exclaimed, ‘It is too early in the morning to deal with you.’

I remained embarrassed as he still wore the small smirk on my face. He continued to watch me as I paced the living room with a red face.

‘It was a coincidence that I ended up on top of you. I was tired and I didn’t know what I was doing.’ I felt the need to defend myself ‘I have never done anything like that before.’

He rose to his full towering height as he gnarled ‘I should hope so. I would have to go and kill someone.’

I blinked once and he was in front of me.

His huge torso blocked my view of anything else as he lingered above me.

My stomach growled and I almost mistook it for being Stone.

To break the tension of our closeness, I peered up at him and delivered quietly ‘Are you hungry?’

His dark eyes rested their sights on my lips when he grumbled out one word ‘Ravenous.’

‘I make really great pancakes.’ I blurted out ‘Just pick an ingredient.’


This guy really did have an obsession with apples.

I nodded before I made my way through to the kitchen and grabbed the ingredients.

I grabbed a glass bowl before adding eggs, milk and some sugar to a mixture. I grabbed two apples from a bowl and peeled them before I attempted to mash them.

After five attempts of trying to mash the apples with a spoon, two arms came from either side of me and did it for me.

Stone was standing directly behind me as he did so. His heavy body pressed me as he continued to help, and he leaned down so that his warm breath tickled the back of my neck.

I turned my head and raised an eyebrow at him while I curiously challenged ‘Can you crush an apple in one hand?’

He grabbed another apple from the bowl and after two seconds of him gripping it tightly, it crushed under his strength.

‘Wow.’ I accidentally voiced and then I coughed before crossing my arms ‘That is hardly impressive. I could even do that, Lurch.’

‘Of course, you can, Medusa.’ He rebutted while chuckling to himself as he took a seat at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.

I poured a little bit of the mixture into a frying pan so that two separate pancakes were cooking at the same time.

The giant apple crusher had moved himself from his seat and was now inspecting the inside of my fridge. My very empty fridge.

‘What are you doing?’ I asked as I flipped the pancakes.

‘Why is it the Grapes of Wrath in here?’ He asked in his demanding tone.

A laugh bubbled out of me as I put a hand on my hips while facing him ‘Was that a book reference I just heard from you?’

He ignored my comment while studying what I had in the fridge and what I had to eat.

‘You just referenced Steinbeck.’ I said in a sing-song voice.

‘Why is there no food in here, Ella?’ He barked unhappily.

I watched the pancakes as I lied ‘I have not been grocery shopping yet.’

He slammed the fridge door with force while going to sit back on his chair.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics before I put his two apple pancakes on a plate and gave it to him. With the remaining mixture, I put another two pancakes on the pan for myself and waited for them to cook.

Turning around, I nervously questioned, ‘Are they okay—?’

My question stopped mid-sentence and hung in the air because I did not need a verbal response.

Stone’s plate was already empty.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing while I questioned ‘Do you want another one?’

He nodded.

‘I guess big guys do have big appetites.’ I muttered to myself.

‘Does that mean you have a small appetite then?’ Stone grumbled from behind me.

‘I am not small!’ I huffed and then I could not think of a good comeback, so I ended up blurting out ‘I am going to eat you!’

Stone tilted his head at me as his arms folded on the counter.

‘Actually, on second thoughts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’ I said tauntingly to him.

My words enticed him to get up and move towards me. I took a step back and he took one forwards. It kept going this way until my back hit the kitchen countertop.

He stopped in front of me until our chests were merely a breath away. He towered over me as his gaze ran up and down my form like a hunter watching its prey.

My hands went behind me and gripped the surface as his hands reached out and rested beside them. He leaned over me, and it gave me a closer look at his dark obsidian eyes.

‘Your point, Drizella?’ He rasped out.

I used my grip on the counter to lift myself onto my toes and to reach upwards so that I could whisper to him ‘I don’t think you taste good enough.’

The large body pressed up on mine stilled.

The giant mumbled something under his breath before he struck. He moved rapidly and feral like he could not hold back any longer. He grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me off the ground.

I gasped at the feeling of his large hands on the back of my thighs, and I had no other choice but to wrap my legs around his midsection and my arms around the back of his neck.

Stone set me on the kitchen counter. He kept between my legs as he pulled back. It was far enough that he could look me in the eye but not far enough for both of us to lose the heated contact between our bodies.

His face moved until it was millimetres away from mine. His lips brushed against the flushed skin of my face until he lingered near the corner of my mouth.

‘Only one way to find out.’ Stone released hoarsely from the deepest darkest part of his chest.

Every cell and nerve knew he was near, and my blood rushed towards my pounding heart.

It took everything inside of me not to grab his shirt and bring him to where I wanted him to be.

The grip on my thighs tightened as he proceeded closer to me. His long fingers sprawled out as he held onto me tighter.

Just as his forehead leaned against mine, the loud siren of the smoke alarm went off.

My eyes widened as I jumped out of his hold.

I switched off the cooker hob and took out the cremated pancakes that were now the same colour as Stone’s eyes.

After I waved the smoke alarm with a tea towel until it went off, I noticed that Stone had remained in the same position.

The large back was to me, and his veiny hands were gripping onto the countertop so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

The moment was gone, and I was hit with reality.

I was seconds away kissing the large man and I had wanted it more than anything.

I poked at the burnt pancake and let out a laugh to cut through the tension ‘You can have this pancake if you want.’

Stone kept silent. The only noises that left him were a few grumbles.

‘Shit. We have school.’ I cursed when I remembered that we were not the only two people in the world ‘I don’t even have Kermit.’

He pushed off the counter and ran his hand along his stubbled jaw as his deep voice filled the small space between us ‘I will drive you to school this week.’

‘It is fine.’ I answered slightly breathily ‘I’m okay walking.’

A rough noise from the back of his throat escaped him ‘I’m taking you.’

‘Does that mean more rides on your motorbike?’ I asked with a hopeful smile.

He nodded with a small chuckle.

I ran through to my room to get changed for school. I ran away from the tensity that came with our eyes locking.

I told myself that the near kiss in the kitchen was a moment of madness. I planned to never mention or think about it again.

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