Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 38

After everyone and I mean everyone enjoyed a game of tag we all fall in to seats exhausted. The babes are cooing and giggling and it makes my heart sing.

“Umm Little Princess, you need to remove what ever you did to my little ones.” I say.

“I did not do any thing bad to them. But what you did really hurt. I put a protection enchantment on them and a tracker that way if any one did manage to get there hands on them you would be able to find them. You taught me this your self. But I need to finish my work and hide them so no one can remove them.” She says.

I look to Fenrir and he nods his head. I trust him so I give her my ascent. I watch as she does her thing and then Fenrir and AnLeon checks her work. They both nod and I smile.

“Chris why do you always call her Little Princess?” Persephone asks.

“Well because she never told me her name so I just called her My Little Princess.” I say warmly

“OK, well while you girls have your little chit chats I am going to show Fenrir what I have been up to.” Caleum pipes in.

I giggle and shoo them away. The babes start to cry and Hydrus is no where in sight. Ugh stupid men. Suddenly two bottles appear in my hands and I send a thank you to him even though I know he has blocked me. My Little Princess grabs a bottle and picks up a babe and begins to feed him. I pick up Gaea and feed her.

“My name is Nick. I never told you because I always got picked on for my name and I did not want my new and really cool older friend to pick on me too.” Nick says.

“I can understand that. Why would your parents name you such a thing anyways?” I question.

“Ugh because they expected another boy. They decided that they were not going to change what they were going to name me because I was a girl. They even dressed me in boys clothes til I was old enough to put my foot down and say no.” Nick said irritably.

“That is awful. Have you thought about changing it?” I inquired.

“I did at one point but I am used to it now and why bother changing it anyways. It will not change the past.” She explained.

“Well I think it is unique. It is better then my name.” Persephone says.

“Are you guys really having a pissing contest about your names over here? Persephone your name is beautiful. Nick I know it was difficult when you were younger but your name suits you. You do not have to be a man to be a Nick.” Hydrus says as he leans in and grabs Gaea from me.

“Hey what do you think you are doing? I barely ever get to hold them with all you men around. Get back here with her.” I say as I chase him. He stops in a corner and turns to face me.

“I am sorry. I know this could have been prevented if I had taken care of it a long time ago. I guess I wanted to blame you for my mistakes and that was not ok. Can you forgive me?” He says softly.

“Only if you give me Gaea back first.” I pout.

“Nope.” He yells while he runs off again.

Persephone makes Gaea disappear and reappear in her arms. I stand there pouting til Hydrus picks me up bridal style and spins me around. I am laughing so hard I feel like I am going to pee my self. Hydrus transports us to our room and slams me against the wall before he smashes his mouth to mine. He kisses me like it will be his last. I kiss him back just as passionately, then I push him away and run to the bathroom. My bladder is screaming at me. I use the toilet and wash my hands. When I walk out I see Hydrus sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands. I walk over to him and sit in front of him on the floor.

I look up at him and say, “You were already forgiven before you left to go to Fenrir.”

“What am I going to do? How am I going to face her? This should never have happened.” He starts yelling.

“I know, I know. How do you think she feels right now. She told us about him. She told us something happened between you and him and then you were no longer friends. But she did not know what. But I do know she knows he is her mate. It was her own mate that did this to her. Is that what happened. He told you she was his mate and you denied him because of her age?” I say.

Hydrus sighs then rubs his face with his hands. “Yes and no. So they could have been together and they would have been happy. But he started disappearing for long periods of time and I started questioning him and he refused to tell me. One night he showed up at my house all bloody and skin hanging off in places. I helped heal him but refused to involve Seph because I did not want to scare her. He got mad at me and started yelling at me saying that I was keeping them apart and he really needed her and he was barely hanging on. I tried to get him to explain to me what was going on but he kept saying you would not understand or it is better you do not know. That night we agreed to stay away from each other including him staying away from Seph.” He finally said.

“So that is why he stopped coming around. I knew what was going on with him. He was right you should have come gotten me. I could have helped him. But now he is too lost to me. But at least I can have his child and he can die in peace now.” Persephone said jumping us.

“Seph,” Hydrus tried to say.

“No do not. Hydrus he loved you like a brother. We were so happy when we found out we were mates. But not in a million years did I think my big brother would be the one to cause me so much pain. I would gladly go through a million rapes from my mate then feel this pain that you caused me.” Persephone says before disappearing.

“I am so sorry Seph.” Hydrus yells out.

“I found out years later that his father was forcing him in to the family business and he had been trying to escape. I tried to confront him one day but he acted like he did not know me. So I left it alone.” Hydrus finishes explaining.

“I understand where you were coming from as a sibling but you should have tried harder in this case. He was your brother whether through mate bond or not. You both should have tried harder. Persephone, Him and you are all to blame for this mess. But there is still hope. If he did not recognize you his mind is probably messed with and we could possibly fix him. Maybe not the atrocities he has done but we could fix his mind.” I explain.

“We need to find him.” Hydrus said.

“That is why I called you and Fenrir back.” I say in a sing song voice.

Hydrus brings us back to the throne room. When we get there everything is in complete chaos.

“Well there is no need to go in search for him. It looks like he has decided to pays us a visit instead.” I say on a sigh.

“You guys need to get him secured so I can lift the trap on his mind.” I link my mates.

I watch as my mates block him in and then secure him. I am really confused because it is almost like this is what he wants.

“Fenrir secure the babes.” I link him.

Fenrir disappears with the babes, Margret and Everly. Now they are safe I walk over to the man in question.

“Why have you come after all the pain you have caused?” I ask him.

“Where is she? She has to know it was not really me. I have only ever tried to protect her.” He says as he starts to cry.

“Your mind is no longer trapped is it?” I ask.

“No, some thing happened after the switch. It was like my mind got switched back on. I can only assume that the one who put the block on my mind is dead.” He says between sobs.

“Was it by any chance your sister Shauna?” I question.

“I did not see who it was. I was arguing with my dad and mom about not wanting to join the business.

I wanted to choose my own path. They were finally seeing my side of things when all of a sudden everything went blank.” He said finally calm.

“I am going to check you. I am only telling you out of courtesy. I am not asking for your permission though. But if anything hurts tell me. I am not trying to hurt you but help you. But I must protect those around me as well.” I explain what I am going to do.

He nods as I walk up to him and place my hands on each side of his face. I feel Hydrus behind me holding on to my waist.

I look down at the man and say, “You are going to relive every thing and I am sorry for that.”

I press my nails in to the side of his head slightly and delve in to his memories. I see the memories of Hydrus, Persephone, and him together. I then see that awful night where Hydrus healed him. Then I see later that night him trying his hardest to get out of a life he did not want. It did look like he was getting through to his parents. Then there was a shadow behind him. I froze the memory and looked hard in to the reflection in a mirror off to the side. It was Shauna for sure that did this. I let the memory finish playing out. Then all there was, was complete black. Nothing like what ever was done he was not able to see it. I slowly release him. I look down and see he is staring at me like he can not believe who is in front of him.

“You, you are the one they want. How are you even still alive?” He asked shocked.

“Well it is a long story but would you like to see your mate?” I say questioningly.

“Yes.” He says with a nod.

I look behind me and Hydrus knows what to do. Then I look over to my other mates and they know the question in my mind. Saffar steps up and takes one of my hands then places my other back on the mans head and places his other hand next to mine. He says a few quick words I can not quite catch and then the man is screaming with tears running down his face. I look at him in pity because that block has now been fully removed.

“I am so so so so sorry. The block was only partially gone. Shauna is not dead only comatose. But when the time comes if you want to be the one to end her I will allow it.” I say as I kneel down in front of him and start rubbing his back.

This man is literally living through the hell he wrought under some one else’s control. Because he did not willingly or knowingly do it I will not punish him. But we will keep tabs and eyes on him. He has finally stopped screaming. The only thing you can hear now is his sobs that are echoing all around us. I feel gentle hands on my back and look to see Persephone standing behind me. She has silent tears streaming down her face.

“Seph, He did not willingly or knowingly commit all those atrocious crimes. His body may have but it was controlled by his sister Shauna. He almost had his parents convinced to let him live his own life when she blindsided him. I will not charge him and I will not let any other charge him either. But we will keep tabs on him as well as eyes. I am sorry that is how it has to be for now. Just until we make sure no one tries to find him or trap his mind again.” I explain sadly.

“Ne, Ne, Ne, I am so sorry. If you give me the chance I will make it up to you for the rest of my life. I will understand if you never forgive me but please give me a chance.” He sobs.

Persephone kneels down and starts shushing him, “Shh, shh, shh. Seb, I forgave you when I saw who it was. I knew you were not there and it was only your body. But you made us parents before my awakening you dummy.”

He rolls over so he is looking at her face and looks extremely confused. “What are you talking about?” He asks.

“I am pregnant silly.” She says laughing.

His whole face lights up and he sits up and puts his head to her belly. I stand up and leave them to share this moment together. Hydrus comes over to me smiling with tears running down his face. He laughs and grabs me spinning me around. I assume he is happy with my decision.

“What is his name?” I whisper to Hydrus as he puts me down.

“Sebloch. But he hates his name and goes by Seb.” Hydrus whispers in my ear. I just giggle slightly.

I walk over to the computer systems and see stacks upon stacks upon stacks of paperwork. I have no idea if it has been scanned or if this is the paperwork that needs to be scanned.

I look over at Caleum and watch him do his thing. You can tell he is in his element right now. Some of the guys are watching and learning while others are going through paper work.

“Caleum, have you guys finished with the paper work yet? I do want to get some work done today. I am feeling feisty I may just start torturing the goons and Clade if you are not done yet.” I state.

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