Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 3

After writing the letter I crept out of the house not knowing if the parents are still home or not. I can not be too careful with how violent they are acting. I walked down a path in the woods behind my house. When I came to an old Ash tree that was twisted and gnarled I took a left then when the stream came into view I took a right on to a fallen tree. I walked up it into the trees to my mail carrier cage. My parents don’t know about it at least I don’t think they do. I feel I have hidden it very well. You can not see it from the forest floor and there are too many birds in the forest for anyone to notice my carriers. The cage is built into the tree branches and the birds can leave freely through the top, but they usually only leave to get food and nesting things. It is about four feet high and five feet long and about two and a half feet wide. I put it on the widest branch I could find. I opened the cage and called to my fastest carrier. The plump little bird hopped out of the cage and on to my forearm. I petted him from the head down to his tail. He loves affection. Once he has had enough affection he holds out a leg for me. I tied the letter to the leg and told him to fly fast to the king. Then he took off like a bat out of hell. I closed the cage and left the way I came. I crept back into the house with out anyone noticing I was gone. I fell asleep praying to the gods and goddesses that the little bird made it to the king and the king would care enough to come.


I was sitting in a meeting when some guards came running in to the meeting room. I swear they do this just to aggravate me. I immediately stand up and they bow.

“What the hell is going on?” I yell at the guards.

“Sir, the Luna is at it again.” A young guard rushed out while showing his neck in submission.

“What Luna? We have no Luna. So who the hell is traipsing around the Kingdom acting like they are the Luna?” I yell.

“Isobel, Sir,” the young guard responds again.

“What has that psycho done again?” I ask with a sigh.

“She is saying she is the Luna and trying to boss around the staff. She is also telling everyone that you will be married tomorrow and trying to get everyone to prepare the Castle,” the young guard informs me.

“Throw her in the dungeons. I have had enough of this crap.” I say while I sit back down.

“Yes Sir,” the three guards say as they stand and walk out of the meeting room.

Once the door is shut I let out a huge sigh. I look at all my top people and they are looking at me with proud smiles on their faces.

“Thank you all for your information on everything that has been going on. I do not understand how I was so blind with everything but will you have a special tea made for me so I can not be tampered with? I will give you the ingredients and I want you to bring it to the Head on the Kitchens. She will know what to do. Do not tell anyone what has been discussed and be very discrete with handling the tea please.” I say to my heads.

“Sir, if I may. Are you sure she can be trusted?” One of them asks.

“I am positive.” I say dismissively.

“Sir, I understand the issues at hand, but how are you going to handle this all when this issue is world wide now?”

“We investigate and bring the heads of the operation down. But we need to be careful. Now if that is all I need to go deal with Isobel.” I say.

I stand up and walk out of the meeting room. I head to my office before I head to the Dungeon. Entering my office I head straight to my desk and sit. I glance at the clock and I am surprised it is already late. The clock is reading 9:30pm. Ugh this is going to be a long night. I say to myself. I am reading through some paperwork when suddenly I hear a tapping on my office window. I look over to the Window and see a Carrier sitting on the window ledge staring at me. I stand up and slowly approach the window. I stare at the Carrier trying to figure out where it came from. It suddenly taps on the window again then shows me its leg. I open the window and the Carrier hops in through the window. I close it behind the Carrier. I untie the message from its leg and sit back at my desk. I sit there just staring at the message in my hand. I bring it to my nose seeing if I can tell who the message is from. I inhale deeply and I am surprised that it is from my mate. I open it and read it. I am so shocked on what it says I have to read it several times before I can completely comprehend what it says.

“SHIT” I yell out scaring the Carrier.

“I am sorry little one for scaring you.” I say to the Carrier.

It just kind of blinks at me then looks around the room. Suddenly a thick envelope appears on my desk and I know who this one is from. I slowly pick it up with shaking hands. Once it is finally open I read it. Everything my mate stated in her message has just been confirmed but things are a lot worse then what she told me.

“My office NOW” I mind link my Heads.

Five minutes later they are all sitting in my office staring at me expectantly. I just shove the messages over to them to read as I sit back to contemplate what our next steps should be. I know I will have to let my mates parents know what is going on but I am unsure if I should. I decide to let them know because if I do not inform them they will be furious. I pull out special stationary and write to them. Once I have written everything I know I whisper over the stationary and it disappears. Now that is done I sit back and watch the guys passing the messages back and forth to each other. Ten minutes go by and finally they all look up at me ghost white and wide eyed.

“You have got to be shitting me right now.” My Head Guard yells, “I can not believe they think they will get away with this.”

“My question is, how have they gotten away with it for so long?” My Head of investigations asks.

“How the hell did they manage to kill the Elders or even find where they were located?” My Head of the Dungeons asks.

I just sit there staring at them figuring out how to explain to them what I am and wondering how they will take it.

“Fuck it,” I mumble under my breath.

Clearing my throat to get their undivided attention I say, “I am not a normal King and the Elders where not normal Elders. So this is very concerning to me. It means they are working with some one who has a weapon that can kill my kind.”

“Kind? What do you mean Kind?” My Head Guard asks.

“I am Fae. I am the Beast King. I will not go in to details on why I am here on the Earth Realm. I have my reasons on why I have been here.” I explain a little.

“Oh, well that makes sense. You have been running the Kingdom for a long time.” My Head Guard says.

I watch them all trying to see if they are going to go against me or stay with me. They seem fine with everything. But I am going to give it some time. Fifteen minutes later and they are all just staring at each other silently communicating. A knock sounds at my office door. I get up and answer the door. The Head of the Kitchen is standing there holding a tea pot and several cups in her hand.

“Sir, I figured it was safer if all of the Heads were to drink this. If my suspicions are right we are in for some big trouble.” She said.

“Thank you for bringing it so quickly and for thinking of them as well.” I say to her.

She steps back after handing everything over to me and walks back down the hall. I close the door and set everything on the coffee table in the middle of the chairs in my office. After pouring myself a cup of tea I go and sit back down behind my desk. The guys are all just staring at the tea pot like it is going to bite them.

“It is your choice to drink it or not. This tea is special and will prevent anyone from messing with your head. I suggest you drink it for your own sake and safety. These enemies will use all the tricks they can to deceive us and convince us nothing is wrong and to go along with them.” I said.

Taking a sip of tea I watched as one by one they all made a cup of tea as well. This was the answer I needed. They were all going to stand by me and help with this situation.

“So tomorrow we need to be at the Pack in Paisley, Scotland before anything can happen. That being said I want you all to gather your most trusted men and head out. But I want you all to be very careful and stay as unnoticed as possible.” I say to my men.

“Are you heading out with us as well?” My Head Guard asks.

“No, I am going to deal with Isobel and get more information out of her first. I will be there do not worry.” I said before finishing my tea in one gulp.

I stood and nodded to my men before leaving my office. I went straight to the dungeons. Once my foot hit the bottom of the stairs all I could see was chaos. There was screaming and men running everywhere.


Everyone stops in their tracks then turns to me bowing. The young guard from earlier comes forward and bows.

“Sir, Isobel is causing massive problems and people have gone missing from their cells. We are trying to figure out what is going on.” The young guard explains.

“Leave Isobel to me. Just figure out how people have escaped.” I say then walk towards the cells.

I stop in front of Isobel’s cell the screaming has finally stopped. She tries to walk sensually towards me but I see past everything she is trying to do. The chains stop her from getting too close to the bars.

“Thank the Moon Goddess you are here. These stupids guards put me here for no reason. I want them punished for their insolence.” She says with a pout.

“Excuse me?” I question.

“I want them punished for daring to put their Luna in the dungeons for no reason. I have done nothing wrong.” She explains while she bats her eyelashes.

“I told them to bring you here. Now what in the world gave you the idea to claim yourself as the Luna when you are not?” I say.

“You named me your Luna. Why would you have me brought here? Is this some new kink you wanted to try out?” She questions.

I walk up to the bars and reach through and grab her in a bone crushing grip and teleport us to the Elders. I throw her away from me and let her soak in the carnage around us. I refuse to look because I will be back later to investigate.

“Take me back,” Isobel starts screaming at me.

I just stand there sneering at her. Then I grab her arm again and transport us back to the dungeonss again. After I let go of her, I walk to the guard currently in charge and tell him to transfer Isobel to an interrogation room for me. I walk away and enter the interrogation room I plan to use. A few minutes later a couple guards walk in dragging Isobel kicking and screaming behind them. I stand up and help them secure her in the chair. Once done the guards bow and leave. Isobel continues screaming at the top of her lungs so I slap her to shut her up. When she is finally quiet I sit back down pulling a folder out of thin air. I set the folder down and open it.

“So you really thought you would get away with it did you not?” I ask.

She just sits there staring at me then finally says, “What are you talking about?”

“Cut the shit Isobel, I have everything I need to put you down like the dog you are. But I want to hear it from your mouth.” I spat at her.

She sat there staring at me in silence. So I said, “Ok so the hard way it is.”

I produced my torture kit from thin air and proceeded to lay everything out in front out me. Isobel spilled everything I already knew but there was also information I did not know.

“I swear that is everything I know.” She ended with.

I stood up and walked out of the room while slashing my hand throw the air sending my stuff back to where it came from. I walked through the halls of the dungeon and up the stairs exiting the dungeons. I took a moment to gather my thoughts then vanished into thin air. I materialized in the Elders place. The sent of death and blood was every where. Taking shallow breaths I walked over to one of the bodies examining the wounds.

“Shit. I can not believe she found it.” I mumbled.

I tried to find the different signatures but I could not. Something was preventing me. I decided it was best to just go and get some rest before tomorrow. Vanishing once again I materialized back in my suite.

“She is doing this is she not?” My most trusted friend says.

“Yes. She has also found the staff. The wounds on the Elders coincide with that weapon.” I say before stripping and walking in to my bathroom.

I just stepped in to the shower when he asks, “Are you really bringing Christiana home tomorrow?”

“Yes, She is a queen in her own right and she does not deserve what ever happened to her. You know just as well as I do she did not do what she was accused of.” I say with a sigh.

He just nods and walks from the room. I finish my shower and step out. While drying I try to figure out what to say to my mate. After getting dressed I head to my office and sit down and write a message back to my mate. I keep it brief but I also make sure she knows I am coming. I take the message and spray it with a cleansing agent that way she does not carry my scent tomorrow. I tie the message to the Carrier and send it on its way.

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