Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 14

Alpha Sean

I can not believe this is happening. It was all set in stone. How in the world did that little bitch find out what was happening? I swear when I see her again I am going to make her pay. She is mine and no one else’s. No one can have her, they told me I could keep her once her powers were drained. I did not want her powers just her. So why is this all happening? I should have known something was off when she was brought to the Pack and her memories were completely wiped. They told me it was an accident but I should have looked further in to it. I should never have trusted that bitch Fae. Almost like I fog had lifted I could start to think straight.

I do not know how I even got this deep in to this in the first place. All I wanted was to take my rightful place as Alpha. I may have been an Omega when I was born and that was all that the Pack seemed to see. Which was fine when I was sent away by my parents to train and get stronger. My family was from the Original Alpha Family in Paisley. They hid their when it was taken over. I was not actually born an Omega, my powers were just bound. I was sent to a Pack overseas in America that did not know the Alpha for my Pack. But while training is when I met that Fae bitch. I could not believe what she was telling me at first. In my country it is illegal to do as she was saying. But when she showed me first hand and had me participate I got addicted to the thrill and the power rush. I felt unstoppable and untouchable.

Well I guess that is not true. Who knew our King was actually the Fae Lord of Beasts. I just thought he was a pompous ass. Lesson learned do not trust Fae. Now I am going to die and that Fae bitch is living it up stealing people’s powers. When the King came down to the Dungeons after he got back to the castle I told the guards I wanted to speak to the King. I did not actually think he would oblige me but he did. I gave him all the information I could starting from the beginning. I hope that Fae bitch rots in Hell.

I will act the villain at the sentencing as the King requested. He thanked me for helping with the information I gave him. But he was not going to let me get off on giving him information because come to find out Christiana is his Mate and they have been separated for 500 years. I promised him I will and Goddesses willing I will get another chance to have a next life and prove I have changed.


Once we are finished eating Hydrus brings me a pair of heels that look like they are going to kill my feet. But once they are on my feet I feel like I am walking on clouds. When I questioned Hydrus about it he said that his mother gave them to him for her and that they were what Kelpie women wore when they were pregnant. I forgot his mom wanted to meet me, now I feel as if I really should make the effort to meet her sooner rather than later. Both men have their shoes on and are holding out an arm for me to take. I put and arm through each of their arms and off we go out of our room. I look around as they lead me to where we will be doing the sentencing. I know Fenrir has not told me every thing that went down but in time he will because I know I am still in danger. We get to our destination quickly and I realize that I was in my head so much that I am not paying attention to my surroundings. The guys lead me to a seat at the center of a stage. Hydrus sits on my left and Fenrir goes up to the microphone.

“Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. We are gathered here for two reasons. One I will be introducing two of my mates to everyone.” Fenrir said to everyone and they all cheered. “Second we will be passing judgment on Alpha’s and Beta’s from several different packs.”

“Now I want to introduce Christiana and Hydrus to you all.”Fenrir says.

Hydrus helps me stand and we walk over to Fenrir. Fenrir and Hydrus each put a hand on my belly and the cheers and applause gets even louder. Suddenly people start moving and gasping, I look around trying to figure out why then I see Isobel’s wolf walking towards us. She hops up on stage and comes directly over to me. I put my hand out and she touches her snout to my palm. She is there one minute then gone the next. I can feel her inside me. She says there is danger coming and she will help my forms protect my babes. I relay the message to Hydrus and Fenrir. They are a little shocked at first but they also remember that I saved her from Isobel and she was not able to protect her own pup because of Isobel. They finally let it go. The crowd had been looking on as we had our silent conversation and they looked very confused.

“Do not fear. The wolf is safe. I saved her from her human who had locked her away and starved her. The wolf has decided to help protect my babes til I find a suitable human for her to go to.” I say to the crowd.

Some of the crowd cried out, while others flinched when I said she was caged and starved. I will have to keep an eye on the ones that flinched. Fenrir walked Hydrus and I back to our seats and helped me sit back down. He placed a soft kiss on my lips then on Hydrus’s. He then went back up to the microphone and told the guards to bring out the prisoners. Five minutes later the prisoners were all lined up in front of the stage. I did not see all the Beta’s and Alpha’s from the party. This is the reason why I am still in danger. I am disappointed that they were not all here. But I know my mates will hunt them all down til every single one of them are dead.

“Alpha Sean step forward for your sentencing,” Fenrir says.

Alpha Sean just stands there looking at me with hunger in his eyes. I stand up and walk down the stage stairs before Fenrir and Hydrus know what I am doing. I go straight to Alpha Sean and grab him by the throat and drag him up the stage and throw him at Fenrir’s feet. Hydrus comes over with a cloth in his hand and cleans my hand from all the grim from Sean. Fenrir looks at me and nods his approval. There is a gleam in his eyes saying we will talk about this later. Oh well I am just an impatient person.

I go sit back down and I can hear the crowd snickering at what just happened.

“Alphas Sean do you know why you are up here?” Fenrir asks.

“I have done nothing wrong and you should be arrested for treason,” Alpha Sean yells out for everyone to hear.

“Oh, you know what you have done you just do not want to admit it. I have been investigating you for years. But pray tell why should I be arrested?” Fenrir says.

“You stole my mate and now claim her as your queen. I want her back.” Alpha Sean screams. Gasps can be heard around everywhere.

“Hmm, Alpha Sean you really are delusional. Christiana Did you feel the mate bond to him on your 21st birthday, or when you brought him up here?” Fenrir asks me.

I get up and walk up to Alpha Sean ignoring Fenrir. Alpha Sean smirks thinking I am going to him as a mate. “Alpha Sean not only were you going to rape me, impregnate me, but try to steal my God and Goddess given power for your own evil uses. I have never felt a mate bond nor will I ever be your mate. I am not Wolf, I can not mate a Wolf. I am Lycan and proud to be Lycan.” I yell in his face before walking over and crawling on to Hydrus’s lap.

Hydrus sits there rubbing my belly trying to soothe me but there is only one thing on my mind that will make me feel better. Fenrir stares at me for a couple minutes then nods. He was silently telling me it will be me who deals the death blow. Which will be the only thing that will calm my forms and babes.

“You have all heard that Christiana does not recognize Alpha Sean as her mate and never has. You have heard some of the charges against Alpha Sean. Now you will here the rest. Alpha Sean you are charged with murdering 7 Elders, Murdering the original Alpha family of your pack, Swearing in untransformed members, stealing power and forms from the untransformed, raping young women, sending your true mate in to the Kingdom to reek havoc and seduce your King, Involving your pack members in your schemes of stealing power, and trying to over throw the King. Christiana did I miss anything?” Fenrir says to the crowd then asks me.

“Yes. Kidnapping me and wiping my memories of my past,” I say.

Fenrir nods to me and says to the crowd, “You have heard the full charges. What say you Alpha Sean?”

Alpha Sean just stands there as the crowd boos and growls at him. I am still watching the ones from earlier that flinched when I was talking about Isobels Wolf. Those people looked pale and I mind-linked Fenrir to have the guards round them all up discretely. I want to question them myself. I have a feeling this is a lot worse and is taking place in the Capital itself.

“Fine since you have nothing to say in your defense I will allow Christiana to dole out your sentence herself.”Fenrir announces and waves for me to proceed.

Hydrus helps me stand up and I walk over and stand in front of Alpha Sean. Standing in front of him I let all my anger and grief consume me. A water protection bubble forms around my babes and I unleash my Lycan. We are vengeance in its rawest form right now. We let out a booming howl that shakes the ground and cracks a few walls. Alpha Sean stares up at me pale and shaking. I look at Fenrir and he knows what I want with just a look. He grabs Alpha Sean and stands him in front of me. I let my Lycan take full control and watch the massacre she creates from the back of my mind. Their are tiny pieces of him every where and she is eating his heart like it is the finest desert. I finally take back control and shift back. Hydrus wraps me in a robe and Fenrir picks me up checking to make sure I am ok then lets Hydrus take me from him. Hydrus brings us back to his chair and sits with me in his lap. As I lean back Hydrus asks if I am ok and I simply just nod.

“Now that Alpha Sean has been taken care of. The rest of these Alpha’s and Beta’s were invited to a swearing in ceremony under disguise of finding their mates with one or more of the unmated females from Alpha Sean’s pack. But once there it was announced that it was a swearing in of the almost and newly turned 21 year old’s who had not transformed as of yet. Instead of walking away and leaving they jumped on board with the promise of more power. What say you to their punishment my people?” Fenrir announces to the crowd.

There were cries of outrage towards the Alpha’s and Beta’s. I watch the crowd and see that the guards are going around and gathering all of the suspicious people in the crowd up. It seems there are quite a few people that are being rounded up. Our dungeon is going to be full. The crowd starts screaming out different things that the King should do to them. My personal favorite is disembowelment, but I would prefer it to be faster. I think that is what should happen to Isobel though. I will have to talk with Fenrir and Hydrus on that. Fenrir stands there listening to all of the ideas til there is only one that is being called out and everyone seems to be agreeing. Gladiator fighting but there will be no one standing at the end. There will be no winner because the last person standing will be destroyed by Fenrir himself.

“Thank you everyone. I have heard what you have said. Now Alpha’s and Beta’s this is your sentence. You will fight Gladiator style in the arena. The last man standing will fight me to the death. The people have deemed this an appropriate sentence. Prepare yourselves. Guards bring them to the arena.” Fenrir says.

Once the guards have brought the prisoners away and the people start leaving Fenrir turns to Hydrus and I. He smiles at us and walks over and picks me up. “Come on we need to get her cleaned up for the fights.” Fenrir says to Hydrus.

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