Face Offs & Cheap Shots (CU Hockey Book 2)

Face Offs & Cheap Shots: Chapter 16

It’s not the first time I’ve woken up next to someone with our limbs tangled, our sweaty, naked skin pressed against each other and my morning wood digging into my bed companion.

It is the first time I’ve felt that same hardness against me.

I’m confused for 3.5 seconds before I squint open my eyes and see Jacobs.

His face is right there, all high cheekbones and hair falling over his forehead, and it might be the only time I’ve ever seen him without scowl lines.

He looks peaceful and … happy when he’s sleeping.

As if sensing my analytical stare, one of his eyes cracks open, and then all at once, his face falls into the angry sour look I’m used to seeing.

“You’re still here.”

“What gave it away?”

“Does your snark ever turn off?”

“Hang on, let me check.” I pretend to think about it. “No.”

He smiles, but when my hand moves down the middle of his back, he stiffens. And not the fun part of him.

Guess I’ve outstayed my welcome.

That shouldn’t get to me, but it does.

Just like last night when he assumed I was being sarcastic when he said he was going into health and wants to be a physiotherapist. Truth is that does sound fun, and the opportunities it would open for him could be countless. He could be a team trainer or a sports therapist.

I wasn’t hating on it. I’m jealous.

I should get up to leave, but I don’t. Instead, I lean in and capture his mouth with my own.

Soft lips move against mine, and unlike the fast and needy kisses we shared last night, this is different. Lazier. Gentle.

I let my mind trick me into thinking it’s because we made each other come so much last night I’m too exhausted to put more effort into it.

It has nothing to do with wanting to make him more comfortable around me so we can repeat this over and over again.

It’s not about him seeing right through me by saying hooking up with him makes me feel alive.


Not at all.

Besides, what we’re doing is exhilarating, and I’d be lying if I said the secrecy of it doesn’t add to the adrenaline, but bottom line is, sex with Jacobs is fun.

It’s not about feeling alive or doing it because my father will hate it. It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with my dick being happy.

I want to go another round with him, but our last one was only a few hours ago, and after maxing out on orgasms, my cock is spent.

Never thought that would be a possibility.

Jacobs’s hand weaves into my hair, and he pulls me closer.

Ooh yeah, I’m not the only one not wanting this to end.

On that note, I pull back. “Sorry I crashed out. Didn’t mean for it to be a thing.”

“It’s not a thing. It’s … fine.”

I snort. “One day you’re going to admit you like my company without wincing or pausing.”

“Maybe.” He smiles. “One day.”

“You wait. A few more times of making that sound come out of you when you orgasm and you won’t want to leave my side.” I roll on top of him and give him a chaste kiss before jumping out of bed.

“Oh, so delusion is a side effect of having so much snark.”

I grab my clothes off the floor and look at him over my shoulder. “One day, Topher.”

He’s on his side, propping his head up with his hand. “What are you doing with our morning off?”

For a brief second, I think he’s going to ask me to stay.

He doesn’t. “I’m going to hit up the team gym,” Jacobs says. “If you wanted to train together.”

I smile. “It’s already starting. You want to train with me?”

“Kicking your ass lights a fire under mine. Your competitive nature is good for me.”

Images of last night’s competition fills my head. “I’d say it’s good for both of us.”

He averts his gaze. “I’m going to shower and grab some breakfast. Meet you at the gym in an hour?”

“Sure. Later.” I don’t bother putting on my shoes and socks.

Sneaking out of his room is easy at this time of morning, but getting to my room isn’t as smooth.

Cohen’s coming the other way. He can’t hide his amusement as he witnesses my walk of shame. “Where’d you go after McIntyre’s last night?”

“Strip club,” I lie.

“Who’d you meet at a—holy shit, did you fuck a stripper?”

I try not to laugh at that mental image. Jacobs swinging around a pole in a thong. Hmm, actually …

“Totally fucked a stripper,” I say dryly.

“See you later, Captain.”

I flinch. That title is gonna take more getting used to than I thought it would.

I enter my room, dump my stuff, and get straight in the shower to wash the last of Jacobs off me.

Already, I can’t wait to get to the gym. Turns out I like hanging out with him when he isn’t constantly angry with me.

I dress into running shorts and a tank top, shove my feet into sneakers, and head for the coffee shop off campus to get something to eat.

And what’ll you know, I get in line right behind Jacobs.

He orders a coffee and two bacon-and-egg sandwiches, but before he can hand over his money, I step forward.

“I’ll have the same, and just put it all together.” I slide over my credit card. “Thanks.”

Jacobs turns to me. “I can pay for my own food.”

“I know you can, but I’m offering.”

“Name for the order?” the cashier asks.

I grin. “Topher.”

Jacobs rolls his eyes and stalks off to a table in the back.

I follow. “Embarrassed to be seen with me?”


I laugh. “So that hasn’t changed yet, then.”

“Two nights of …” He glances around the practically empty café.

I lean in and whisper, “Sex. Is that a bad word in your household or something?”

“No. I can say it. But I didn’t know if you can call what we’re doing sex.”

I shrug. “Shared orgasms. Totally counts.”

“Well, two nights of sex isn’t going to make my opinion of three years change.”

“So, we should do it again tonight? I’m hearing that as we might need to make it a hat trick.”

Jacobs tries to hide a smile but fails, and when our order is called, he’s quick to jump up to get it. I assume he moves fast so he either doesn’t insult me or doesn’t admit that he wants another night too.

He places my food and drink in front of me, and I can’t help smiling at him.

He’s oblivious as he sits and takes a sip of his coffee.

“You know, this is practically a date.”

Jacobs sprays coffee all over the table, and I lean back in my seat victorious.

Today’s camp session is one of those days where everything clicks, the kids are listening, and the plays are smooth and effective.

We’re playing alongside them today, and I’d be proud to have any one of these guys on my line.

Gliding over the ice, pummeling the competition, and being on a team has always given me that warm feeling in my gut. Like being at home. Only, not my actual home because that was always cold and lonely.

The only reprieve I got growing up was commiserating with my younger sister. We bonded over shitty expectations our parents had of both of us. Where I was supposed to be smart and the heir to the Beckett Enterprises fortune, she was supposed to look pretty and stay quiet.

We both hate our respective roles, and they don’t fit us.

Thinking of my sister, it reminds me to call her to check in.

But after we finish practice and plan to meet at McIntyre’s straight after showering and getting dressed, I send her a text instead.

She doesn’t reply, which makes sense when I realize it’s the middle of the night in Greece.

But when we’re a few drinks in, and I’m getting close to being ready to get out of here with Jacobs, hearing her shrill voice doesn’t make any sense.

Or, makes perfect sense if I think about it. I didn’t exactly give her warning that I wasn’t going to be with her this summer, and I haven’t heard from her since before the break started.

As if conjuring her out of thin air, my sister can be heard around the whole fucking bar.

“Teddy Beckett!”

Oh, shit.

I turn toward where she stands at our table with her hands on her narrow hips. I want to scowl, but as soon as I see her, it’s impossible to be mad.

Her long blonde hair is professionally styled in that easy curl she loves, her eyes bright, but her collagen-filled lips are pouted in disgust.

I stand fast and try to climb out of the booth, but my teammates are staring at her like she’s an illusion. I shove them out of my way.

“What are you doing here?” I finally get free. “You’re supposed to be in Greece.”

“No. We’re supposed to be in Greece.” Tears spring to her eyes.

“Aww, shit, what happened?” I don’t give her a chance to respond before I’m wrapping her in my arms.

“I can’t believe you abandoned me, Teddy.”

I burst out laughing. “Always so dramatic. I thought Harvard would’ve removed that and filled you with pretention by now.”

“No, that happens sophomore year.” She steps back and wipes her nose.

“Aww, Baby.” I wipe a tear off her cheek.

A throat clears beside us.

All the guys in the booth are watching in confused fascination. All except Jacobs, who’s flicking his cold gaze between the both of us.

I’m about to introduce him when he says, “You’ve clearly got shit to work out.”

Yeah, I do. Guess I’ll introduce him later.

I turn back to my sister. “Okay, let’s get out of here and you can tell me what the asshole did. Let me settle my tab.”

I don’t get far when Rossi slides out of the booth and stands with her. “Hey.”

That’s when I notice how every other guy is staring at her.

I go back to them and grab her arm. “How about you wait outside for me?”

Baby waves to the guys as she saunters out.

She’s gonna be the death of me.

I pay fast and meet her outside. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

I throw my arm around her shoulder as I steer her to a row of restaurants off campus.

We only get halfway there when she stops and stomps her foot. “He doesn’t listen to me!”

“He doesn’t listen to anyone.”

“There we were, on the boat along the coast of Santorini, and Dad was saying how the business needs new ideas and a new direction and how Teddy is going to make a difference when he graduates.”

No pressure.

“So, I started telling him about what I learned in my econ class this year, and he shut me down without hearing any of my ideas.”

My poor sister only wants to make Dad proud. She wants him to see her like he sees me, and I would give anything for that to happen.

It feels like the logical thing.

I don’t want to take over Dad’s company. Baby does. I’m getting my C-grade average to keep my spot on the team, but I’ve come close to failing many classes. I’ve thrown money at tutors over the years to teach me enough to get me through exams.

Baby, on the other hand, is smart. She goes to Harvard, for fuck’s sake.

So why is our misogynistic father so content on making me the future CEO of his stupid company? Honestly, I don’t even know what his company does. It owns other companies, and then they own companies, and they’re all under the one Beckett Enterprises conglomerate.

I’m convinced Dad doesn’t listen to Baby or me to make sure we both grow up to be as unhappy as he is.

“Okay, change of plans. We’ll get food to go, alcohol, and then we’ll drink ourselves stupid like we should’ve been doing all along in Greece. Plus, I’ve already got a head start on you, so you might be able to drink me under the table tonight.”

“That will be the beginning of making it up to me for abandoning me in Europe.”

“Hashtag first-world problems, babe.”

She sighs. “You’re right. Sorry. You didn’t have plans tonight, did you?”

“Uh … not any that I can’t cancel.” Unfortunately. “How long are you here for? Actually, how did you know where to find me? You’ve never visited me here.”

“Please. My brother and hockey. When the arena was empty, I went to the nearest bar. Wasn’t hard to find you. I know my Teddy.”

“Ugh, if you’re going to stay with me, you need to quit it with the Teddy shit. I’m TJ or Beck here.”

“Okay, Teddy.”

Wow, that really is annoying. I almost want to take my phone out and text Jacobs a sorry, but all I manage to get out is: Raincheck?

By the time me and my sister get everything back to the dorms, he hasn’t replied. I don’t know if that’s a confirmation or an invitation.

Once my sister passes out in my bed, I’ll go find out.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.