Eyes on Me (Salacious Players’ Club)

Eyes on Me: Part 2 – Chapter 25


Garrett didn’t text me last night. And when I messaged him, he gave me a generic excuse about being busy, and it was starting to worry me. So here I stand, on his doorstep with donuts and coffee.

“Morning!” I chirp as his door opens.

“What are you doing here?” he asks, looking confused. He’s in his running shorts and a tight T-shirt, looking too fucking good.

“You asked me to help with the event, so here I am.” I smile, holding up a dozen donuts.

“You’re annoying, you know that?”

“Yep,” I reply with a smile as I push past him.

His dining room table is scattered with papers and notes, and it looks like the dishes desperately need to be done. I set the box down on the table, finding an empty space, and start tidying up the mess he’s made.

“Stop it,” he mutters stubbornly.

“Come on, Garrett. I’m just trying to help, so let me help. I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“You’re not working?” he asks, and it’s the first time he’s brought up my job, so I spin on him, not quite sure how to answer that. I’m not going to tell him about Drake, since he’s not really a patron anymore anyway. I don’t charge him.

“Not at the moment. Why? Are you jealous?”

“No,” he mutters. He can’t exactly keep me from working as long as he’s not going to make us official. Going into his kitchen, I help myself to napkins, and when I turn around to get a donut, I catch him watching me.

“Stop staring, you creep,” I tease him. He finally lets out a smile as he drops into his chair in front of his laptop.

“Okay, what are you stuck on?”

“I don’t know.” He groans. “Nothing feels right. These girls are all great, but it’s not right for Salacious.”

“Let me see,” I reply, bringing over another chair and sitting next to him. The girl on screen is beautiful, but she’s all plastic and he’s right—it’s not right for Salacious.

“Not her,” I say, shaking my head at the girl on his screen.

“Why not?”

“She relies too much on her body and big tits. You need someone with a more genuine personality. A real performer.”

He groans again, slumping against the back of his chair. “We only have two weeks to figure this out. I’m just going to cancel.”

“Don’t say that. We’ll figure it out.”

“Emerson says we need an event to bring more attention to the voyeur hall, but nothing about this is going to bring in more members, if it doesn’t match the tone of the club.”

Turning toward him, I lean back in my chair.

“Garrett, most of these girls perform just for men. Just like I do, but that’s not what your club is about. Salacious is for everyone, men and women.”

“So, what do we do?” he asks, and I chew on the inside of my lip as I think. And I try to imagine what I would like, not as a camgirl, but as just a girl.

“You’re trying to bring in more clientele, but you’re catering this event for the wrong audience.”

How do we make this event more inviting for the girls and not just the men? Naturally, wherever the women go, the men will follow anyway. And then it dawns on me. In a rush, I sit up, excited with my idea.

“What?” he asks, sitting up straighter too.

“Don’t invite their fans… Invite the performers.”

“I thought that’s what we were doing,” he replies, looking confused.

“No, I mean…invite the performers to be members, Garrett. You can make it a big event just for them and invite them to use the rooms, but treat them like your VIPs.”

His shoulders relax as he stares at me, and I see the stress melting off his face as the idea sinks in. “Holy shit. You’re right. That’s fucking genius. The event won’t be a performance by them. It’ll be a performance for them.”

“And when they love it there, they’ll become members and tell their fans.”

“Oh my God, I could kiss you,” he says, bursting from his chair. Suddenly, he’s hoisting me off the chair and carrying me to the bedroom.

“We still have so much work to do!” I shout in a fit of giggles, but he’s not hearing a word of it.

When I open my PO box that afternoon, I find a discreet black package waiting for me. It’s rectangular and about the size of a box a cell phone might come in, but I already know before even opening it that that’s not what’s inside.

I got your gift, I text Drake in the car before heading for home.

Good, he replies instantly. Take it home and show it to me.

“Oh God,” I groan without responding. I don’t open the box until I get back to the house. Slipping into the basement when I get there, I close the door behind me and drop the black box on the coffee table and pull out my phone to message Drake.

Okay, I’m home.

Video on, he replies.

Propping my phone up on the stand, I take a deep breath as I hit the video call button. He answers right away, but he keeps his video off.

Through the chat, he says, I’m at work and can’t show my video right now, but I want to see you open it.

“Okay,” I reply, curling my hair behind my ear. “I’m nervous.”

Don’t be. I think you’re going to love it.

First, I tear the tape, keeping the box closed, and pull out a prettier box inside. This one has a black ribbon that I pull to open the lid. As I peel it open, my breath catches on the glass dome, shaped with a bright gem on one end and pointed at the other.

It’s a…

“Oh my God,” I stammer, closing the box. “Are you serious?”

Yes, he replies without hesitation.

“I can’t put this is in. Drake…I just started having sex and now you want me to do anal. I can’t.”

It’s just a plug, Kitten. It can’t hurt you.

Plus, I’m not asking you to do anal. I’m just showing you something else that will feel good.

“How do you know? Have you tried it?” I ask with sarcasm.

Can’t say that I have.

Now listen, he says. There’s lube in the box too. You need to use that.

“Oh my God.” I groan again. “Then what? Just wear it for fun?”

Put it in before you see him again. Surprise him with it.

“Because it’s hot?”

Yes. Very, he replies.

“I’m nervous,” I say hesitantly.

Don’t be. It’s just a toy. Have a little fun with it.

I am going to the club in a couple hours to meet Garrett and go over the plans with Emerson. But can I really wear this the whole time?

Of course, I can. I am not the same girl I was three weeks ago. Being with Garrett, letting him watch me and finding my voice to really ask for what I want with him, has changed me. I used to be so afraid of being physically vulnerable with men, but I’m not afraid anymore.

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