Eyes on Me (Salacious Players’ Club)

Eyes on Me: Part 2 – Chapter 23


Why the hell did I wait so long to do this? What on earth was I so hung up on? We’re clearly both making up for lost time, since we’re on our third round in the mirror room. I have no idea what time it is, but if we walk out of this club in the daylight, I wouldn’t be surprised.

His hand finds my chin and lifts it up, so I’m faced with our reflection in the mirror, him pounding into me from behind. He doesn’t like when I look away or close my eyes. The connection between us is stronger when our gazes are locked. And that makes everything feel better.

“You look so good taking my cock,” he says with a groan, gripping my hips tightly in his fingers. “I could watch this all day.”

“Don’t stop!” I scream, reaching down to touch myself. With just a few circular strums of my clit and his relentless pounding, I come undone. He’s not far behind, slamming in once, twice, three more times before he groans loudly and fills me for the third time tonight.

My hands are aching from my tight hold on the headboard, and I start to sag before Garrett wraps his fingers around my throat and hauls me backward, so I’m pressed against his chest.

“I can’t stop thinking about you leaking my cum all night,” he mumbles darkly against my ear as we gaze into the mirror together.

A wicked smile spreads across my face as he runs his tongue along my cheek, just another way for Garrett to mark me as his. And I hate my stupid heart for getting attached.

I shove away from him and feel him slide out of me. “I’m still mad at you.”

He laughs as he reclines on the bed, folding his hands behind his head. “That’s fine. You can stay mad at me. I think the sex is better this way.”

“I think you’re right, so it’s a good thing I hate you.” As I try to climb off the bed for the first time in hours, my knees wobble and I almost go down to the floor. I quickly grab onto the headboard to steady myself, and without fail, that first drop of warm moisture makes its way down my thigh.

Okay, that’s not the most pleasant thing. But I still don’t regret not using a condom. I trust Garrett is clean, and I really am on birth control. I had an IUD implanted last year, just in case. Glad all that discomfort didn’t go to waste.

Grabbing a few tissues from the table, I quickly clean myself up. Then, because I’m nosey, I start poking around the room. The bedside table comes equipped with cleaning wipes, lube, condoms, and bottles of water, one of which I eagerly grab and gulp down. There’s a cabinet against the wall, and when I open it, my eyes go wide. Inside are straps, ropes, and chains of every shape and size.

“It’s for these,” he says, and I turn around to watch him flip open the top of the footboard to reveal steel rings on either side.

“Oh,” I reply. “How…clever.”

“There are a lot of clever things in the club.” He gives me a quick, Garrett-esque wink, and I quickly turn away so he doesn’t see me blushing. I’m still mad at him for fuck’s sake.

“So are you going to tell me about this event everyone seems to think you called me about?”

His brow furrows. “They told you about that?”

My shoulders sag as I glare at him. “Apparently, you were talking about me at your staff meeting. So, what did you say?”

“That you’re a camgirl. Is that still a secret?” he teases me.

“I can’t believe this whole time you were keeping this secret, and I felt so embarrassed about you finding out about my job.”

Thinking about my job has me thinking about Drake, but I shove the thought of him away. I don’t need to think about him right now. I’ll have to tell him about this, and I’m not sure how that’s going to go. He knows we’re not exclusive, but still…he could be upset to learn I’ve slept with Garrett.

“So, are you going to ask me to perform too?” I ask, although I know the answer.

“Oh, fuck no,” he replies, and I feel the smile creeping across my face.

“It’s not like I’m your girlfriend.”

He climbs off the bed, his naked body on full display, and I blush at the sight of him like this.

“No, but you are still my stepsister.” He’s standing inches away from me, gazing down with those dark blue eyes. There’s something about him calling me that has my stomach doing flips, and I’m not proud of that. I probably shouldn’t like the idea of being his stepsister and fuck buddy at the same time, but I do like it. I guess I just like the idea of meaning more to him than just another girl.

“I’m going home,” I mumble, searching the floor for my dress.

“Did you drive?”

“Took an Uber,” I reply.

“Let me drive you home.”

“You don’t have—’

He glares at me. “No one should have to take an Uber after losing their virginity.”

I can’t help but laugh as I slide my panties up my legs. Bending down to get my shoes, my knees almost give out, and I glance up at him. “Yeah, maybe you should.”

“Text my mom that you’re staying at my place. Come home with me. It’s closer anyway.”

“No, I’m going home,” I argue, albeit weakly.

“I’ll make you breakfast,” he says with a sly grin. “Just after I’ve had mine.”

My knees wobble again. Motherfucker.

After we’re dressed, we leave the mirrored room and head straight down the hallway. We stop at the end of the hall, and he touches my arm.

“Wait here. I’m going to tell Emerson I’m leaving and make sure we get a cleaning crew in the room before it’s opened again.”

“Okay,” I reply before letting out a heavy yawn. And as I watch him disappear, I curse myself again. I’m letting myself get attached to the idea of Garrett being serious about me, but I know better, and I know in his head, he’s still not going to get serious. It’s still just playing.

As I’m texting Laura that I’m crashing at Garrett’s place in the city after drinking with some friends, I feel a tall man approaching.

“Ready?” I ask, but when I glance up, I realize it’s not Garrett. It’s an even taller man with long blond hair pulled into a ponytail. “Oh, sorry. Thought you were someone else.”

He laughs. “Have a good night, gorgeous.”

I find myself blushing as he passes by, and when I see Garrett coming down the hallway toward me, there’s a worried expression on his face.

“Everything okay?”

He glances at the blond man disappearing through the door before nodding. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

Lying in bed that night, I can’t sleep. Garrett’s restless next to me, tossing and turning too. The entire sex-club experience is playing on repeat in my head, and for a moment, I feel like I stepped into an alternate reality.

Every time I close my eyes, I see everything. The woman in the voyeur hall riding that man like a mechanical bull, but not in a gross, orgy porn scene either. It wasn’t meant for anyone else’s enjoyment but their own, and there I stood…watching them. I mean…other people were watching them too. Including two men grinding against each other as they watched.

But nothing about it felt…wrong. Well, okay, it felt a little wrong, but in a…good way?

I flip over again, trying to gather my thoughts into something that makes sense in my head.

“Are you awake?” I whisper.

“I thought you were mad at me,” he mumbles.

“I am, but I have questions.”

With a groan, he turns onto his back and drapes an arm over his eyes. “Ask away.”

“All right, so obviously…people have sex there.”


“And up in the VIP area, they just do it out in the open?”

“Only in the VIP room, yes,” he replies like it’s the most normal thing.

“So what’s the craziest thing you’ve seen there?” I ask with excitement.

He chuckles lowly. Then, he makes a face as if he’s thinking hard about it. “Well, we’ve only been open for three months, but we did have a party of five rent the biggest voyeur room a couple weeks ago.”


“Yep. You want to hear the crazy part?”

My eyes widen. “Yes,” I reply eagerly.

“There was only one woman.”

My jaw hangs down again. “Oh my God! Did you watch them?”

He scratches the back of his neck like he’s a little embarrassed. “It was probably the best thing I’ve ever seen.”

I laugh even louder, slapping him on the arm. “You perv!”

“What? It’s literally my job! And why am I a perv if they clearly wanted an audience?”

“I can’t believe you watched four guys rail one chick. That’s crazy!”

“You’re just jealous,” he replies, and my smile stretches.

“Yeah, you’re kinda right,” I say with a giggle.

“Sometimes I forget how young you are.”

My smile fades a little as I stare at him. “I can handle it. I’m not that young.”

He pauses, glancing at me through the darkness. Then he reaches over and curls a lock of my hair behind my ear. “I know you’re not, Mia. To be honest, sometimes I’m caught between wanting to keep you innocent and wanting to corrupt you.”

My heart dances in my chest at the thought. “What’s your plan for the voyeur night?” I ask.

He lets out a heavy sigh. “Three couples and three single female performers.”

“But you’re just going to have them on stage?”


“Aren’t you worried about what people in the audience will be doing?”

He laughs. “Not really. We have rules. If they don’t want to stay for the entire performance, they can excuse themselves. That’s sort of the idea. We want them to rent out the rooms while they’re there to get the full experience.”

“It seems weird to me. People screwing on stage like that.”

“Says the girl who masturbates on camera for money,” he teases, nudging my arm with his.

“I do more than that.”

“Sure,” he grunts. “Can I go to sleep now?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I mumble as I toss and turn again.

“Come here, brat.” He reaches over and hooks an arm around my middle, hauling me into his arms, so I can’t move anymore. Being wrapped in his warmth is enough to have me falling into the dark abyss of sleep.

The last thought that drifts through my mind before I go under is the reminder that I just lost my virginity…to my stepbrother…in a sex club. This is really not at all how I saw this summer going.

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