Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]


“Space is big. You won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you might think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”

- Douglas Adams

I always liked that description. It doesn’t just apply to space, oh no, it applies to the entire multiverse! Megaverse! Whatever you wish to call this wonderous space we live in called Creation (that’s Yenari for those of you from the God Worlds). There are many words, universes, and multiverses we explore, not that the inhabitants who can only enter one world would know that. Us higher beings are a myth. Guess what? If you’re here, that makes you a myth, too! How exciting!

To start of, I thought I’d give a general description of a few of our more popular locations. Please remember not all of these will be accessible to you, or are only accessible under certain circumstances, and that not all these worlds will be as friendly as I make them sound.


One of the first two worlds created back at The Beginning. Home to the Goddess of Light, and the Lyriumians who keep the balance of Good throughout Creation. Lyriumia is home to many different species and famous locations including: The Six Elemental Cities, The Academy, and the mythological Dark Continent. It’s currently ruled by the Photon Queen Amneris Topanga.


One of the first two worlds created back at the Beginning. Home to the God of Darkness, and the Terpolites who keep the balance of Evil throughout Creation. Terpola is slowly becoming a more peaceful place under the rule of the new Silent Queen Xix Acheron. It’s home to may famous locations including: Crita, Abaddon, and the Ruins of Ilsbrook.


Everyone knows about Earth and why to avoid it, not to mention the constant noise coming from the planet. Home to the Human Race, as well as a few others depending on which universe you decide to visit. It was home to the mythological cities of Lemuria and Atlantis, but now has places like the United States of America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia. Be cautious when visiting this world. Humans are the type to shoot first and ask later.


The new homeworld of the Dreama people after their ancestral home was destroyed. Summers are chilly compared to other worlds so remember to wrap up warm, no matter the time of year. Be sure to visit the Fields of Dreams, though perhaps avoid the Chasm on Nightmares. The Dreama people are kind, but do not let that fool you. Breaking Dreama law may just be the last thing to do.


Alyesbury is home to the Water-Weaver people, some of the best Healers in Creation. The Frozen Lake is a prime location with views overlooking it best from the hilltops surrounding the area. Try your best to break the ice. According to legend, it’s indestructible. Don’t forget to visit the famous town of Bleakburn, home to the first Healer Water-Weaver. Definitely a prime tourist top. Make sure everything you take is waterproof!


Homeworld of the Light-Benders, Erstonia is in a state of constant winter. While crystals and precious stones are the norm, do your best to not steal any. You might just find yourself blinded by a Light-Bender’s power. The most famous location on this world is the Gate to the Underworld, though most people avoid it. Many spirits linger in the area, waiting for the gateway to open.


If you’re looking for a prime location to mine the rare Red Crystal, Dragmire is your stop! Home to the Dragonoid people, there are many volcanoes, molten rivers and lava lakes. Also, watch out for the dragons (they don’t like visitors). Have your future read by the rare Dragonoids with The Sight or attempt to steal gold from the nest of a dragon (advise strongly against this).


A world of Human and Fae alike, Zievis is thought to have a strong connection to the Norse Realms. The world is mostly forests and rivers with the occasional city sticking out here and there. Transport across the planet often involves long boat or plane rides which have no guarantee of reaching their destination. Beware the sea and sky monsters who don’t like having visitors!


The water world home to the Zer species, Keprairlia is not the sort of place fire elementals and those without the ability to breath underwater would want to visit. There are very few landforms, majority of the planet being made of water. The main city of Atlantria is a bit of swim, but worth the effort to see the amazing architecture and magics of this world.


The United Fae Worlds is not a single planet, rather a planetary system inhabited by the Fae. There are many worlds within this realm, each having their own issues--I mean unique areas and magics. From forests to fire to ice, the UFW has a little bit of everything.


Ember is the planet closest to this system’s central Star (or Sun, if you prefer). Be sure to prepare yourself for the heat, lava, toxic atmosphere, and all the other things that come with being a small, hot planet. Home to the Firebringer people, you will not find a drop of water anywhere. Be sure to watch out for ash rain and the occasional fire tornado. Non-fire elementals and species, and those not accustomed to temperatures well in the thousands are advised to stay away from Ember.


Throughout Creation, you will find many worlds home to Shape Shifters. This is but one of them, Malaie is by far the most famous of the Shifter worlds (not including Earth, but that’s a story for another time). Here you will find a bit of everything--cold, hot, water, air, and underground caverns--with all the regions home to different types of Shifters. It would be best to avoid the Wolflands and Caves unless you wish to be torn limb from limb. Even so, there are many other exiting locations to visit during your trip!


A famous world, Glacirem is a prime location for tourist with an interest in history and how the environment can destroy worlds (just be sure to bring a snack for the Kraken so it doesn’t mistake you for one!). Glacirem is home to many ruined cities and towns, all there for your historical underwater tour. Wrap up warm, though! Temperatures can plummet well into the minuses. Watch out for land creatures rumoured to be re-emerging from their slumber, or newly created beings. They’re only babies.

This is but a small list of locations. There are far more than this, and many different versions of several of these worlds for you to visit throughout the many different universes and their respective dimensions.

Once again, the staff will not take responsibility for any injuries, comments, wars started, and other bad things that may happen to you on these worlds. It’s all on your own head.

Enjoy your trip!

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