Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]



We do hope you have enjoyed your travels.

Do you need rest? A room for the night, perhaps? A drink? Food?

We get all sorts here. I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine. Though do watch out for the woman in the corner. She and hers have a bit of a reputation and are best to avoid. Same for the man on the far side of the room. Don’t make eye contact. Or look at him. You know what? Don’t even acknowledge his existence and things will be fine.

Oh, don’t worry! This is neutral territory. The wards around this place prevent any sort of violence from any species taking place. The worst you’ll get is lip from some of our braver costumers. Perhaps the occasional withering glare . . .

Anyway, you’re a long way from home. You’re not alone. Everyone here is a long way from anywhere.

Hmm? Where are you? Oh, how rude of me! I thought you knew.

You’re nowhere.

Oh. A first timer, huh. My apologies. Let me explain.

You are currently standing outside of anywhere. Not the Void, exactly, but close enough. This building is what I suppose you would call a hotel. That door you came through was a portal leading here. This place can be accessed from any world in the entire megaverse. You just have to find the right portal, which you did. From here you can travel to any world, or back home. Whatever you please.

The only place you can’t go is the Void. Completely off-limits. Trust me, there’s a reason for this. And it’s not just because of the Void Beasts.

But perhaps this will help. You see that shelf over there? To the left? Yeah, that’s the one. First timers to this place are able to purchase a copy free of charge! Put simply, it’s a guidebook. It’ll tell you more about the megaverse, what’s within it, and what lies beyond. It also has information on certain . . . characters it would be best to avoid on your travels, as well as some of the more popular locations beings go to.

Feel free to pick up a copy on your way through. And don’t worry about languages. We have that sorted. The book is psychic. It’s always written in the language you understand. But if you’re still worried about language barriers, we do give away this pendant free of charge with the book. It’s a technomagic translator. Translates what everyone else is saying into your first language. It’s harmless. Just a mix of technology and ancient magic. No damage will be done to your brain--wherever that may be--in the process. All you have to do is wear it.

That’s enough from me. I’m sure you’re tired of listening to me yap. Customers, the ones less inclined to polite conversation, tell me I’ve got quite the gob! So, please, take a copy of that book and this pendant, and find somewhere to sit and wait for your room to be prepared. Or wait until you reach your room! Whatever pleases you.

Rooms are on the house for first timers but we do ask you keep them in decent condition throughout your stay. There will be a small fee should you decide to stay more than three days, but we’ll get to that later. Rooms include a bed, lounge, desk, television, clock, bathroom, mini-bar, and balcony overlooking the nothingness surrounding us. Please, no jumping. You won’t get anywhere by doing that. The only way to leave this place is through the portal you entered.

Bar is down the hallway to the left, as is the main eating area and a few cafes. To the right are the clothing and jewelry stories, not to mention the souvenir shop. Entertainment is down the hall directly behind you. If you are a fire elemental, we recommend you use the lava pools instead of the water ones, and vise versa for water elementals. Know your limits! The gym and games room are also found there. On the level above is the library. Just follow those stairs over there. In a medical emergency, press the mauve button beside the gold one, or head to the hospital found in the right wing beside the shops.

Oh, would you look at that. I’m yapping again. Sorry about that!

Don’t hesitate to come back and ask questions should you have anymore during your stay. You can do this by coming back here, to the Lobby, or by pressing the gold button beside your bed in your room. It will provide a direct link to this monitor here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

We do hope you enjoy your stay and, please, remember to follow the rules and treat all your fellow beings with respect. After all, the no violence rule doesn’t apply outside the portal. Remember, any injuries caused by yourself will be on your own head.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.