Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]


Uh, so how does this work? I just speak into the--OH! Yes, got it. Thanks. Wait, is this already recording? Shit. Hang on. You can edit this out, right? Okay, cool.


So, when I moved into the Palace, I was NOT expecting to get a job. I mean, sure, I helped around a bit ’cause I considered that to be a way of earning my keep--polishing and sharpening weapons, helping out in the library, cooking, cleaning dishes. That stuff. Chores. Whatever you wanna call them.

Got to about a month into my stay when I was approached by Amneris. The Queen. The Queen of Lyriumia, the one who had offered to let me live in the Palace in the first place, actually approached me. Sure, I knew she talked to all the kids she “adopted” but I didn’t get why she was so interested in me.

I was in the Library, putting away books that had been returned like I did at the end of every week when I rounded a corner and felt my heart skip a beat.

Amneris laughed at my shock. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s fine,” I said, willing my heart to stop trying to leave my chest. “Just, uh, what brings you here?”

“To my own personal Library in my own Palace?” she asked, amused.

Right. Stupid question.

“I was looking for you, actually,” she continued, taking a handful of books and floating them up to the higher shelves.

“Me?” I asked, working on the lower shelves.

(It’s probably important to note that by this point I was pretty shocked at the idea of a Queen doing any sort of work. I was still working through all the shit my parents taught me about her. They were all wrong.)

Amneris nodded. “When you’re done here, could you come by my office?” She clapped her hands together and smiled sweetly. “Please?”

I was too surprised to say anything other than yes.

When I knocked on the door to Amneris’ office later that afternoon, I was met by her, Leo (one of her top ranked Generals) and Nikki (her Second). At the sight of three of the most powerful, feared and loved beings on the entire planet, I gulped. Was I in trouble? Had I done something wrong?

“You’ve got nothing to worry about,” Nikki said, leading me to the empty chair across from Amneris. This was so weird. “We just wanted to have a chat.”

I asked with more confidence than I felt, “What about?”

“Job opportunity,” Amneris said, leaning forward. “These two losers won’t get off my back about it. Apparently, I need to look into the whole Personal Assistant thing.”

“Apparently?” Leo glared at her and crossed his arms. “You do need a P.A. You suck at the Queen thing. Always missing meetings, never finishing paperwork, scaring off potential allies. You need help and you know it.”

Amneris gave me a helpless look. “See what I mean?”

“I guess . . . But what can I do about it?”

Nikki sat on the corner of the desk. “Don’t think we haven’t noticed you helping out all around the Palace, and don’t think no one has told us how great it is to have such a helpful teenager. So,” she continued, “we were wondering if you would be interested in the job?”

I blinked. “Me?”

“It wouldn’t be that hard, really,” Nikki said.

Leo nodded. “Most if it would be reminding Amneris of things she has to do.”

“Paperwork runs. Keeping track of the calendar.”

“Occasionally leading parties around the Palace - mainly to the Throne Room and lower floor Council Chambers and Meeting Rooms.”

“Basically just being helpful but, more specifically, helping her. And because this is an actual job, you’d obviously be getting paid. We can discuss that later if you agree.”

“Seriously,” I asked, unable to hide my surprise. “But - but why would you want me to--”

“Like Nikki said,” Amneris interrupted, “we’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback about you. And, as much as I hate to admit it, it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing to have some help around this place.”

I sat back. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but this is . . . a lot.”

The three exchanged glances.

“How about this,” Nikki said. “Sleep on it and get back to us tomorrow. If you decide no, that’s fine. If you say yes, we give it a week-long trial basis so you get a feel for it. If you decide it’s not for you, it’s all good. No pressure. The decision is completely yours.”

I barely slept that night. My head was running wild. The idea of having a job, and not just any job, a job helping the Queen, was insane. And the fact they offered it to me! Of course, I was interested. Of course, I wanted to give it a go. But what if I wasn’t good enough? What if I screwed up? What if I made things worse? Then I remembered what Nikki said about a trial basis. It was the only way I would find out if I had it in me . . .

The first day of work a week later, I was seriously nervous. After a long winded pep-talk from the Old King’s own P.A. Luna who was to be my trainer, I took a deep breath and readied myself for whatever the hell was going to happen.

First thing first. I dropped by the ground-level office area. That’s where people place enquiries and they get sorted between the different areas of the Court. One of the workers passed me a tablet and a small pile of papers. They gave me the short version of what was there, pointing at the list for me on the tablet. I thanked them and dashed to Amneris’ office.

I knocked on the door before letting myself in (despite being told I didn’t have to do so). Amneris was already hard at work, typing something on a holographic screen. She looked up as I came in and smiled.

I put the papers near her and held up the tablet. “You have enquiries from a few traders about new goods being brought from Terpola, acceptance letters from a few others who are happy to ship goods there, a seamstress in touch with Lady Zoe who said to also inform you about a project, and--” I frowned at the tablet-- “something about wai’u theft?”

Amneris sighed. “Oh, not again. That’s the third time this season.” She snapped her fingers and a pen appeared in hand. “Anything else?”

I looked at the tablet again, scrolling down a bit. “Oh! Yes, there’s a reminder about a meeting with the Lyriumian Council in two days.”

She grimaced at that. “Do I have to?” I handed her the tablet and pointed to a message below it. She read aloud: “Yes, Queenie, you have to.” Amneris laughed. “Okay, point taken. You could add that to the board, please?”

I swiped a marker from her desk and added the meeting to the “weekly calendar” section of the massive, almost wall-sized whiteboard. I turned back to her. “Did you need anything else.”

Amneris shook her head. “No, thank you. I’ll call you if anything comes up.”

Seeing as there was nothing on my list of things to do until later that afternoon, I made my way to the Dining Room. It was empty at this time of day but, as per usual, there was a lineup of snack foods and a selection of both cold and hot drinks, a small spell used to keep them at the right temperature.

I took a mug, filling it with coffee, and grabbed a small plate of biscuits before sitting. If I was to be running around the Palace all day, I was going to need my energy!

“How goes the new job?”

I almost choked at a new voice. “Going good so far.”

Jay, one of Amneris’ Advisors, nodded. “Glad to hear it.” He grabbed a cup of tea and sprawled out in the chair across from me. “She’s not a hard boss, just forgetful and hateful her job.”

Seeing how much paperwork she had to deal with today alone, and the amount of upcoming meetings I’d seen on that whiteboard, I was beginning to understand why she loved going off world on missions so much.

“Hateful is a bit of an exaggeration,” Jay continued thoughtfully. “More disliking, unwilling. Something like that.” He raised his mug in salute toward me. “You’ll do fine. Just get out as fast as you can if she’s in a bad mood.”

I gulped down a mouthful of coffee. “You really believe she would--”

“Nah. You’re mortal. And a kid. Although,” he said, “if you really want to get on her good side, I know exactly what you need to do.”

It was safe to say I took Jay’s advice. He’d told me Amneris had a habit of skipping lunch whenever she was really into her work. When she didn’t show up at all, I grabbed a tray, put a few items off the menu on it and, again following Jay’s advice, a hot drink called sahlab.

I knocked on the door to her office, pushing it open with a small strand of magic as my hands were full. Amneris was still at her desk, chewing a pen as she read something on the screen. She hadn’t noticed me coming in.

I cleared my throat. Amneris looked up, surprised. “Oh! Sorry. Been there long?”

“Just got in.” I placed the tray on her desk. “You missed lunch. Again.”

Amneris looked at the time. “Huh. Didn’t even realise . . .” She turned to me. “You bought me lunch?”

I shrugged, pushing my hands into my pockets. “Got told you might miss it so brought something up.”

She smiled. “Thank you, Ryan.”

“Yep,” I said, totally not blushing at the praise. ’cause I’m cool like that.

The first day went really well, as did the rest of the week. I ended up taking on the job full time.

Amneris is a pretty cool boss. She’s always willing to give me a day off and encourages me to take them if she thinks I look unwell or tired. If I ever have to leave a bit early to have a date with my boyfriend, she’s usually the one to push me out the door an hour or so before I actually have to leave. Oh, sure, there’s sometimes days that are hard or where I have to deal with some pretty dickish people (visitors) but, all things considered, I’m glad I agreed to the job.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.