Explicit Content: Red Hot Stories of Hardcore Erotica

Explicit Content: Chapter 1

“I’m so bored!” Amber cried as she sneaked a sip of beer from her plastic cup. She winced as it went down her throat. It was horrible. And no matter how much she drank, it never got any better. “And it’s warm!” she added and adjusted the top on her tiny dirndl. Actually, it wasn’t quite a dirndl, but rather a parody of the traditional German barmaid outfit. It was just so skimpy. She pulled it down to give her large breasts a bit of air. The extremely low-cut dress was way too small and the sweat kept making what little material there was stick to her breasts. However, it was a good thing the much-too-short, barely-there outfit was required for the job. If she had been wearing anything more, she would have been absolutely miserable.

“I know,” Shelley said matter-of-factly, pulling her blonde hair back behind her ears and fanning herself. “Nobody even wants to try this beer. It’s like everybody knows it’s not any good. Besides, why would anybody want to even come in when there’s so many other good brewers here?”

It was true. The beer sucked.

Amber and Shelley had answered an advertisement that had been pinned to the bulletin board at the laundromat they often frequented. It had been asking for a couple of people to work in a beer tent for an “up and coming” brewer at the local beer festival that was occurring that weekend. It had promised easy work and high pay. Since both the girls were currently unemployed it had seemed like something that was right up their alley. It also had said to apply in person, which was excellent for them since they were both attractive young women with big tits and tight bodies. Beer and boobs go together like buffalo wings and ranch dressing, so they knew they were a shoo-in. It was a good thing that the job had come up, too, because they were flat broke. They had quit college a couple of weeks earlier to work at the local strip joint in the hopes of making lots of money. However, the place was shut down by the vice squad hours before they were to start their first day. That had really sucked.

On their way to answer the ad, they were so excited. “I’ll bet we get to drink on the job, too!” Amber said as she ran her hand through her dark hair.

“Well, I’m going to!” Shelley had said.

“And maybe we’ll get to meet some hot guys,” Amber said. “I haven’t gotten laid in like forever.”

“I know. I’ve been horny as hell. I’ve been so broke I haven’t even been able to buy batteries for my vibrator.”

Amber laughed. “I know what you mean. It’ll be nice to finally make some money.”

“And get fucked,” Shelley added.

However, the reality of the situation didn’t sink in until later. Of course they had been hired on the spot. But it was only after they had signed the extensive contract legally binding them to work at the beer tent that the recent college dropouts realized there was a little more to the position than just handing out beer. In other words, there were conditions.

Of course, the girls hadn’t bothered to read the contract until after they had signed it and were driving back to their apartment.

“Hey, hold on a minute!” Amber had said as she pointed to the contract. “I don’t know if I like the looks of this!”

Shelley pulled over to the side of the road and parked her Hyundai. Both girls perused the contract and saw that it was legally binding them to distribute all their employer’s beer and receive an excellent rating or they wouldn’t get paid a cent. In fact, they would get assessed a penalty for every gallon that was left!

“Well, this is bullshit!” Shelley said and put the car in drive. She whipped it around and went back to the place where they had signed the contract. As they walked in, they suddenly noticed that the place was coincidentally doubling as a law office. They had been so excited about the job that they hadn’t noticed this fact before.

They immediately went to the front desk which was manned by the battleship of a woman who had hired them. From the nameplate on the desk, she appeared to be called “Maude.”

“Listen, Maude, I don’t know what’s going on here, but this contract can’t be right,” Shelley said angrily.

At this Maude, sat back on her haunches and smiled grimly. She then reached into her desk and grabbed a pack of cigarettes and took one out and lit it.

“Oh, I know exactly what you’re saying. I know it’s unfair.”

Amber breathed a sigh of relief. “So, there’s been a mistake? All we wanted to do was give out some beer samples and get paid.”

“I know, girls. I know,” Maude said and sighed.

“So, we’re going to be able to get out of this?” Shelley said.

“Oh, no, the contract is perfectly legal,” Maude said exhaling a large plume of smoke.

“But how!” Amber asked.

Maude leaned into them. “Here’s the deal. My boss, Hemplesworth Dodson IV is a lawyer.”

“But what does that have to do with the beer tent?” Shelley asked impatiently.

“I’m getting to that,” Maude said irritated. “He’s also a man who doesn’t really like being a lawyer. He watches too much reality TV and sees these shows where people are doing actual worthwhile work and this makes him feel bad about himself. It makes him want to do something real, as he puts it. It makes him want to do honest work. It makes him want to work with his hands.” She held out her hands for emphasis.

“So what does this have to do with the contract?” Amber asked, growing annoyed.

Maude gave her an angry look. “I’m getting to that. Anyway, this desire that he gets to do something other than being a lawyer makes him embark on all sorts of flights of fancies. I’ve been his assistant for years and have been with him during every phase he’s gone through. From race car driver to chef to truck driver to oil rig worker to storage unit buyer, I’ve seen them all.”

“But I still don’t get it. What does that have to do with…” Amber started.

“I get it,” Shelley said. She now understood completely what was going on. “Now, he’s a microbrewer.”

“You got it,” Maude said and exhaled another plume of smoke and dramatically stubbed out the cigarette out. “Now he’s a microbrewer. And whenever he goes into something, he jumps in with both feet. This is why he went to the trouble of setting up a tent at the beer fest.”

“But why the contract? Why can’t he just do it like everybody else does?” Amber asked.

Maude leaned towards them again. “Here’s the thing. Even though he hates to admit it, he’s still a lawyer. If he can wiggle out of something and shift the risk and burden onto someone else, he’s going to do it. He’s actually a really good lawyer, too.”

“I see,” Shelley said.

“Here’s the deal, girls. He’s only in this for the short term. Just give the beer away and everything will be fine. It’s a beer fest, so you’re not really selling it. You’re just getting people to sample it. They buy tickets from the organizers and then they give them to you for the beer. It’s very simple. And whatever tips you get, you get to keep. You shouldn’t have too much of a problem.”

“So we’re not going to get stuck paying for a bunch of beer?”

“Not if you get rid of all it,” Maude said smugly. “And get them to say it’s excellent on the card. Just tell them to lie. Most people are nice. Sweet talk them if you have to. They’ll do it for girls like you.”

“People do love beer so that shouldn’t be much of a problem,” Amber said, reassuring herself.

“And here’s another thing.” Maude leaned over her desk and looked around from side to side to see if anyone was listening. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but if you do a really good job, in addition to your pay, there’s going to be a bonus in it for you. A big one.”

The girls looked at each other and smiled. This was good news. Maybe this would work out after all. That is, if she wasn’t bullshitting them.

Feeling much better about the situation, the girls shook hands with Maude and started out the door.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Maude said as they were leaving. “He really hasn’t got the brewing part down yet, so he might be a little disorganized at first.”

“So he hasn’t actually done this before?” Shelley asked.

“Like I said earlier,” then she stopped. “No, I didn’t say this before, otherwise you wouldn’t have signed. He’s a great lawyer but a shit brewer,” Maude said and cackled. “Now, get plenty of sleep before the fest. It’s going to be a long day.

* * * * *

“I don’t care what you girls do, but you need to start moving this beer,” Maude said as she looked around at the empty tent and the full kegs of beer. “I know we’ve got some suck ass beer, but I’ve also got bills to pay. I can’t afford to lose this job because of some crappy beer fest.”

“But why couldn’t he have stuck to being a lawyer? Why did he have to start a brewery?” Amber said. “You said he was good at being a lawyer at least.”

“Who knows and who cares? But it’s a good thing he’s a rich bastard because there’s no way he would make it as a brewer, this much is for sure.”

“Yeah, we’ve only redeemed a few tickets and the people hated it. They said it tasted like something they would use to worm their livestock,” Amber said.

“I think they must have told everyone else at the festival, too. We haven’t had anyone come in here in for at least an hour and the only tip we’ve gotten is a two-for-one chicken burrito coupon!” Shelley added.

“Well, it doesn’t matter to me how you do it, just do it. Get rid of this beer,” Maude said. “And get them to say they like it.”

“But no one wants it!” Amber said in exasperation.

“Well, remember the contract,” Maude said menacingly. “This beer is going home with someone one way or another.”

“But even if we give it all away, how are we going to get anyone to rate it as excellent? It’s awful!”

Maude looked the girls up and down. “I’m sure girls like you can think of something.”

The girls looked at her with a lost look. They had no idea what she was talking about or what they were going to do.

“Now, I’m going over here to one of these other tents and drink some real beer,” Maude said.

“But aren’t you gonna help us?” Amber asked.

Maude chuckled. “Hell, no! I’m gonna get drunk. And when I get drunk, I get mean. So, make sure you do your damned job,” she said and left the tent.

“I thought we would at least meet some guys and get laid tonight,” Amber said to Shelley. “I really need to get laid.”

“I know. I really could have used some cock.”

“Maybe we’re cursed. Stripping didn’t work out and now this. We can’t even meet anybody to fuck. Maybe we should just move and start over,” Amber said dejectedly.

“It’s a shame when we can’t even give away beer,” Shelley added.

“Or get laid.”

The girls were truly at a loss. They both knew that there was no way that anyone was going to come into the tent and there was even less of a chance that anyone was going to give it a favorable rating. They were stuck. They didn’t have the money to pay for all this beer. This was one job where they were actually going to end up owing someone for hiring them.

But then, three black guys walked in.

* * * * *

“Let’s flirt with them and see if they’ll take some of the beer,” Shelley said to Amber suddenly understanding what Maude had been referring to. Maude had been insinuating that they should use their feminine wiles to work the customers.

Amber nodded in complete agreement. Flirting with these guys wouldn’t be a difficult task either. They were tall, heavily muscled, lean and just her type. The fact that they had taken their shirts off in the heat wasn’t hurting anything either. Just looking at them in their baggy athletic shorts was really beginning to make her horny. Their shorts were so loose-fitting and thin that she easily could see the outline of their large swinging dicks. It looked like they weren’t wearing underwear, but she couldn’t tell for sure. It was so hot, anything was possible. They were having the same effect on Shelley. She couldn’t keep her eyes off them. Besides, it had been a very dull day. At least now they would have something nice to look at.

“Hey, aren’t you guys on the football team,” Amber said looking the guys over. She could feel her hot, sweaty body coming to life just from looking at their muscles and imagining just what was under their athletic attire.

They nodded.

“We’ve got plenty of beer and it looks like you’ve got plenty of tickets,” she said and pointed at the rolls of tickets they were carrying. “Why don’t you try some of this beer?”

They shook their heads.

“Naw, man,” the tallest one said. “Everybody’s saying this stuff tastes like crap. I ain’t gonna waste my tickets on this shit.”

One of the other ones added with a leer, “The only good thing around here is the costumes.”

Inwardly, Amber agreed. She knew that the dirndls were sexy as hell. They sure made her feel extraordinarily turned on. Seeing an advantage, she moved in closer to them. “C’mon,” she said as seductively as she could. “I’ll give you a kiss.” She was already getting wet and could easily do more than that if it came down to it.

At that the football players laughed. “You gonna have to do more than that to make me drink that stuff,” another one of them said as he licked his lips as he looked up and down her tight, big-boobed frame.

“Yeah, one of our boosters hooked us up with all these free tickets and we ain’t gonna use them for beer that tastes like piss.”

At this Shelley moved in, too. She had already begun fidgeting and crossing and uncrossing her legs just from the sheer excitement of seeing their rock-hard muscles. Just being close to their athletic bodies was making her nipples hard. She had been so deprived of sex lately, this was more than she could resist. She knew that she wasn’t going to be able to keep her hands off this guy for long. “Well, you guys are obviously used to getting what you want,” she said seductively. “So what will it take for you to use some of those tickets?”

“Yeah, you said you really like the outfits. How would you like to have a chance to take them off us?” Amber said and pulled down her top to reveal the top part of her nipple.

The guys looked at each other and nodded, but before they had a chance to voice an answer, Shelley had already gone over to the opening of the tent and pulled the flap closed. Then she walked over and had the tallest one’s pants down before he had a chance to say a word. The football players’ implied agreement was all the go-ahead she needed. She just couldn’t wait any longer.

As Amber watched her friend go to work, she was delighted to see that her assumption about the tallest one was right and he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His large dick was swinging free. He was a little shocked at first at Shelley’s bold move, but then smiled. The others settled back and watched as she got down on her knees and began enthusiastically sucking him.

At this, Amber went to the players and took their tickets and presented them all with cups of beer. She then smiled and they automatically pulled down their pants in anticipation of what she was surely going to do to them. She walked over to one of the other ones and began stroking his cock as she began sucking on his nipple. His eyes rolled back in his head and he began rubbing her breast. The other one began rubbing her other tit and she could feel herself becoming fully turned on.

It didn’t take much of this for her to eagerly get down to business as well. She was now down to fuck. She and Shelley might end up having to buy the beer but they were at least going to have fun doing it.

It was definitely a dream come true for both of the girls as they eagerly started sucking the three football players. They had built up so much sexual energy when they were gearing up to start their careers as strippers that they were now about to explode. However, when that had fallen through they had had no place to use it. They hadn’t met any decent guys recently and masturbation could only do so much. This was indeed their lucky day because all three of the football players were very well-endowed and built for sex. The girls were truly happy to have the opportunity to fuck and suck such fine specimens of men.

They both took turns working the football players’ dicks with their hands and mouths, bringing them all up to full erections. They concentrated their lips and tongues along the heads and it wasn’t long before they started tasting the precum. They slowed down, but continued sucking. It had been a while and they were going to make this moment last. As they serviced the men, they also couldn’t resist pulling up the skirts on their outfits and start rubbing their already wet, smoothly waxed pussies. Amber then realized that this was going to be over too soon if they didn’t do something to break up the action a little bit. The guys were sure to blow at such intense stimulation. She then leaned over and began sharing a dick with Shelley which led to the two of them start kissing. It didn’t take just a couple of seconds before the guys noticed what was going on and backed off, stroking their well hung pricks while the two young women began to get it on.

Amber and Shelley’s kissing soon proceeded to rough groping. They had had sex with each other before but never in a setting like this, with three hot, muscled guys watching and stroking their supersized cocks. The two girls then began clawing each other’s clothes off to get at each of their juicy parts, licking and pawing each other’s boobs and pussies until they soon found themselves barely clothed and with their legs intertwined, tribbing each other, grinding their pussies together, to gigantic, loud orgasms. The guys stood and licked their lips as their cocks ached to plow into those gorgeous pussies which were now humping against each other.

But pleasure must progress and even though they had just had huge climaxes, Amber and Shelley were now ready for some dick. Those cocks were too big and too good to be wasted with just oral sex and a stroke show. Amber and Shelley wanted and needed to be fucked. At that they stood up. While the football players continued to stroke their members, Shelley finished removing her dress to reveal her banging body.

“They might have some sucky beer, but shiiiit!” one of the other football players said as he looked at her.

Amber did likewise. Now, everybody was nude. The guys and girls couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It was a smorgasbord of mutual groping and everybody was getting a handful. The football players couldn’t keep their mouths and hands off of the girls’ breasts and nipples. The girls loved this and directed their hands down towards their wet vaginas which were now worked up to a full froth. They were also pleased to see that this was having an equally arousing effect on the men. Their fully erect, large, supersized penises were throbbing and ready for action.

They started out hard. Amber and Shelley turned around and bent over the serving table so they could be fucked from behind. The tallest one and one of the other ones roughly entered them and began pounding them fast, not hesitating to fill them up with the full length of their cocks.

“Aaahhhh!” Amber said as the tallest one hit bottom. Her large breasts heaved as she rode the massive cock. She had never been filled up quite like this before and she had fucked plenty of black guys. However, none had been as big this one. As she lay on the table with her breasts pressed below her, she couldn’t resist sucking her own nipple. This turned on the one that was fucking her so much that he began even more rapidly. She was already coming quickly from the pure sensation of being filled up so completely and this made her arrive there that much faster. She was soon eagerly working her way up to her next orgasm.

Shelley was equally blissed out as she was hammered hard from behind. She yelled in climax from the hard cocking she was receiving.

Meanwhile, the other one stroked his cock and drank some more beer. He handed additional cups to his friends to drink as they rode Amber and Shelley.

Amber was pleased to see that he was drinking more beer and was a little dismayed to see such a fine penis going to waste. She motioned him over and began sucking him as she got rammed.

After a little bit of this, they all switched out and soon the girls were flat on their backs getting it missionary-style on the serving tables. In and out, in and out, the girls writhed in pleasure as they were filled up by the big cocks. They came a couple of more times from the excellent fucking they were getting. They had cocks in their mouths and in their pussies and they were happy that they had least gotten a good fucking that day. The beer fest job might have been a bust, but at least they were going to go home satisfied sexually.

The guys continued to drive it home and after having another climax, the girls realized that they weren’t going to last much longer. They motioned for them to pull out and they got down on their knees and gathered the guys around them. They then sucked them until each one had blasted his cum on their faces and tits.

Still a little loopy from the fucking, they looked up and saw that the tent was now full of people. While they had been fucking, the door flap had come open and they had attracted quite a crowd. Since they had been too occupied with the big black cocks, the people had helped themselves to the beer and scorecards. As a result, the cashbox was full of tickets and everyone was drinking. Plus the tip jar was full of dollar bills.

The girls couldn’t help high-fiving each other as well as the football players.

One of the other football players pulled up his pants and dropped a ticket into the cashbox and went over to get another beer.

“Shit, man! You’re out of beer! What the hell am I supposed to do now?”

The girls looked at each other and high-fived again.

* * * * *

“Wow! We did it! And we’ll get our bonus!” Amber said to Shelley and smiled. She had just managed to get dressed before Maude came into the tent. The football players had already left because they said they had to go to a weekend practice.

Maude was more than a little drunk from drinking beer at the other tents. “I had my doubts, but you girls really came through. I don’t know what you did,” she slurred, smiling as she looked at the girls in their disheveled state. “And I don’t care. You moved all the beer and he is going to be so happy.”

“Well, the fact that all the other beer tents ran out of beer and we were the only ones who still had any probably didn’t hurt any either,” Shelley said.

“I’ll take it,” Maude said. “I’m just happy I get to keep my damn job.”

At that, Hemplesworth Dodson IV himself strolled into the tent carrying a briefcase and holding a handful of scorecards. He was a balding, soft, pudgy man who looked like he was more at home on the golf course than he was in a beer tent. “Well, it looks like we did great.” He looked around at all the debris and empty kegs. “And it looks like everyone loves us as well. We received lots of excellent ratings!”

“Sure, does, sir,” Maude said as she stifled a hiccup.

He explained to them about the secret bonus that Maude had already revealed to them. It wasn’t bullshit after all. It actually was a good one. It consisted of a hundred dollars worth of free legal advice for each of them. They both knew there was no telling when they would need that. He then paused for a second before saying with much fanfare, “Well, since we’ve done so well, I’ve got some great news then,” he said. “Clear your schedules, girls. I’ve arranged for us to go to the Munich Beer Festival next month. If we can create the buzz there that we did here, I think we’re going to achieve some real success.”

Maude nodded excitedly. “I’ve never been to Germany! I’m so excited.”

He then looked at the girls. “How about you girls? Do you think you can stage a repeat performance? There’s another bonus in it for you, if you can do it.”

Amber and Shelley looked at each other and smiled.

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Shelley said, still thinking about the massive orgasms they had both achieved.

“Excellent!” Hemplesworth said. He then reached into the briefcase and pulled out some papers. It was another contract. “Now, if you ladies will just sign this.”

Amber and Shelley looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

“Here we go again,” Amber said, adjusting her dirndl as she reached for the pen.

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