Ex-husband pursue me again

Chapter 23: Figure out who you are uncle

"What did he say?" Venus faintly averted his eyes.

"Taking advantage of the two families' project on that South Town site, the yin and yang said a few words about your bad behavior at Reyes Manor, cautioned me not to over-pamper you, and that my family elders would not approve of letting me marry a woman with a bad heart and a divorce, probably to that effect."

Johnny himself said he laughed: "If my sons knew you were willing to marry into the Stewart family, they would be able to laugh for three days straight."

"No need to explain to him, let him think what he wants." Venus expressionlessly hooked his lips.

"He had a few lines that were not worded very well, but I could hear a whiff of jealousy."

Venus levied a sign, then a snort: "How is it possible, I am a mean and shameless woman in his heart, not to mention you, replaced by any man, he also thinks I do not deserve."

"Okay," Johnny changed the subject, "tomorrow my grandmother is going to celebrate her 80th birthday, my family will go to your house for dinner tonight, I will personally send you the invitation." "Good."

The Stewart family and the Clark familiy are also decades of family ties, Johnny's mother and Coretta is a best friend, Julia's birthday party every year is extremely luxurious and lively, but the Clark familiy low- key, so generally the day before the two families will first dinner to celebrate.

Venus took Jane to the hospital and then to the office.

"Ms. Clark, you're finally here." Lois was waiting at the door and rushed forward when she saw her.

"Why are you here?"

"The top brass are all in the conference room. You said earlier that there would be a big change, and now things are not so good."

Venus looked at her face: "How is it bad?"

Soon she saw it.

In the meeting room, there were cups being slammed, tables being kicked, and groups of people hugging and cursing to vent their discontent. Lois pushed the door open first, coughing lightly and solemnly, "Ms. Clark is here."

But as soon as she said that, a cup came this way, Lois was startled and tried to pull Venus, but Venus did not move a step.

The cup brushed past her face and hit the wall behind her.

Venus knew they wouldn't dare.

"What do you mean? I've been with JS Group for more than ten years, and I've done my best. The middle-aged man who dropped the cup roared.

The man next to him immediately agreed: "My brother is right, JS Group is owned by your sister Ida and is currently in Willa's hands, even if you are the vice president you can't do it!"

"I was going to save some face for the two of you, but since you have to make a scene, I'll speak openly." Venus calmly settled down to look at them and took a document out of his bag and threw it in the center of the conference table.

"You have cultivated their own forces over the years to support the cronies without the ability to mention first, I checked the company's finances, three years of misappropriation of public funds and reserves amounting to more than 30 million, take the project almost all in the loss, the amount of profit is declining by five points each year."

The brothers froze, one face now embarrassed, the other stunned to take the document to check.

Venus said with a sneer, "Bringing up Grandma, you should have gone to see her, and to be honest, my parents talked to Grandma a long time ago, you either have to leave immediately or see her in court."

Those two looked at each other.

It is true that they did look for them, but Willa did not answer their calls and did not see them, Ida was abroad and could not return for the time being. They also know very well that private embezzlement of public funds, there is evidence in the jail.

The man who spoke first softened his attitude: "Venus, at least it is a family, there is no need to make such a mess, we are also your uncles ......"


Venus looked like he was listening to a joke, with a mocking look in his eyes: "My mother and my two uncles have different surnames, and for the record, you're only Ida's uncles."

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