Evening Game

Chapter 17

“What do you want for lunch? My treat.”

Chione had brought him to the food court. A line consisting of various food stalls was placed on each side of the large, indoor plaza. Rows of tables and chairs occupied the space between the stalls, filled with couples and families alike. The sight of them made Ethan recall something he completely forgot about.

He was technically on a date.

After going to the stationary store, they visited some other places like the department store and the arcade. She even bought a pink colored dress, and he complimented her on it. She went red briefly after that compliment, but Ethan’s brain wasn’t functioning properly at that moment, so he didn’t think much of it.

Now that his brain went back in full drive, he felt his cheeks getting hot just recalling what they did together that day.

It’s an actual date!

He felt both funny and awkward as he only thought about it now.


Chione realized that he wasn’t following her and returned to pick him up.

“Ah, it’s nothing, so-”

Chioned reached out her hand and took his, dragging him around again. Like before, Ethan lost the strength to fight almost immediately.

“So, anything piques your interest?”

Ethan looked around. One of the food stalls caught his eye.

“I think I want some…”

The food stalls he was looking at sold steak, but he suddenly remembered that steaks tend to be expensive. He didn’t want to be a burden to her by choosing the most expensive thing he could just because she offered a free meal.

“What is it?”

“... Nevermind.”

He looked around, trying to search for something cheaper, but Chione took his hand and brought him to the steak stall anyway.

“One beef special, please. And you?”

Chione looked at Ethan. Ethan pondered his options. The beef special that she ordered was not cheap, but it wasn’t particularly expensive, either. If this was in-game, if he was FireRock, he would definitely go for the same menu. It looked good at a decent price. He wanted it, but-

“Two beef specials, then.”

“Alright, two beef specials coming right up.”

The clerk wrote down their order and handed it to the kitchen. Chione brought out her phone and paid.

“Can you look for a place to sit?”


Ethan looked around and found an empty place not far from them. He sat down, Chione coming after him.

“Is it really alright?”

Ethan asked.

“Of course. Don’t worry about it.”

Chione replied with a rather cheerful smile. Ethan couldn’t help but think about it at this point.

She’s cute.

It never crossed his mind, despite him sitting right beside her for two entire months. He never interacted with her, and she looked way out of his league. Her friendly personality, cute smiles, kind nature, it all contrasted with him. He never even saw her that way, so now, of all times,

Why now?

He had feelings for her.

He was sure of it. He was feeling something he didn’t expect to feel, not toward her. He tried to deny it earlier today, saying that he should just enjoy his time and not care about it, but now it came back for him. He couldn’t run from his feelings. Maybe their constant meeting this week led him to this point, or maybe that other side of her that she showed him, it could be anything.

It left him in a weirdly helpless condition. He liked her, so what? They weren’t close enough to the point he could just confess, and while that could be remedied by him actively trying to get closer to her, there was no guarantee that she would return his feelings. If anything, the likelihood of her not reciprocating his feelings was much higher. She probably invited him out here as a simple thank you for his help, or maybe something else entirely.

Whatever the reason was, it had nothing to do with her feelings. He was willing to bet that she didn’t have feelings for him.

Not after seeing what the other half of him was like.

I wonder if it’s fine to try, though.

He asked himself that question. People always say that if they didn’t try, then nothing would happen. Even if he tried and failed, things wouldn’t change. It would just return to the days before their meeting.

The normal, boring, dreadful days of high school. He should be used to that by now. Letting her go would be tough, but it shouldn’t be impossible. All he needed to do was remember how he used to act in school before knowing her in-game. He didn’t even need to go that far, as this week, he still acted that way in school. It was just that after school, he would go home, do his tasks, and meet her in-game. If they stopped playing, only that part would truly change. He would play alone again, just like how he used to play before she came around.

“Here are your meals, please enjoy.”

“Thank you.”

The clerk came carrying two beef steaks and rice, still sizzling above a hot pan.

“Thank you for the food.”

“No problem. Enjoy.”


Not a single word was exchanged when they ate.

“I’m full…”

Chione touched her belly, a satisfied look on her face. Ethan let out a thin smile, but he couldn’t help but wonder the same question he had been asking.

Why? Why did she bring him here? What were her goals? After eating, and tasting just how good the steak was, he found his mind asking those questions. She could have kept the money and eaten two different steaks. Shouldn’t that be more satisfying than this?

Ethan’s wandering mind caused him to forget about things and unintentionally stared at Chione.

“You look like you got something on your mind.”

She stated flatly, as if she could read his mind.

“Yeah… Why?”


“Why did you invite me out today?”

Chione leaned in forward on the table, bringing herself closer to Ethan.

“I have a couple of reasons.”


“Well, for one, you helped me a lot, even when you know you got nothing out of it.”

“But I know it was you.”

Chione waggled her index finger.

“True, but I didn’t know you. How are you sure that I’ll repay your help?”

She was right. Ethan didn’t introduce himself, and had Kennard not said it, they would continue being strangers in real life, two people who only talk when necessary. He had no reason to believe that just because she was Chione, she would repay his help. But, if that was the case…

“But I helped you out of pity.”

“I think the word you’re looking for is empathy.”


“When I asked you for help, you didn’t immediately agree, remember? But then you feel bad for leaving me alone, so you help, right?”

“I’m not sure that counts as empathy.”

He didn’t think of any of those when he agreed to help. All he thought was… he couldn’t remember. He couldn’t remember what exactly he was thinking when he uttered those words, when he agreed on helping her, even if only for a while. He remembered her extending her hand toward him, and he remembered stuffing his own in his pocket, but he really couldn’t remember what pushed him to agree.

Was it because he felt bad leaving her? If yes, shouldn’t that count as pitying her? Or was it because he didn’t want to get in trouble? His avatar and his real self were entirely separate, so it couldn’t be the case.

So what was it? He refused to believe that he helped her out of empathy.

Because that would mean she reminded him of himself. He saw a part of him in her. All alone, helpless, almost getting killed. He didn’t like that. He didn’t want that. She was clearly better in all aspects of life compared to him-

“I’m a human too.”

She suddenly said, a small smile on her lips.

“I need help sometimes, and I help others as well.”

She took her fork and pushed one grain of rice toward Ethan, but the rice itself didn’t actually leave her plate. She then took it and brought it into her mouth, her plate now clean of all visible food.

“What… does that have to do with me?”

“It’s just, you never look like you’re pitying me. It didn’t feel like you were helping me with any hidden intention. If anything, it looks like you have high hopes for me.”

Was that… true?

That would give him a reason why he willingly buys her equipment, even going as far as entrusting her with his gun in the red area.

But all of this he did unconsciously, or so he believed. He didn’t have any particular reason to do so, he just felt like it.

“So, just think of today as my thank you.”

“Well, if you insist…”

Just who was he? Who was the person that occupied this body of his? Which side of him was the real Ethan? Was FireRock not real? Those questions occupied his mind. He hadn’t put much thought into any of this, he really didn’t understand himself. Why did he always agree to help her? Why did he continue playing with her, even after it was clear to him that she wasn’t a damsel in distress?

“I want to continue playing with you.”

She said, her face serious.

“With Ethan and with FireRock.”

Because both of me…

Because both of them were real.

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