Even Monsters Get Lonely

Chapter 3

Vampire’s eyes shot open, and he abruptly sat up as his ears picked up the sound of a heartbeat. The sound was addictive and caused his hunger to rise. So, he quickly slid from the bed and followed it. Stopping outside the room it came from and turning the knob, he opened the door.

The fille (girl) lay sprawled out on her back on the bed. Her long blond hair was fanned out over the pillow, the curve of her neck bared as if she was waiting for him.

He took note of the cast on her arm, along with the cuts and scrapes on her face. Reading the memories of his human side, he saw where he had found her, brought her home, and patched her up.

He moved quietly across the room, his fangs lengthening at the thought of her sang chaud et frais (fresh warm blood). Sitting down next to her, he reached out and ran his fingertips down her cheek. He found confusion filling his mind at the feeling just touching her gave him, it caused him to tilt his head and stare intently at her face once more.

Somehow, she makes me feel the need to have her want me! I want her to give me her blood freely, not just take it from her. This thought caused him to shake his head vehemently. NO! I am a vampire, I take what I want! With this thought in mind, he leaned over her, his mouth opening, ready to bite her.

The fille (girl) stirred, her eyes fluttered open.

“André? Did I sleep too long? I’m sorry, you probably have things to do besides babysit me. Perhaps I should get a job to occupy my time,” She rambled sleepily as she rubbed at her eyes. As her eyes cleared, she turned her gaze to his face, her eyes widening.

He knew his eyes were black as coal, his fangs long, and his features almost animistic in their sharpness. Vampire could see she feared him, as she should! So, in French, and with a smirk, he said, “Good evening human girl. I’m very hungry tonight, but if you be very still, I will not hurt you.”

Her breath became pants as her fear grew, her heart almost beating out of her chest.

Vampire licked his lips in anticipation of how good her blood would taste.

“André, I didn’t understand a word you just said,” she informed him as her heart calmed. She then questioned, “Why are you acting this way?”

“I am Vampire! Now be silent like a good little human girl!” Vampire said, in English this time. He pulled her upward then, into a sitting position as his fingers curled around her hair, baring her neck. He ran his nose along her skin, she smells so good to me.

Again, Vampire felt the need to ask for her blood, not just take it as he wanted to. This caused him to hiss in his anger. Pulling back, he looked into her wide and panicked green eyes and frowned.

Vampire didn’t like seeing that look on her face! This feeling not only angered him but had him confused as well. I am a cold-hearted predator, a vampire, and vampires don’t do feelings! So, why is it when I look at her, I want to take her fear of me away? Not liking where his thoughts were going, he let her go, standing up and moving away from the bed.

“What have you done to me fille? Why do I feel the need to ASK for your blood? I take what I need! I do NOT ask!” Vampire spits out angrily. In his consuming anger, he began to pace the floor.

“I-I don’t know André...?”

“MY NAME IS VAMPIRE!” He shouted as he turned back to look at her, and glaring.

“S-sorry... Vampire. I don’t know why, maybe because you saved me that night in the forest instead of killing me?” She asked with a tremble in her voice.

Vampire paced the floor but kept one eye on her. He snorted as he thought, saved her. I would not have done that. Saving her was the doing of the human side of me. Non, I would have drunk what little blood she had, and left her body for the wild animals.

Si seul… (So lonely). Those two words fluttered through Vampire’s mind making him come to a stop. Lonely? I’m not lonely, am I? I’ve been alone for a long time, but lonely? Non, as a vampire I tend to keep to myself for the most part, and I have never felt the urge to have a companion before. Why now? Vampire angrily shook those thoughts from his head as he snarled in French, “NO! I’m not lonely, all I am is hungry!”

“V-vampire a-are you al-alright?” The fille asked.

Vampire turned to hiss at her, baring his fangs. Still speaking in French, he informed her, “No, I’m not alright! I’m hungry!”

“I don’t understand French,” the fille mumbled as she stood up. Then she walked over and stood in front of him. Once there, she lifted her shaking hand toward his face. She ran a fingertip lightly down one fang as she asked, “Does it hurt when they grow?”

Vampire cocked his head, puzzled by this girl who no longer seemed to fear him. “Non.”

“Guess that means no,” she muttered. “Will it hurt if you do bite me? I’m guessing that is what this is all about anyway, that you’re hungry. So, will it hurt?”


“Are you going to kill me?”

“Non, I’ll only take what I need. I have no reason to kill you,” Vampire told her.

“Will I remember it?”

Vampire hissed because he was now becoming annoyed with her questions. He answered her anyway by saying, “Only if I want you to because most of the time, we make our victims forget.”

“Oh well... I think I’d rather remember then,” she said. Then tilting her head, she bared her neck for him.

Vampire couldn’t believe it! This fille was offering herself to him, even though just a few moments ago she feared him! He stood stunned for a moment then shrugged. Who was he to argue?

So, Vampire grabbed hold of her waist with one hand, the other hand he tangled into her hair as he bit down on her neck. His eyes almost rolled back into his head at the first taste of her blood. It was like ambrosia, and he wanted it all!

Then another kind of need hit him. It was the want of her body, and he felt himself harden with arousal.

Vampire retracted his fangs and after sealing the wound with a lick, he leaned back. Who was this fille, and what is she doing to him? It’s true that he still had the same desires as a human male, but this was different. It wasn’t just the want of pleasure, but the desire to know her. This wasn’t him! He took what he wanted and left, yet here he was wanting to stay... for her.

Lonely, so tired of being lonely! That thought once more flashed through Vampire’s mind, and he backed even more away from the fille. Shaking his head, in French he muttered, “No! No! I am not lonely!”

“Vampire?” The fille whispered as her eyes fluttered open. She had a dazed look on her face, but her eyes were bright with questions.

“You! You have done something to me!” Vampire shouted, still in French, not caring if she understood or not. Then he left the room, and her, behind as he ran out of the house into the night!

Shannon’s eyes fluttered as she tried to keep them open and looked toward the door.

She blinked once.

She blinked twice.

She blinked three times.

What just happened? One-minute André, or Vampire, or whoever he is, was drinking my blood, the next minute he was gone. Like completely gone from the room! Where did he go?

She stood there for a few minutes feeling almost lost with him gone and not understanding why. Finally, coming out of the daze she was in, she shook her head to clear the fog and headed for the bathroom.

Wishing she could take a shower she walked back into the bedroom and looked through the dresser for something to put on. She felt guilty for plundering through his stuff, but she felt so dirty and gross. Finding another t-shirt and some sweatpants she went to the kitchen to find a plastic bag for her cast, then she headed back to the bathroom.

Goodbye dirty, hello clean, was her thought as she stepped into the shower. Thirty minutes later she walked back into the kitchen to find that during her shower André had returned.

“Good evening mademoiselle Shannon,” André said as he turned from the counter. “I see you had a shower.”

“Yeah I hope you don’t mind my borrowing some clothes,” Shannon said, even as she wondered if he would mention what happened earlier.

“That’s fine. What you really need is some of your own.”

“And a comb for the rat’s nest I call hair would be great also!” She agreed. “Whatever you’re cooking smells really good, is it bar-be-que?”

“Bar-be-que ribs, with potato salad, rolls, and corn. Sound good?” He asked, giving her a slight smile.

“It sounds better than good!” Shannon said as she took a seat.

He then put a plate in front of her before fixing his own plate of food. He then sat down, and they ate in silence. When the meal was over, he stood up and began to clear the table.

“I’ll do the dishes,” Shannon told him as she stood up.

“Non, you won’t because of your cast. Besides its fine, there aren’t many, and I’m just going to put them in the dishwasher. Why don’t you go look on my dresser for a comb? I believe I have one there I rarely use since I prefer a brush.”

“Okay,” Shannon agreed. She started for the door as André began loading the dishwasher, only to pause when she heard the front door open and close. Looking back at André, she saw his head come up as he also stopped what he was doing.

“André my man, where are you?” A man called out.

“Kitchen,” André called back in reply as he straightened.

A blond-haired man walked into the kitchen.

Shannon took a few steps back. She didn’t know what it was about him, but she felt the need to put distance between them.

When she moved, he smirked and gave a light chuckle before he asked, “André who is your little friend?”

“This is Shannon, she’s visiting for a while. Shannon this is Rick,” André answered.

“Hello Shannon, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Rick murmured as he stepped closer.

Shannon gave him a slight smile, as she continued to move closer to André.

“She seems a bit skittish André,” Rick said with a teasing look.

André looked at Shannon before saying, “She doesn’t know you, Rick, I’m sure once she does, she’ll warm up.”

“Hm...” Rick hummed, “Does she know about us?”


Rick smirked again, then said, “Then I think you should share. I’ve already fed, but I wouldn’t mind a taste. I bet she’s sweet.”

Rick moved closer to Shannon.

She watched as his blue eyes turned black and it scared her. So, with a whimper, Shannon moved to stand behind André. André may have scared her earlier, but she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. This Rick guy though, she wasn’t too sure about him! So, she whispered, “André, I know he’s your friend, but I don’t want him to touch me. It feels...wrong.”

“Leave her be Rick,” André said, as he gave her a reassuring look.

“Aw, come on man, just a taste. I can make her forget,” Rick said, trying to convince André.

“No, don’t touch me you... you...?” Shannon huffed, trying to think of something insulting to say to Rick that wouldn’t insult André.

Rick began to laugh.

“Leave her alone Rick. She isn’t one of those blood bunnies you like so much,” André growled then.

Rick lifted his lip in a silent snarl, saying, “I don’t care, André, I want a taste! You never minded sharing before!”

“That was different Rick! They were blood bunnies and wanted to be bitten, but she doesn’t,” André said with a bit of an irritated huff.

Rick went to grab her.

Shannon latched onto André with a small scream, then said, “I said no, you woman stealer!”

Rick stopped walking.

André’s arm tensed under her hand.

“What do you mean woman stealer? I have stolen no one’s woman!” Rick exclaimed.

“Shannon, you need to explain please,” André said quietly.

“I-I well it’s just that...” she stuttered.

“Just what?” André questioned again.

“I can’t explain it André, but when you bit me earlier...” she began, only to feel him stiffen even more.

André frowned, and said, “I never bit you, Shannon.”

“You did too! Well, Vampire did anyway, and afterward, I felt weird. I know, I know, I’ve never been bitten before but still...!” Shannon tried to explain.

“Vampire? You make him sound like two different people,” Rick murmured quietly as he stared at her.

Shannon turned her gaze from André to Rick as she told him, “Yes, Vampire. That’s what he insisted I call him when I called him André.”

Rick turned his eyes to André. His eyes were once more fully blue, and he had a strange look on his face.

André shook his head then said, “Look, Shannon, I don’t remember biting you. I thought it was odd when I found myself biting a female in an ally when I didn’t remember leaving the house but...”

“Oh boy!” Rick muttered.

“You mean you don’t remember anything about coming to my room?” Shannon whispered.

André shook his head. Then, sitting down he said, “Non. Please tell me exactly what happened.”

So, Shannon told him everything.

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