Even Monsters Get Lonely

Chapter 14

Shannon straightened her shoulders as she took a deep steadying breath. She refused to back down and forced herself to meet his gaze head-on. She would not let him scare her, instead, she said, “Yes, Vampire, I want to help if I can.”

Suddenly he was right in front of her, yet she never saw him move, one hand wrapped in her hair. He jerked her head sideways and ran his nose along her neck. Then he chuckled darkly as he whispered, “Help, oh you can help me alright Bien-aimé (Beloved). You see I want to own you; cœur, corps, et le sang! What say you to that Bien-aimé?”

Heart, body, and blood. That was what he said he wants from me.

His cool breath on her neck sent a shiver down her spine.

Maybe, just maybe it should be shivers of fear running through me, but it isn’t, it’s pure pleasure instead. Somehow, I just know that no matter how mad he is, he will never harm me, she thought as she slowly blinked her eyes open to stare at him.

He was watching her as a predator watches his prey before pouncing.

All she could think about at that moment was her growing need for him. So, she told him, “I say, you already own me.”

Shannon watched as his eyes grew even darker if that was even possible.

He hissed once more, then he was using his arm to shove everything off the table onto the floor.

Shannon gasp, staring at the dishes now shattered on the floor.

Pulling her around to the table, he bent her over it. With quick movements, he shoved her skirt up around her waist and he pushed her panties off her hips.

When her panties hit the floor, she kicked them away from her.

“Prouvez-le-moi, ma bien-aimé et soumettez-vous!” (Prove it to me, my Beloved, submit!) He hissed out in French.

Once more, she was glad she’d learned a bit of French. She caught just enough of what he’d said to understand he was asking for her submission.

One of his hands moved around to pull her shirt from her shoulder.

She heard it rip as he pulled, but she didn’t care. She was already his, just as he was hers, whether he’d admit it or not. So, she had no problem submitting to him. So, she tilted her head to the side, giving him her submission, and room to bite.

With another hissing growl, that sent fire through her loins, he bit down on her neck as he thrust hard into her willing body. Their lovemaking was hot, heavy, and fast, causing them both to yell out as they fell over the edge into their release.

With a final kiss to her neck as his shaft slid from her body, he finally spoke just four words, “Tu es mienne bien-aimée.” (You are mine Beloved)

Then he called her boss, saying she was sick before he carried her back to his bed.

That evening, Vampire only let her leave the bed to use the bathroom. He brought her two meals during the evening though, when her growling tummy got out of control.

Sometimes they just lay quietly talking getting to know each other better. This never lasted long though, because he would soon roll her over, and the lovemaking would begin again.

Vampire stayed all evening, never letting André regain control.

Sometime during the night, she wondered, is it possible that Tamara is wrong about Vampire and André being one and not two? It’s I seriously need to think about later, she moaned as Vampire began his assault on her body once more, much later.

Shannon rolled over, biting back a groan as she squinted at the clock. Four-thirty, too early for her vampire hubby to be up, but she really needed the bathroom and something to eat!

So, rolling back over, she looked at André and smiled. He looked so sweet, his lips slightly parted, a gentle snore coming from them, and his hair all messy. Reaching over she brushed it back off his forehead feeling its softness. He hummed a bit and rolled closer to her, burying his face in his pillow.

With a soft giggle, she kissed his cheek and got up very slowly. Oh, her body ached, but in a most delicious way! Vampire had been insatiable, and she had lost count of the number of times they had made love. She frowned a bit though wondering what had brought it on so suddenly. With a shrug, she stepped into her bathroom and took a quick shower. As she was drying off, she glanced into the mirror and paused.

“Oh! Vampire, you’re such a naughty boy!”

She was covered in love bites, her chest, her stomach, neck, and her thighs. She had to laugh at the sight of herself, but wait, the one on her neck looked different. Moving closer to the mirror she used her towel to wipe off the condensation.

Then, tilting her head she gasped because her neck now held a new mark that looked like some type of pink flower. The leaves and stems went downward to twist and turn together with the mark of vines on her chest. The two marks went so flawlessly together that they looked as if they were one. It was beautiful, it really was, but she did wonder exactly what it meant.

“I really need to talk to Tamara,” she muttered.

Then, with a sigh, she dressed and went to find some food.

Vampire woke up hungry and in bed alone, he didn’t like that. So, giving a hiss of annoyance, he got up to go find his Bien-aimé. He found her in the kitchen snacking on chips and drinking juice. “Why are you in here?”

His Bien-aimé looked up and gave him a beautiful smile, as she told him, “I was hungry.”

He stalked toward her with a fang showing smile on his face, murmuring, “So am I Bein-aimé, in fact, I am ravenous.”

She laughed as she stood up from the table to wrap her arms around him. She told him, “You always are Baby, you always are.”

He moved the neck of her robe aside to run his fangs gently down her neck only to pause. Moving back a bit he stared at her neck.

“I’d kinda like to know why I have that too,” Shannon said.

Bringing his hand up, he ran a finger over it tracing the flower. He glanced at Shannon’s face as she moaned, and her eyes fluttering closed.

“Ah Baby, when you touch it, it makes me want...” Her eyes opened then, and she pulled his head down for a kiss. When she finally pulled back, she was breathless but smiling, but said, “You really do know how to kiss around those fangs don’t ya?”

He smirked but returned his gaze back to her neck, saying, “It’s a moon-flower and it only blooms at night.”

“But why is it...?” Shannon started but was cut off by the phone ringing.

He would have ignored it, but his Bien-aimé walked over to pick it up.

“Hello, Lafoy residence,” she answered.

“Hello Shannon, this is Val. How are you feeling tonight?”

“Much better thank you. My husband has been taking very good care of me,” Shannon told Val as she winked at him.

“Good, good. Look, the reason I called was to see if you were up to working tonight,” Val said.

“Yeah sure, what time?” Shannon asked.

“Eleven to three,” Val told her.

“I’ll be there,” Shannon agreed.

“Alright see you in a bit then,” Val said.

Shannon hung the phone up. Then she turned to Vampire and said, “We need to talk about last night.”

Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Oh, and why is that?”

She sighed and sitting down she took a drink of her juice.

“Because as much as I enjoyed it, it wasn’t... normal behavior,” she said as a blush covered her face. “Now, I know I have nothing to compare it to, but it was like you had no off button. Vampire or not, you aren’t the Energizer bunny! So, tell me the truth, what was last night all about?”

He paced the floor debating on what to tell her. Then, coming to a stop he thought, wait, I don’t have to tell her anything. I am Vampire, I answer to no one.

At Vampire’s thought, André whispered, “But she isn’t just anyone, she is our Bien-aimé, and now she is marked by us both”.

Vampire couldn’t even argue because he knew the human in him was right. He began to pace once more as he huffed thoughtfully, maybe I should let my human tell her, he’s better tempered for it.

“Ah, but you are the one who ravished her all night, not me!” André chuckled in his head.

Vampire hissed in irritation.

“Vampire, an answer please.”

Vampire stopped pacing to look at her and say, “Sometimes a vampire goes through what is called blood-lust. It is at its strongest when we are first changed making us ruthless. As time passes, we learn to control it but occasionally, it sneaks up and catches us unaware.”

She frowned. “Oookaay... but what does that have to do with last night?”

Vampire sat down at the table, and propping an elbow on it, he ran his fingers through his hair.

“As you came into the kitchen last night something similar hit me, only it wasn’t just blood I was lusting for. My more human-self tried to hold me back, but I would not be denied.”

She gasped as she said, “That’s why I felt pain from André, it was an internal battle.”

Vampire nodded, saying, “Oui it was, and I won. So, every time I took your body, I took blood that is why I was so energized. It is something only a bien-aimé can give a vampire if I have done my research correctly.”

“So... if my blood gave you the energy to keep going, then how did I keep going? I mean, you had to have taken quite a bit from me.”

Vampire nodded, saying, “Oui, I did. I’m not sure about that part honestly. I know I took more than was safe for you, yet I couldn’t stop myself.”

Shannon nibbled on a chip, her eyes blank, showing she was deep in thought. Finally, she shook her head and focused on him saying, “I think we should talk to Tamara. She would know the answers to our questions. For now, though I should dress for work.”

“Oui, you should, and I will go feed while you do that,” Vampire murmured softly.

Standing up, she kissed Vampire’s cheek, and with one last smile, she left the room.

As Vampire watched her leave, he thought, I’m so glad I don’t feel lonely anymore.

Shannon quickly dressed. Then, seeing as how André still wasn’t back, and she had some time, she called Tamara.

“Good evening Shannon, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” Tamara asked when she answered.

“I have a question, well maybe a couple,” Shannon told her.

“Alright. Well, ask away, although I won’t guarantee I have the answers.”

Shannon took a deep breath. “Well, first I’ll say that Vampire came out to play last night, ALL night! I accused him of being the Energizer bunny when he woke up tonight. He said it was because he took blood each time from me, that it’s a ‘Beloved’ thing.”

“That’s true, it is. From what I’ve read and heard talk of... although, it must be rough on you since you’re human. I’m surprised you aren’t almost comatose from blood loss,” Tamara said as she laughed lightly.

“Yeah well, that’s the thing, I’m not,” Shannon told her. “So, that brings me to my first question. Why aren’t I?”

“Well, did he maybe give you a bit of his at some point?” Tamara questioned.

Shannon frowned in thought, she didn’t remember him doing that. He would have said if he had, right? So, she answered, “No, he didn’t, or if he did it wasn’t on purpose.”

“Hm... how strange,” Tamara murmured.

“So, my next question is, did you know vampires mark their Beloved?” Shannon asked.

“Yes, I knew, I just didn’t tell the two of you,” Tamara said. “What does your mark look like?”

“Where André bit me on my chest, I have his initials with intricate vines around them. Vampire bit me on the neck at the curve of my shoulder and it made a beautiful pink moon-flower. Its stem goes down and entwines with André’s mark making them look like one instead of two,” Shannon told her.

Tamara didn’t say anything.

Shannon pulled the phone back to make sure they were still connected, then asked, “Tamara?”

“I’m...” Tamara cleared her throat, “I’m sorry Shannon, is André there?”

“No, he...” Shannon started just as the door opened and he walked in. “Oh, he’s back now.”

“Put the phone on speaker please.”

“Alright,” Shannon agreed and pushed a button, “you’re on speaker now.”

André walked further into the room a “what’s going on?” look on his face.

Shannon shrugged.

Tamara began to speak, “André, Shannon was telling me about her marking.”

“A mark you never told me about,” he stated.

“Yeah, well, I thought you should find out something for yourself,” Tamara informed him. She then said, “The thing is, she says she has two.”

“Oui, she does. I have been doing a bit of research since I gave her the first one and I don’t remember anything about two markings,” he told Tamara with a slight frown.

“That’s because it isn’t well documented. André, it wasn’t just any ol’ vampire that bit you, it was one of the first,” Tamara told him softly.

“What do you mean by that Doc, one of the first?” He questioned.

“The original vampires from which we all came from. It’s said that there were eight of them, four males, and four females. It’s also told that two of the females bore their Beloved’s children. There were three of them, one female had twin boys, and the other female had a daughter. Because they were born, and not made, it is told that any vampire created by them is different than the rest.”

“How different?” André asked as he stood and began to pace.

Tamara was quiet and said nothing as if she was scared too.

Shannon sighed, seeing the anger on Andre’s face. This wasn’t going well, and she feared for the friendship between the two.

“HOW DIFFERENT?” André repeated, his voice cold, his face reddening in his anger.

“You are stronger, faster, then other vampires,” Tamara began gently. She then continued with, “It is also said that some descendants can levitate, although that has never been proven. It is also said they can have children with their Beloveds, and even if she is human the offspring will be 100% vampire. She will carry two marks because one mark is a soulmate mark, the other marks her as the Beloved of an original’s descendant. Shannon asked earlier about why she wasn’t affected by you taking so much blood. The reason is that when you took blood you released a special venom that only the original ones have. This venom kept her going, just as her blood kept you going.”

André suddenly sat down and pulled Shannon into his arms, taking deep breaths. He then asked, “Is this also the reason why I am two instead of one like most vampires?”

“Yes,” Tamara replied.

“So, André and Vampire really are two separate beings,” Shannon murmured, “but I thought you said...?”

“I know what I said, but I never dreamed he was...” Tamara paused and gave a long sigh. She then said, “Look, it’s one of those things that you hear tales about, but you don’t actually know if any of them are true or not. Shannon, no one that I know has ever met an Original, or a Descendants, ever! So, to most of us, it’s like a fairy tale to explain the why and how of our existence. In Vampire lore, those Originals are like Royalty, Royalty that has never been seen! So, I never dreamed that André could be a descendant of one. I just thought that “talking” to his vampire was his way of coping with his change. I now realize just how wrong I was, and I apologize.”

“So, what do we do now? Does this change anything?” Shannon asked.

“It could change things if someone was to find out that André was created by one of the...” Tamara started only to be interrupted by André.

“NON! This changes nothing. There is no proof of anything, so life will go on as usual. We will not speak of this to anyone, and I mean anyone,” he growled. “Now, it is time for Shannon to go to work, so we’ll talk to you later Doc.”

“Alright. I’ll talk to the two of you later, but call me if you need anything,” Tamara said.

They heard a soft click as Tamara hung up.


He shook his head and whispered, “Please, pas maintenant chérie.” (Please, not now darling)

So, with a soft sigh, Shannon said nothing more as she followed him out the door.

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