Even Monsters Get Lonely

Chapter 11

André now hovered over her as she lay on her back under him. In a voice thick with desire, he said, “If you aren’t ready for this you need to stop me now before I’m too far gone. I can’t promise to be gentle, it’s been too long since... since I’ve had a woman. I-I’m not sure how rough the vampire in me will be ma chérie. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Shannon lay there, watching his emotions cross his face, even as she felt them flow through her body. She knew he wouldn’t purposely hurt her though, so she smiled and told him, “It will be okay Baby. Who knows, maybe I’ll like it rough, but I promise to tell you if it’s too much.”

His eyes moved across her face than before moving to her neck. He said, “I’m going to warn you now, I’m bitter. Maybe the human in me already was, and the vampire in me amplifies it, I don’t know, but…”

Shannon’s giggle brought his eyes back up to her face. Reaching up, she grabbed his face in her hands and brought it down to her level. With her lips barely brushing against his, she whispered, “Either way, it makes no difference, just give me what you got Baby!”

He growled at her words. He then had them stripped down before she could even blink and began placing nips and kisses all over her chest. His hand roamed over her stomach, causing shivers that had it clenching. His hand then moved lower stopping between her legs.

She felt his fingers rub gently, and it caused her to moan as she felt the liquid heat of her arousal began to drip.

“So wet for me, so ready,” he murmured as he trailed his fingers up her stomach leaving a damp trail.

“André, I want you so much,” Shannon whispered before he returned his kisses to her lips. Desire was a flame in her body that only he could quench!

His kisses continued to feed those flames, engulfing her body as he lightly bit down on her lip and sucked.

Shannon whimpered, running her hands down his back to his hips, and feeling how tone, how muscular, he was. She moved one hand around to the front of his body, wanting to know what he felt like. She had felt his hard shaft pressing against her more than once, but she’d never felt it in a free state. So, she planned to take advantage of that now.

He let out a hiss when she wrapped her fingers around his hard length, and she gave a purr of pleasure in return. Sliding her hand up and down, she began to almost pant as her desire grew, wanting to feel him inside her. Her legs naturally parted, as if she had no control over them. Taking her hand from his shaft, she grabbed at his hips, trying to move him over her, wanting to feel his heat against her.

“Please, André!” Shannon begged in a moaning whisper when his lips left hers.

He moved over her, and she felt him tease her entrance. This caused her to moan again, her hips thrusting upward as if to meet his.

“Are you ready my love? I can’t hold back no longer because my body compels me to take you hard and fast, even as yours begs for it,” he murmured softly in French.

Slowly opening her eyes, she focused on his face. Even though she didn’t understand the words she understood the meaning behind them because she could feel his emotions flowing over her. His desire for her body was strong, just as hers was for him, so she whispered one word, “Yes”.

That was all he needed, and he thrust into her hard as his fangs sank deep into her throat.

Her body moved as one with his as if they’d had been doing this dance of love for a lifetime.

His thrusts were strong and sure.

She met every one of them as whimpers poured from her mouth, begging him to go faster and harder. She began kissing and licking on his neck, his shoulder, anywhere she could reach. The salty taste of his skin on her tongue was like an ambrosia that she couldn’t get enough of. She was so close to her peak now.

He pulled his fangs out and licked the wound. He then raised up on his hands, adjusted his hips before picking up the paced of his thrusting.

She flew over the edge, screaming his name as she floated through the clouds of ecstasy.

It wasn’t long before he followed, and as he did, he sank his fangs into her once more. This time though, it was just above her left breast. This bite felt odd compared to all the others he had given her though. As far as she could tell, he took no blood, but there was a strange tingling sensation around the bite that caused her to clench hard around him as if she was going to peak once more.

André rested for a moment, his forehead on her pillow above her head as her breathing slowed, and her body relaxed its hold on him. Then, with a kiss, he moved to lay beside her. One kiss wasn’t enough though, so they lay just giving each other gentle pecks.

Soon though, even that wasn’t enough.

André began to run his hand up and down her thigh, and before long it had moved to the inside of her thigh, slowly moving further up toward her womanhood.

She gave a loud moan as he reached it, unable to hold back. She felt her body heat up again and pushed André onto his back, so she could straddle him. She whispered, “Now it’s my turn to ride you.”

“Bring it on ma chérie”

With a grin, she did!

Shannon was laying snuggled up against André when she felt the urge to use the bathroom. Looking up, she saw the peaceful look on his face, along with closed eyes, and a smile. So, laying a gentle kiss on his chest, she went to get up only to groan.

Just that fast, his eyes shot open, and the smile left his face. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shannon felt her face heat as she stammered, “No-nothing, just need the bathroom.”

Sitting up, she grabbed his t-shirt and slipped it on before standing. She quickly bit back the hiss of pain this movement brought her and headed for the bathroom. She didn’t remember it hurting this bad when Luke took her virginity. Of course, the drugs in her veins may have had something to do with that!

Once in the bathroom, she used the toilet and washed her hands as she glanced in the mirror. Her eyes shined, her lips were swollen from kisses, and her cheeks were flushed pink. She had the look of a well-loved woman. That thought made her grin as she thought, and I feel like one too!

André had been as gentle as he could be the first time, but he went a little wild after that. Not that she had minded, because she’d went a bit wild also. Just thinking about the things she’s done made her cheeks redden.

“Are you alright ma chérie?”

Shannon opened the door to say, “Yep, all good.”

He sat up from where he had been laying on the bed. His eyes traveled from her face to down her body, his eyes slightly narrowed. He also had a slight frown on his face as he watched her slowly make her way across the room.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of her.

Startled, she jumped, then squeaked as it sent pain through her body.

André frowned as he hissed out, “I thought you said you just needed the bathroom?”

OOPS, busted, Shannon thought as she stared up at André. She felt her face heat up with embarrassment.

She then thought, there are just some things I don’t feel should be talked about with the opposite sex. Where my pain is right now is one of those things, even if I am his beloved! Sure, I knew my dad knew things about a woman’s body that he could have told me after mom died, but I still didn’t DISCUSS those things with him. I would have died of embarrassment just trying! I am for sure not going to change that now and discuss it with ANDRÉ, uh-uh, no way!

“Shannon... the truth right now. Did I hurt you? Was I too rough? Did I give you bruises?” He asked, concern written all over his face. He then began tugging at her t-shirt, probably to look for those imagined bruises!

She might have a few, but only because she bruised easily, and it wasn’t bruised causing her pain anyway. How can I tell him that though? I am so embarrassed right now, and yes, it’s probably stupid to feel that way since we just finished doing the horizontal tango a little bit ago, but... still!

“André stop, please. Yes, I’m a little sore, but I’m alright,” Shannon said, lightly slapping his hands away.

“Sore where? Where did I hurt you? Please, petite, I need to know!” He begged as he grabbed for the hem of her shirt again.

Shannon looked up at him, holding her shirt down as he continued to tug at it. She sighed, realizing that whether it was embarrassing to her or not, she was going to have to explain. So, grabbing his hand to stop his movements, she took a deep breath.

She then put her head down, staring at his chest because she refused to look at him while embarrassing herself, she started talking. “André, it’s been a really long time for me, and that was only one time. So, my... um... my girly parts are a bit sore. I also used muscles I don’t normally use so... yeah, there you have it.”


She shifted from foot to foot wishing he would say something, anything.

More silence.

She couldn’t take it anymore, so she looked up.

He was just... looking at her as if she was a puzzle he had to solve.

“Um... maybe I should go take a bath. Yeah, a bath would be good,” Shannon murmured, not knowing what else to do. So, she pointed to the bathroom behind her as she began backing up.

André gently took her arm, stopping her retreat as he said, “I’m sorry. Sit down and I will go run you a bath.”

She once more looked up at him, asking, “Sorry for what?”

“For embarrassing you,” he explained. “I’m afraid, even as old as I am, I know little about females.”

“But… but you had sisters!” Shannon exclaimed, shocked.

“Oui, but I grew up in a different era where gentlemen weren’t told things. I’m sure the more... rakish men knew things, but my Mére raised me to be a true gentleman. I have had no wife to learn from and ma Compagnie feminine... err... my female companionship such as it is, in the distant past consisted of...” He broke off and looked anywhere but at her.

“Consisted of going to her place, a quick roll in the hay, and leaving before she wanted more,” Shannon concluded, filling in the blanks.

He cleared his throat before agreeing, “Oui, something like that.”

“It’s alright André. I didn’t expect you to be innocent, and it isn’t like I was either. So, let’s just try and forget this awkward conversation, okay?”

He nodded, and after having her sit on the bed, he headed into his bathroom to run her a bath. Within a few minutes, he returned and picked her up.

“I can still walk!” she protested.

“I know,” he said as she walked. Then, after he put her back on her feet in the bathroom, he quickly pulled her t-shirt off. He froze and stared at her chest.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, puzzled. Looking down at herself, she gasped.

When he’d said he was a biter, he didn’t lie! She was covered in love bites, but that wasn’t the biggest shock. No, that was reserved for what looked like a tattoo above her left breast. It had the initials A.L. in a beautiful script with vines swirling around them.

“André, what is this? Where did it come from?” She asked in a whisper.

“I-I don’t know. I remember biting you there, taking a bit of blood,” he answered as he reached up and ran his fingertips lightly over it. He then said, “A.L. is my initials. Here, here is the bite mark, but my bite mark usually fades as if it never was.”

“André maybe... maybe it is a marking given to me because I’m your Beloved. I remember when you bit me there it felt strange, not the same as other times.”

He raised his eyes to look into hers as he thoughtfully murmured, “Maybe, I don’t know. Doc never said anything about me marking you.”

Shannon shook her head, saying, “I don’t know, but I’m not gonna worry about it. Now let’s enjoy this bath you ran; the tub looks big enough for both of us.”

Grabbing his hand, she pulled him into the tub with her, sinking down into the bubbles. Shannon lay, leaned back against his chest, and seated between his thighs as he lay back against the tub side. She gave a sigh of relief as the warm water soothed her aches.

“Does it feel good petite?” He asked as he kissed her shoulder, his hands pouring water over her chest.

“Mm... lovely,” Shannon murmured, closing her eyes. “So, I was thinking, we don’t know much about each other.”

“What would you like to know petite?” He asked.

“Well, my favorite color is orange, and I absolutely love any kind of pasta. What about you?”

“I like the color blue and... hm... olives,” he replied.

Shannon laughed as she tipped her head back to look at him. “Olives?”

“Oui, and I know that’s weird, but I could almost eat my weight in them. Yum!” He said licking his lips like a kid.

“You are so silly!” She told him continuing to giggle.

“I’ll make you think silly!” He whispered in her ear.

Then he began to move his fingers around her neck lightly until she was laughing and covered in goosebumps!

“André stop, please, we’re gonna make a mess on the floor with the water!” She told him as she squirmed trying to evade his fingers.

“But I enjoy your laughter,” he told her but stopped anyway.

Turning around, she straddled him, softly saying, “And I like being free to do it. I haven’t had a lot to laugh about lately either, so thank you,” she murmured. Then leaning in, she kissed him. When she pulled back, she told him, “I’m hungry.”

“Are you now?”

Shannon nodded.

“Then I should feed you.”

So, after pulling the drain plug, he stood up and grabbed towels. He dried them off quickly before carrying her back to her room.

“I will leave you to dress ma chérie,” he said before leaving.

Shannon dressed quickly, then headed for the kitchen.

André was already there.

“I was thinking, they have a place that sells furniture down on fifth that is open all night. How about we go shopping?” He said as he handed her some juice.

“An all-night furniture store, weird, but okay, I’m game,” she agreed. “Oh, can we go to that Italian place I saw close to the shopping center?”

He smiled. “Of course, we can ma chérie.”

“I seriously need to go job hunting though,” Shannon mused after she’d finished her juice.

André took the glass from her and pulled her into a hug as he said, “You don’t have to, I have plenty of money.”

“But I want to, just something a few hours a week. Just something to keep me from feeling useless.”

“Hm... I think I could keep you too busy to worry about that if you would let me,” he said with a smirk before kissing down her neck.

“Yes, I believe you could at that,” she told him breathlessly.

He went to kiss her just as her tummy growled.

“Ah, let’s go eat now,” André said before adding, “but we will continue this train of thought later.”

“I just bet we will!” Shannon said before giggling. She then followed him out the door.

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