Escaping The Mafia King

Chapter 49: 49- Tricked

"Hey, Boss?"
Varys didn't have to look over. "I know," he replied as he pushed harder on the thin pedal of the gas. "We've been tricked."
"I'll take responsibility. I never thought we'd have so many traitors in the family."
Varys shook his head. "It's my fault. I was over-confident." He frowned as they crossed a hill and a restaurant with very familiar
cars surrounding it was revealed. "There we go. You've got your weapon on you, Marco?"
"Boss, really?" Marco chuckled. "You must be really distracted to ask me something like that."
Varys glanced away. He wasn't about to let himself blush around anyone. He cleared his throat. "It doesn't matter. Let's just take
care of these fuckers and be done with it. I want to get back to Hope."
"Because you don't trust that dick?"
Varys glanced over and glared. "No, because I trust Hope, and I haven't been able to touch her for far too long already."
Marco chuckled again. "You really have fallen, Boss."
"Shut up, Marco," Varys replied. Five cars. Who knew how many people were in them, and there was no chance this was an
innocent gathering. "We're going to have to be careful. Let's go in through the back."
"Hey, Boss?"
Varys glanced over again. "What now?"
"I've got a couple presents I've been saving, they're in the car." Marco walked to the trunk and popped it before leaning over and
opening a secret compartment. "Thought they might be useful in case we ran into something like this."
Varys drabbed the two objects as they were tossed and cocked an eyebrow. "Throwing those doesn't seem that smart, Marco."
"Who said I was smart, Boss?" Marco grinned. "Besides if we're meant to kick it, well we can't fight that."
"You can't, there's no fucking way I'm cashing in until I've had many years with Hope." He opened his jacket and slipped the
bombs inside the inner pockets. They bulged a little, but it was doubtful the traitors would know why. He just looked a bit
chubbier than normal.

The back door wasn't locked, which clued Varys in on an important fact.
They were walking into a trap.
Varys held up a hand to slow the other man down and Marco obeyed. He slid the door open bit by bit until they could peek
inside. There were people gathered at the tables, and as Varys entered the room, they turned as if one and reached for their
Varys smirked.
Marco was right at his side as the two pulled out their own little surprises. Varys threw himself down to the ground as the bullets
started to fly. At the same time he lugged the bombs into the big portion of the restaurant and Marco followed suit.
The hail of bullets stopped as the assholes noticed just what he'd thrown in with them and they screamed for a total of two
seconds before explosions rocked the area.
Marco held his ears and winced as he shook his head. "Wasn't that a bit overkill, Boss?"
Varys snorted. "They betrayed me, they're lucky I didn't make them suffer longer. Come on, let's get back. If there's this many
people willing to betray me, that only means there's more that hasn't come out yet, and I left Hope alone." His fist clenched as his
side as his arm trembled.
"Sure, Boss." Marco shook himself again and grabbed Varys' elbow, propelling him towards the exit. "Let's go this way and get
back to our car. People will notice this burning heap soon."
"We should check the cars," Varys suggested with a frown. "I don't want to waste the time doing it, but we're supposed to be
looking for her uncle, and her best friend. I think she'd be a bit pissed if I killed him in a barbeque."
"You're getting soft," Marco shook his head. "If your father saw you now-"
"I'd tell him to fuck off," Varys replied with a grin. "I'd give it all up for Hope, Marco. But fortunately for you, I plan to make her my
Queen. I think we can make her perfect at the role, and someone has to keep an eye on those piss ants if they wanna betray me
like this."
Together the two of them combed through the parking lot until all the trunks and cars themselves had been searched.
Twenty minutes and nothing to show for it, fuck.

"Don't worry, Boss. I'm sure there's more of these dickheads. We'll find them and press them till they give us the locations."
"If they touched Hope-"
"Boss, if they touched your woman I'll peel their skin off with a rusty potato peeler and then dip them in salt before daring out
their fingernails and throwing them in a vat of acid."
"Not enough," Varys vowed with a shake of his head. "I hope that Max guy was worth more than he looked."
"We'll get back in time. If any of the others are turncoats, they're not going to try anything without you being there to watch."
Varys gave him a side-eye. "Are you serious right now?"
Marco chuckled before his face paled and his eyes widened. He shoved Varys hard to the ground and as Varys watched, a bullet
tore through the man's stomach, and then another, and another. Marco coughed blood as his eyes met Varys. "Boss, run," he
wheezed before falling over to the side in a pile of blood.
Varys rolled to the side as the bullets continued and scanned the area. They were coming from just one gun. One person set up
in the diner, injured and dying, and trying to take him out.
Like hell he'd let them do that. Varys reached into his pocket and grabbed his own gun, sighted down the barrel, and squeezed
the trigger. The other shooter went down in a spray of blood and brains.
Varys leaned down beside Marco's cooling body and closed his eyelids. "Thanks, old friend," he whispered as he got to his feet.
He'd do something about burying the man later. For now, he needed to get back to Hope before anything else happened. And
whoever was responsible for this whole thing, was going to pay.

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