Escaping The Mafia King

Chapter 39: 39- Attack

Varys' voice haunted Max even in his waking moments. So what if he'd been childhood acquaintances with Hope? That wasn't
about to stop Max from finding her and getting her away from that madman, that killer.
How could he live himself if he left her there?
Max glanced up as he heard the click of a shoe on his dummy tile. The office was empty except for him, so that left only one
answer; intruders.
Max slipped his hand into his desk and pulled out his gun, loading it in one smooth motion as he nudged a button to turn on his
cameras. His monitor flashed before showing him all the security footage. Three of the visible cameras had already been taken
out, but none of his hidden ones had, yet.
The group of men were armed with a variety of things. Guns of course, but also baseball bats covered in wire, and brass
knuckles that glinted in the fake light.
He had company, and from the way they were heading, they'd be at his office soon.
It was a good thing they were going after him rather than Vincent. Better his business get wrecked than the coffee shop. Max
smirked. These men were going to get the surprise of their life for thinking they could just waltz in and take him out so easily.
These couldn't be Varys men, they were too stupid.
Max nudged open another panel and watched as the group strode down the hallway. As the men with guns passed by the dual
paintings of wispy women, Max pushed the button. Twin plumes of fire burst out of the portraits and the men leading the group
were set on fire as the blazing heat consumed them.
The others paused but a moment before pushing forward and leaving their comrades behind. Though they moved with a lot more
caution this time, and several went back for the fallen men's weapons.
Max's hand flew over the remaining buttons and a trio of darts flew through the air before landing in the stomach of the one now
in charge. The man grunted before collapsing to his knees.
Just two left now.

Unfortunately, Max was out of his little traps. What he'd already sprung was going to cost the office a year of pay, but it'd been
worth it. He ducked behind his bullet-proof desk and waited. His door was thrown open in moments and the two men barreled in.
"What the fuck?" one roared. "Where the hell is he?"
"Calm down, we know he's here because of the traps. He's probably hiding beneath the desk. No real man would have traps like
that if he was worth anything."
"I don't know," the first answered. "I heard rumors about this guy."
"Rumors are always overblown," the second sneered. "Come on, I'm going to shoot that damn desk."
Max braced himself and held still as the gun went off before the first man cursed and the second laughed.
"Who the fuck has a bulletproof desk? What's with this guy?"
Max popped up and, taking aim, shot the man with the gun in-between his eyes in moments. The other lifted his bat and glared
at Max. "I don't know who you think you are, but this isn't over."
"Not for me, but it's over for you," Max replied as he squeezed the trigger once more. The bullet exploded from the gun and yet
another of Ethan's men went down leaving Max alone.
Still, Max didn't relax. He didn't trust that he'd got them all. The security camera feed was clean, but he'd stayed alive this long by
trusting his instincts. "You can come out now," he called.
The young man stepped out of the shadows and smirked at Max. "It's no surprise you've lived so long and have quite the
reputation. But I'm afraid your luck runs out now." He held up two fingers. "Two minutes is all I need to be able to finish this job
and get back to my employer."
Max nodded to the dead bodies of the others. "And what about these guys? Why are you hired by the same man that hired those
The stranger chuckled. "You're trying to buy yourself time? No matter, those buffoons as you call them are quite good ad their
job. Their success rate up to this point was very high. Nothing compared to mine, but credit where credit is due."
Max kept his gun trained on the other. "Say you do manage to take me out, what's your orders then?" He has an inkling, but he
had to be certain.

"I'm pretty sure you already know that, Detective."
"Please, enlighten me, Henchmen," Max returned. He didn't want to waste a shot in case things went wrong. Something warned
him against shooting just yet.
"After we have concluded our business, I have an appointment to find and detain my boss's wife. And get the pleasure of
punishing her, since I'm the only one left from this mission."
A sheen of red clouded Max's vision, and his finger reflexively squeezed the trigger.
The man dropped to the ground and his leg kicked out at Max's entangling it and throwing the other man off balance and to the
Max was no stranger to martial arts, he flipped himself over before the assassin could drive his heel into his prone body.
"Most would have been shocked when the bullet missed me, and end there. I will give you credit for lasting a few moments
Max snorted. "I don't need your accolades." He circled the man as he glanced around his office. Was there anything of use he
could grab? He didn't want to waste time or risk this man escaping and going after Hope. Even if Varys had her now, he doubted
he had the manpower to keep her safe if Ethan got serious. Or rather he doubted that Varys would care to use enough men to do
the job.
"I told you, two minutes." The other man's hand flashed as he grabbed his own weapon, a series of blades.
Fuck, this was going to hurt.
Still, Max wasn't about to let an opportunity to win pass. As the knife left the other man's hands, he fired another bullet and took
the blades all in his arm.
A splash of blood exploded from the younger man's body before he was thrown backward and crumpled to the ground. Max
pulled the knives out with a wince from each one. He'd have to get this stitched up or he could risk serious damage. Fucking
Ethan. He'd make the man pay for this botch of a hit job.
I am doing an upspree of 10 or more chapters of Escaping the Mafia Queen today! Get ready for the fun ride

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