Escape from the Witch Hunters

Chapter 4

Ryia blinked several times, the light shining through the windows almost blinding her. “I slept in again.” she grumbled.

She rubbed her eyes as she sat up and looked around. Gillian was lying on the floor, outside of her curtain wall, his face surprisingly peaceful and almost childlike. His usual gruff exterior was gone and replaced with a kinder one.

He can’t really be so harsh. Something made him way. He’s probably nicer than he lets on, only he doesn't let others see it. she frowned. What are you talking about? He’s housed you, he’s taken care of your head and your leg, he’s taken care of your every need. He’s incredibly nice to do so. Don’t complain.

He really was quite a great person...only not very...loving. She scrunched her nose. She didn’t know what her family was like, but she assumed that they were very loving and that they were a close knit family.

And so she concluded that that was why she was missing it - because her family had been that way.

He was loving, in a sense. He gave her everything she could ever need. He gave her the attention she required, he gave her food, he even gave up his bed for her.

Only she wished she had a family. A mother. A father. A brother and sister. Someone to hug her when she cried, someone to tell her that she was loved, someone who would always be there for her.

And Gillian wouldn't always be there. As soon as her leg was better, she was going to go to the nearest village and get a job. She didn't know what, but she would get one.

Gillian turned over in his sleep. He was oversleeping as well. Ryia flopped down on the bed again. She wasn't tired, but the sun's warmth eventually lulled her back to sleep.

GIllian sat up with a start. The sun was already shining bright, and there were chores to be done. He scowled and rubbed his face. It was his fault for staying up so late into the night curing the deer.

He looked towards the bedroom, separated from the kitchen by only a small makeshift curtain that he had put up for her, since he knew she would like at least some privacy.

He could make out a small, unmoving lump on the bed, signifying that she was still there.

After last night he decided to do what he could to make Ryia smile again. A real smile. Not one of the ones she forced because she felt she had to. He had seen if only a few times, but that was enough for him to want to see it all the time.

What's gotten into you? Gillian ran a hand through his messy hair. Who cares if she smiles or not? She's just a girl. Gillian was disgusted at his own pettiness. Going out of his way for a girl. Such a weak livered excuse of a man.

Despite his thoughts, he got up, grabbed his hunting knife, and went out the door.

Ryia woke up to hear the front door being slammed.

"Ryia?" Gillian stood in front of the bedroom curtain. "Can I come in?" he asked, even though the curtain left little to the imagination.

"Of course." she looked curiously at him.

He held a long stick in his hand, which(under closer inspection) was shaped much like a "Y" would, and had a small wooden handle in the middle.

"I, um." Gillian scratched the back of his neck. "Just thought that this might help you get around better. Just keep your leg straight." his face was tinged with pink and he set the crutch down by her bed and turned right around and back out the door.

Ryia giggled with glee. She could finally get some things done. She swung her legs out of the bed and stood up with the crutch's help.

She walked over to the water basin. There were dirty dishes from long ago, that still had food stuck to them, the floor was covered in dust, the table had crumbs all over it, and the house had enough dust to cover a whole garden.

"Where to start..." she started to roll up her sleeves. "Just you wait, Gillian, you won't be sorry that you found me in the woods."

"What's wrong with you?" Gillian asked himself. "All you did was give her a crutch like any other normal person would do, and that does not call for your face turning pink!" he huffed.

He walked down to the stream. His stream.

The stream was overflowing, as the ice from the mountain was melting, causing the banks to overflow with water.

He breathed in the brisk air. Winter had passed, and spring was here. At his stream, he felt more peaceful. It was if the sound of falling water helped relax his tense muscles.

There are chores to be done at home. he thought to himself. The dishes need washing, the wood needs cutting, the water needs pumping, the whole house could stand to be cleaned a bit! Or more.

Just one more minute. he looked at the crystal water. Mother had always liked the water. It was her favorite place to be. That was why she lived so close to the sea. She always liked seeing the dolphins swimming, the children splashing, the crabs crawling, and the parents laughing. He smiled at the memories.

His father had loved it too, until Mother died. Then he became a recluse and a drunkard. Gillian scrunched his nose, his mood ruined. He stood up and brushed off his pants.

I should really go home. he muttered and headed off towards home.

Ryia smiled to herself. She had washed and dried the dishes, the table had been wiped, the floor had been swept, and the shelves had been dusted.

She wiped her hands on a towel.

Just then the door burst open and Gillian came walking in.

"Gillian!" Ryia smiled even bigger. "You're back. I want to thank you for the crutch, it's simply wonderful!"

Gillian looked over at her. Then at the stack of clean dishes. Then the table. Then the floor. A surprised smile overcame his features. "You did all this?"

She nodded happily.

Gillian looked a bit awkward.

"I'm glad you like it." he cleared his throat. "I was thinking that I should take you to town and have a real physician take a look at your leg."

Ryia's smile disappeared and a frown replaced it. "How are we going to get to the village?”

Gillian turned away and muttered something under his breath. "Nevermind. We'll just have to wait until you're better. But by that time it'll be too late to fix it anyway." he muttered.

Ryia nodded slowly, then smiled again. That wouldn't ruin her day. She was able to help him with his chores, and it made her feel like less of a bother.

"Well," he paused awkwardly for a minute, "don't work too hard, and, uh, the woods needs to be cut.”

He grabbed his ax that was hanging on the wall, and headed back out the door.

Ryia used her crutch to walk herself back to the bed where she collapsed.

Soon she heard the noise of wood being split. Something she used to do when she lived back in her village.

I remember! She thought hard again, but the thoughts that were there a minute ago, had fled. But she could remember splitting wood on top of a wooden stump, out in her backyard. But where? Where was my village? Did I live with my family? Did I live by myself? she gasped. Did I...did I have a husband?

She shook her head. What would he think? Here she was, living with a strange man, and she might have had a husband wondering if she was still alive or not. She sat horrifically on her bed for a moment longer.

"Gillian?" she called timidly.

The wood cutting stopped and the door opened. "Ryia? What's wrong?"

She bit her lips nervously. "What if I - what if I'm married?" her eyes displayed pure horror.

Gillian cursed under his breath. He had totally forgotten about the ring. He went over to one of the drawers and pulled something out. "I totally forgot about it." he muttered.

He had in his hand, a small silver ring, like vines intertwining. A ring.

She gasped. "Where did you find that?"

"It was in your dress pocket." he answered. "I wanted to see if you had any form of identification on you. I found the ring and put it in the drawer for safekeeping. And, I, uh, I guess I forgot about it until now."

"Does that mean I'm married?" she looked up at him with apprehensive eyes.

He ran a hand through his dark curls. "I don't know."

"But why would it be in my pocket?" she mused. "Unless I was..." she looked up at him again, "what if I was running away from him?"

Gillian sighed and sat down on a stool. "It's possible. But why would you?"

"Maybe he hurt me?"

He shook his head. "There weren't any marks or bruises on you when I found you."

"I don't know." she placed her head in her hands. "I don't know, Gillian."

"I don't know either." he stood up and walked back outside.

He knew it was possible that she was married when he had found her. She was so beautiful that it would have been a surprise if she didn’t already have a beau, or even a husband. It was to be expected. He didn’t know why he was surprised and slightly...disappointed. He scowled. I am not disappointed. Although it felt as if a heavy weight had been placed on his chest.

Ryia sighed to herself. She didn’t know why, but she felt slightly disappointed at the idea that she had a husband. Oh hush! You probably love him very much! Unless she didn’t even have a husband...

“How else do you explain a wedding ring in my pocket?” she frowned. She hoped she wasn’t married. But the ring just stared blatantly at her.

“I need to know!” she muttered and stood up. She needed to find her village, her home, and she needed know if she had a husband. She couldn’t go on living with Gillian if she had a husband.

She needed to get out of there as soon as possible even if she didn’t have a husband. Living with a man simply wasn’t proper. She sighed again. Why was everything so complicated?

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