Escape from the Witch Hunters

Chapter 17

Gillian rubbed his eyes. The moon was high in the sky and Ryia was worse. She was calling out for her mother, telling her not to leave her, and then calling for Gillian. She would talk about Castile, different people, and different things.

She required much attention, her cloth on her forehead needed to be changed almost constantly, she needed to be drinking as much as she could swallow, and she would often gag, although nothing came up.

She started to heave again. Gillian cringed but held a bucket under her head as she leaned over the bed. Nothing came up.

Gillian’s stomach clenched, he broke out in a cold sweat and leaned back in his chair. He was afraid he would start vomiting with her if he saw, smelled, or even heard her retch.

A cool breeze floated through the bedroom window, cooling his sweaty face and his stomach began to untense. I don’t think I can handle this much longer.

“Gillian?” Ryia’s eyes popped open and had a glazed look to them.

Gillian snapped to attention. “Yes? What’s wrong? Do you need anything?”

“Don’t leave me. Please.” she looked at the back of the room. “They’re after me! Gillian don’t leave me!” she cowered in her bed.

Gillian held her hand. “I won’t leave you.”

Tears spilled from her eyes and she held onto his hand with an uncommonly strong grip. Treating his hand like a lifeline. “Don’t leave.” she whispered.

“I won’t leave you.” he tried to move his sweaty hand from hers, but her grip was too secure.

Girls, his mouth twitched and he rubbed his nose with his free hand. You can't blame her, he chastened himself, she's sick, and she can't help but be...well, helpless.

She brought his hand close to her chest and kept whimpering like a hurt puppy.

Gillian looked at her small delicate face. “Too bad she had to get sick.” he grabbed her cloth. Hot, hot, hot, he thought.

The cloth was burning and her forehead not much better.

"I really hope I don't catch this." he muttered. That would just put them back more, giving the law men a chance to catch up.

The door to the bedroom opened and Maria appeared with her night cap. "Gillian, you should get some sleep. You need your rest."

Gillian was tempted to give. He wanted to just go to sleep. He didn't want to take care of her. In fact he detested taking care of sick people. But she needed help. She needed him.

"I'll be alright." he blinked a couple of times to ward off his sleepiness.

Maria sighed. "You might catch it too if you don't go to sleep."

"She needs me." he looked back at the plaugued expression on Ryia's face. Yes, she would have a fit if she found out he was gone. And her body couldn't afford to have a fit. She needed every ounce of energy to battle the sickness.

"Well, if you think so." Maria shook her head.

Gillian nodded. “It’ll only be a little while till morning. Hopefully she’ll be better by then.”

Maria didn’t fuss and went back to her room.

It’ll be longer than just a “little while” till morning and you know it! Who knows if she’ll even be better by then! he sighed. She needs to get better.

What if she got worse? She was weak. It was possible. Many people like her had died from fevers like hers. Gillian shook his head. Don’t think like that! She’ll get better. She’ willpower. She isn’t strong, but she the willpower.

“Don’t die on me Ryia.” he rested his forehead down on his free hand. She wasn’t even retching. Which meant the illness was still inside of her.

I don’t want her to throw up, but she needs to get it out of her system, he sighed and leaned his head against her bedpost. I’ll just rest my eyes for a minute.

Ryia opened her crusty eyelids to see Gillian’s head sharing her pillow. And the rest of his body sharing her bed. Only it wasn’t her bed.

She was in a strange room. It was furnished like it was for a guest, only it looked as if they hadn’t had guests in a long time, as there was dust covering the shelves, the wardrobe, and a little table.

The room had a small window next to her bed, the sunshine trying to peek through the shutters, telling her that it was already past sunrise and probably well into the day.

There was a damp cloth wetting her pillow, her hair near her forehead was matted, as if it had been wet, and then dried in a strange position, she was now dressed in a white gown, presumably from their host, or hostess.

But when had they gotten here? How did she get in her gown? Since when had Gillian been on her bed?

Gillian’s on my bed, her head snapped to attention.

“Gillian?” when she swallowed, she could feel a layer of thickness clogging the way down her throat.

She hated to disturb him. His face had such a peaceful look to it. And as soon as she woke him up, it would be gone.

She brushed one of his dark waves out of his eye. I shouldn’t be sharing my sickness with him, she sighed and poked his shoulder. “Gillian.”

She scrunched her nose at the pain she went through to talk. She poked him again, harder this time.

He rolled over towards her, causing their shoulders to touch.

Ryia gave Gillian a small shove.

Gillian snorted and sleepily opened his eyes. “What?”

Ryia stared at him with a dull expression.

Gillian’s eyes went as wide as chicken eggs and he tried to jump, but failed and fell off the bed, hitting his head against the bedpost in the process.

Ryia tried to suppress her laugh, but ended up sounding like a bloated cow.

“I wasn’t suppose to fall asleep.” Gillian turned red as he mumbled and rubbed the back of his head. “But you’re better.” he frowned. “Right?”

Ryia nodded. “When did we get here? Where are we? And why are you in here?”

“We got here yesterday, we’re in the Jolly’s house, don’t worry, they’re safe and know all about us, and you wouldn’t let me go last night.” Gillian answered.

Ryia blushed. “Sorry. I’ll try not to do it again.”

“You’d better not.” Gillian grumbled. After realizing how harsh he sounded, he lightened his tone. “You had me worried, you’re naturally so weak you could have died.”

Ryia’s eyebrows shot up. “I wouldn’t have died.”

Gillian mumbled something under his breath, which sounded strangely like, “yes you could have”, but she wasn’t sure.

Just then a rather round woman which a warm smile entered the room with a tray and a steaming bowl, the contents covered up with a thin cloth. “Feeling better are you?” she directed the question to Ryia.

Ryia nodded and smiled back, not having the energy to use her vocal chords.

“Does your throat hurt?” her smile turned into a concerned frown.

Ryia nodded again.

“Ah, well this chicken broth will fix that up in no time.” she set the tray down onto the small washing table. "You," she pointed to Gillian, "you help her eat this. I would, but Markus needs my help."

"But she doesn't need help eating!" Gillian whined.

"Oh hush! She isn't well enough to eat by herself." she placed her hands on her hips. "And besides, you're her husband, it's your job." she gave his arm a gentle smack.

Gillian gave a low growl but didn't protest further.

Maria left the room with a self-satisfied smile. A little bit later she barged in again. "Whatever are doing on the floor?"

"I, uh, kind of fell of the bed." he muttered quietly.

Mrs. Jolly raised an eyebrow and a smile crept onto her face. "How young people do that, I'll ever know. My son used to do that, but he's long since grown out of it." she shook her head wistfully, then narrowed her eyes at Gillian. "If I come back here, and she's feeding herself, I'll kick you out as before you can say chicken!"

She shook her finger at Gillian before she turned her back to them and padded back out of the room.

“Who was she?" Ryia turned to Gillian.

"Maria Jolly." he let out a puff of air. "The most demanding and controlling woman I know."

"I heard that Gillian McCormack!" a voice sounded from the other room.

"And she's the person we're staying with?" she looked at the door where the voice came from.

"Yep." Gillian used his arms to help himself. "Maria and Markus Jolly."

He walked over to the table where Maria set the tray and picked it up. "I can't believe she's making me do this." he sat down on the chair next to the bed and uncovered the bowl, letting the aromatic steam from chicken broth fill Ryia's nose and making her mouth water.

"Well, here goes." he mumbled.

He got a spoonful of the watery soup and held the bowl under Ryia's mouth and put the spoon in her mouth.

Ryia slurped the liquid into her mouth and swallowed painfully. "This is good."

Gillian nodded and his eyes slowly started to close.

"Gillian." Ryia poked his knee.

He jerked back to attention, shook his head, and blinked hard, trying to keep his sleepiness at bay.

"You weren't up all night were you?" Ryia looked at him with a pained expression.

Gillian avoided her eyes. "I wasn't."

She raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe you, Gillian."

He pouted and didn't say anything. "You were calling me, I didn't really have a choice."

"I'm so sorry." Ryia's cheeks turned the color of her scarlet dress. How could I have done that?

Gillian spooned another spoonful of the broth into her mouth. "As soon as you're better, we'll be moving on."

Ryia sighed. "Alright." she didn't want to leave, but she needed to get to Carenthia. I will not be a bother to Gillian any longer.

She drank the broth, slowly but surely. I still can't believe I kept him up all night, her cheeks started to burn again. At least this time, I can blame it on being ill, she almost grinned to herself.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Maria intruded into the bedroom once again, this time with a tray filled with more substantial items of food on it. "You'll be wanting your breakfast as well, Gillian."

She set the tray down on the table and marched right back out of the room without another word.

"She's quite the character." Ryia grinned cheekily.

"Uhhuh," Gillian nodded and yawned, "you should hear her conversations with her husband."

Ryia laughed quietly and ended up coughing forcefully.

Gillian set the bowl down and gently patted her back until she stopped coughing.

"I'm sorry." she took a slow, deep breath.

Gillian murmured something quietly, picked up the bowl and fed her another spoonful of the thin broth.

"Thank you." Ryia smiled. "I don't think I could swallow another bite."

Gillian's eyebrow twitched up skeptically. "You barely ate anything! There isn't even any actual food in here!" he rolled his eyes but took the bowl away anyway, stood up, and walked out the bedroom door to return the food to Mrs. Jolly.

Ryia's eyelids felt heavy and her stomach was satisfied.

Before long, she was asleep again.

Gillian opened the door to the room to see her sleeping. "That's a good idea." he whispered and took his tray of food out of the room.

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