Erin's Three

Chapter 3

Erin has just got her grade 10 Science class started on their final assignment for the year when the Headmaster comes in saying he has a guest who has a surprise for her. She is given a blindfold and noise cancelling headphones and is directed to a chair by the brown suit wearing, white and red haired, mid sixty year old man.

After a minute or two the headphones are removed and as music begins to play she is told to remove the blindfold. As she does she can sense someone. Someone she hasn’t seen in a long time. A video is playing on the screen in front of her and her students. She already knows who it is. The video is a collection of photos of her while Ed Sheeran’s Perfect is playing.

The Headmaster has a huge grin on his face whilst Erin has a look of annoyance. The students are looking between her and the screen. Erin sighs deeply when the music and video ends. As she turns her head around, she is pissed. Kneeling on one knee holding a ring in a little box is her ex-boyfriend.

“Erin, baby.”

Erin puts her hand up to stop him from talking and stands up. “No. Whatever you think you are doing. No,” she says and turns to the Headmaster who was smiling. “I’m sorry Mr MacIntosh but this is unacceptable and the elders will be notified,” she says.

“What? But he...” the Headmaster stammers out.

“No. Whatever he told you is absolute troll up. And as for you!” Erin directs the last part to her ex who is still on one knee on the floor. “I told you fourteen years ago that I never wanted you back. You broke Fae rules and broke my heart. Your ripped it out, stomped on it and shredded it into pieces.”

“But I love you and I know you love me,” he says looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.

“No Brenton, I don’t! I did back then but you broke us with the choice you made. You ruined any chance of a future together. I cried every time I saw you at school until I moved,” Erin says angrily.

“I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I love you. Please forgive me, baby,” Brenton pleads.

“I am not your baby and I will never forgive you. You made a choice and that choice broke us up.”

“Come on Erin, its me. It’s your B,” he says standing up and stepping towards her.

Erin stands strong and can feel her anger building. “I don’t care. Now kindly leave my classroom and don’t ever contact me again,” she says angrily, but trying not to let her Fae powers take over.

Brenton reaches out to touch her but her students have already stood up and some quickly block him.

“She asked ye to leave,” one of the boys say, crossing his arms.

Erin knows he is a dragon. He has yet to change into his dragon and is only half dragon but he is still bigger then an average fifteen year old human boy.

“I’m sorry Ms Hartley, I should have done a background check,” Mr MacIntosh says remorsefully. He is a hybrid. Half deer, half fairy and married to his deer mate.

“Erin. Please,” Brenton pleads.

Erin has had enough and merely waves her hand in a shooing motion towards him and he falls back. Being a fairy means she can direct her powers to one person and it won’t affect others. They will feel wind but that nothing else. A power she gained when her wings came in. “Leave!” Erin says with a deep gruffness to her voice which is totally unlike her.

Between the Headmaster and two of her students, Brenton is escorted off the premises and told to never return. The human students in her class are trying to work out what happened and how he fell backwards when no one touched him. Thankfully Erin's students got back on task and the two dragons in her class offered to walk her home at the end of the day.

“Thank you boys. Your parents will be very proud of you,” Erin says to her students when they reach her house.

“Stay safe Ms Hartley,” Seamus says.

“Ring me Da if that feckin’ eejit turns up here miss,” Jack says.

“Thank you Jack and you too Seamus. Now you best get home yourself,” Erin says giving each of the boys a hug before opening her door.


“Hey Spencey, no walk tonight buddy. I had a crazy afternoon.”


“Come on. I’ll tell you all about it while I make dinner,” Erin says patting the three year old chocolate Labrador. Erin normally takes him for a walk to the park every afternoon.

After dinner, Cassie rings her and Erin expresses that she doesn’t want to go to the Ball this year. Cassie understands but pleads with her friend to go with her as she doesn’t want to go alone.

Please Erin. I’ll even let ye do me hair and makeup. Plus ye have already got ye dress,” Cassie pleads through the phone.

Erin groans. “Okay, but if he turns up, I’m leaving.”

Deal,” Cassie replies.

While Erin is tucked up in bed later that night patting Spencer’s head she says “Well I suppose it would be a waste if I didn't wear the dress."


"I miss him Spencey. It's not going to be the same without dad," Erin says and a tear falls down her cheek. Spencer nuzzles her, giving her his support. She falls asleep crying over her dad.

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