Erin's Three

Chapter 10

When Jye and Erin finally get home Erin is mentally exhausted. Jye fills the other guys in on the happenings at the park while they eat dinner. He and Erin ran into her ex-husband and his girlfriend, who wasn’t Erin’s old university friend. Patrick had been seeing this woman for the last three years, they also have a little boy together who is almost two years old. When Erin asked where Heather was, Patrick bolted leaving the poor woman standing there not knowing what was going on. Erin had to explain to her who Heather was and that from what she has heard, Heather and Patrick were still living together and she is six months pregnant. The poor woman was a mess so Erin and Jye had waited with her until her sister came and picked her up.

“What a fucking douche,” Adam says.

“I feel sorry for the babies he’s made,” Kingston says shaking his head.

“Yeah, so do I,” Erin sighs out. “That poor woman hold no fucking idea. Her mate was killed not long after they’d been together and she truly thought Patrick was her second chance,” she adds.

Jye rubs her back and kisses her head. “Don’t worry baby girl, he’ll be dealt with. Do you want a bath?” he says.

“Yeah. You best be putting a big bathtub in our house plans. I still can’t get used to these little bathtubs,” she replies and the guys chuckle.

“Noted, sweetheart,” Adam says with a grin.

The next day at work over lunch, Erin tells Cassie all about the guys surprising her with a new puppy and her ring as well as Patrick and his cheating ass.

“See this is why I don’t date humans,” Cassie says.

“Well, you best hope your mate isn’t human then,” Erin says.

“Oh I feckin’ hope not,” Cassie groans. “So tell me. Have ya done it with all of them at once yet?” Cassie says referring to Erin’s mates. “And when is this weddin'?” she says, her bright blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

“The wedding won’t be until August and one man at a time is enough. They aren’t exactly little, if you know what I mean,” Erin replies.

Cassie laughs. “Does that mean I get to be ya maid of honour?”

“Yes. But if you’re not up to it I can always ask Toby,” Erin laughs in return.

“Bitch please. He got to be in ya last weddin'. It’s my turn,” Cassie tries to say seriously and both women end up laughing.

Erin finished her school year and prepared for her final motorbike race as she had a surprise for her men. The plans for their house have been finalised and they can’t wait to get started on the build.

“Flower, why are some of your students here?” Kingston asks Erin as they are eating dinner in the pub on the Isle of Man.

Erin giggles before saying “Seamus’s father is a track official and Jack, well... he and Seamus are best friend’s but he will be a part of lives forever. He no longer feels the need to protect me, but rather his mate.”

“Huh?” Kingston says furrowing his brows.

“His mate?” Jye says quirking an eyebrow.

“But how does that mean he’ll be a part of our lives forever? Is he mated to your friend Cassie?” Adam asks.

“No,” Erin says finishing her last mouthful of food. “You know how dragon’s can feel and smell their mates when they turn sixteen if their mate is also a dragon. Halfling or not,” she adds.

“Yeah,” the guys say still confused.

“Well he turned sixteen a few days before school ended and he told me who his mate is,” she says with a smile.

“Okay. But what does that have to with us?” Adam says.

“Jack!” Erin calls out to the raven haired, amber eyed boy.

“Yes Miss,” Jack says, coming over to their table.

“I told you not call me that anymore,” Erin returns.

“Sorry, I think it’s going to be a hard habit to break out of. Do ye need anything? Are ye okay?” Jack says with a lop sided grin.

“Yes Jack, I’m fine,” Erin says standing up and Jack’s nostrils flare as he takes a deep sniff closing his eyes and a big grin spreads across his face. Erin giggles. “Jack, I was just saying to the guys that you will be in our lives forever.”

“Yes ma’am. And I promise to stay in school and work hard to be able to provide for me mate,” Jack says seriously.

“That’s good to hear,” Erin says.

“Excuse us. But what the fuck are two talking about?” Kingston says butting into Erin and Jack's little conversation.

“Me mate,” Jack says.

“Okay. But who is she or he?” Jye asks.

“Oh, me mate is definitely a she,” Jack says proudly looking at the guys with a smile that reaches his eyes.

Erin places her hand on Jack’s bicep. “Jack. I haven’t told them yet. But I know you can help me,” she says.

“Oh,” Jack says turning his head to face her, his smile not leaving his face.

“Well, first of all I’m pregnant and each of you three will be daddies,” Erin says looking at her men.

The guys are shocked and look at each other.

“How do know that each of us will be a father?” Adam asks.

“She has three babies in there,” Jack says proudly pointing to Erin’s stomach.

“Jack’s mother is a doctor and did an ultrasound,” Erin says pulling the pictures out of her purse. “Three separate babies,” she adds handing the ultrasound pictures over to the guys.

The guys are all beaming with pride and joy. They jump out of their seats and kiss and hug Erin.

“Wait,” Jye says getting everyone’s attention. “What does this have to do with Jack and his mate?” he asks as the guys sit back down.

Jack and Erin smile at each other. Jack kneels down and puts his left hand on Erin’s tummy. A gold and red aura glows around his hand. “Me mate. She’s in here,” he says proudly.

“What the fuck?” the guys say.

“Can you tell whose it is?” Jye asks.

“Yes,” Jack says looking straight at Jye.

“She’s mine?” Jye whispers out.

“Yes,” Jack nods. “They are all girls, but only two have dragon blood, obviously.”

“All girls,” Adam says as a statement rather then a question.

“Is this why you said this would be your last race?” Kingston asks Erin and she just nods.

They all celebrate and Jye threatened Jack that if he even thinks about hurting a hair on his little girl’s head, he will kill him before the council can get to him. Jack just takes it all in his stride and promises that he won’t hurt her, he vows to stay celibate until his mate is of age and ready. The age gap doesn’t worry anyone as it isn’t uncommon for big gaps for shifters, especially with Fae and dragons as they tend to live longer then other shifters.

The guys made sure to show Erin just how happy they were about becoming fathers later that night and cherished her body by making sweet love to her.

Erin isn’t the only woman in the race this year and the guys trust her to be safe as they cheer her on with both Jack and Seamus and a couple of girls from Erin’s class. One of the Fae halflings is Seamus’s girlfriend.

Erin finishes in the top ten, six riders ahead of the human female rider. She had put her house up for sale before they left for the Isle of Man and thankfully it sold only a week after they returned to Canada.

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