Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 89: Brontes Fragmented Memories Perspective

89 Brontes Fragmented Memories Perspective

[Bronte's Fragmented Memories]

[Bronte's Nightmares] [Bronte's Perspective]

Since I evolved, I have been having weird dreams…

I don't want to worry big sister with my problems, so I keep this for myself…

Hnn… They're weird.

These dreams… I meet people that I've never seen before…

Others… Like me…


So many Cyclops…


[First Dream]


Where am I?

A cave? And there is a bed made with some monster fur…

Suddenly, I heard someone yelling from outside the cave.


How does he know my name?


A big cyclops entered my cave, he looked similar to me, having brown skin and a blue eye. However, he was bald and had a long brown bear. His body was very muscular and doubled me in size.

\"Brontes! My child!\"

Your child?

I can't move on my own… Am I dreaming again?

\"QUICK! Brontes, come with me!\"

The Cyclops man grabbed my arm as he moved me somewhere else.

I quickly noticed that my arms were thin and delicate, it resembled the form when I was summoned, resembling a small child.

This is weird…

However, this cyclops' voice, is so familiar…

\"Brontes! Don't stop! Keep running! Quick!\"

Why do we need to run?

From who?

I can't even talk… Yet, my mouth opened and talked on it own, saying words that I didn't intend to say.

\"B-But father! Where is mom?\"

\"Y-Your mom… Ghh! Just hurry!\"

\"Father… Eh?!\"

\"BRONTES! Don't look behind you!\"

As my body moved on its own, I witnessed a horrible scene.

Several, countless, hundreds of dead bodies were scattered around.

They weren't humans, they were cyclops…

All cyclops…

Is this my kind? Did they all die?

What does this dream mean?

Suddenly, giant black colored hands began to grab the corpses and devoured them.

These hands came from another being, as I glanced over its incredibly big body, I found out they were cyclops too.

But their skins were black as charcoal. Their only eye was red and they possessed several brown tattoos on their bodies.

Who are they?

As much as I wanted to ask the man that was carrying me, I couldn't speak on my own.

Not wanting me to see anymore, the man which my avatar called \"father\" covered my vision.

\"Don't look! Don't look! Oooh! You must survive, Brontes! Ghhkkh! This is what your mother said!\"

The cyclops man seemed about to cry but contained his melancholy somehow while running at an increasing speed.



What is going on?!

Are they really my father and mother?


Why can't I remember?!


[System Error]

[Deleting Mental Archive: S#$%61]

\"E-Eh? W-Wait! No!\"

[System Error]

[Deleting Failed] contemporary romance

[User's Mental Archives cannot be contained]

\"Mental… Archives?\"

[Reinstalling Memory Eraser]

\"Ghh! It hurts! Stop! STOP!\"

[System Error]

[Memory Eraser has failed its installation]

[Forcing mental archives to crumble before the user becomes mentally unstable]


\"I feel… Sleepy…\"

\"Everything is blackening out…\"



[Second Dream]

Where am I now…?

A forest…

The trees on this place are brown, even the leaves.

Most monsters around are small and inoffensive…

I quickly noticed the changes on my body, I wasn't a small child anymore, but I had matured to an adolescent, still far from my current state in real life.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from my back, it resembled that man that called me his child.

\"Ah, Brontes! There you are! Come, my child. I have prepared dinner. It's very delicious!\"

Just as before, my mouth began to talk on its own.

\"Father… When will we meet with mom again?\"

The cyclops man, who has aged quite a lot since the last dream, looked at me with fear and melancholy.

\"Your mother… I-I'm sure that one day… You will be able to meet her…\"

\"Father, what are you hiding from me…? I'm sick and tired of living here, only the two… Where are our people? What happened on that day? I can't remember… the only thing I remember… Were those… dark arms… and those… red eyes…\"

\"Brontes, don't try to remember!\"

\"B-But father!\"

The burly cyclops man quickly approached me and tightly hugged me with his strong yet comforting arms.

\"My daughter… Please, I'm doing the best I can… You must survive, you are our hope\"

\"You are the hopes of the Cyclops…\"


Suddenly, the cyclops man began to cry over my shoulders… Why is he so sad? Why can't I understand what is going on?

\"Brontes… I'm sorry… I'm sorry… Ooh… Sniff…\"


[System Error]

[Forcing mental archives to crumble before the user becomes mentally unstable]

\"W-Wait! Not again! I want to see! I want… to… know…\"



[Third Dream]

Hm? Again, another dream…

Should I… tell big sister about this…?


I encountered myself in a cave this time, not the usual forest.

However, this cave seemed to be underground, and there were barely some pelts being used as an improvised bed.

Once again, I grew larger. My current body resembled the one in real life.

The man who calls himself my father has grown older and weaker. His size has decreased and his muscles disappeared. He had to use a small stick to move around.

Although he had a long white bear now, his big and blue eye remained the same.

\"Brontes… Are you ready for your training? Breakfast is ready, my child\"

Once again, my body talked on its own.

\"Father… You don't need to do such things anymore… Please go rest\"

\"Bohoho… My little Brontes doesn't need me anymore… Sigh…\"

\"It's not that, father… I love you, but you need to rest now… Let me prepare some soup\"

\"Sigh… Alright… But Brontes…\"


\"Always remember who you are\"

Who I am?


[System Error]

[Forcing mental archives to crumble before the user becomes mentally unstable]

\"Ah! No! Wait! NOO!!!\"


[User has violated protocol; mental archives crumbling has been negated]

[Reinstalling software]



\"Shut up! SHUT UP!\"


\"AAH! Let me alone!!!\"


\"Ghhh! Noo! Nooo!!!\"



I suddenly felt a strong pain on my head, as my entire mind began to lose consciousness.

[Mental archives crumbling has been completed]


[Fourth Dream]

Ah… Hmm? Another… Dream…

I'm scared… Big sister… Big sister… Help me…

I was… on a weird place…

The sky was black, the ground was barren and bloody, filled with countless corpses…

And on the top of the corpses a gigantic cyclops, with black skin and a crimson eye, sat down.

His voice resounded around everywhere as if it were mixed with the environment.

\"So, you have come here, at last\"

My own body changed once again; I have grown incredibly tall now, surpassing the three meters. My body became strong and muscular, filled with countless golden tattoos, on my forehead there was a single golden horn, and my blonde hair was long like a sea of gold.

\"What you have done… It is unforgivable!\"

\"Hahaha… You think so, Hero?\"

\"In this world, the strong devour the weak, you should know that by now… My race is superior, it was our duty to wipe you folk from existence\"

\"NO! I… I will avenge everyone! All my people… My father… My children… My husband…! I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!\"

I… had a husband? Children? What do you mean?

The gigantic black cyclops jumped over without saying any more words, raising its massive black-colored blade.

I don't know how much we battled, but it felt like an eternity.

So many hardships.

Aah… I feel so tired…

This cyclops is really the strongest.

Even when we fought for what would seem like an eternity, he was never wounded or tired. He always stood like an imposing tower, looking at me with disdain.

His last words before I lost consciousness were…

\"Disappointing, is this the Heroine of the Cyclops race? Sigh… Go join your people in the afterworld\"





I… died…?

But this is a dream, right?

Why did it feel so long this time…?

And those system messages stopped appearing too…

Ah… Shouldn't I be waking up?

There is nothing… Just my mind…

And nothing else…


Hmm? Still in this dream?

My mind… is spinning…


A light…? So bright…

[The Supreme Goddess of #### has selected you for Reincarnation]

[Your new Title is: [The Cyclops Thunder Spirit: Brontes]

This! I remember this clearly! It's when I got summoned by daddy Meiji!

Where all those dreams… My past?

They are still so blurry… But those memories… Even the System wasn't able to delete them…

There must be something important on this…

After I wake up, I need to tell Big Sister about this…

I need to trust her… She is… Big sister after all…


[Day 56]

Hmm? Ah! I'm back…

The first thing I saw after opening my eyes was big sister taking her clothes off…

\"Brontes, time to take a bath\"

\"Ah! Big sis, I'm coming!\"





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