Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 79: Human Feas

79 Human Feas




The Veteran Swordsman and the Muscular Woman teamed up on a desperate rush towards the Noble Caravan. However, they quickly met their end as they came across Herbell and Yurei, who made quick work on both seasoned adventurers. They saw with desperation and confusion as two monsters overpowered their own techniques.

"Since when can monsters use Class Skills?! This is impossible!!!"

"Monsters wouldn't never be able to use such advanced techniques… And that Lich sword, isn't that a [Legendary] Class Relic?! How can this be?!"

The Muscular woman fought bravely, showing all her masterful [Techniques], dancing around with her powerful Claymore. Herbell had quite the challenge, having to dodge several times, he was forced to diminish the woman with Curses and long-distance magic.

When the woman was weakened enough, Herbell slashed her legs apart, finishing her off with a stab on the heart. Weirdly enough, the woman died with a smile and excitement on her face.

On the other side, the Veteran Swordsman had never fought with such a skillful and intelligent Ghost like Yurei, who was able to change herself to Ethereal of Corporeal at any time, easily dodging his [Sword Techniques] while slowly poisoning his soul with [Corrosive Soul Curse] alongside [Triple Elemental Ghostly Beam].

The old man realized how his years of experience were nothing against such a being, as he began to despair and tried to run for his life. Yurei finished him off by eating his soul with her Crystal Ball.

While all of this was going on, I told Milim to brainwash the two servants protecting the Noble, while also keeping the Noble asleep.

Truhan played around with the Golden Knight without making her too tired, he was very talented on holding back when he desired.

When I saw that most of the humans were killed, and the ones that managed to run away were being hunted down by Katara, Futima, Dullahuno, and Ghumin. I decided to leave them the runaway adventurers to get some easy EXP.

Futima was rather merciless, she used her hair to protect her body and made her resemble a horrible tentacle abomination. She grabbed the humans while they were still alive and slowly devoured them with her second mouth.

The Undead liked the taste of human flesh more than anything, I cannot deny that I enjoy it very much.

In the end, the participation of the Wolves and Slaves Team was not necessary. contemporary romance

I slowly flew to the battlefield and saw the despairing Golden Knight fighting for her life against Truhan.

Noticing me, Truhan waved his hand.

"Master, I have done as you commanded… The woman has been left alive, enjoy the meal"

The Golden Knight looked at my presence with confusion.

"L-Left alive?! Y-You bastard! You were never serious? Was this all… All of the dead… Was just a game for you…?"

Truhan ignored the woman's words as he slowly walked towards Celica who was waiting for him with a pile of Human meat.

I looked at the beautiful face of the woman I was about to devour, I wouldn't deny that she was rather beautiful.

"G-Get away! You… you are no ordinary fairy, right? Are you behind this monster group? Are you the new Overlord? Answer me, monster!"

The woman pointed her golden spear against me, looking at me while gritting her teeth.

Since I came down that I never turned off my aura, it was rather amusing that this woman was able to look at my eyes without being completely paralyzed by fear.

"You are a strong one, aren't you? How about we play for some time?"


I began to fight with the woman while holding back quite a lot, I only used my [Void Crystal Emperor Long Daggers] and some [Techniques].


"Uugh! H-How can a monster use [Dagger Techniques]?! All of this, all of these monsters don't make any sense! W-What are you?! What do you want?!"

The woman engulfed her lance with a powerful golden lighting, using a technique named [100 Thundering Strokes], which made several after-images of her lance rain over my body. It was a rather strong attack. It left several small wounds resembling holes on my body, which healed almost instantly.

"S-Such abnormal regenerative power! And those colossal horns! W-What are you?"

After saying these words, the woman used another strong technique named [Blossoming of the Thunder Lance Princess]. Which used to send powerful Lighting attacks towards me with her Lance.

I blocked them with my bare hands, throwing most attacks away, my strong resistance made them seem like nothing.

"G-Get away! Monster! Eh?!"

Getting bored of her desperate display, I knocked her out with a strong attack on her neck.

Surprisingly, her neck wasn't shattered, and she was barely hanging on her life, I used this opportunity to read some of her memories and obtain precious information.

She seems to be one of the strongest Royal Knights on the Kingdom, she wasn't an adventurer at all. She comes from a Noble family and is named Alice Lomanie. She had a rather high position on the family but decided to serve the Kingdom and became a Knight against her parent's wishes, her money probably explain the quality of her armor and equipment.

I decided to first drink her blood while she was still alive.


Her blood was of an incredibly high quality, it had an amazing sweetness and even some saltiness to it. As I drank her blood, she began spasming and opened her eyes, seeing my face drinking her blood was perhaps her last memory before completely dying.

When I finished drinking her blood, I instantly gained several Blood Strength points, leveled my skill and even gained a new Bloodline.

[You gained +60 Blood Strength]

[Super Natural Blood Vitality] has leveled from 5 > 7]

[Your Bloodline has successfully evolved into [Gifted Human Noble (Lomanie House) Blood]

Her blood was so nutritious and delicious that I ended up gaining most of her Skills from just drinking it.

[You obtained a new Title]

[Blossoming Thunderstorm Princess]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Blessing of the God of Thunder: Zeus (Unsealed)]

[Gifted Noble Dignity]

[Thundering Bravery]

[Zapping Determination]

[Protective Nature]

[Divine Thunder Blood]

[Familiar Summoning Magic: Thunderstorm Phoenix (Unsealed)]

[Destructive Thunder Awakening]

[Thunder Lance Mercurius Divine Techniques: 10]

Just as I thought, the woman was blessed by a God, and no other than the actual God of Thunder, this explains her Techniques being strong enough to leave wounds on my flesh.

I drank enough blood to not dry her flesh out, her hair became of white yellow and her skin was pale white.

[You gained 261900 EXP]

[LEVEL 53/70?? EXP 422877/514000]

She was completely dead, but somehow, I felt a strange aura slowly growing inside her body.

When I was about to devour her soul, she opened her eyes again, this time, they were of a crimson red color.


[You have successfully created your first Vampire Familiar (Alice Lomanie) (Warrior/Concubine Class)] [01/50]

[You obtained a new Title]

[Vampire Family Beginnings]

[Due to defeating someone possessing an Epic and successfully making it your possession, [Brilliant Epic of Alice Lomanie: The Thunder Paladin] has been devoured by your [Epic of Caterpillar]

[Both of your destinies are entangled]

[The God of Thunder: Zeus, is watching you]

This was rather unexpected and terrifying; another God seems to have taken interest in me after taking its toy without his permission.

Well, it was his fault, he didn't left a [Divine Protection] like Apollo did for Evan, so I'll blame Zeus stupidity.

Anyways, there is no point in worrying now. I decided to analyze the girl on my arms.

It seems that because I slowly drank her blood while she was still alive while leaving her "die" for some time made her reincarnate as a Vampire. Her soul also changed, changing from her usual golden color to a deep dark color, resembling the abyss itself. Probably this never happened before because I usually kill my prey before drinking their blood, I wonder if this can be applied to non-humanoid monsters.

The woman didn't understand what was happening as she looked at me with confusion, she was sure to have died, yet, she was "alive" once again. Because both of our faces were rather close to each other, she began to blush, creating a hilarious contrast from her pale skin.

"Y-You… Wasn't I… Dead? Hmm? W-Why do I feel so aroused while looking at you?! G-Get away from me, you perverted woman! W-What did you do to me?"

Although I was going to originally eat her delicious flesh, I obtained most of her important skills from her blood alone. I also could sense her flesh slowly losing its quality, fully becoming an Undead.

Seeing that there wasn't any point in eating her at this stage and that my [Insatiable Appetite] seemed happy enough with her blood, I decided to leave her "alive".

I explained as plainly as possible to her that I drank almost all her blood and after she died, she reincarnated as a Vampire. Oh, and that I was a Vampire, of course.

"W-What?! I?! A Vampire?! N-Nooo! T-This can't be! You horrible monster! Get away from me! Noooo!"

Although she tried to run away, there was a strange barrier surrounding her that didn't let her go away without my permission. This must be one of the effects of a [Familiar].

After thirty minutes of pointlessly struggling, the girl fell down the ground and began to cry.

"Oooh… Why? I'm sorry father, mother… Brothers… I can't go back now, not as a Vampire… I'm such a disgrace to the family… No, I guess I always was…"

Having heard the woman cry for thirty whole minutes, I began to get annoyed.

"Sigh… Are you done crying? I gave you half an hour, that should had been enough. You are my Familiar now, follow me"

"E-Eh?! Don't you see that I am crying here? Don't you have any feelings?! Of course, you don't, you are a horrible monster! I can't imagine what horrible things will you do to me! You will… touch me… and bite me… and slap… me… Oooh…"

While finished her sentences, the woman began to blush and breathe heavily, probably getting aroused on the thought of me touching her "pure" body. Is it an effect of her becoming a Vampire of my Bloodline or was she always like this?

Anyways, after she became a Vampire, she seems to have changed her nature a lot. When she saw my people devouring her former comrades, she didn't feel as bad as before. And after some minutes, it seems that she became quite loyal, calling me "Master" without realizing and doing most of the things I ordered her without thinking it hard enough. However, she regained some of her sanity and insulted me from time to time.

These must be the effects of her Familiar status kicking in.

Well, this isn't really a bad thing at all, she is a natural beauty, and after becoming a Vampire, it seems that her charm increased several times.

I quickly accepted her as a new slave. In the end, she helped with carrying the human corpses, weapons, and equipment without much hesitation.

I still want to check on her stats and experiment more with her emotions and reactions, but that will need to be moved for tomorrow.

[Shared EXP has been calculated]

[You gained 578322 EXP from your servant's share]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 54/70?? EXP 487199/546000]

[Devoured Souls have been calculated]

[You gained +120 Soul Stats and +12% Soul Mutation Ratio]

[Your Soul is closer to increase its Rank]

[After successfully increasing your Soul Rank, Soul Mutation will be Unlocked]

We had a big human feast in the Kingdom and most of the townsfolk were invited too. The human meat is incredibly delicious and revitalizing, and because we killed so many humans, there was meat for several weeks.

The Veteran's meat was especially delicious, and we ate it at all with my wives. I also ate several Familiars that the humans summoned, all of them had delicious and nutritious flesh, completely different than my summoned monsters.

[You obtained a new Title]

[Enemy of Humanity]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Blessing of the Demi-God of Swords: Tyrfing]

[Blessing of the Demi-Goddess of Arcane Magic: Brynhildr]

[Human Slaughterer]

[Veteran Expertise]

[Veteran Cautious Heart]

[Sturdy Adamantine Protection]

[Masterful Veteran Sword Techniques: 10]

[Ultimate Sword Technique: Silver Rainfall of the Seven Stabs]

[High Wizard Arcane Heart]

[Magic Circuit Body]

[Arcane Flesh and Blood]


[Summoning Ritual Magic: Fearless Dragon Lion Chimera]

[Ultimate Magic Technique: Overpowering Full Body Enhancement]

[Gifted Wizard Apprentice]

[Natural Magic Talent]

[Increased Ritual Magic Affinity]

[Magic Crossbow Techniques: 5]

[Ultimate Magic Crossbow Technique: Spiritual Arrow Barrage]

[Heart of Sword]

[Herculean Obsidian Muscles]

[Masterful Claymore Techniques: 10]

[Ultimate Claymore Technique: One Hundred Cross Smashes]

[Gathering Skill]

[Farming Skill]

[Basic Plant Knowledge]

[Basic Potions and Concoctions Universal Recipe Book]

[Basic Weapons and Armors Universal Recipe Book]

[Merchant Arts: All-Purpose Dimensional Shop]

[Merchant Global Knowledge Book]

[Familiar Summoning Magic: Ferocious Tundra Lion]

[Familiar Summoning Magic: Destructive Baby Wyvern]

[Quick Parallel Thinking]

[Masterful Dragoon Lance Techniques: 5]

[Cleric Compassionate Heart]

[Full Regeneration Zone]

[Protective Holy Barrier]

[Healing Holy Magic: Verdant Light]

[Healing Touch]


[Shadow Dagger Techniques: 5]

[Ferocious Yell of the Draconic Lion]

[Exploding Claws of the Destructive Chimera]

[Draconic Lion Flesh and Blood]

[Draconic Lion Mystic Orb]

[Imposing Freezing Aura]

[Tundra Lion Icy Rampage]

[Freezing Tundra Muscles]

[Tundra Lion Freezing Core]

[Baby Wyvern Blazing Wings]

[Baby Wyvern Obsidian Scales Creation]

[Flaming Adamantine Claws]

[Baby Wyvern Fire Orb]

After seeing Alice doing my command everywhere, my wives asked me who she was. I had to quickly explain who she was and what happened.

Most of them said that I should have eaten her anyways.

I didn't want to kill her after she became a Vampire, it was my first Vampire after all, and she was also a beauty. That may come into the factor greatly.

The Noble and his Servants alongside some Humans that we left alive were imprisoned on the Castle Underground. Which is being guarded by several of my strongest servants.

After having an incredible feast with tons of Beer and other preparations, we all went to sleep peacefully. I left Alice outside of my room, guarding my door. She remained motionless as if she were some kind of automatized golem.




Skill Fusions of the Day:

1)[Ancient Mythical Bird Soul Orb of Wind] + [Freezing Tundra Orb of Ice] + [Ice Golem Freezing Core] + [Tundra Lion Freezing Core] + [Shadow Void Orb of Forbidden Wisdom] = [Ancient Mystical Ice Phoenix Orb of Forbidden Wisdom]

*A new powerful Orb possessing the freezing winds power of an Ice Phoenix. It can enhance Kireina's armor with the power of the Ice, Wind and Shadow Element.

2) [All-Seer Sacred Eyes that Summon Judgement] + [Paralyzing Holy Nature Beams] + [Ice Elemental Freezing Arrows] = [All-Seer Eyes of Lust that Summon Paralyzing and Freezing Beams of Annihilation]

*Summon several eyes that can scout areas on an incredibly fast pace, faster than flesh and slime minions. They possess a variety of attacks bust most of the time will shoot Sacred Ice Arrows that can Paralyze and Freeze. Cost: 100 MP per eye.

3) [Freezing Curse Glare] + [Freezing Stack] + [Debuffing Glare] = [Stacking, Debuffing Freeze Glare]

*Can instantly freeze weaker beings with her own eyes, freeze can stack multiple times for several debuffs. Debuffs lowers stats by -10 each stack. Can stack up to 5 times for a total of -50 on every stat except Luck, HP and MP.

Cost: 110 MP per glare. Each stack will lower MP cost.

4) [Veteran Cautious Heart] + [High Wizard Arcane Heart] + [Heart of Sword] + [Cleric Compassionate Heart] + [True Noble Vampire Heart] = [High Royal Vampire Heart]

*Passive. Combines the several effects of the Heart skills and stacks them together.

Veteran Cautious Heart: Grants increased self-awareness, while making one know their truest potential. Can keep your mind clear even in terrible situations. Grants High Resistance to Confusion and Madness.

High Wizard Arcane Heart: Grants a better control over magic, while increasing your understanding on it.

Heart of Sword: Similar to the previous heart but with swords.

Cleric Compassionate Heart: Grants a compassionate side that has pity over the sick, it doesn't force someone to do good things. Increases the power of Healing Magic.

5) [Reinforced Crystal Muscles] + [Divine Thunder Blood] + [Magic Circuit Body] + [Arcane Flesh and Blood] + [Herculean Obsidian Muscles] = [Illogical Divine Thundering Crystal Muscles and Blood]

*Passive. Stacks with others Flesh and Blood skills. Grants a brilliant thunder and crystalline luster to Kireina's flesh and blood.? Enhances all her stats and capabilities. Increases Thunder Affinity Greatly. Instead of completely negating thunder damage, it absorbs it, healing Kireina's HP and MP.

6) [Draconic Lion Flesh and Blood] + [Freezing Tundra Muscles] + [Illogical Divine Thundering Crystal Muscles and Blood] + [Charming Empress of Lust Ancient Sacred Obsidian Elixir Flesh and Blood] = [Seductive Empress of Lust Illogical Divine Thunder Crystalline Elixir Flesh and Blood]

*Passive. A new evolution on Kireina's flesh and blood, becoming of a golden luster with thundering effects. Due to the thunder on her muscles, it greatly enhances their reaction time. Aside from the name, this flesh and blood is far from being of a Divine caliber, but it can rival a High Kaiser Class being. Grants [Total Thunder Absorption] as a side effect.

7) [High All Earth Resistance] + [High All Wind Resistance] + [All Ice Resistance] + [All Shadow and Dark Resistance] + [Charming Empress of Lust Impossible All Magic Resistance] = [Seductive Empress of Lust Illogically Enhanced All Magic Resistance]

*Passive. Enhanced Magic Resistance, now it adds 40% reduced damage from Earth, Wind, Ice, Shadow and Dark.

8) [Sacred Light of Healing] + [Healing Holy Magic: Verdant Light] + [Healing Touch] + [Full Regeneration Zone] = [Sacred Verdant Healing Domain]

*Creates a domain that passively heals Kireina's allies around herself, it constantly absorbs her MP so it's not as convenient to use.

Cost: 90 MP. 30 MP every 5 Minutes.

9) [Gifted Noble Dignity] + [Thundering Bravery] + [Zapping Determination] + [Veteran Expertise] = [Seductive Empress of Lust Thundering Tireless Mind]

*Passive. Stacks the several skills effects and enhances them. Granting passive Mind Fatigue self-recovery without the need to sleep or rest, automatic Stamina recovery, a calmer mind in bad situations and a strong dignity, that can drive complete strangers to you.

10) [Quick Parallel Thinking] + [Cunning] + [Masterful Cheap and Lying Talker] = [Sin of Lust Cunning and Parallel Thinking: Masterful Lier]Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

*Passive. Can be switched in and off. Grants parallel thinking aside from the split minds, adding another layer of strategy in battle. Cunning also becomes further enhanced, with the possibility of more than one inspiration when on a dangerous situation.

11) [Gifted Wizard Apprentice] + [Natural Magic Talent] + [Charming Empress of Lust Sacred and Royal Bloodline Blessing] = [Seductive Empress of Lust Sacred Magical Talented Royal Bloodline Blessing]

*Enhanced Bloodline Blessing, now it grants even more benefits like natural magic talent from the beginning, and having affinity with various elements.

Note: Kireina's current children that are being raised inside their mother's wombs don't possess this upgraded Bloodline, but will automatically get the upgraded version moment they're born.

12) [Gathering Skill] + [Farming Skill] + [Basic Plant Knowledge] + [All-Purpose, Sewing, Cooking, Crafting and Blacksmithing Mastery] = [Enhanced All-Purpose, Sewing, Cooking, Crafting, Blacksmithing, Gathering and Farming Mastery]

*Passive. Grants a better understanding on these fields alongside an increased proficiency. Each field can level on their own, after reaching a max level, they will evolve into an advanced form of the field.

[Sewing: level 1/10]

[Cooking: level 4/10]

[Crafting: level 5/10]

[Blacksmithing: level 3/10]

[Gathering: level 1/10]

[Farming: level 1/10]

[Alchemy: level 6/10] (She synthetizes so many skills that it has leveled passively)

13) [Universal Crafter Recipe Book] + [Basic Potions and Concoctions Universal Recipe Book] + [Basic Weapons and Armors Universal Recipe Book] = [Universal Crafter, Alchemy and Forge Grandmaster Recipe Book]

*Combines every recipe book and increases the recipes available. New recipes that uses more than one field appear too.

14) [Flaming Adamantine Claws] + [Exploding Claws of the Destructive Chimera] + [Blazing Fist of the Armored Beast] = [Exploding Draconic Claws of the Armored Chimera]

15) [Tundra Lion Icy Rampage] + [Two-Headed Crystal Charge] + [Charming Empress of Lust Unstoppable Charge] + [Exploding Draconic Claws of the Armored Chimera] = [Destructive Demon of Lust Catastrophic Rampage]

*Destructive rush that Kireina can use to go on a rampage, she can use various of her [Techniques] for increased power catastrophic results. Cost: 200 Stamina 70 MP.

16) [Sturdy Adamantine Protection] + [Baby Wyvern Obsidian Scales Creation] + [Baby Wyvern Blazing Wings] + [Flaming Copper Armored Shell Generation] + [Unique Armor Transformation Magic: Four-Armed Crimson Wyvern Magic Reflecting Armor] = [Unique Armor Transformation Magic: Six-Armed Tyrannical Wyvern Magic Reflecting Armor]

*Enhanced Wyvern Armor, now with six arms, giving the possibility to easily wield more weapons, without having to shape shift more arms for a limited amount of time. This Armor Skill has become too strong to fuse with others and may be destroyed if it forced to fuse with normal Synthesis. Cost: 230 Stamina, 140 MP.

17) [Imposing Freezing Aura] + [Ferocious Yell of the Draconic Lion] + [Armored Colossus Furious Raging Aura] + [Charming Empress of Lust Ferocious Deadly Presence and Cry] = [Destructive Demon of Lust Illogical Overwhelming Deadly Presence and Yell]

*A new evolution on the [Pressure] Skills, further enhancing its effectiveness and terrifying power. Can instantly kill from pure fear weaker beings or paralyze them. Certain beings are immune to these effects due to special Skills.

18) [Masterful Veteran Sword Techniques: 10] + [Magic Crossbow Techniques: 5] + [Masterful Claymore Techniques: 10] + [Masterful Dragoon Lance Techniques: 5] + [Shadow Dagger Techniques: 5] = [Grandmaster Veteran Sword, Magic Crossbow, Claymore, Dragoon Lance and Shadow Dagger Techniques: 35]

*Enhances the power of each Technique, they can now be used in succession and even on different weapons with decreased power. Cost per technique: 100 Stamina and 70 MP.

*Ultimate Techniques cannot be fused. [Divine Lance Mercurius Techniques] cannot be fused either.




[NAME: Kireina

[CLASS: High Troll Warrior

[SUB CLASS (1): Merfolk Aquarian Alchemist

[SUB CLASS (2): Advanced Alchemist

[RACE: Mid Soul Devouring Fairy Vampire Empress

[LEVEL 54/70 EXP 487199/546000

[STATUS: UNDEAD (Insatiable Appetite)

[ITEM BOX 25/70 (+20)

[HP: 374/374 (+55) MP: 415/415 (+55)

[STAMINA: 165/165 (+50)

[STRENGTH: 340 (+71)

[DEFENCE: 322 (+96)

[MAGIC: 523 (+82)

[RESISTANCE: 316 (+102)

[SPEED: 325 (+92)

[CHARISMA: 151 (+50)

[LUCK: 2

[BLOOD STRENGTH: 176 (+10)


[Nether Sword of Undying Pain (Legendary)]

[Shadow-Gathering Staff of Oblivion (Legendary)]

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Crown (Rare+++)]

[Shadow Queen Enchanting Dress (Full Body) (Rare++)]

[Ferocious Poisonous Mistress (Left Hand Glove Armor) (Unique)]

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Claws (Right Hand Glove Armor) (Rare++)]

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Armored Heels (Foot Armor) (Rare++)]

[Shadow Rose Chest Plate (Chest Armor) (Unique+)]

[Undead Cerberus Adorable Keychain (Accessory 1) (Unique+)]

[Hundred Ghost Gem Pendant (Accessory 2) (Unique++)]





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