Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 67: Demi-Humans Training

67 Demi-Humans Training

After everything was said and done, I spent the rest of the day training with my servants and the new Demi-Humans, I also decided to put the Humans into the training too.

The Humans were rather intimidated by the sheer number of dangerous monsters and demi-humans around them, but they quickly got used to it as we trained with them. Some demi-humans hold grudges against the humans, so I made them spar to see their strength.

Surprisingly, three of the humans emerged victorious against each demi-human that challenged them. Those were the Amazon Woman, the Black-Haired Dual Swordsman, and the Blonde Boy.

The Amazon Woman and the Black-Haired Dual Swordsman seemed like very experienced veterans, while the Blonde Boy was exuding natural talent. There was something on this boy that seemed unnatural compared to the rest of the humans, but I still couldn't figure out what even when I inspected his Status every time.

The Archer Beauty and the Iron Defender Little Girl were quite weak, maybe because they aren't really used to fight hand to hand, as one shoots from a distance while the other only takes hits.

The ones who defeated them with easy was the Harpy Girl and the Hellhound, who were incredibly strong. I made them fight the winner humans after healing them, and in the end, the humans ended up losing miserably.

The Harpy Girl seems immensely strong due to her God Blessing and her powerful innate fighting techniques that the Harpy Folk teach to their young. The Hellhound was just a complete berserk, she had incredible speed and strength, far surpassing anything these humans have ever fought and her movements were almost unpredictable.

Such fights ended up pumping me up as I decided to spar with everyone, for now, making a small non-official tournament. I'm planning to do an official one when everyone gets back from the explorations.

I first fought with one of the Centaur girls who were proficient in sword techniques, we used silver sword for lesser damage.

This centaur girl was very agile and despite her big size, was able to jump around surprising me with countless stabs from every direction, while using several skills to enhance her strength and precision.

Her sister wasn't anything less and seemed way more experienced, surprising me several times when I had my boosting abilities deactivated. She had the power to boost her strength with several elements and even attack with magic while trying to stab me with her sword.

Both women were rather talented, and after sparing with them, I asked their names.

"My name…? I-I'm Sofelaia…"

"My name is Sofarpia, thanks for sparing with us. It has been certainly enlightening"

I asked them about their origins and the girls told me that their home is the Centaur Kingdom of Cilane, a small demi-human Kingdom to the south, very close to the Snowy Mountain Walls, their position is what makes them get unnoticed by the humans. But the sisters were on an adventure to get stronger, and after mistakenly trusting humans, they ended up enslaved.

I would certainly love to visit a demi-human kingdom, another thing to add on my to-do list.

Afterward, Brontes sparred with the Hellhound, which she grows interested in after seeing the woman easily beat such veteran humans with ease.

The Hellhound fought savagely with Brontes, at some point, it seemed as if they were on equal terms in strength, but Brontes was actually holding back this entire time without activating any boosting skill. When Brontes activate her skill [Thunderous Muscles of the Cyclops Oni], her strength suddenly doubled, easily overpowering the Hellhound, who was smiling as she fought bravely.

The Hellhound never given in and in the end, Brontes had to knock her down into unconsciousness or she would have gotten killed by her herculean strength.

I asked the rest of the demi-humans about the Hellhound name and they told me that she was named Erathe, and used to live in the same village as the wolfman demi-humans present. She was always known as a crazy girl that lived in the mountains and came down to the village to steal food. She was raised in the wild by her father who later died, so her only friends were the monsters. She doesn't like to talk much and only shows her emotions by fighting.

Meanwhile, Gaby sparred with the Wind Wyvern demi-human. Both girls were rather strong and had unique fighting styles that crashed on the battlefield. Gaby used her Blade Energy techniques and brute force to pull out devastating moves without holding back at all, on the other hand, the Wind Wyvern woman was proficient on attacking with her Wind Infused Sharp Talons, and throwing powerful Wind Storms with her wings while flying. The battle was rather chaotic and ended up in a draw because they would have destroyed the whole Training Grounds if I let them continue.

In the end, Gaby ended up asking the Wind Wyvern woman name and some of her origins.

"I'm Roneth. I come from the Windy Mountains at the West, that's is where my people live… Until they were enslaved… By the Hero of Raging Winds… That bastard…"

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Gaby quickly noticed Roneth problems as she tried to calm her down talking about the Aquarian Kingdom and how nice it was, although her life there wasn't nice at all, Gaby spoke about the nice and beautiful things, and that she would love to invite her there someday.

At the end both became quite close, and sparred some more without using their devastating techniques, always ending on a draw most of the time.

Rimuru was invited to spar with the Demon trio, each one taking their turns, Rimuru was up for the challenge as she took her resplendent rainbow sword. The powerful aura that the sword exuded made the Demons quickly lose their morale.

"W-Wait! Rimuru, don't use that! Just use Silver Weapons!"

"Ah! I-I see, sorry guuu!"

The first to spar with Rimuru was the smallest brat with blond hair and the yellow horn on his forehead, he was a Half Thunderstorm Lord and had powerful thunder-based techniques. He was able to enhance his body using the accumulated power on his horn and become quite fast, Rimuru tried her best to hold back as the brat slashed her in several parts without any concern, because she was worried about the growing baby on her womb, she ended up using a little bit of her true strength and ended up throwing the kid several meters away with a powerful multi-elemental enhanced slash.

I had to quickly heal the brat or he would be dead by now… He still needs to practice more.

The second to spar with Rimuru was tall and muscular Half Quake Lord. The tall young man had a powerful and sturdy as rock body, as he showed his talents throwing powerful slashes and thrusts and was able to tank on some of Rimuru hits with his sturdy body, but at the end, he had to give up before dying from blood loss and several of his ribs broken. Rimuru is very bad when holding back.

Lastly, it was the turn of the Half Paladin Lord woman, a beautiful white-skinned demon with long brown hair and golden eyes. Unlike most humanoid races, demons evolve into a pseudo-class depending on their proficiency, they can also pick up a class later on, but most of the time they remain as they evolved. According to the other demons, she always grew to be proficient in light magic and also had a compassionate heart, wanting to always protect her friends, which made her evolve into a Half Paladin Lord.

The woman was the strongest of the trio and has been taken care of the two brats since they got enslaved. She was incredibly talented and had a very good experience on the sword, she was able to infuse it with countless Light Element Spells, while at the same time, shooting Light Arrows from the sides. She moved around like a butterfly, gracefully slashing and thrusting her sword towards Rimuru, who quickly slowed to hold back and began to use her full strength.

However, the demon woman was able to keep with Rimuru for some minutes but ended on the brink of death at the end, I had to quickly heal her.

In the end, I asked about the three demon names.

"I'm Asure! I work and train every day to become the strongest! Nice to meet ya!"

"Heh, were you interested in my name? Well, I'll tell you my name! I am Raito! Isn't the most awesome name? My mother is indeed very talented on names"

"My name is Palami, and I'm in charge of these two brats. Thanks for accepting to spar with us, don't mind Raito, he's an airhead"

"A-Airhead?! P-Palami, why did you say that?"

Asure began to laugh while patting Raito's back with his immense strength.

"Hahahaha! You are quite the airhead!"

"Grrr! You are no one to talk, musclebrain!"

"What did you say?! Wanna fight, shrimp?"

"Any time!"

Palami had to stop the brats before they began fighting over nothing.

"H-Hey what are you two doing? So childish… I'm sorry, Kireina, but these brats will never change"

Such a scene just made me laugh, it was rather nice to see them so energetic even after being enslaved, it just showed that they were very strong people… Or too stupid?


. contemporary romance



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