Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 199: Intesive Training

199 Intesive Training

[Day 157]

Today I woke up covered in white fluffy tails, the sweet scent was intoxicating.

As I tried to move them away from me, I tightly grabbed two at once and felt the body where they came from tremble in shock for a moment.



As I glanced at my left side, I found Kaguya's face, which was resting over my chest. She seemed to be very comfy over my breast, as they were very soft and firm, like a perfect cushion.

Although she yelled, she was still sleeping… I almost forgot that I took Kaguya yesterday… What was I doing? My lust ended up making me get once again another wife to take care of.

Getting to twenty wives doesn't seem like a crazy idea now… And if I count the twin Centaur girls and maybe my personal Maid Sakura… Oh…

Kaguya's sleeping face was very adorable, but I don't remember sleeping with her last night, she must have moved here on her own will. My wives didn't say anything about her either, they probably already knew that I bedded her…

Hmm, well we did it in the middle of my throne room. Although the door was closed, my wives have incredible senses anyways, they must have already know what was going on inside.

Although all my wives are perfect in their own ways, I didn't have such a fluffy wife, I think I have been really craving for one, Kaguya fits the perfect role. She is also seeming to respond more to her instincts. I slowly caressed her chin and neck and she suddenly became happier as her nine squirrel tails danced around. Is she a puppy?

I wouldn't be able to wake up if she didn't move away so I had to slowly wake her up with my caressing. When she finally opened her alluring scarlet eyes, Kaguya smiled adorably.

"Good morning…"

"You're so fluffy…"


Before saying anything else, I began to caress Kaguya's tiny squirrel ears as they twitched around in response to my touch.

"Hmm… M-Master, do you like my ears?"

"Yes, they are very cute"

"I-I'm glad…"

As I watched Kaguya caress her face over my squishy breasts, Nesiphae who was at my right side woke up as she slowly glanced at us.

"Fufufu… What a cute squirrel is doing here…? And she is being caressed by Master…"

She began to caress and touch Kaguya's nine tails and quickly became addicted to the sweet scent and softness in them.

"Ooh… They are so soft… What's your name? Kaguya was it? Welcome aboard"

Although Nesiphae had only good intentions, her natural aura is very intimidating and her eyes glared right through Kaguya's soul, making her quiver like a small and fragile animal.

"C-Chuu… T-Thanks, Nesiphae Sama…"

"What a cute little thing you are…! Let me caress you more…! Can I, Master?" contemporary romance

"Of course, I'll leave her to you, make her feel welcomed"

"Ooh~! Of course, I will… Fufufu"

"W-Waait, M-Master…! Chuu!"

"Don't worry, Nesiphae treats everyone very well"

I glanced around and found Brontes sleeping, she seemed to have fallen asleep while breastfeeding Vudia, our daughter fell asleep over her breast as well, it was a silly but cute scene.

I also found that Zehe had already woke up and was in the library with Ryo and Herbell, the small family was diligently studying magic and other books.

Nephiana was resting in her nest, she seemed to have already laid her eggs last night without making a sound, so I imagine it was very easy, thankfully. I approached her and checked her health, she seemed completely fine. It must be because of her resent evolution, which gave her a sturdier and stronger body that also has high regeneration.

I glanced at the eggs that she was protecting even in her sleep. They were exactly seven eggs, they were not white but seemed to be painted in various colors similar to Nephiana??s feathers, resembling easter eggs in a way…

They were quite big but not as gigantic as Amiphossia's egg. Each one had exactly 50 centimeters of length and around 35-45 centimeters of width.

They were very warm and each one had different color combinations. By using my [Mystic Eyes] I was able to glance in their insides, finding beautiful Harpy chicks inside, they were still quite premature and needed to form more muscle and skin tissues alongside feathers and hair, they also lacked fangs and scales in their talons.

It was strange that none of them received a blessing when they were laid as eggs like Amiphossia. Perhaps the gods are not interested in my seven beautiful chicks? Well, it's not like they need their stupid blessings, they can become stronger on their own with their two mothers' support!

Even though everything went well last night, I still caressed Nephiana and hugged her tightly, as she woke up, she looked at me with her bewitching crimson eyes.

"M-Master? I did lay the eggs! See? See? Our children! With so many, we will be able to revive the Windy Mountain Harpy Tribe in no time!"

"I agree… I'm glad that there weren't any issues, I'm sorry if I was not able to be at your side when you laid them"

"Oh? It doesn't matter, it all went well. I need to keep them warm for now"

"Alright, I will bring you some warm food. Have this for now"

I opened my item box and took yesterday's teapot which still had plenty of tea, I heated it with [Heat Manipulation] and served her a cup of warm tea. Alongside this, I took a plate filled with dried meat, fruits, and seeds.

"Oooh~! A feast for our children! Thanks, Master…!"

"Hahaha… It's not a feast, I will bring the real feast soon enough, just wait for me"

"Ooh? More delicious food! Chomp, chomp…"

As Nephiana snacked in the food I gave her while sipping the sweet and aromatic tea, I inspected my other wives for some time before going for the feast. I saw that some had begun to be very close, hugging each other tightly. My children were also in there sleeping around with their mothers.

Although Nesiphae was caressing Kaguya, there was Amiphossia peacefully sleeping at her back. Valentia was also sleeping with Gaby and Aarae in her belly, which she hugged with her big arms as if she was protecting both, it was very adorable.

Adelle was sleeping ad Mady's side, she was hugging her left arm while drooling over Mady's shoulder. They seem quite close; I think they have played around with each other already. It is quite ironic seeing as one is a crime boss and the other the Princess of Aquaria.

Charlotte and Lilith were having been friends since long ago and have a strong bond together, so they naturally sleep very close while hugging each other. It would be interesting to see them doing something lewder though.

Ismena was sleeping alongside Acelina as the two royal girls shared each other warmness. Ismena was very close to Acelina's lips, they were maybe kissing each other before falling asleep… Isn't that incest?

Alice was sleeping alongside her first sisterhood member Jonete, I don't know when she sneaked her in the bed though, but she seems very close of her "sister", there was also a young twelve years old blond boy alongside her. I think that's her younger brother, he was quite cute.

Nanako wasn't here, it seems that she woke up early in the morning, she is a "morning person", and after having a breakfast she traveled back to Athetosea over her personal Floating Slime to assess some things with her family.

Rimuru wasn't here either, she was hunting around with Ailine inside of the forest. I can see that they are having some fun. They even went to explore the Bloody Sacrifice Dungeon and because they are the Empress Wife and Daughter, they were able to enter without any problems and devastate anything inside to their heart's content. Thankfully the dungeon has grown over twenty floors now and it's being constantly filled with monsters, so there aren't issues with population, even if they devastate everything, new monsters will just pop up to replace the others.

When I was finally back from the kitchen, with several Arachne Maids carrying food, I found all my wives and children awake, they were all chatting and having a nice time while waiting for the food. Most were looking over Nephiana's eggs while congratulating her. Vudia was inspecting each of my wives and children with her big golden eyes, discovering new things everywhere.

As the Arachne Maids finally started to serve in big plates over big tables that I put beforehand, everyone in the room rushed to eat. Most of my family is very hungry after waking up, probably due to their species and the necessity to accumulate energy and calories.

While everyone happily feasted, I decided on my next course of action for today and the following days. After thinking for a while, I decided to split my day into training with my wives and servants and then crafting. In the next days, I also want to do some experiments with my skills and probably try most of them to see their full effects.

After the feast, everyone quickly moved to their own activities, after going to take a bath, Nephiana quickly went back to warm her eggs, I left her with her father so she wouldn't be alone as I needed to do various things and couldn't give her all my day.

I went to train with my wives, children, and servants. Today I wanted to do some experiments with Ismena skills and her full potential, and perhaps Acelina as well.

Ismena's abilities were tied with her blessings and her [Epic], giving her an incredible potential in the future. Through some investigation, I quickly realized that Ismena may have been destined to fight me or another Realm Menace in the future.

Her abilities consisted in summoning a Grimoire tied with her soul and blessings, this special book could learn skills and spells at a fast rate, and even copy some of the other people, although at a weak level. Her talent seemed to be an all-rounder with an inclination to ranged attacks and support.

However, Ismena's body was in a very "bad" condition, because of being a princess her whole life, she has never trained physically, and her magic studies were lacking as well, perhaps because she was quite lazy. Now that she is on my control, I quickly made her exercise alongside Acelina.

Acelina's unique abilities are some kind of Heavenly Gold Magic or something, it seems to be a combination with Earth and Holy magic. She can summon Gold particles out of nowhere to form strong shields that can reflect magic or flying weapons like lances and swords.

Because of her age (29), she had already mastered several spells and was quite skillful, but just like Ismena, her physical abilities were very lacking and she would usually get tired quite often. She relied too much on her magic, and because she didn't "cultivate" her body, she wasn't able to expand her MP pool through this way, or by level.

Before even making them level, I put the two into an intensive training regimen similar to my other servants and rookies, alongside some of the Demi-Humans and the Centaur Twins. The training was this time intensified as they needed to do various types of exercises over one hundred times each and then run over ten kilometers.

The Centaur Twins were already familiar with this training and they were seeing some results in their muscles and Stamina. However, Ismena and Acelina were too pathetic, as before even reaching one kilometer, the two girls were kneeling in the ground while trying to breathe in terrible exhaustion.

I had to calm them down and heal their stamina after they took a break, I made them resume the training. I prepared special clothes for them so they don't nasty their royal clothes. I gave myself some liberties in their designs so they could resemble Earth's Japanese gym clothes, with tight shorts and white shirts.

As the two royal ladies ran across, I could see their butts and hips in more detail, it was a very enriching experience.

The two were always getting exhausted after half a kilometer, but I forced them to keep running with [Puppet Master] while healing their Stamina constantly until they were finally done with the ten kilometers. Afterwards, I put them with the rest and made them fight a battalion of Familiars and Skeleton Soldiers to gain EXP and levels.

I noticed that Acelina did just fine but Ismena was having some hardships. I instructed her around and discovered some ways that she could use her Wisdom Grimoire. She managed to "copy" various skills from the Undead and Familiars, stockpiling a lot of weakened spells or attacks. Only active skills, techniques, or spells could be copied, not passives sadly.

However, as she leveled up while using these copied skills, she quickly gained more stats as her body suddenly became stronger and more agile, it was most likely some kind of [Epic] related skills boosting her talent even more. Ismena also gained some skills of her own, although most were related to support or information gathering.

One of them was named [Wisdom's Heart] and gave her the ability to easily memorize anything she learned. Another skill named [Wisdom's Princess Judgement] was more offensive, giving her the ability to shoot a powerful claymore made of blinding white light, it had the power to bind her target or paralyze it, as she used it more, it quickly leveled up and evolved, giving her ability to shoot more light swords and increased binding rate. She was also able to cancel other enemies' skills with [Judgement Seal] or even weaken their resistances and even immunities with [Imposing Wisdom Seal].

Acelina in the other case became more proficient in her gold magic as I taught and gave her some ideas on how to use it better. She quickly managed to create a powerful armor that increased her defenses or even wings that could let her fly, although she was very clumsy with it and fell to the ground several times. She also learned how to do her own [Gates of Bjarmia], summoning countless golden weapons to devastate her enemies with overwhelming attacks.

On the other side, the Centaur Twins were more energetic today and developed their Techniques more. Sofelaia, the "energetic" sister developed her [Magic Swordsman] Class as she gained and evolved her techniques. I taught her some spells as well, as she quickly understood how to use them in conjunction with her sword for greater damage output.

Sofarpia the "serious" sister developed her [Holy Knight] Class and learned support light spells and strong techniques taught by Palami. She has recently "evolved" her class into [Holy Paladin] which made her sister a little bit jealous and made Sofelaia push herself further.

I really wanted to visit their small Kingdom so I made the two girls train harder through the day with several enemies to gain more EXP. Their levels were slowly approaching the max value and I was expecting strong evolutions from them. I also want to taste their bodies as intercourse with a Centaur seems interesting and appealing.

After the training, I went towards the Workshop and met with Brontes, Kusuri, Kajiya, and Charlotte. All of them were working in their respective things with intent and energy.





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