Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 147: Giant Inferno Oni Warlord & Giant Nightmare Fallen Elf

147 Giant Inferno Oni Warlord & Giant Nightmare Fallen Elf

[Day 135]

Today I assessed some things in the Kingdom. It seems that the Yuki-onna was indeed able to become pregnant, which surprised me greatly. I really didn't have high hopes on them, as they are pretty much mass-produced by summoning and barely have any life force, being semi-corporeal demi-ghosts.

However, the tenacity of the Goblin and Troll seed has no boundaries, these two species are really adapted to inseminate almost any humanoid race, aren't they?

Nonetheless, these are amazing news, more than amazing I would say. I've already checked most of the Yuki-onna and from the more than one hundred that I summoned, eighty were pregnant with more than two babies, only some very few had only one. With this method, I will be able to "mass produce" Goblins and Trolls, which are a fairly superior species than any summoned being, even Undead and hold great potential too.

The method that Redgaria used to mass-produce them was creating a Magic Mud using thousands of Magic Cores and materials. However, the Yuki-onna method, although it takes more days, it doesn't cost anything aside from food, to keep the children nourished.

I wonder if these children will be born with some of the Yuki-onna's powers, creating new species of Mixbloods. I've checked the Yuki-onnas and found out that the babies inside of them are growing at a steady pace, most likely due to their mother's high magic powers.

Well, I still think that those born from human women are the ones with the highest strength and quality… But due to the small rules I set, I won't be able to make the human women give birth endlessly, as they are set "free" after giving birth to a minimum of two children unless they want to actively have more children on their own accord, which has already happened in some cases.

Having finally confirmed the possibility of Yuki-onna being able to give birth, I've "upgraded" Rydia once again, giving her the ability to summon them too. She can only produce fifty a day, but that's more than enough, those who are not used can be made into food too, as they are nothing more than summoned creatures and also hold little power on their own.

Aside from this, there was another good news, Truhan and Celica have come back from a small expedition that they did by themselves on Evergreen Town. It happened when they came back after exploring the [Forsaken Labyrinth] and struggling with the worm boss. Even after they defeated it five times, they were still lacking EXP.

Because these two have grown so much since then, they have become very reliable and strong, however, as they have seen everyone evolve except them, they felt the necessity to push their limits on new challenges. This is why I allowed them to got o Evergreen after giving them some [Illusive Personification Rings] and a floating carriage.

They also brought their own team, which consisted of the three Earth Ogres and the Half Wind Lady, who used to be a Troll. There are also some new members like a pair of Flame Salamander sisters and a Hobgoblin Rider.

The lovely pair, went way beyond what my group reached, going through more than thirty different floors, each one having their own environments, monsters, and bosses. Although they didn't reach the Greater Thunder Wyvern Emperor Baadra floor, they got pretty far and fought a relatively famous boss named Illusionist Harlequin Demon Emperor Void, a type of giant demon that wears the clothes of a harlequin, and attacks with very flashy and confusing patterns.

This boss posses incredibly endurance and evasion rate, while also having incredible magic that can warp reality to a certain extent and manipulate gravity. The boss was able to teleport as it pleased around the dungeon, and when Truhan hit it with his strongest blow using his [Legendary] weapon, it would usually recover quickly after, forcing the group to think about strategies and rack their brains on the battlefield.

According to them, it took them two days to beat the boss. And I can already assume that the monster may be as strong as the Sand Wyvern we fought in the Forsaken Labyrinth.

After defeating the monster and going through such trials, the pair went through evolution for the second time.

Truhan told me that before evolving, he went through several "weird" and "strange" system messages saying something about "epics" and me.

He said that he became something like a [Legendary Party Member] for me, which didn't surprise me as much. Wagyu and Kekensha must be the same, although I cannot really check the [Epic of Caterpillar] skill yet, sadly.

It was said that Truhan lost both of his arms when defeating the boss, but they regrew even stronger after evolving. Due to his efforts, he obtained the [Blessing of the Demi-God of Fire Iton], the [Blessing of the Demi-God of Axes Bijl], and the [Blessing of the Goddess of War Umlena].

He really obtained quite a lot of blessings all out of nowhere, perhaps the gods were testing him…

Truhan evolved into a Giant Inferno Oni Warlord, a powerful Rare Variant of Fire Oni. His body increased in size once again, surpassing the five meters tall. His muscle mass was incredibly dense and sturdy, and his skin turned into a deep scarlet color, I think I have never seen such a radiant red color before. His entire body was covered on golden and dark red colored tattoos. He gained three curved horns that seemed to be piercing the heavens and were bright red as if they were made of Ruby.

Truhan was now covered on a simple [Organic Armor] on the form of shorts made of a brown animal pelt, alongside this, he had his shoulders covered on another animal pelt. His feet were naked and so the rest of his body, showing his amazing and muscular body, that was now as hard as a real armor. These pelts were actually far stronger than they seemed.

Truhan's hair grew longer and became brown colored with hints of red. His face changed a bit, giving him a more handsome appearance, perhaps because he was now an Oni which is a superior species than Trolls or Ogres and isn't specifically ugly. However, he still had a very manly and intimidating face, he also lacked pupils and his eyes were pure white. Sometimes when he's excited, they would release a fiery flame.

He gained the ability to summon Axes made of fire and magma while fighting, and his [Legendary] weapon the [Earth Splitting Flaming Tempest Axe] evolved as well to adjust to his new power, the weapon was now gigantic, towering over six meters, nevertheless, Truhan was still able to hold it with one hand as if it were nothing. Due to this, I thought about giving him another Axe for him to dual wield in the future.

[NAME: Truhan

[CLASS: Fiery Magma Warlord Berserker

[RACE: Giant Inferno Oni Warlord

[LEVEL: 1/250 EXP: 0000000/5000000

[STATUS: Excellent.

[ITEM BOX: 073/300

[HP: 877/877 MP: 203/203

[STAMINA: 350/350



[MAGIC: 391


[SPEED: 582


[LUCK: 10

[New Skills]

[Blessing of the Demi-God of Fire Iton] [Blessing of the Demi-God of Axes Bijl]

[Blessing of the Goddess of War Umlena] [Fiery Body of the Blazing Inferno Oni]

[Hell's Oni Warlord Unparalleled Muscles of Scorching Adamantine]

[Blazing Eyes that Burn the Skies] [Flaming Arms of the Oni Warlord]

[Pure Demonic Magma Blood] [Flaming Tungsten Skin of the Berserk Warlord Oni]

[Magma Domain] [Pressuring and Intimidating Burning Presence] [Blunt Weapon Mastery]

[Earth-Shattering Burning Onslaught] [Heaven-Shattering Blazing Catastrophe]

[Consuming Flames of Destruction] [Unstoppable Burning Fighting Desires]

He has become a force to be recognized by… I'm looking forward to his future feats. He has a well-deserved position as a [Legendary Party Member].

On the other side, Celica was of great help through the entire battle, her fast movements and her unique techniques were able to hit the boss even when it managed to teleport, dealing consistent damage through the entire battle.

She pairs well with Truhan has both covers the battlefield in different ways, complementing each other. Just like Truhan, Celica became a [Legendary Part Member] on my own [Epic], and due to this, she was blessed by the gods and given a new evolution.

Celica has always been a cheerful and happy girl, but when it comes to fighting, she changes drastically, becoming a merciless and senseless assassin. This "hidden side" is only shown to her enemies, luckily. Although Truhan is calmer than her, he doesn't seem to mind Celica's bloodthirsty natures and even falls in love with her after seeing her demonstrating her strength.

Celica has always been a fast attacker which favored Shortswords and Daggers, her [Legendary] weapon is also a Dagger. However, perhaps because of the influence of Truhan and their relationship, her evolution adapted to their mating, and she became something close to Truhan's stature, being over four meters tall.

After receiving the [Blessing of the Titaness Goddess of Night Selene] and the [Blessing of the Demi-God of Daggers Dolken] she evolved from a High Dark Elf, into Giant Nightmare Fallen Elf, an extinct species of Dark Elves that evolve into giants, due to her previous stage as Troll, this evolution was triggered.

Celica regained a lot of the muscle mass "lost" on her previous evolution, but this muscle mass became slim and beautiful. Her beauty was even more enchanting than her Dark Elven self.

Celica's eyes became scarlet red and her hair became pure black, growing for over three meters long. Her skin turned into a dark ash color, and she gained two small horns on her forehead, that resembled that of Onis. Her robes adjusted to her size and resembled the same Thief-like robes, with a beautiful skirt and a hoodie.

Despite her new size, she still had superb stealth abilities which were now combined with her regained strength. Celica didn't mind the sudden change at all she welcomed it.

Aside from all of this, she also gained access to what was called Night Magic, an amalgamation of Dark and Shadow Magic. She became quite skilled in it and I scheduled some classes with Zehe for her.

[NAME: Celica

[CLASS: Night Executer

[RACE: Giant Nightmare Fallen Elf

[LEVEL: 1/250 EXP: 0000000/5000000

[STATUS: Excellent.

[ITEM BOX: 182/300

[HP: 626/626 MP: 402/402

[STAMINA: 310/310



[MAGIC: 476


[SPEED: 797


[LUCK: 10

[New Skills]

[Blessing of the Titaness Goddess of Night Selene]

[Blessing of the Demi-God of Daggers Dolken]

[Sturdy Muscles of the Fallen Dark Elf Demoness] [Black Cloak of Night Shadows]

[Intimidating Scarlet Eyes of the Bloodthirsty Dark Elf Demoness] [Pure Night Skin]

[Fallen Dark Elves Lineage] [Aspect of a Fallen Dark Elf] [Deviant Perspective]

[Enemy Discerning Nullification] [Conceal Presence] [Arcane Night Heart]

[Dagger Dance of Night and Blood] [Masterful Assassination] [Mental Disruption Immunity]

[Silent Slashing Dance of Moon and Blood] [Night Essence Manipulation]

[Darkness Magic Absorption] [All Night Domain] [Night Magic Affinity]

Due to the evolution of most of the first generation of servants, I decided to schedule a tournament for tomorrow. A lot of people got excited, even those who wouldn't participate.

This tournament will help me know the strength of my servants better while being able to classify them for better group formations.

I decided to spend the rest of the day with my children.

Valentia seems to have gained new strength after devouring the Sand Wyvern meat, which seems to have a high affinity with her blessing and overall power. Her body was suddenly strengthened and she gained small rocky scales on her arms, that she can manipulate to grow bigger at her own will.

Ryo has learned other ways of using his Energy, creating beams that can be shot from his palms as he hits his enemies. I decided to make him develop this ability while training intensively until he was completely dry of this power and couldn't stand anymore, then, I would heal him, let him rest and continue. contemporary romance

Amiphossia has developed her Phantasmal Magic to new levels, now being able to transform half of her body, mostly being her snake tail, into a phantasmal being, obtaining ethereal capabilities. If she trains and develops this ability further, she may be able to completely turn into a ghost in the future.

Aarae has gained a new Shark Familiar, this time it was a small Tiger Shark, which was as fast as a bullet and specializes in surprise attacks, it has low defenses but it compensates it with its explosive moves. On his magic side, Aarae has developed new Healing Spells, although they aren't as good as Amiphossia, it is good for him to have an expanded roster of Spells for his own survival and safety.

Today I also dedicated myself too harshly training Gaby and Adelle. I made them fight endlessly against a massive wave of Super Elite Skeleton Warriors. Whenever they would be almost on their limits, I would heal their Stamina and HP so they could keep going. I cannot heal Mental Fatigue though, so it will be something that they will have to bear by themselves.

Altani has mostly been assessing the Tribe Humans alongside Yisu, while Charlotte is learning new techniques of Alchemy with Kusuri and his team, she has gained the classes [Alchemist], [Elemental Alchemist] and [Potion Maker] already. She is indeed very talented, even Kusuri is learning some insights with her.

Tonight, was a relaxed night without any activities while being surrounded by my children, I slept without problems.





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