Entrapped To Alien Lords

Chapter 24


"Come, Ciara, I must walk you back to the compound. I must rejoin my brothers or they will come to look for me if I am late," Christof said pointing back the way we'd come.

As we walked I took Christof's hand in mine. His presence was a blessing and I was glad for it.

"Why are you doing that?" he asked looking at our joined hands.

"Because I want to," I answered grinning.

He pushed me gently against a tree and ran a finger under my jaw. "Does it mean something?" he asked watching my eyes.

"On my planet when two people hold hands it's because they like each other," I said watching him. "I like you too, Ciara," he said grinning at me. His face turned to a frown quickly, "My brothers, when they come, will probably just feed you.”

"That's okay with me," I said, "I appreciate knowing someone understands."

Much like kindergarden we were picked up at a specified time. A little bell rang and we all went into the courtyard and kneeled on our pads waiting. The Warriors came in and picked up their slaves, sometimes stopping and talking to the Keepers.

No one came for me. I waited a long time after everyone else was gone, I thought I might have been left. Perhaps Christof had repeated what I had said and it had made them angry. I jumped when boots appeared before me

"Get up, slave," Master Evan said towering over my kneeling frame.

I hadn't heard his approach. Looking up all my owners were standing there glaring at me, except Christof who looked amused.

I followed them out the wall and balked when I saw the transport pad. My uncles all rode roller coasters, but I was too chicken. I'd never even been on an airplane. I hated heights.

"This eve will be very difficult or very enjoyable for you, depending on how you act,” Master Damien threatened in my ear.

Gulping back my fear I followed him onto the pad. It shot up like a rocket and I screamed, dropping to the floor. My eyes were shut tight as I begged them to please make it stop. When the thing started to move forward I grabbed onto the closest leg and cried.

I felt hands removing me from the pant leg I was clinging to and Master Damien's voice was in my ear, "You will learn to stand and act respectable during transport. We are taking a trip tonight. It will only end when you stop this ridiculous behavior."

They had the driver swoop the pad every which way. I screamed I would fall off and die crashing to the ground. They thought that was amusing.

"Do you remember the currents that prevented you from moving at the auction?" Christof asked. "Similar barriers prevent you from falling off the sides of the pad.”

"You should try them,” Master Evan said pushing me with a quick thrust toward the edge. He was supremely annoyed.

I yelped but didn't go off the side of the platform. They were right, something was stopping me. The invisible barrier swooshed against my hand when I hesitantly tried to place it outside the bounds of the pad. Turning around I smiled at my owners. The operator of the pad acted like I wasn't present, most of the rest glowered at me.

The anger on their faces was undeniable, except for Christof, who still just seemed amused. The lines of skin color that were usually so light seemed to darken with anger. They looked slightly feral and I made up my mind to overcome this fear immediately.

Finally, I learned to watch the horizon and relax on the pad. It didn't matter if it went up or down, zipped left or right. I stayed in my position and kept my eyes open. The scenery was beautiful. Mountains were in the distance every which way and the ocean bordered on all other sides. In any other circumstance, I would have enjoyed the view.

The sun had set and the sky was dark by the time the man dropped us off in front of our door. I waited patiently for Master Damien to open the gate and followed him off the pad. It felt funny walking on solid ground again, like when you get used to wearing roller skates.

The rest of the evening was quiet. The men took me down to bathhouse with them after dinner. I heard several Warriors commenting on my morning ride. Evidently, everyone had seen that little fiasco.

The comments the other men made were upsetting to my owners. In turn, my owners were colder and less interested in me than they had been the last two days. I learned the lesson quickly, a good slave does not embarrass its Masters.

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