Enslaved By The Alpha

Chapter 13

I’m beaming with happiness after I watch Kane storm out of the room. I’d just won this round. He couldn’t keep up with me, and
to say that I was overjoyed would be an understatement. I didn’t think that I would ever stand a chance against him while being
his prisoner. But now there was hope; now I knew that my body was my weapon. I was not proud of it, but it was the only way I
could think of.
I can’t help but wonder what he’d use against me next, however. Kane didn’t like to lose, and he definitely didn’t like when he
was the one being tortured. He wouldn’t sit back and let me do this to him; he would try to hurt me somehow; I just needed to be
prepared for whatever he was planning on throwing my way. There was one thing I was sure of; however, whatever he had
planned for me next, it wouldn’t be something easy.
As if on cue, he walks into the room, but he isn’t alone this time. No, he’s brought that pathetic excuse for a woman with him. The
woman that enjoyed taking advantage of an innocent woman.
I didn’t like her one bit. Would I go so far as to say I hated her more than Kane? I didn’t think so. I didn’t think that it was possible
for me to hate anyone more than I hated him.
There is something about the way the both of them are looking at me that tells me that they’re up to no good.
Inarrow my eyes when Anna begins to remove her already see-through blouse. What kind of sick game were they thinking of
playing now? Kane approaches me and, with a look of hatred, kneels in front of me.
“I don’t want you to look away for even one second.” He tells me. “If you do, there will be serious consequences, and this time, I
may consider selling you to a worthless man for real.”
Look away from what? I want to scream for him to explain himself, but I don’t have to, not when I see him removing his shirt. His
muscular, sweaty chest is revealed, but I don’t have time to stare when he turns away. He unbuttons his jeans and drops them to
the floor.
His backside is the first thing I see before noticing the wolf tattoo on the center of his back. My blood runs cold when I realize
what’s about to happen.
Anna practically throws herself onto Kane, and he catches her before she can fall. For my part, he should have let her hit the
floor. She’s kissing his chest, something that I wished to do. Her nails are scraping his back and not in the way I’ve done in the
past. I scraped him to harm him for hurting me; she’s scraping him out of pleasure.

I swallow the pain when she kneels before him and takes his d**k into her mouth. I feel a sharp pain in my chest, and I know that
nothing could possibly hurt more than this. She continues to suck on him, and I have to fight to breathe. I don’t want to look at
this, I don’t want to see him with someone else, but I can’t seem to look away. A part of me wants to feel the devastation; I want
to feel everything to remember how much I hate this man. I want to be reminded of this every time I think of having a life with
him. I want to remember everything he’s done to me; I don’t want to forget any of this, ever. I need the constant reminder that
he’s a monster every time that my body wants him.
His hands are in her hair now as they move to the bed, his lips on her neck, and his body moves against hers. He’s touching her,
touching a woman that was not me. She’s moaning his name and enjoying it a lot more than she should. He knows that I’m
watching; he knows that I’m hurting. This is exactly what he wants; he wants to see me suffer. He wants to show me that he can
do whatever it takes to break my heart, and that’s precisely what he’s been doing ever since the day he kidnapped me and
brought me to this sick place.
Chapter 13 maller now padly i want to.
I don’t want to see this; I don’t want to see him with her. I push against the chair, and it makes a screeching noise on the wooden
He catches my gaze, and I feel my heart rate increase.
My mate. He’s looking at me with his deep ocean blue eyes, the eyes that I’ve dreamt about; I hate them. I hate him. I hate him
for taking me away from my home; I hate him for torturing me, but most of all, i hate how much I still want him after everything
he’s done to me.
He spreads her legs wider, and she moans when he pulls out and slams into her, never taking his eyes off me. The tears
continue to fall, but I don’t try and hide them from him. I’ll show him that I can be strong despite him breaking my heart into tiny
pieces. I’ll show him that I can still stand after seeing something as disgusting as this.
Anna is screaming his name as he slams into her faster than before, picking up his pace. He’s still watching me, still making sure
that I’m never taking my eyes off them.

My thoughts are all over the place now, and I wish that my hands were free so that I could kill them both. It’s the first time that
I’ve ever wanted to harm someone as much as I did right now.
He comes to me when they’re finished f*****g each other with his clothes back on, and I’m trying hard to fight the broken pieces
inside of me. He’s managed to break me completely; I thought it was terrible before, but this is the worst I’ve ever felt. I’m hurting
so badly, and I want to make him pay for doing this to me.
Anna puts on her clothes and walks out of the room but not before smirking at me. What was she so proud of? That her man, my
mate, forced me to watch them while they had s*x?
Kane unties my hands, and I slap him hard across the face the moment that I’m set free. He quirks a brow, and I punch his jaw
as hard as I can.
“You bastard!” I scream.
It occurs to me that I’m giving him exactly what he wanted, but I can’t stop the pain that I feel inside. It’s hurting so damn much,
and I don’t know how to stop the pain. The only way I can think of is by physically harming him for doing this to me.
Igrab his shirt and rip the flimsy cloth in half, revealing his disgustingly sexy chest to me once more. It’s too clean, too beautiful to
belong to a psychopathic monster like him. My claws are out, and I begin to rip apart his skin, digging into it until I see blood
Kane is just standing there and taking every lash that I’m sending his way. I don’t know why he’s doing it, but in some sick
twisted way, I think that he’s enjoying this.
“You’re the worst man I’ve ever come across in my entire life, and I’ve seen so many bad men in my lifetime. None compares to
you. No one wants to hurt their mate as much as you want to do to me.” | whisper. “Why? Why are you doing this to me? I would
have cared for you; I would have treated you like a king. I would have loved you like no other woman has loved you in your life.
We would have had beautiful children, children who would love and appreciate us. We could have had a family; my brothers and
parents would have accepted you. Yet you threw that all away. You keep hurting me, keep destroying the bond that’s supposed
to keep us tied together.”
He picks me up in his arms and gently lays me down on his bed, the same bed he just slept with her in. I feel sick to my
“I don’t want to be in these tainted sheets!” I scream. “I hate it. I hate it here, and if*****g hate you!”

I did; I hated him so much. I would make him suffer. I promise to make him fall in love with me and then leave him dry. I would
never let him get away with what he did to me today. I would make Alpha Kane fall in love with me, and then I would leave him;

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