Enemy Within (Moira Ashe Book 1)

Chapter 23

Moira had no idea where to go. She couldn’t recognize her surroundings as she tried to fight for clarity in her scattered mind. Panic mixed with bloodlust as she ran through the stone labyrinth, her pursuers close behind.

She stuck primarily to the back alleys. They may be more linear then she preferred, but the guards patrolled the main roads. Yells and gunfire erupted as she burst out of one alley only to vanish into another.

A guard stood near the end of this alley, arguing with a pair of workers trying to move crates out of the rain. She couldn’t go backwards, so she sprinted ahead towards the unsuspecting crowd.

The guard noticed her first. He scrambled to bring his weapon to bear as one worker stood frozen beside him. The other man ran to safety.

He pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

Moira continued to rush towards the two men as the guard cursed and swore, throwing the useless, rain-soaked weapon to the ground. He attempted to draw his blade but was too late as Moira barrelled into him. She stopped as her momentum sent the man into the surrounding barrels. The worker continued to stare as she towered over him. Her instincts told her to tear him apart, to howl fear into the hearts of her hunters, but she refused. Ignoring her temptations, Moira bounded off in search of freedom, leaving the worker dumbstruck in her wake.

Once again she entered the main streets, and once again she disappeared into the alleys. She rushed down the end of her path and made a left turn down the only way available to her.

She was greeted by a dozen guards headed towards her. They didn’t wait for a formation before using their weapons. Those with powder dry enough to ignite fired at her. Those without fixed their bayonets forwards, letting out a battle cry as they rushed to meet her.

Moira retreated to the alley behind her as small silver rounds fractured against the walls. She was still alone here, but her pursuers were fast approaching from both sides. Moira panicked as she searched for her escape. The buildings that surrounded her were vacant of doors and windows and too sheer to climb unaided, but the tree that occupied the alley looked strong.

Climbing the thick tree, Moira lunged at the lowest building. She used her clawed hands to find purchase on its roof. Hoisting her weight upwards, she perched on the building before carefully peering over into the street on the other side. Finding it clear of anyone, Moira softly dropped herself to the ground. Cries of battle turned to shouts of confusion behind her as she snuck back into the town’s alleys.

With the shouts of patrols far from her, Moira stopped. Closing her eye, she tried to calm herself. She couldn’t sneak out in her beastly form, but she might be able to in her human one. She took several deep breaths as she felt her body begin to change back. She cupped her hand over her mouth as her bones snapped and reshaped themselves into her original form.

Naked, Moira ducked into another back alley as the guards searched for her. Next, she went in search of clothing. If her luck continued, she would be able to slip out of the city. She came across some dirty laundry left out in the rain near a washbasin. She hurried over to her prize. The clothes were soaked and dirty, but they were better than nothing. Moira slipped on a pair of pants. They weren’t tailored to her form like her old clothes, but the wet fabric made them cling to her skin despite the ill fit.

Grabbing a length of clothesline, Moira tied the rope around her waist as a makeshift belt and tucked the excess rope into her pants. She was pulling on a loose-fitting shirt when she heard the familiar click of a gun’s hammer being pulled back. She froze for an instant with the shirt above her head. Moira then slowly finished donning the shirt before turning around.

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