Enemy Within (Moira Ashe Book 1)

Chapter 18

The other creature didn’t get far before Moira caught up to it. With her increased speed and tracking abilities, finding it was easy.

Moira slowed as she approached it, trying to get as close as possible without scaring it off.

Just like her, the other werewolf seemed to sense her too.

The two beasts met each other amongst the trees, farther up the river from Quinn.

Moira’s black fur shone in the moon’s light in contrast with the other creature’s dull reddish brown.

The other beast seemed curious about her. Moira didn’t make any moves, as it slowly approached her. She noticed the realization dawning on her opponent as it recognized her identity.

The beast uttered a low snarl and bared its teeth.

Moira did the same as she crouched low, ready to begin the skirmish.

Moira attacked first. What she lacked in size and strength compared to her enemy, she made up for in experience and speed.

The two beasts fought like the animals they resembled as they slashed and bit each other.

Knowing she couldn’t match the creature’s size, Moira relied on her long front limbs to slash into its neck and stomach as she danced around it.

Her opponent, on the other hand, fought like a rabid beast. Slashing with abandon, it tried to overwhelm her with its attacks and size. It constantly tried to rush and grab her, snapping with its massive jaws.

Moira was taken by surprise as it leapt at her. Unable to escape, she slashed at it.

The creature pulled her into its embrace, and they tumbled to the ground as they fought.

Moira focused exclusively on her opponent’s stomach as she dug into it. It tore into her back with its teeth and claws.

In the end, Moira won out. She opened a sizable hole in its gut. The creature kicked her away.

The two looked at each other as they calculated their chances and caught their breath. Their wounds were already beginning to heal.

Moira was in bad shape. Blood ran from her arms and back. Her adversary didn’t have as many wounds as she did, but the ones it did have were substantial. Its neck was slashed in addition to the opening in its gut.

Moira would fight to the death, but the same couldn’t be said about her foe. Deciding that it didn’t like its chances, it turned and ran when Moira began her attack again.

As much as Moira would like to stop and lick her wounds, she couldn’t allow the other beast to escape. If it returned to Quinn, there was a chance it would expose her. If it fled the town, it would be free to terrorize the countryside.

It had to end here.

Climbing the cliff along the river, Moira gained on her slower enemy and jumped on its back as they reached the top.

She was only on it for a second before it stopped and threw her off its back.

Moira landed against the large boulders that jutted out of the lip of the cliff like teeth.

Realizing that it couldn’t escape her, the other werewolf turned to her, determined to end the fight. So was Moira.

Getting to her feet, Moira stood to wait, framed by the large rocks surrounding her.

The beast charged. It snarled as it slammed into her, driving them both to the edge of the cliff.

Moira hooked her claws into its wounded gut and pulled as she fell off the edge.

The beast braced itself against the stones in an attempt to keep from falling.

Aided by gravity, Moira ripped at her opponent as she fell towards the river below.

The beast screamed as Moira’s claws tore free, spilling its gut.

Moira knew the injury wouldn’t kill the beast immediately, and it would suffer greatly. But the threat would end, and that was what mattered to her most. She closed her eye and basked in the warmth of her victory as she plunged into the frigid water below.

She emerged naked in her human form as she pulled herself out of the water further down the river.

Carefully but quickly, she ran through the forest, avoiding several of the farms that surrounded Quinn as she rushed to the clearing.

She laughed to herself as she stood in front of her gear, snatching each piece one after the other. Her mouth hung open and her laugh died in her throat when she noticed the absence of her hat.

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