Enemy Within (Moira Ashe Book 1)

Chapter 13

The plan was simple. Lincoln would examine James in front of a window on the east side of the house while Moira hid in the tree and would be a third eye for Lincoln. She hid amongst the thick foliage of the tree’s leaves. She got close enough to the outside of the tree to see the examination but was cautious not to break her cover.

The blinds in a second-storey window burst open, revealing Lincoln as he allowed light into the room. She could swear that he was looking for her as he lingered in front of the window for a moment too long. When James finally did step in front of the window, Moira did not like what she saw. From this distance, she could see them well enough, well enough to see that James had a scar on his right hand. What she told Lincoln was only partially true, while the wounds they inflicted on him last night would be healed this morning, the wound she inflicted with her silver knife would remain a scar.

Moira drew her pistol and pointed it at the window. Her grip grew stronger as James turned around. She just needed to see the bite and it would be over.

But she never saw it.

She couldn’t believe it. Sure it was possible that he might have gotten that same cut somewhere else, he did have more than just that one mark. But she was sure of it. She refused to lessen her grip. It wasn’t until James began putting his clothes back on that she pulled the pistol away. Without the bite mark as proof, she couldn’t risk killing an innocent man. And if it was him, he would be dead tonight anyway, she would make sure of it.

Moira left her perch and went to rejoin Lincoln and Sloane. Lincoln, like her, was unhappy with the result. Sloane, on the other hand, seemed overjoyed regardless.

“So how did it go?”

Lincoln shook his head. “It’s not him.”

Sloane’s mood dampened slightly. “I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m sure the commander would be glad to hear it.” She smiled again. “And I’m just happy I get to go back to my regular shift. Glad I could help.”

Moira stopped her before she could leave. “Could you do one more favour for me?”

Sloane nodded. “Sure.”

“Can you ask Commander Murphy to keep all of the guards inside the walls tonight?”

Sloane seemed puzzled by the request but agreed anyway.

Left alone together, Moira and Lincoln stood in the street for a few seconds before Lincoln spoke. “So what do we do now?”

Moira shrugged. “We sleep until tonight.”

Lincoln nodded as they began walking back to The Midnight Hour.

As they both unlocked their doors, Moira stopped Lincoln before he entered his room.

“Is everything all right?” Lincoln asked.

“It’s just … I wanted to thank you for all of your help the past few days.”

Lincoln smiled. “No thanks necessary. I paid you, remember?”

Moira smiled and she hugged him. Lincoln was caught off guard by the sudden act of affection but quickly returned the gesture.

“No matter what happens tonight, I want you to know I consider you a friend.” Moira said as she let go of Lincoln and backed away to her door as she carefully dropped Lincoln’s door key into her coat pocket.

“It’s good to hear you say that.” Lincoln opened his mouth to say something else but thought better of it. “I’ll see you again, later tonight.”

Moira nodded and flashed him a sad smile as she entered her room and hoped that Lincoln wouldn’t try to lock his door behind him.

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