Endless (Clarity Coast Omegaverse Book 1)

Chapter 25

I smiled at the photos on my phone. They were perfect. The one I’d managed to snap while I kissed Isolde was a photo I was going to keep forever. Once she knew who we were to her—and I refused to believe she wouldn’t be with us after—I was having it fucking framed.

Said Omega was sleeping late. The others hadn’t objected when I told them I wanted to spend the day with Isolde. Now I just had to see if she wanted to spend it with me. I had a plan, but I would change it in a second if that’s what she wanted.

Crawling across the bed, I brushed her hair out of her face, making her stir. “Five more minutes,” she mumbled.

“Five more minutes and it will be the afternoon.”

Isolde’s eyes flew open. “What?”

“Such a sleepy Omega,” I teased. “Rowan and sugar wore you out.”

“Why didn’t anyone get me up?”

I eased myself down beside her. “You didn’t even move when we got up, and you didn’t have anywhere to be, so we didn’t see the harm. You clearly needed it.”

She sighed and stretched like a cat, clinging tighter to the pillow she was wrapped around. “I don’t remember the last time I slept that well.”

Because she felt safe. More than anything, Omegas needed comfort and safety. From what I knew of Isolde so far, she’d spent a long time not having those needs met. It didn’t surprise me at all that her body would reclaim some needed rest.

“Where is everyone?”

“Off doing their own thing. I think Vaughn is surfing, Rowan went to check on his plants, Cade had some classes, and if Joel isn’t here, he’s probably at home doing some nerdy shit.”

She smiled. “Nerdy shit?”

“The man loves his video games.”

“So you don’t?”

I grinned then. “No, I do.”

Isolde snuggled closer to me. “And what do you do in your spare time?”

“Music. Well, kind of. You may have seen me before.”

She trailed her fingers down my right arm, following the curving movement of the music staff that curled through all the rest of it. Then back up, until she reached the hawk inked across my shoulder, mid-flight. “I’ve seen you before…?” Her question hung in the air before her eyes went wide. “Wait, are you that guy?”

I smirked. “I don’t know who you mean.”

“I’m very comfortable. Don’t make me get my phone to prove it.”

“Yes, ma’am. Bossy Omega.” I pulled her so our hips were flush, bodies only separated by that fucking pillow. “I am that guy.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

All I could do was laugh. By ‘that guy,’ Isolde meant the faceless musician who played electric guitar on social media. Covering popular songs more often than. I did plenty of my own music, but my following didn’t know about that. “I never show my face, and even though my tattoos are recognizable, I’m not usually shirtless in public.”

“You’re so good,” she whispered. “You don’t want people to know who you are?”

“Eventually, yes.”

It had always been the plan to pursue the real thing when we were finished doing this kind of job. Thanks to Isolde, this career was coming to an end earlier than I imagined, and I didn’t mind a bit.

“If you’ve been here with me and nothing’s posted, your fans are probably going feral right about now.”

I shrugged. “I had some stuff scheduled, but it doesn’t bother me either way. I do it for me and not them. It’s fun, don’t get me wrong, and I’m lucky to have the following I do, but I’m still going to live my life, no matter what anyone else has to say about it.”

Isolde suddenly looked shy. “Will you play for me sometime?”

“Anytime you like.” I couldn’t help but purr. It was a reflex. Having my Omega this close to me made me so happy. Complete.

“So,” Isolde yawned and stretched. “If they’re all doing that, what are you doing here?”

“Hopefully spending the day with you.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Well,” I reached out and sank my hand into her hair. I fucking loved her hair. “That depends on you.”

“Sounds scary.”

“Hopefully not,” I chuckled. “You remember when I said I like to watch?”

She hid her face in the pillow. “I think it’s going to be very difficult to forget that night, so yes.”

“What would you say if I watched you? And after I watched you, we’d have some time alone.” I twirled a piece of her hair around my finger, trying very hard not to imagine it wrapped around my cock.

Narrowing her eyes, Isolde studied me. “Watch me do what?”

“I have a photographer friend who’s very good at what she does. Boudoir photos. You absolutely don’t have to say yes if you’re not comfortable with it, but I know for sure I’d enjoy watching you take them.”

A little crease appeared between her eyes. “I’m not saying no, necessarily, but what would I do with photos like that?”

“Sometimes the experience is enough. I’ve been told they can be very empowering. And sometimes you need a reminder of exactly the badass you are.”

“So this friend⁠—”

I grabbed the pillow from between us and tossed it away, needing to feel more of her than just her legs. Rolling us, I put us where we’d been a few days ago, with my body pinning hers down. But now she was comfortable with it. Now I could kiss her and she wouldn’t run away.

“This friend is just a friend,” I said. “We’ve never slept together. She’s taken some fully clothed photos of me before, and that’s it.”

Isolde’s hands fluttered over my shoulders. “So what would the plan be? You watch me take photos and then we come back here?”

“She takes photos of you, and yes, I’ll watch. You’ll barely know I’m there. And yes, I will absolutely be touching myself while I watch you. When she’s done, she’ll fuck off, and then I’ll have my way with you right there. Because trust me, baby girl, I will not be able to wait until we get back here.”

Her eyes went wide, pupils dilating with arousal. That fucking intoxicating scent of her perfume rose around the two of us. “She’s willing to do that?”

“She is. Granted, I didn’t give her the full details. But this is Clarity. Guarantee she’s done weirder shit.”

My Omega snorted a laugh. “Probably right.”

Then her eyes dropped to my chest, and the shyness was back. I wanted to fuck it out of her. She didn’t have to be shy about anything with us, and I knew it wasn’t simply because she was shy. Isolde wasn’t. It was that Beau made her question her desires without her even knowing, and it would take a while for her to see that asking for things wasn’t wrong.

“Will you take some with me? Or is it weird if everyone isn’t there?”

I kissed her, groaning when our lips met. Heaven. She was fucking heaven. “I’ll take some with you if you want me to, but I also want it to be about you. Who you are.”

“And so you can watch.”

“And so I can watch.”

She blushed pink. “I’ll say yes, but there’s one little problem.”

“What’s that?”

“You’ve already seen the extent of my sexy clothes. With the exception of that bra Trinity ordered on the day we got here, I don’t have anything good for something like this, and I’m not taking pictures naked.”

I grinned. “Would you take some naked if I were with you?”

Isolde’s teeth sank into her lower lip. That spark of curiosity in her eyes got smothered so quickly. After this wedding was over, I would make sure it never died out. “Maybe.”

“Good,” I whispered. “I want to feel you naked against me again. And for the rest of it? Not a problem.”

Rolling off her, I helped her to the edge of the bed. “How? I don’t think I’m ready to wear communal lingerie if your friend has some she uses.”

My laugh echoed off the walls of the suite, and I tucked her head under my chin. “No communal lingerie, baby girl. We’ll just have to add a stop on the way to the studio. Now get dressed. Since you said yes, we need to get going. I’ll meet you at the front door in ten minutes.”

She stared at me, mouth open like she wasn’t sure if she should protest or not. I smirked. “Keep your mouth open, baby girl, and I’ll find a good use for it.”

No pink this time. A furious red blush crawled over her face and neck, her mouth closing with a nearly audible snap.

I had to hold back my laughter as she ran to the closet.

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