
Chapter Brother

When we got to the house, I turned to Ash. “So how’d I do?” I asked.

He smiled. “You did great.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Good. I was worried I hadn’t done it right.”

“Sylvia, you are the best leader Endania could ever have.”

I snorted. “How do you know? I just became the leader yesterday.”

He shrugged. “I’m your guard. I know things.”

Dominic came jogging up to us. “Your, Grace, your mother told me something as I was escorting her out.”

I looked at him. “First, please call me Sylvia when no one’s around. Second, what did she say?” I hope she didn’t tell him how she tortured me. That would make him ten times more protective of me and I don’t need that. Besides, I don’t even focus on that stuff anymore. Only when I see her does it come to the front of my mind.

“She told me you have an older brother. He’s twenty-five and his name’s Eric.”

I frowned. What? I have a brother? Maybe she was lying when she told him. “Do you believe her?”

“Yes. She wasn’t lying.”

“Does he know about Sylvia?” Ash asked. “Since he was seven when she was born.”

“He didn’t know until two days ago when she told him.”

“How does that work out? He had to have seen her pregnant and when they brought me home from the hospital,” I said.

Dominic shook his head. “He knew she had been pregnant but she told him you were stillborn.”

“That still doesn’t make sense. I wasn’t put in that basement until I was one. So he had to have seen me at some point.”

“He was at his grandparent’s how for that year. He never heard your screams when you were tortured because the basement was soundproof.”

Ash raised an eyebrow. “And Mrs. Don just happened to spill all this to you?”

Dominic gave a sheepish look. “She told me about it because I threatened to kill her if she didn’t tell me everything. But in my defense, she was trying to get a rise out of me when she said Sylvia had a brother.”

“You gave her what she wanted then,” I said with a note of disapproval in my voice.

He winced. “Yeah.”

“Did she tell you what he looks like?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I told the guard at the gate to tell us if he shows up because the Alpha wanted to see him.,” he said quickly.

Ash chuckled. “Trying to get back into Sylvia’s good graces?”

“Is it that obvious?” Dominic asked.

I cleared my throat pointedly. “I’m standing right here, boys, and I’m not mad at you, Dominic. It’s hard to not rise to Kita’s bait. Trust me, I’ve done it a lot.”

He relaxed. “Okay.”

Suddenly Mon came running toward us. “Syl…Your Grace, the guards asked me to tell you the person you’ve been expecting has arrived,” she said.

I scowled. “Sylvia. When it’s just us four, please call me Sylvia.”

She grinned. “Aw, are you getting tired of being called ‘Your Grace’ already?”

“Obviously,” I muttered. “Mon, will you please bring this person to me?”

Now she scowled. “I hate my job as the messenger.” She turned and ran off.

I went inside and asked the cook to send tea to the living room. I sat in an armchair and shut my eyes. Dominic and Ash went and stood in front of the fireplace. I opened them again when I heard the front door open. Ash and Dominic both tense when Mon came in with Eric. He had blond hair and blue eyes. “Thank you, Mon. You may go,” I said. She smirked at me and I flipped her off. She laughed and left. I nodded to the sofa. “Please sit, Eric.”

He sat. “You know who I am,” he said quietly.

I inclined my head. “Kita spilled the beans to my guard as he was escorting her out.” Ash snorted and I shot a glare at him. He shrugged in response. I didn’t like the look of suspicion in his eyes.

“Look, Sylvia, I wasn’t aware you had survived or I would have taken you with me when I left,” Eric said.

“Really? Don’t you hate werewolves like your parents?” Ash growled.

“Ash,” I said sharply. “Eric is our guest. Behave.”

Eric looked directly at Ash without any fear. “I don’t hate supernaturals. I’m a member of an organization that protects them. So, yes, if I had known about Sylvia, I would have protected her.”

“That’s good to know,” I said. “Ash, please go get an ID for him. I think he should be allowed to come and go as he pleases.”

“No,” Ash said.

My eyes snapped to his. “What?” I growled.

“You heard,” he snapped. “How do we know he’s telling the truth? He could be a spy for your mother.”

“Werewolves can tell when someone’s lying, Ash,” Dominic said. “Eric is telling the truth.”

Ash glared. “Fine. But I don’t trust him.” He took a picture of Eric and left.

“I’m not a spy for Mom,” Eric said.

“I know,” I said quietly. “Ash is just being protective.” I frowned. “Dominic, I’ve never seen a Commander for the humans who live here.”

“That’s because there isn’t one,” Dominic said.

I thought for a minute. “Once everyone begins to trust Eric, I think I’ll make him Commander. What do you think?”

“You have to discuss that with the other Commanders first,” Ash snapped as he came into the room. He dropped Eric’s ID in his lap and stalked over to the fireplace.

“I am aware,” I said calmly. “Eric, that ID allows you to enter Endania. But I am wondering if you’d like to stay here?”

“I’d love to,” Eric replied.

“I have a question that nobody seems to think is important,” Ash growled. “Why did you arrive ten minutes after your Mother left? Did she tell you to?”

Dominic and I both glared at Ash as Eric blinked in confusion. “Mom was here today?” He asked.

“I nodded. “Yes, and I banished her from Endania.”

“Oh. Well, it took two days to get here. I had set off as soon as Mon told me the truth.” He looked at Ash. “I can see why you’re suspicious of me thought. But I have to tell you that I had no idea Mom had come here.”

“How did you know Sylvia was in Endania then?” Ash said.

“Oh, Nado and I are friends. He called and told me where I could find her. He’ll be here later today.”

“And I’ll be asking him if he knows you.”

I huffed and looked at the time. I stood up. “Dominic will show you to your room, Eric. Ash and I have to go and welcome Water, Nado, Fire, and Earth to Endania.”

Eric stood up too. “Do you have to? I was hoping we could get to know each other.”

I smiled. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later since you’re staying here. But I do have to go since I’m the Alpha.”

“You are?”

“Yup. I’ll see you later.” I turned to Dominic. “Join us after you’ve shown him to his room.”

“I will,” he said. Then he led Eric out of the room.

I turned to Ash. “Let’s go, grumps.” We left.

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