Enchanting Winter


Now Willow!” In one swift moment Luke is gone replaced by a huge grey wolf. His fur is thick and his shackles are raised as he circles Willow looking for danger. Willow feels her magic pulsing, struggling to keep it at bay. She looks down at the ring on her finger glowing a bright blue.

“I don’t need him.” Willow says softly and Luke’s wolf form whimpers softly as though disagreeing. Luke turns back to the growling sound his teeth barred. A dark figure with a set of piercing red eyes steps out into the opening.

“You dare interrupt our peace.” The figure’s voice is gravelly.

“Do not come any closer!” Willow surprises herself with her confidence.

“You are really in no position to make demands.” The figure takes another step and Luke snarls. “Especially bringing a wolf here.”

“You are on my land. Who are you?”

“You don’t already know?”

“If I knew why would I ask?” Willow says sarcastically.

“You have powerful magic running through you.”

“I asked you a damn question!”

The figure steps forward again angered by Willow’s outburst and his red eyes drop to her neck.

“You are marked.” The figure is now close enough that Willow can see him more clearly the red eyes aren’t the only distinguishing feature. The figure smirks showing off an incredibly pronounced set of canine teeth.

“You’re a vampire.”

Why are vampires living in the forest?

“And you belong to one.” The vampire chuckles.

“Let us leave.”

“I’m not stopping you.” The vampire says smugly, he gestures for Willow to leave but she senses that he is waiting for the chase. Willow’s eyes flick to Luke who is clearly sensing the same thing. Willow reaches out to stroke Luke’s fur.

“When I tell you, run.” Willow whispers, hoping his wolf hearing is in full swing. Luke lets out a whine as though he thinks the plan is complete rubbish.

Willow brings her arms up over her chest. To anyone the gesture would look as though she is anxious or frightened but Willow is trying her best to harness her magic. Willow thinks of all the times her magic has flowed from her, it seems to happen whenever she is angry or frightened. Just as Willow is about to make her move a loud call breaks through her mind.


Cassius’s voice is ragged. Willow can sense straight away that he is losing his control.

“Answer me Willow. Don’t you dare block me out?”

You have been ignoring me. I haven’t been blocking you out.

“You have, more than you realise but we will discuss that later. Where. Are. You?”

I’m busy and I don’t need your help.

Subconsciously Willow thinks of the forest and the vampire in front of her and Cassius growls.

“You seem to be having some sort of internal battle.” The vampire chuckles and Willow is brought back to the present.

Her arms are still crossed over her chest hiding the flurry of snow behind her hands. Willow looks down briefly, the vampire sees it as a sign of defeat but Willow is merely checking on her powers. She schools her expression hiding the smile threatening to tug at her lips.

“Don’t. You. Dare.” Cassius’s voice is quiet in the back of her mind and Willow sends her arms out in a sweeping motion. The flurry of snow and ice shoots from her chest briefly shocking the vampire standing in front of her.

“RUN!” Willow cries already racing out of the wood with Luke bounding beside her. The pair doesn’t stop. Luke hears the rustle of the vampire behind them, beginning the chase but he continues to push Willow along. Once on the outskirts of the forest Willow runs into a solid chest and two strong arms wrap around her. Panic takes over and the air gets colder. The more she struggles against the thing holding her the more her magic grows.

“It’s me love.” Cassius’s voice hits her like a ray of sunlight and her ice magic melts almost instantly as she passes out collapsing into his arms. Cassius holds Willow bridal style, hugging her against his chest.

Luke snarls, still in his wolf body. He looks back to the forest has Cassius tenses.

“Show yourself.” Cassius demands and the smirking vampire steps out from the shadows. Cassius squeezes Willow tighter against his chest.

“The vampire prince has marked his mate?” The new vampire smirks towards Willow. “Does she really know who you are?”

Cassius glances down at Willow’s peaceful form. The stress and using her magic has left her clearly exhausted.

“Is he here?” Cassius asks and the vampire stands a little straighter.

“The King remains in the forest protected by our kind.”

“Deliver him a message.” Cassius’s voice is threatening. “Leave Winter Grove and never come back. He is not welcome here and never will be.”

The vampire’s gaze falls on Willow one last time before he bows his head slightly.

“I will deliver your message because you are the prince. But even a prince does not command the King.”

There is a whoosh of air and Cassius is left holding Willow with Luke circling his feet.

“Cass!” Cassius spins on his heels at the sound of his brother’s voice coming towards him. Willow stirs slightly her quick rest having done her some good. “I bought clothes.” Nicholas says setting down a satchel in front of the wary wolf.

“Luke.” Willow’s voice is strained but the muttered word releases a jealously within Cassius. Luke finds himself smirking as with no shame he shifts changing back into his human form and quickly dresses in the clothes Nicholas provided.

Willow opens her eyes and begins to panic.

“Luke. Are you ok? Is he…?” Willow looks around frantically and Cassius struggles to maintain his grip.

“Right here Will.” Luke responds his voice gruff and dehydrated. “Let’s get you back to your room.” Luke puts his arms out for Willow but Cassius holds her tighter.

“No! She’s mine.”

“Trust me blood sucker I smell the mark but you should be getting back to your fiancé. It would look a little weird to walk into your engagement party holding another woman in your arms.”


“Luke?” Willow startles awake her eyes darting madly around the room.

“Lady Willow!” Anna’s voice is panicked as she rushes to Willow’s side. “Oh m’lady we were so worried. Running off into the woods. You are lucky Mr Bane found you.”

Willow furrows her brow at Anna’s version of events.

“Where is he?”

“The Duke and Duchess insisted he stay the night. He is in one of the guest rooms. I can fetch him if you like?”

“The night?”

“Of course. It is a little after six in the morning.”

“I slept all night. I missed the party.”

“I’m sure Miss Carson won’t mind. In fact she was quite distressed when she heard what happened. She said she has been eager to meet you.”

I’m sure she is...

“Should I fetch Mr Bane?”

“And some breakfast please Anna. Luke and I will eat in my suite.”

“Right away m’lady.” Anna hurries from the room and Willow pulls herself to sitting back against the headboard.

Her head spins as her memory forces her to relive some of last night’s events. For the moment Willow seems to be alone in her head, which she realises must mean Lord Cassius Black is asleep. It is the strangest feeling to not have him ‘watching’ over her.

A knock on the door a few moments later brings Willow back to reality.

“Come in.” Willow calls and the door opens to reveal a gorgeous brunette.

Quinn offers Willow a smile and Willow pulls her blanket up around her body.

“I’m sorry to intrude. We haven’t been officially introduced. I’m Quinn Carson.”

“I know who you are.” Willow says but shakes her head scolding herself. “I’m Willow.”

“Anna told me that you were awake when I passed her in the hall. I hope you don’t mind but you are basically my cousin.”

Willow’s brow furrows in thought and she smiles.

Well she got me there.

“Yeah, I guess we are.”

“I’m not sure of the exact terminology for our familiar status but cousin will do for now.”

“I’m sorry I missed your party.”

“Don’t be. Cassius explained what happened in the woods. I understand you know his true nature?”

“You know?”

“I don’t think he told me out of want, more of necessity.”

Willow nods not quite understanding Quinn’s statement.

“I want to apologise for my sister.” Quinn says after a moment. “She gets quite defensive when she feels threatened. It is annoying but sadly just her nature. Our mother was quite similar, god rest her soul. Blair has no right to question your relationship with Cass-”

“I don’t have a-”

“Oh, but you do. And quite frankly the two of you make a much better pair then he and I ever would. I intend to talk to my Aunt while I’m here. I’m not sure how much can be done now but I can’t not stand in the way of true love.”

“I don’t-” Quinn cuts Willow off with a knowing stare. “You are engaged.”

“That doesn’t mean we love each other. I have known Cassius my whole life. That doesn’t mean I wish to marry him. When the betrothal was set I was getting ready to leave for the natural realm. My mother had passed and without my mother’s title my father is worth basically nothing. He sent Blair and I to Winter Grove because he wanted more for us, a better life. More than he could give. The Duke arranged for me to study in the natural realm, at Oxford specifically when he realised how much I longed for it. He even organised a guide to accompany me and at the same time organised a fiancé to be waiting back here in Winter Grove for me. I never wanted a fiancé Willow I never asked for it but at the same time I’m basically freeloading. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful.”

“I’m sure my grandfather would have listened to you.”

“I know he would have. I didn’t have any reason to say no back then but now...”

“You met someone.” Willow deduces.

“My guide, Landon. I positively hated him at first.” Quinn smiles at the memory. “He was so professional refusing to even look at me too long, always saying where I could go and for how long but eventually...well I realised what my feelings really were.”

“Does Cassius know?”

“Yes. I wrote to him almost straight away. Although he would have known the moment I stepped out of that carriage today. He has a way of reading thoughts.”

“Oh I know.” Willow rolls her eyes. “Is it a vampire thing?”

“No, though it might be enhanced because of his vampiric side. Cassius is simply gifted. He told me about the connection he has with you. He told me about it after your first night in Winter Grove, the same day I got a letter from my sister belittling you in every way possible.”


“I think I knew before he did. The way the two of you can communicate. I knew he was your mate long before he marked you.”

“I’m sorry I-”

“Willow, do not apologise. I am not your enemy.”

Willow’s door opens and Anna enters with two footmen following. All three are carrying trays of food and Luke trails behind with a half eaten bagel in his hand.

“The food here is-” Luke cuts himself off when he sees Quinn sitting on the edge of Willow’s bed.

“Lukos Bane this is Quinn Carson.” Willow says making the introductions.

“It is lovely to meet you.” Quinn drops into a small curtsy showing how well she suits this world. She offers Luke her hand to which he places a small kiss on the back.

“An honour Miss Carson. Congratulations on your engagement.” Luke says his face stoic despite the half eaten bagel hanging by his side.

“I should leave you both to your breakfast. Think about what I said Lady Willow I hope we can spend some more time together over your Christmas break.”

“Of course.”

Quinn gracefully exits the room skirt billowing and Anna follows soon after.

“The food here is fantastic.” Luke has finishing his thought from before. “So, what did the future Lady Black say?”

“Only that she loves someone else and intends to break off the engagement.”

“Well then, things were getting a little dull, time to spice things up I guess.” He rolls his eyes. “So has Black...said anything?”

“No. I think he may still be asleep.” Willow replies.

“How does it work exactly?”


“The whole connection. You hear each other’s thoughts?”


“And was that there before he marked you?”

“Yeah. If you ask him, Cassius will say we have always had this connection. He says that we had it when I lived here when I was younger. But I don’t remember it. I don’t remember him.”

“Sounds like destiny.”

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