Enchanting Winter



illow’s mind is silent, creepily so. Annabelle wakes her a little later than usual after her make believe illness and greets her with a smile and fresh scones.

“Good morning m’lady.”

“Morning Anna.” Willow says softly.

“Your first weekend at the academy. What shall you do with yourself?” Anna smiles brightly and Willow finds herself amused by her.

She hadn’t thought about what her first weekend would be like. Willow wasn’t sure how things worked at a boarding school. She had homework to do and assignments to work on but would they force her to stay in her room until all her work was complete?

“I have some school work.” Willow says but Anna smile doesn’t falter.

“Maybe a morning in the library then? I could pack a little picnic for you and if the weather is fine we could stop on the grass and-”

“Whatever you wish Anna.”

“As long as it pleases you m’lady.”

“I’m willing to take your lead on this one Anna.”

Willow eats her breakfast in silence as Anna bustles around her. She can feel Cassius’s presence in her mind but he stays silent, mute even. It isn’t like the times where he actively ignored her or shut her out this is different.

Willow is scared what thoughts she could subconsciously vocalise still sure that he is listening so instead she clears her mind, well does her best to anyway. This first week has all been too much, werewolves, magic, ice and vampires, not to mention walking through mirrors.

Anna helps Willow dress in one of the extra gowns she packed and Willow is careful to slip her compact in the pocket in the skirt. Anna chats happily to Willow as the two walk to the library with Jonathan close behind.

“Do you have school work too?” Willow asks.

“Yes actually, would it be alright-”

“Of course. Your studies are just as important Anna.”

“Thank you m’lady.”

Willow catches sight of Luke and Spencer on the other side of the library. Spencer, too busy in his conversation doesn’t notice her but Luke offers her a nod and a smirk to which she nods back. Subconsciously Willow finds herself touching the raised mark on her neck that she now knows for sure is a bite, a bite from a vampire.

Marked you as his mate. Nicholas’s words tumble around her head.

Surely it doesn’t mean anything. Willow mentally scoffs. Some stupid folktale.

A tingle runs down the back of Willow’s neck causing her to shiver. She glances behind her with the sinking feeling in her gut that someone is watching her. Finding nothing out of the ordinary Willow turns back to the empty desk in front of her sinking down into one of the seats.

“I certainly hope you haven’t been waiting long.” A cheery voice snaps Willow out of her thoughts and she jumps startled at the noise. Willow looks up to find Marquess Joshua Mills staring down at her.

“Lord Mills!”

“I’m sorry if I startled you Lady Willow. Are you ready to work?”


“On the history assignment. We are partners remember?”

Willow waits for Cassius’s objection in her mind but it never comes. She sighs thinking about how silent he has been.

“Of course.” Willow musters a polite smile. “Please sit.”

“Thank you m’lady.”

“Oh Lady Willow I-” Annabelle arrives at the table holding a piece of paper but stops short when she see Joshua. She drops into a low curtsey. “Oh I’m so sorry m’lady, your lordship. Please excuse the interruption.”

“It is fine Anna. Lord Mills this is Annabelle Day my ladies maid. Anna, this is his Lordship Marquess Joshua Mills.”

“It is lovely to meet you Miss Day.” Joshua stands on ceremony gently kissing the back of Anna’s hand causing her to turn three shades of red.

“Oh the pleasure is all mine my lord.”

“What is the problem Anna?” Willow asks.

“Oh no problem, just a letter from your grandparents. It can wait. Shall I return to the room?”


“I wouldn’t want to impose on you or Lord Mills m’lady.”

“Anna sit. You have studying to do. I certainly don’t mind, do you m’lord?” Joshua looks torn as he looks back and forth between Willow and Anna. Finally he cracks a smile.

“Of course not Lady Willow.”

Joshua sits back in the seat opposite Willow his foot grazing hers under the table. Willow pulls her feet back and when she makes eye contact with Joshua she realises the poor guy is trying to flirt.

Willow feels a shiver down her spine and Willow glances over Joshua’s shoulder to see Cassius. His eyes are a mixture between the bright blue they were the first time she saw him and the red she saw when his hunger took over, almost purple.

Willow feels her breath catch in her throat. She wants to say something, or think something but she finds herself coming up short.

I hope you are feeling better.

She mentally cringes at the way that must have sounded.

Urgh! Good one Willow.

Cassius smiles at her mental battle, tipping his head slightly to show that he is listening.

“Lady Willow?”

Willow’s eyes flick back to Joshua’s curious ones.

“Did you hear me?”

“Oh, no sorry.”

“I was just saying that it is fortuitous us being partners on this assignment. I think it is a partnership your grandfather would approve of.”

“And why is that Lord Mills?”

“Isn’t it obvious m’lady? We are of the same breeding. Both powerful people from powerful families.” The look in Joshua’s eye leaves Willow feeling unsettled and she is quick to change the subject and divide the assignment evenly, keen to spend as little time with him as possible.

When Willow glances over Joshua’s shoulder again Cassius is still standing there. His deep purple piercing eyes penetrating her skull.

Don’t you have anything better to do?

Cassius shrugs at her question.

Why so quiet?

Cassius stands unmoving. Willow can hear Joshua prattling on about something but she continues to ignore him.

You seriously have nothing to say? How unlike you.

Willow rolls her eyes as she looks back at the history book in front of her.

“I assumed you wouldn’t want to talk. After all you seemed quite angered with me.”

Willow’s eyes snap back to Cassius.

“I need another book.” Willow says to the table and she stands without waiting for a response, walking to a set of stacks. She feels Cassius following her. Willow stops once no one else is around and turns to face the vampire she can’t get out of her head.

“Are you feeling better?” Willow asks rubbing her wrist and Cassius steps even closer to her breathing in her scent.

“Much.” Cassius takes Willow’s hand and presses his lips against the vein he fed from last night.

“Well, good.” Willow pulls herself from his grasp.

“You wanted to talk Lady Willow?”



“Why can’t I get you out of my head?”

“I have tried my best to be quiet.”

“That is not my point and you know it.”

“The mark. You have my mark.” Cassius gently lets his thumb graze the two small bumps on Willow’s neck. Despite the warm feeling in her stomach Willow pulls away from his touch.

Cassius frowns.

“I can’t Cassius. I can’t let myself feel.”


“Because you are engaged.”

“Willow, I have told y-”

“You have and yet my grandfather has arranged it. I don’t know why you bothered marking me.” Willow suppresses a few tears willing herself not to cry. “I have to go.”



Willow rushes passed her study table giving Joshua some lame excuse as she bolts back to her dorm with Annabelle and Jonathan behind her. She finds herself sobbing into a pillow desperate to talk to someone when she remembers the phone Jessica gave her.

“Hello?” Clare picks up on the first ring and Willow’s tears fall again.


“Oh my god. Willow! How are you?”

“I’m g-good.”

“I have known you my whole life. I know when you are lying.” Clare scoffs. “Is it your grandparents? School?”

“I met a guy.”

“And he has made you this upset? I’ll kick his ass! So, is he in your class?”

“Actually no, he is my tutor.”


“I said he is-”

“I heard you. Are you serious? Is he hot?”


“What? Important question. So, he is older then you then?”

“Yeah about six years I think. That isn’t the problem though. That doesn’t bother me.”

“Then what is the problem?”

Willow mentally scoffs.

Magic? Werewolves? Vampire? Marks? Betrothals?

“He is engaged.”

“So, you have a crush?”

“No, well yes, I guess but I feel like he is leading me on. Telling me his engagement doesn’t mean anything.”



Willow talks to Clare for about an hour. Although she can’t share everything with her when they finally hang up she feels just that little bit better. A knock that the door comes the moment Willow hangs up and she quickly stashes the phone.

“M’lady, would you like the letter from your grandparents now?”

“Yes, thank you Anna.”

Willow opens the wax sealed envelope to find two pieces of parchment. The first is in her grandfather’s hand and asks her about classes and friends before mentioning that he will be happy when she is home for Christmas break. He gives her details of when she expected back at Winter Grove. It is all very formal but Willow can tell underneath it all he cares for her deeply.

The second piece of parchment is small and Willow notices straight away it is an invitation. She drops it as soon as she recognises the elegant script.

The Duke and Duchess of Winter Grove

formally invite

Lady Willow Winter of Winter Grove and Guest

to celebrate the engagement of

Lord Cassius Black to Miss Quinn Carson.

For two whole weeks Willow successfully manages to avoid Cassius. Feigning illness during her tutoring times Willow only feels him in her thoughts. Willow decides it is easier than seeing him. She has gotten use to the feeling like someone was watching her; she isn’t even trying to hide her thoughts anymore. He deserves to know that she thinks he is a complete and utter ass.

“What time are you headed off?” Luke finds her in the hallway.

“Hi.” Willow says with a smile.

“What time are you headed off?” Luke repeats himself.

“Hi.” Willow says again.

“You already said that.”

“But you haven’t.”

Luke rolls his eyes with a small chuckle and Willow feels Cassius’s anger pulse through like she does every other time she is talking to Luke, Spencer or really any other male on campus. Over the last two weeks Willow and Luke have developed a friendship of sorts.

“Good afternoon Lady Willow.”

“Mr Bane, what a pleasant surprise.” Willow smirks and earns yet another eye roll.

“So? What time are you headed home?”

“In about three hours I believe. Anna is upstairs frantically packing I promised Jonathan I would bring her something to eat.”

“Will you have lunch with me?” Luke asks extending his arm which Willow happily accepts placing her hand in the crock of his elbow.

“How far from Winter Grove is Crystal Lake?” Willow asks as she lowers herself into the seat Luke pulled out for her.

“Like an hour or twos ride.”


“On horse back.” Luke gives her a curious look as Willow laughs.

“Of course you ride a horse.”

“Why do you ask?”

“My grandparents are having a party and I need a date.”

“Do you think that is such a good idea?” Luke eyes the almost invisible two bumps on her neck. Willow’s hand grazes the spot and she sighs.

Of course it isn’t. Willow mentally scolds herself. For a moment she doesn’t care if Cassius can hear her.

“It would just be as friends. My grandparents’ house is still so foreign to me. I need as many friends as I can get.”


I can’t offer Luke more than that when my heart is pulling me in a different direction.

“Yeah, you are my friend right?” Willow says teasingly with a small smile.

A smile takes over Luke’s scruffy face. “Ok well, you let me know the details and I’ll be there.”

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