Final Chapter 27

Ruvin didn’t want Alli sitting anywhere else other than on his lap. Her soft butt molded itself against his lap with heat wafting from her causing him to have a hard-on even though they were in public waiting to be addressed by the Lord Mage who had returned safely from the Realm of The Dark.

The male had managed to meet Idriss, one of the three fathers of the Nosferatu. They were the last remaining relatives to the royal bloodline and very powerful beings. The Lord Mage didn’t say much about the meeting because he looked a little confused. Ruvin felt maybe Idriss might have jumbled up his mind for his own protection. There were still several people who went around hunting the Nosferatu for their blood.

It had been a week and some days after the attack from Torin and life was slowly getting back to normal. In the human Realm, Faelen managed to hold a mass cremation for all the weakbloods that lost their lives during the attack. They needed to cremate the bodies because the last thing they wanted was for the humans to find the remains and start asking questions. All the enchanted beings who lost their lives were brought back to the enchanted world for their ceremonial cremation.

Faelen was not so ignorant about the stories of the enchanted world and he knew the Lord Mage was superior to him so when he was called to the enchanted world together with the House of Five and the last remaining Wolfen families, they had to heed his command.

It was interesting to see how stunned they were as they stood in the Mage Fortress. It was nothing like what they had back home. Not only was this place immensely superior but it held a power unlike any other and they all soon realized that indeed, there were no match for the enchanted beings.

“Just because we remain hidden and are quiet, it doesn’t mean you are any better than us.” Ruvin heard the anger and warning behind the Lord Mage’s words.

He was upset because instead of living in peace with the weakbloods as distant-relatives, the weakbloods felt they were far superior than any other being so they abused their powers and forgot that they had to protect the weak.

“I have lived for a longer time than any of you weaklings and I have seen all there is to see so you can imagine just who you stand in front of! You might not recognize me as your superior because Faelen has been your clan leader for the longest time but all of you are children of this Realm; The Realm of Spells. This is where your forefathers began their lives.”

The conference room was utterly quiet. The Lord Mage sat up on his Throne and on one side sat Galea, the High Lord of the Realm, while on the other sat Zach, the Second in Command.

At the bottom of the throne podium, on the first row sat all the commanders and High Mage that were present and just behind them sat the Royal Army.

Alli wanted to go and sit away from Ruvin, with Corleen and Donny but Ruvin wouldn’t have it.

The Lord Mage also managed to cajole Titus and Louise to come. With them came California and Pierce. Ruvin was glad that Tyson and his girlfriend weren’t present because Faelen sent them away for their safety. They were the future of the weakblood clan after all. The males sat quietly in front of the Lord Mage and his army with wariness in their eyes. Ruvin couldn’t help but smirk for a second as his eyes turned to his team.

Edon and the rest of the halfbloods sat on the left side of the conference room while the King’s advisory board sat on the right.

This was as official as a meeting could get with the exception of the Nobles who were busy in their sectors--just so the weakbloods could see how serious everything was.

Faelen looks like he is about to get sick. Alli giggled in Ruvin’s head and he had to duck down to hide the smile dancing on his lips.

I am supposed to look serious here, baby. You are not helping. Ruvin pushed his thoughts back to her.

More giggles echoed in Ruvin’s head.

Behave, you two. A new voice entered and both Alli and Ruvin tensed before turning to the male who was talking. When he dropped his eyes towards them, Ruvin was stunned to find that the Lord Mage could actually tap into Alli’s head as well.

Alli pursed her lips and looked down at her fingers as she tried her hardest not to laugh out loudly.

“All our lives we were led to believe that you were nothing but savages with no emotions whatsoever. We were led to believe that we were a lot civilized than you, a lot more intelligent thus it was easier for us to live with humans--like humans, than you could ever do.” Faelen stated.

The Lord Mage smirked. “Well, look around you. I will not allow you and us to be different because we are all of the same root! We look after each other and we protect the weak! I don’t care whether to agree or not but things are going to have to change if you want to remain long enough to bear children and grandchildren!”

Everyone was stunned into silence.

“Ruvin, get up!” Lord Mage barked and Ruvin had to place Alli aside and stood up straight. “This is the last known Pureblood Lycanthrope. There may be others but so far no one knows of anyone else. He is a Mage Royal Army Commander, one of the highest ranks in this world and for a good reason. He was placed in the human Realm because of a dark force that was spreading across the lands, threatening to taint the hearts of men and enchanted beings alike. While he was protecting your sorry ass realm, you were hunting him down like an animal but thanks to him, most of you managed to see the sunrise. Edon!” Edon quickly got up and took his warrior stance. “Lukas, Vixen, Raul, Willow, Tron, Briar, Izzy...” As he continued calling all of them, they all stood up, looking different now that they were wearing their warrior attire.

“I also had the privilege of meeting two humans who were willing to help my team where they could and although it cost them dearly, only the Heavens know how sorry and thankful I am for them. Jake and Tessa.” While Jake stood up quickly, Tessa timidly stood beside her brother with her fingers automatically searching for his.

Jake grabbed her hand quickly and gave her a small assuring smile that she was okay.

“These are the ones you should be thanking for the quick-thinking they did while you were being attacked. These are your Ghost Runners and the ones who sacrificed their lives for the lot of you!” The Lord Mage gritted his teeth.

Ruvin could hear the pain the Lord Mage was feeling and if the queen were there, she would have tried to soothe him but she wasn’t and Tyran stood alone, hurting for what had happened because of ignorance.

“My team shouldn’t have had to hide from you. They should have been able to come straight to you and report that they were there but they feared for their lives--just because some petty fuck told lies about us being cavemen, about us being savages and killers! This is unacceptable and I want to hold each one of you accountable!”

Faelen quickly got up from his seat and inclined his head just as hot white veins began rippling around the Lord Mage’s body. “If anyone should be accountable, it should be me, m-my king.”

Murmurs rumbled amongst the weakbloods. This was not going to go well for the Wolfen families because the Lord Mage never entertained petty theft. If the Wolfen had rights to all the privileges they had given themselves, then they should have worked twice as hard to make sure that everyone else around them felt safe.

“We, as the House of Five, feel that we too have failed in our part as the clan leader’s advisors. We, too, should be held accountable.” Jerkins, the toughest member of all, got up and inclined his head towards the Lord Mage.

The energy veins on the Lord Mage’s arms faded away as he stared at the people standing in front of him. “I want a major restructure of your government, Lord Faelen. You are I will work on your government from today until I am satisfied. You will be seeing a lot of me until you learn of my print!” He barked out. “Two of my most trusted advisors will come and aid you at the human realm for the next three months. Ruvin’s team will be coming back to the human world and this time I don’t want them to be neglected. I want reports on everything that is being done because from henceforth, you are under my rule.”

The whole room went silent before Lord Faelen gave a little nod. “Yes, my king.”

“Good, now I want you and the House of Five to follow me into my office. We have much to discuss.” The Lord Mage muttered.

Murmurs of excitement and confusion rang in the conference room as the Lord Mage went away with Lord Faelen and the four remaining House of Five.

“Is he always like that?” Alli let out a breath she had been holding as Ruvin circled an arm around her shoulders.

“He gets worse.” Ruvin assured her.

“Goodness that man gives me the goosebumps.” Corleen shivered slightly as she watched the Lord Mage leave with Faelen and the others.

“So, I don’t think you will be agreeing to have a position in his army, huh? You are a halfblood yourself since your mother was an enchanted being.” Ruvin asked her.

Corleen looked from him to her sister. Ruvin knew Corleen would throw a fit if she didn’t have it her way but at that moment, Ruvin knew Corleen was only thinking about Alli’s welfare. “I am still thinking about that offer, remember? And I am still shocked about the revelation of my mother being an enchanted beast.”

“I’m shocked too! Who would have ever thought I had Wolfen blood in me?” Donny made a disgusted face as she approached them with Blake close behind. “And on top of it, mom grounds me because I left the last time without telling her. She told me she will only let me out once I have my first grandchild!”

Donny and Louise finally managed to confront their mother about their father after Louise was injured and they had to do a blood map in order to know how to treat him. They were shocked when Louise was immediately transferred to the Wolfen wing of the hospital. Their mother admitted that their father was a Wolfen member and that he was killed off when he was discovered to have loved a commoner and was expecting his second child. They made it look like an accident but their mother knew the truth.

Now that Ruvin had to remain in the Enchanted World because of Alli, he managed to threaten Blake into the second hand position after Edon was promoted to Ruvin's position back in the human realm. That way, while he was searching for his brother, he was also keeping an eye out for trouble.

“Well, at least you can rest assured that those Wolfen boys will no longer bother you now that their parents have been given the overdue reprimanding they deserved.” Alli assured Donny. “And you can come any time you feel like seeing me.”

“I miss you already.” Donny’s voice trembled as she pulled Alli into her embrace.

“Alli...” A deep voice came from behind Donny and when both Ruvin and Alli turned, Louise was making his way to them.

Ruvin felt his body tense almost immediately. It was a reaction any mated male went through and even though he made sure his scent on Alli never left her with the constant kisses and touches, he still didn’t like the idea of her being around unmated males.

“Louise.” She smiled softly as she went to hug him.

Ruvin clenched his fists tightly against his side and swallowed back a growl of protest.

“Haven’t seen you since that night of the attack. You are alright.” He said.

Don’t stand so close to him. Ruvin warned Alli.

Oh come on...Ruvin. This was my first crush, remember? Alli teased as she touched Louise arm softly and Ruvin thought he was going to lose it!

“Better than I have ever been. How are you holding up? How is Alyse and Levina?” Alli asked him.

“They are both fine. My mother misses you a great deal but Aunt Alyse had been a little too quiet. Mom says she will be leaving soon and that she needs some time to recover after her ordeal on the night of the attack.”

“Oh yeah...” Donny said softly. “I don’t know what happened to her that night but she has suddenly become a little distant.”

Alli frowned softly and hummed before teasing Louise. “So, Louise, have you finally accepted Blake as your brother-in-law or are you waiting for your chance to poison him in his sleep?”

Donny gasped hard and turned to Louise sharply.

“I have not accepted that mutt for my sister.” Louise turned to Blake, his eyes piercing and hard. “He still has a long way to go to convince me and I will be watching him in every step of the way.”

Donny laced her fingers with Blake’s, moving closer to him so that Louise had no choice but to work very hard in accepting the enchanted beast.

“I don’t even know what poison this douche-bag gave my mother to make her so smitten by him but it won’t work on me. I’m the older brother, remember that.” Louise stated and walked away.

“Well, at least he isn’t throwing punches anymore.” Blake gave a half-smile.

Ruvin snatched Alli’s hand and pulled her close to him just as Zach and Galea joined them.

“I need to talk to your mate for a moment, Ruvin.” Zach said quietly.

Ruvin didn’t know what to say. The last time Alli was in Zach’s presence, Zach had to ask him to take her away before he harmed her. Ruvin’s fingers tightened their hold on Alli. He loved Zach like a brother but it was entirely different when a mate was involved.


“I won’t hurt her, I promise.” Zach answered. His once bright eyes were faded and he was no longer as cheery as before.

Zach never talked about his mate again but everyone could see that it weighed heavily on his shoulders. He sat alone more often or he just disappeared altogether for many hours. Even the Lord Mage was worried about him.

As Ruvin was about to open up his mouth and protest, Alli quickly answered. “It’s okay, Ruvin. I’ll be alright.”

Are you sure? Ruvin asked.

Zach will never hurt me. Alli assured him.

It took great discipline for Ruvin to let Alli’s hand go and remain standing beside Donny, Corleen and Blake while Zach led the way out of the conference room with Alli. Every fibre inside him screamed that he followed but he trusted the both of them and he wanted to show Alli that he wasn’t as protective as she thought.

Zach was silent as he walked ahead of Alli. He walked slowly while his eyes were fixed on one spot in front of them. He didn’t look as angry as he did the day she allowed Aro to take Asari away. He just looked lonely, lost and sad.

“Ruvin and I used to talk alot about how our mates would be like and how they should be best friends because he and I are.” He started softly as they stopped at the terrace leading down to the gardens.

Zach leaned in and pursed his lips. “I always imagined my mate to have the softest hair and the most beautiful dark eyes that would make any male stop in his shoes and just stare at her in awe. I imagined her to be the bravest of all and the most selfless female to ever walk these lands--never...” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat before he continued. “Never once had I imagined that the heavens were listening to these details and would mold someone like that for me.” He suddenly turned to her and Alli felt like her heart was breaking into a thousand pieces inside of her.

Never had she seen a male look so sorrowful and torn as Zach was at that moment.

“Asari shouldn’t have had to make a decision like that on her own. She had me and she should have trusted her mate to help her.” Zach said softly.

“Asari had been living alone for a very long time. I doubt she even recognized you as her mate, Zach. I know how selfless she was and I know if she had known about you, she wouldn’t have allowed what happened to happen. She wouldn’t have wanted to hurt you.”

Zach rested his arms on the balustrade and bent down, blinking quickly so that his tears didn’t fall. Alli felt her own tears hanging by their teeth on her eye lashes. She felt terrible for Zach. She could only imagine what he was going through because she remembered what she felt when she thought she was going to lose Ruvin in the jaws of Torin. She practically called for help from the afterlife!

“If I could turn back time, Zach, believe me I wouldn’t have let her do it. I would have held on to her until the very end.”

“You let Aro take her away from me!” Zach cried.

“Because I believed Aro could help her. Something deep inside me knew that Aro was Asari’s last hope for survival.” Alli assured him.

“I don’t want false hope-”

“I believe it with no question and should Aro fail--I will give up my life for it.”

No! The loud growl echoed in Alli’s mind as Ruvin refused that she made such deal.

It is the only way to save Zach, Ruvin. He will not believe it otherwise and he might harm himself in the process.

You will not put me in that position, Alli! Don’t force me to choose between my mate and my best friend. Ruvin’s ragged rasps came through.

Alli quickly shut Ruvin away and turned to Zach who was stunned to silence. “If Asari can’t be saved, Zach, I will end my life with hers.”

Zach shook his head vigorously. “You shouldn’t say that. No! You can’t say that. I don’t want you to die. I don’t want anyone to die.”

“I’m not dying, Zach, and neither is Asari.” Alli said and sighed. “I haven’t told anyone this but during the time that I was holding on to Asari’s spirit, when she faded from me, a part of her remained within me.” Alli placed her hand over her heart. “I can feel her in here and if I can still feel her it means she is not gone from this world. Do you want me to show you?”

Zach’s trembling hand touched Alli’s chest and suddenly they were both engulfed in a white light. Alli shared Asari’s warmth with Zach. It pulsed with life though not as strong but it was there. Alli knew that Zach recognized it as Asari’s because she saw the way his eyes widened and the way his hand tightened against her chest.

The light around them faded and the two of them stood in silence for what felt like an eternity then Zach sighed and looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time.

“Thank you, Alli.” He whispered, his voice thick with unshed tears. “Thank you so much...” He suddenly grabbed her and embraced her tightly. “Thank you.” He kept on whispering into her hair and Alli felt a smile tug on her lips.

Several Minutes Later....

Alli bit into her lower lip when she went up to their quarters and Ruvin was sitting on the bed waiting for her. She could tell by the tense shoulders that he was upset and he had every right to. It was not an easy thing trying to make Zach trust her enough to forgive her for what she did. Alli was not dying any time soon because Asari was alive.

Alli had felt her presence for the longest time. It was like pulsing light inside her and it kept her warm with assurance. She knew she made the right decision when she allowed Aro to take her to Isir. The Nosferatu were very powerful beings and Alli didn’t believe the Heavens would taunt a good man like Zach with his mate only to take her away from him.

“You shut me out.” Ruvin rasped with his voice thick and emotional.

“Because you were giving me a headache.” Alli rubbed her temple softly. “I am not going to die, Ruvin. You are not getting rid of me that easily.”

“Then why did you say it so casually, as if it is something so simple and minor? Why would you put up your own life like that? Don’t I get a saying in that? Aren’t I your mate?” Ruvin barked.

“Zach was already contemplating on taking his own life. He wanted to talk to me because he wanted some sort of closure before he did what he wanted to do. I just saved him from making the biggest mistake ever and you are here growling at me like that. As I said before, me saying that was the only way to prove that I knew Asari was alive. It was the only way I could give him hope in seeing her again.” Alli explained.

“But it doesn’t give you the right to gamble with your life. Your life is my life. If you die, I’ll die with you so don’t you ever take it so lightly again. Understand?” He stood up and approached her then stood in front of her, eying her intensely.

Alli pursed her lips and gave a little nod. “Fine.”

“And don’t ever shut me from you mind again.” Ruvin added tightly.

Alli rolled her eyes. “You are such a control-freak.” She was about to turn away from him when he suddenly grabbed her arm and spun her around so that she was flushed against him.

“I am such a control-freak because I only get one mate in this lifetime, because I love you more than my own life and because I can’t bear the pain of not being able to connect with you at all times. I am a pureblood beast and I live and thrive for my mate. If I should lose you....” His voice faded as he claimed her lips in a bone-crushing kiss.

Alli let herself trail in Ruvin’s mind and it was filled with nothing but the fear of losing her. He was terrified of that fact and Alli didn’t quite understand why.

“Because...after killing the male who had raised me to become the monster I am today, I had no one left. Everyone left me and I was alone with no one else to hold on to.”

“Ruvin, you are not a monster. You have me and I am not going anywhere. I promise.” She touched his face, memorizing every line and plane on it with her fingers. “I love you, Ruvin. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and sleep beside you-”

“After making love to you.” He added.

Alli chuckled softly. “After making love to me. I want to grow old with you and have lots of crying and screaming babies with you.”

His face cringed. “Babies...”

Alli nodded innocently. “About ten of them.”

Ruvin’s eyebrows snapped up. “Ten!”

Alli giggled uncontrollably at his expression. “Why is it that all males fear fatherhood?”

“I don’t fear fatherhood. I just fear having ten little rascals to drive me up the walls like their mother.” Ruvin tightened his hold around her and nipped at her lower lip.

Alli sighed and smiled. “All the better to keep you on your toes with.” She moved forward and placed a kiss on his lips.

That was all it took to get Ruvin to forget about his anger towards her and start attacking her T-shirt. He slipped it off her neck and lurched his lips against her neck, nipping, licking and kissing it until Alli was panting in pleasure.

Ruvin nudged her back until her legs hit the side of the bed before she collapsed onto it with Ruvin above her. She felt him unbuttoning the button to her jeans and pushed it down her legs. She managed to roll him over and sat straddling his hips as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

“You should learn to have patience, baby.” Alli teased as she took her sweet time undressing him even though she could see that he was very much worked up. When he tried to sit up and kiss her, Alli pushed him back on the bed. “So, are we trying for a baby today?”

“You want to fall pregnant before we even have a Union?” Ruvin exclaimed, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he ground himself against her.

“No. I haven’t even finished college yet...I wonder if transferring between worlds is allowed.” She thought pensively.

Ruvin barked in laughter. “You might as well start from scratch. Wanna enroll in the Agore City University?”

Alli drew down and placed kisses on Ruvin’s neck catching his attention once more. “I don’t know, what do they have to offer?”

“Sciences.” Ruvin ground out as his arms went around Alli’s waist and pulled her down so that she was flushed against his naked torso, her breasts pushed against his chest. He dotted kisses on her face until Alli was giggling.

“Do they also have Death Walker 101? Maybe I could take that as a major and add How to Tame your Mate as a side study.” She teased.

Ruvin growled and rolled her over until she was tucked under him then nipped her neck and had her squealing and punching him.

Ruvin pushed from her and got rid of his jeans and boxers letting Thrum jerk up in front of Alli. She was still in her panties and bra so seeing Ruvin in he marvelous nakedness was totally satisfying.

A coy smile appeared on her face as she pushed further into the bed away from him.

“If you try and tame a beast, you’ll only get bitten.” He hand clasped against her ankle and he pulled her back to him. He crawled over her and unclasped her bra with one hand while the other held her head in place as he assaulted her lips with his brutal kisses.

Alli kissed him back with the same ferocity, feeling like that was exactly where she belonged. She was in the right place at the right time with Ruvin. Never was he going to feel lonely anymore because he had her to fend off his nightmares.

Alli saw everything that he had gone through. It happened every time he peaked during their love making. His mind opened entirely to her, showing her all there was to see. He didn’t want to hide anything from her. He wanted to show her exactly what he was. Alli accepted him wholeheartedly because she knew the Ruvin she was with was not the same male he was all those years ago. He might have done a lot of bad things back then but he paid for each one and his soul was redeemed.

She loved him with all his flaws. She loved the tiny silver scars he had on his chest and back. She loved the fact that sometimes he wanted to be alone though he still connected to her mentally. She loved the fact that at night when he had nightmares, the first name he called out for was hers. He might have been broken once upon a time, but she made him whole again and she was ready to spend the rest of her life with him.

Ruvin finally got rid of her panties and plunged deep in her, earning a long purr of pleasure from her as she felt herself being carried off somewhere far with the male she loved.

Ruvin moved languidly in her, taking his sweet time and savoring and feel of her. His eyes became molten gold as he looked down at her, the love shining in them casting all the worries, doubts and sorrows away.

“I love you, Alli.” He growled softly.

“I love you so much, Ruvin.” Alli answered back, drawing up and kissing him leisurely as he carried them both up soaring in the skies together, hand in hand.

Alli let herself be carried away like that. She closed her eyes and let her senses flare outwards, letting her feel everything from the man over her, his scent, his heat and his voice. The way he lovingly played with her body until she couldn’t even make a decent thought.

Finally she felt the heat in her explode into a thousand pieces, carrying her off into ecstasy and oblivion. She called out his name and felt him explode inside her. He arched his head back and howled for all to hear. The tattoo on her collar bone pulsed with pleasure that felt like it was going on forever until finally she slumped back on the bed and Ruvin followed her, tangling his hands and legs with hers.

“I want you to help me do something, Alli.” He took in a deep breath and turned to Alli a little later after they had both caught their breaths.

She gave him a little nod, unsure of what he wanted to do that had him a little nervous.

Ruvin stood in front of the bonfire a little out of the Fortress’ view. The sun had already disappeared behind the hills casting a red and purplish hue across the skies. His hands tightened around the box he was carrying. It was about time for him to let go of the past and forge a better future for himself and Alli.

"Father, this is the last time I will see you. I think it is about time we say good bye and part ways, don’t you think so?” He asked the box.

He never told anyone what was in that box and everyone always saw him having the box somewhere in his room. Ruvin never carried it when he went to the Human Realm. He left it behind but now, he felt it was time to part with it.

“What’s in there?” Alli asked curiously.

Ruvin smiled bitterly at it. “The Father’s head. I kept it, a piece of my past to remind me of where I came from. I used to talk to it when things got a little hard but now, I don’t need it anymore. I have you to talk to.”

Alli’s eyes widened as she looked from the box up to him. It was humbling that he didn’t see disgust in them, nor accusations. All he saw was acceptance from her. This was what his life summarized to before he met her but now he was ready to start a new chapter.

“Good bye, Father.” Ruvin said softly and dropped the box in the fire.

He sighed and placed one hand around Alli’s shoulder while his other hand was tucked in his pocket.

The fire roared as it consumed the box while Ruvin and Alli sat on the nearby bench watching.

“If we knew there was a bonfire, we would have brought marshmallows.” Someone chuckled and when Ruvin looked up, a smile lingered on his lips.


“Ruvin.” Drake moved forward and pulled Ruvin from the bench before giving him a bro-hug then frowned. “What have you been eating, dude? It’s like you gain a thousand pounds of muscle!”

“I gained an ultibreed thanks to a certain dragon female I know.” Ruvin wiggled his eyebrows at him.

“My mother?” Drake’s face blanched as his mate, Maya, chuckled softly and went to seat beside Alli.

“Well, she was part of it yes but I’m talking about Serensa.”

“Serensa?” Both Drake and Maya echoed.

“Serensa is with my mother?” Drake repeated.

Ruvin frowned. “Do you know her?”

Maya answered. “Yes....and it is better to keep it down. She had been rescued from a terrible fate. No one is to know where she is.”

That made Ruvin frown even further but Drake patted his shoulder. “That is a story for some other time. So, this is the talked about mate of yours? Are you sure she even finished high-school?”

Ruvin punched Drake on the gut. “Take your words back.”

Drake breathed in hard. “She’s old enough, Ruvin, she’s old enough.”

Ruvin smirked and turned to Alli before winking at her. “Her name is Alli and she is a Death Walker. See, it’s not only you who gets an awesome mate. Alli, this egotistical jerk here is Drake. He is a reptile. He was the second in command of this Realm until he decided he was too good for us and abandoned us for a bunch of fire-breathing reptiles. That pretty thing over there is his mate, Maya.”

“Dragon, mutt boy, Dragon.” Drake straightened and flashed Alli one of his killer smiles but he quickly dodged yet another punch from Ruvin just as Zach made his way towards them with a case of beer.

“It’s not even blue-moon yet and you are already lighting bonfires.” He sighed softly and settled down on the opposite bench then opened a beer can and downed it in one go.

“I want one!” Alli exclaimed.

“Are you even old enough?” Zach turned to her.

“Yes!” She got up marching to him and wanting to grab one but Zach quickly got up and held up the case over his head.

“You forgot to say please!” He smirked.

Ruvin felt a smile appear on his face. It looked as though Zach was returning back to his old self thanks to Alli.

“Oh come on!” Alli whined jumping up and down trying to get to the case.

“What’s this?” Constantine eyed the everyone for a moment then flashed towards Zach and took the case from him before grabbing a beer and tossing the case to Ruvin.

“Thanks Constantine for not giving it to Alli.” Corleen’s voice came through. “She get’s crazy when she is drunk and I don’t want to even think of her drunk with this enchanted shit.”

“Corleen!” Alli exclaimed.

“She dances around in her panties when she gets drunk.” Donny giggled as she and Blake also made their way to them.

I’d like to see that. Ruvin pushed the thoughts to her.

Go suck on something, Ruvin. Alli pushed back angrily.

I could think of several things I want to suck on.

“Ylva!” She screamed and suddenly the air around them turned frosty cold as a large icy body began pushing its way through an icy barrier behind Alli. Everyone took a step back unsure of what to expect.

The large icy beast pawed its way towards Alli and became substance as she reached her keeper and placed her large muzzle on Alli’s neck.

“What the fuck is that?” Drake breathed hard looking at the huge gold and brown wolf beside Alli.

“This is my spirit guide, Ylva. She was once my beast but due to circumstances not even I have control over, she separated from me and took her true form. She’s awesome, isn’t she?”

Ylva rubbed her muzzle against Alli’s face affectionately.

“Alright, Ylva, I want you to get me that case of beer over there.” Alli pointed at Ruvin.

Ylva turned to Ruvin and Ruvin could see the beast hesitate. She recognized him as her keeper’s mate. Ruvin thought he was home free until she suddenly sprang forward and tackled him down then began bathing his face with her tongue.

“For fuck’s sake!”

Everyone burst out laughing as Ylva managed to get the case of beer from him and brought it back to Alli.

Alli went back to sitting down next to Maya while the gigantic wolf curled herself in front of her near the bonfire.

“Alright, everyone introduce yourselves to everyone!” Ruvin yelled from the ground. Drake chuckled and helped him to his feet.

“Corleen, you never told us whatever happened to Gabryel?” Constantine teased grinning from ear to ear.

No matter what that male did, that deathly look in his eyes always had everyone shivering.

Corleen scowled. “He crawled back into that dark hole from which he came!”

“Gabryel? Who is Gabryel? What did I miss?” Alli suddenly sprang up from her seat again making Ylva perk her ears up.

“Your sister has a secret admirer in a form of bloodsucker.” Blake smirked.

“Blake!” Donny nudged him teasingly.

"Oh! The bloodsucker who saved her life?" Alli asked.

“Yep. She was practically waltz into his arms--ouch!” Ruvin cringed when Corleen suddenly hit the back of his head.

“Then what happened?” Alli giggled as she and Ylva raced to save Ruvin from Corleen’s attack.

“Gabryel took a sip from the forbidden fountain!” Zach chuckled shaking his head as if he couldn’t quite accept the fact that Corleen was outmatched by a bloodsucker.

“Zach, you’re dead!” Corleen screamed as she dashed for Zach who flashed out of the way.

Laughter and howls could be heard echoing around as everyone forgot for a while what sort of danger lurked in the dark. More people joined the small group including Louise, Titus and California. The halfbloods also joined in later with Izzy and Lukas disappearing into the shadows a little later, Tron and Briar saying goodnight earlier than usual, Indigo not leaving Jake’s side and Vixen and Raul having a drinking contest. Alcohol was passed around and stories were being told until the early hours of dawn. What they did not know was that The Lord Mage didn’t sleep either as he watched over them from the balcony of his quarters and the High Priestess who stood among the night blooms with a sad smile lingering on her lips.

This was not the end and everyone knew it. They were still in the struggle of making the world a safe place again but along the way, they made new friends and met new allies that helped them forge a brighter tomorrow.

In a world where very few people were to be trusted, such bonds ran deep and created brothers and sisters who were loyal to the end.

Loyalty was the only currency that gave life any worth in dark times like those and it was something that was greedily held on to till the very end...


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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