Chapter 25

Two days later...


Corleen couldn’t remove herself from the mirror as she eyed her neck. Though the swelling of the four pinpricks that savage bloodsucker had created on her neck had lessened, they were still visible and she could still feel a throbbing underneath the skin. It was like a pulsing heat, making itself known every time she thought of it.


That was what they called him and as quickly as he appeared before her, he suddenly vanished into thin air.

Corleen sighed and washed her hands. Good thing she didn’t catch anything from him. As she exited her bathroom in the Mage Fortress in the enchanted world, she found Donny sitting on her bed.

After the showdown back home with Torin and his gang of hooligans, Corleen learned that Ruvin had to take Alli to the enchanted world in order to save her life.

Since all the Vargas died off a little later after the apparent sorcerer and Torin responsible for them were killed off, not much was left for them to do. Lord Faelen returned safely with Tyson, Titus, and Larimar.

Lord Faelen called for an emergency meeting right there amidst all the chaos. He announced the death of Lord Zacharius, Charissa, Robin, and Jerome but Corleen was sure the number was larger than that. She had found out that the man who wanted to kill her wasn’t a Varga as she thought but rather it was Lord Zayn and he was killed by Gabryel.

It seemed that most of the Wolfen turned against Faelen and he immediately made sure that they were all under investigation.

It was soon revealed that Xavier was amongst other hunters who died because they got too close to discovering what the Wolfen members were plotting and they had to be taken out before they unraveled the truth.

Corleen was thankful to learn the truth because finally, she could let him go and put her heart to rest. She loved Xavier with all her heart and it was because of his loyalty that he ended up dead. Corleen knew he was happy and satisfied that justice was finally brought to those responsible wherever he was.

The House of Five members were taken away to get treatment with the rest of the injured while the bodies of Vargas and innocent wolves were carried away to prepare them for cremation. Corleen was surprised to see Alyse, Donny’s aunt, among the injured. She had a nasty bump in her head and her dress was bloody but she didn’t have any severe wounds. When Alyse turned to Corleen, her eyes narrowed dangerously before she turned away from her.

Corleen managed to get into Alyse’s bad side when Xavier claimed her in one of the Debut Nights. Corleen had no idea the woman loved Xavier and neither did he but that night Alyse swore never to forgive Corleen for taking Xavier from her. It got worse when her nephew, Louise, lost against her in the Head of Security challenge.

The commotion in the Faelen's Fortress caught the attention of people outside and some of them called the police but Lord Mage was able to bring several Mage from the enchanted world to block unwanted attention. Corleen had no idea there were such strong beings on the other side.

Constantine was in charge of these new Mage and when everything was under control, more Mage were brought in to clean up the mess. Corleen took that opportunity and approached him before she demanded that he took her with him when he returned to the enchanted world.

“Me too!” Donny nervously moved forward with Blake behind her. Thank goodness she was alright.

“Donny, you have never been to the enchanted world—” Blake started but Donny quickly cut in, her nervousness getting a little more evident. “Alli is there and I don’t even know if she is alright or—or....” She blinked away her tears as her voice broke. Blake pulled her into his arms and placed a kiss on her temple.

Constantine smiled grimly. “Fine, let’s go.”

He didn’t give them the time to reconsider. One minute they were standing in the hall surrounded by debris, and the next they were outside a very impressive and gigantic Fortress. There was a large stone fountain in front of them and behind them, they were surrounded by lush gardens with a myriad of blooming flowers with fragrances so delicious to take in.

It looked like the back home yet it was not. Corleen could see and feel the difference and the building in front of them was way larger than the Fortress back home.

There were guards positioned in different places in the front entrance. They were dressed in strange uniforms that looked like they were made from leather but this must be very good quality leather.

Servants appeared every once in a while, also wearing uniforms Corleen had never seen before.

“Welcome to the Mage Fortress.” Constantine crossed the fountain and made his way towards the entrance.

Corleen heard a whooshing sound beside her as Donny was utterly stupefied by the sight in front of her.

“So, this is the Enchanted World? How come it looks just like home?” She asked turning around in circles with her eyes cast to the skies.

Blake chuckled. “What did you expect? Purple skies, two suns, and levitating castles? You read too much science fiction.” He playfully pinched her cheek.

“I do not!” Donny smacked his hand away and turned to Corleen. “Should we go inside?”

Before Corleen could take any action an elderly lady came out with a friendly smile on her face. She had long white hair that hung over one shoulder in a thick braid.

“Constantine has such terrible manners. He failed to bring you all in.” She inclined her head and looked up at them. “I am Elder Magnolia. I am in charge of this stead. You must have a lot of questions swimming in your heads—why don’t you come on in?”

She turned around before anyone could say anything and made her way inside expecting them to follow.

That was two days ago. At that moment, Corleen looked down at Donny’s anxious face as she dabbed a clean face towel on hers.

“What is it, Donny?” Corleen asked her.

“Do you think Alli will wake up today? They said she would wake up yesterday but then she didn’t. It’s already been two days and I am very worried. What if she is in a deep coma that might take her years to wake up!”

Corleen gritted her teeth. She didn’t want to know about any of that. When she was taken to see her sister two days ago, she saw Alli looking as if she were merely sleeping. Color had returned to her skin and she had no physical bruising. Her breathing, though, was very shallow and her body was very cold.

“We shouldn’t think like that. The doctors said that she will wake up soon.”

“Well, the last time I checked, they didn’t look convinced either,” Donny grumbled then sighed and rubbed her hands over her face. “Ruvin still hasn’t told you what really happened in that mountain, has he?”

Corleen couldn’t believe that she was beginning to trust Ruvin, an enchanted being. She was supposed to condemn him because somehow she felt that it was his fault that Alli ended up in the infirmary in the first place but every time she looked at how sorrowful he appeared and the anguish in his eyes, she felt a pang of sympathy for him.

No one had told her anything about what transpired up in the mountain but somehow, apparently, Alli managed to destroy Torin and the Sorcerer. However, Asari was also affected by the destruction of Torin and she was also fighting for her life. Corleen couldn’t even get the man they called the Lord Mage to talk because, even though he had seen them on the first day they arrived, she had not seen him again after that.

Corleen saw Asari in the infirmary and she could feel the dead air around her. Corleen wasn’t sure if the woman was going to make it. However, the doctors were trying their very best and Zach had barely left her side.

“Not yet but I will find out what happened soon.” Corleen assured Donny.

“Alright. Do you think they will let us stay with Alli today as well? I feel as if when we talk to her, it brings her closer to this side than the other side. It brought her back quickly the time she underwent the moonless transformation.” Donny had hope in her eyes.

Corleen could never ask for a better friend for Alli than Idonea. The two of them had been inseparable ever since they were young and even though Corleen had trouble from a certain aunt of hers, she never questioned Donny's friendship with Alli because of it.

Corleen reached forward and patted Donny on her shoulder. “I don’t think they will be able to stop us even if they try. Come on, let’s go and ravage their kitchen first. I am starving!”

A small smile appeared on Donny’s face as they made their way out.

Ruvin had not been able to sleep a wink and he and Zach were constantly crowding the door to the room of their significant others. Both females were placed in intensive care because their vitals were off. Zach looked terrible with a peppering beard on his chin. His eyes were grim and his skin a little pale. He took part in trying to heal both females and though there was a change in Alli, Asari’s condition worsened. They had no choice but to call in the last resort. It was time for the Mage of Life, Queen Lyrah, to try her best.

“The three fathers can help her.” Aro had announced the day before when she unexpectedly appeared in the infirmary.

While Gabryel and the Lord Mage took Torin’s body back to the Realm of the Dark, a body of a traitor wrapped in black sampyre, Aro remained behind watching over Asari. Because her grandfather was Isir, one of the three fathers of the species, she was obligated to protect her. Aro had been protecting Asari for a long time and it was one of the reasons why she had been in the human world, to begin with.

“She is not going anywhere.” Zach hissed.

Aro turned coolly to Zach. “She is dying and without a doubt, she will not make it to tomorrow. Are you willing to take that chance with your mate’s life?”

The temperature changed suddenly as Zach’s fury intensified. “She will make it. She has no choice!”

Ruvin realized that Zach was spending too much time with the Lord Mage to the point that he was sounding a lot like him!

“Queen Lyrah is on her way here. She is the Mage of Life. She will know how to help her.” Ruvin cut in.

Aro turned to him, her eyes darker than he had ever seen. Was this yet another character of hers or was this the real Aro? “I am giving you one day to try your best. After that, if you stand in my way...” She turned her icy stare back to the angry Zach. “I will kill you.”

Zach snarled just as Aro left.

That was the day before and currently, Queen Lyrah was helping Asari the best way she knew how. She tracked her fading spirit and tried to coax it to return to her body before it completely disappeared. For once Queen Lyrah had to leave her King behind because he had to receive Torin on behalf of the Three Nosferatu Fathers who were still in seclusion.

Zach couldn’t stop pacing and it was driving Ruvin crazy.

“Would you sit down for a moment?” Ruvin finally growled. “You are making me dizzy. Queen Lyrah will find Asari’s spirit and return it back to her body.”

Zach ran his hand through his hair and settled next to Ruvin. “I already have this feeling of emptiness inside my heart. It is as if she is already dead and my soul is mourning for her. Now, I understand why others decide to follow their mates to the afterlife. This pain is bound to drive me insane and yet I haven’t even completed the bonding with her!”

Ruvin laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder. He didn’t need Zach to start thinking along those lines. He was still needed there.

Ruvin was not in the best of conditions as well. He was anxious because he couldn’t even connect with Alli’s beast. The healer told him that the immense power that she used in the short period of time might have shattered her mind and that was why she was in deep sleep in order to heal herself.

Suddenly a helper came with a tray of food for the two of them. Elder Magnolia was very worried about the two of them so every once in a while if she did not send someone to check on them, she appeared before them.

“You two seriously need a shower and a change of clothes. The whole corridor smells like wet dog and stale food.” Galea pinched his nose and looked disapprovingly at the two of them.

Galea was older than them and he was the new High Lord of the Realm of Spells. Normally he would have been at the Great Hall taking care of business but now that peace was not at hand, all the High Lords and Ladies had been sent back home.

Galea was forever tormenting them even though he had shed his duties from the Royal Army because his mate was almost giving birth.

Ruvin looked up at the male. He could see the seriousness in him but also, he could see the concern for the two of them.

“I could always call Constantine to deal with your sorrowful asses but I am led to believe you are sensible enough to do it yourselves.” Galea stood quietly and waited for them to make their minds with his piercing icy eyes boring deep in theirs.

Zach was the first to get up because he knew if Galea didn’t get his way, he became mean, and that involved body slams, wrestling, and eventually the demeaning action of being stripped from clothes, doused in water, and scrubbed clean by a fellow warrior!

Ruvin reluctantly followed suit. Although he didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want to smell bad in front of Alli when she woke up.

Galea smiled. “Good choice.”

Suddenly the door clicked open and the bath was forgotten and they all turned to the tired Lyrah. She tried to smile but it faltered as she suddenly lost her balance and was almost crushed onto the floor.

“Queen Lyrah, are you okay?” Galea managed to hold her up. He guided her to one of the chairs to sit.

“I am fine....just a little tired.” She shook away the dizziness and looked up at Zach and him softly. “Now I understand why Asari didn’t die straight away when Torin did...” She sighed softly. “I must say, I have never seen anything like this.”

“What happened? Are the females alright?” Galea asked. It seemed that both Ruvin and Zach had lost their tongues so suddenly.

“Barely. You see, when Torin died, Asari’s spirit started fading too but Alli...managed to hold it to her. She has been holding it all this time and that is the reason why she hasn’t woken up yet. Both females are in danger of fading together...if Alli doesn’t let Asari go.” Lyrah explained.

Ruvin felt as if his heart was about to flop out of his ribs and just die in front of him. “What?”

“Asari is willing to die in order to save Alli but Alli will not even hear of it.” Lyrah sighed. “And I can’t do anything about it because I can only coax back a willing spirit. I can’t force them back. They have to make the choice to live on their own.”

“I need to talk to her.” Zach dashed inside and Ruvin was right behind.

Zach went to Asari and caressed her hair back then placed a kiss on her forehead. “Come on baby, you have to live for me. Please, don’t give up and live for me, for us...”

Ruvin’s heart constricted when he saw the male he had always known to be one of the toughest warriors to ever walk the lands shed tears for his mate. He ground his teeth. Why was fate so cruel as to rob someone of the one thing that completed them and gave reason to his existence?

Zach didn’t have the chance to get to know his mate.

Alli....don’t let Asari go. Ruvn tried to connect with her.

For a moment, it seemed as if he was once again greeted by emptiness but then he felt the slight caress in his mind.

She...is breaking.....away! No! Her voice screamed in his head just as both females arched up from their beds and slumped down.

Alli’s eyes snapped open as she started coughing and whizzing but Asari’s slow breathing stopped altogether.

Zach snapped up looking at Ruvin as if only he had the power to prevent what had just happened.

“She’s gone,” Zach said quietly.

Galea and Lyrah entered the room. Two other healers and two helpers also came in. The helpers whimpered quietly and Lyrah looked devastated but not as devastated as Zach who was still holding her to him.

Alli cried hysterically in Ruvin’s arms, her tears jerking her body violently. Ruvin had to hold her down and coo her, trying to calm her before she drove herself crazy. Her small hands gripped his arms painfully but at that moment, Ruvin didn’t care.

“You did what you could, Alli.” Ruvin murmured to her.

“But it was not good enough!” She screamed. “After everything she had to sacrifice for me, I couldn’t do this one thing for her! I couldn’t hold onto to her a little longer!”

Ruvin placed a kiss on Alli’s throbbing temple. “Don’t do this to yourself, Alli. Save your strength and get better.”

“What happened?” A voice behind them asked and when they turned, Aro was standing there looking dazed.

“Asari is gone,” Lyrah answered quietly.

Aro pushed her way through the small crowd and stood beside Asari’s bed. She touched Asari’s neck and wrist then opened her eye. She breathed in hard and hovered her palm over her body.

“I need to take her back right now!” She exclaimed wanting to scoop her off the bed but Zach’s hand grabbed hers.

“What do you think you are doing? I will perform my own mate’s cremation ceremony right here in this Realm!” He narrowed his eyes dangerously as Aro.

“Isir can save her!” Aro assured him. “But I need to take her to him right now!”

“She is dead!” Zach roared. “Why the fuck do you want to torment me with the hope that is not there! The hollow and empty feeling in my heart tells me that she is no longer of this world, what gives you the right to taunt me like this?”

“Zach, calm down—” Galea started but Zach snapped his eyes at him.

“I will not calm down until you take her out of here before I do something terrible! Get the fuck out!” He yelled at Aro.

Aro’s eyes twirled with liquid flames before black bled into them and she hissed at Zach.

Zach suddenly grasped his head and groaned in pain as he staggered to the floor.

Lyrah produced two orbs of energy in her palms and so did Galea.

Ruvin’s arms tightened around Alli’s body.

“I am trying and save the both of you, you insignificant worm!” Aro roared.

“Can—can you really save her?” Alli’s quiet voice broke through.

Everyone turned to her but Zach was still writhing on the floor groaning in pain.

Aro turned to her and gave her a nod. Her eyes were still as black as the starless night. “Yes.”

“Then...take her.” Alli sniffed. “Take her and bring her back to us alive and well. You better keep your word...or I will hunt you down to the pits of hell. I know your print.”

Aro stiffened but gave Alli a small nod before picking Asari’s body from the bed.

“No! No! No!” Zach howled but Aro’s body flared away with Asari in her arms.

When she left Zach went bat-shit crazy. The bed in which Asari was on went flying into the ceiling and splintered into a thousand pieces upon contact. Ruvin grabbed Alli and took her out of the way as splintered pieces of wood, bend iron and shredded sheets and mattresses rained down on them.

Zach got up, his eyes blazing and his canines stretching over his lips. His nails were replaced by claws as he pointed at Alli.

“You had no right to do that!” He growled at her.

“She is my sister and I want her to live as much as you. I believe Aro can help her so let her try!”

“It was not your call!” Zach roared.

“Stop yelling at my mate!” Ruvin felt fur ripple on his skin. He was ready to attack his friend, his fellow warrior, and his brother because of Alli.

A scary calmness went through Zach as he took a step back but his dark eyes still churned violently. “Get her out of here before I hurt her.”

Ruvin didn’t need to hear that twice. He quickly took Alli out of the room with Lyrah behind them. Galea and the healers stayed behind trying to calm Zach down but Ruvin knew it would take a whole lot to get the male calm again.

He had just lost his mate...

Alli was trembling as fear gripped her hard when Ruvin carried her out of the infirmary. She tightened her hold around him not wanting to part with him because she was afraid that he might be just another dream and that he truly wasn’t there with her.

Alli didn’t understand why Asari gave up so easily. Alli was not strong enough to hold her spirit for such a long time but she knew aid would come for the two of them. It did in the form of the Mage of Life, Queen Lyrah.

Alli could never forget the feeling of relief and calmness she got in her presence. However, there was nothing more she could do because Asari wasn’t willing to return.

Just thinking about it, brought more tears into Alli’s eyes. She sniffed and hid her face in the space between Ruvin’s shoulder and neck.

Ruvin took Alli up to one of the bedrooms which looked like his where he sat on the edge, holding her tightly in his arms.

“It’s alright, Alli.” His thick voice came through as he cooed her. There was a lot of relief in his voice. She ran her hands on his back, loving the feeling of his hot and hard body.

This was no dream. He truly was there with her. He was alright, safe, and with her. Alli sniffed again thinking about what Zach could be going through at that moment.

She remembered what went through her when she saw Torin sink his hideous fangs into Ruvin’s neck. The thought of losing him to a monster like Torin had a devastating result within her. All she could think about was getting rid of the thing trying to rob her of her mate even though it was her father. It would have been the same thing that was going through Zach when Aro took Asari from him. She wondered if Zach was ever going to forgive her.

She suddenly moved back and rubbed her tears then examined Ruvin’s neck. The wound had closed but it was still in the healing process. She saw the jagged red lines that had formed around his neck and with a trembling hand, she ran over it.

Ruvin hissed softly at her touch.

“Does it still hurt?” She asked him softly.

His eyes were grave but he gave a little nod. “Yes.”

It brought bitter bile into her mouth, thinking of Torin. She wanted to dance in his blood for doing that to her mate. Whatever happened to him? She couldn’t remember what happened after he tore into Ruvin.

She frowned pensively. She couldn’t even remember how she ended up there—and where that was in the first place!

“What happened to Torin?” She asked quietly. What if he had escaped yet again? What if he was out there wreaking havoc and they were there waiting like sitting ducks?

Ruvin frowned at her. He brushed a lock from her face. “Don’t you remember what happened afterward?”

“What happened afterward? The last thing I remember is seeing Torin bite you and me being filled with so much rage that I felt like exploding!” She gritted her teeth.

A soft chuckle escaped Ruvin’s lips. “You did almost explode. You turned the whole peak into frost with your abilities.”

“I did?” She sat up suddenly, a little surprised.

“Yes...and then this happened.” He held out a hair lock in front of her and she discovered it was silvery white.

Alli quickly grabbed the lock from him and examined it as if it were something alien. “How did this happen?”

“You’ve always wanted permanent hair dye. Well, now you do.” Ruvin teased her as she grabbed a handful of her hair and studied it closely.

Ruvin was so quiet for a moment that Alli thought he had suddenly disappeared on her. When she looked up at him, the look on his face made her heart heave inside her. His eyes were so intense and so full of emotions that she didn’t even know how to react.

“Heavens, I missed you so much.” He whispered. “I can’t even believe that you are right here in my arms like this.”

He ran his arms over the length of hers and she quivered feeling the action all the way to her toes.

I missed you too...she thought before she could stop the thoughts.

A smile spread across Ruvin’s eyes but it quickly disappeared. “I was meaning to ask you, why can’t I feel Ylva anymore?”

That’s when Alli realized she hadn’t felt the wolf’s presence ever since she woke up. Usually, whenever she was in distress, Ylva would pop up....but now, she was as quiet as ever.

Ylva? She called to the wolf but only emptiness answered her. Panic streaked through her. “Did I lose my wolf, Ruvin?”

Ruvin frowned in concern. “I don’t know. We will have to ask a Historian or Elder for that. For the time being, concentrate on getting better.”

“What about Corleen and Donny? Are they alright?” Alli quickly asked.

“Yeah, they are somewhere around the Mage Fortress. They have been here for two days now.”

“Wait a minute.” Alli looked around her surroundings and sure enough she could feel the difference. “We are in the Mage Fortress—in the Enchanted World?”

Ruvin nodded.

It looked very much like the human world but there was something magical about it. Maybe it was the zinging energy in the air or maybe it was the fact that she was feeling better by the moment just because she was breathing this new air.

It seemed to shimmer with vitality in front of her. This was Ruvin’s world. This was where he grew up—his home.

It felt very intimate to her. It felt like the first time a boy took her to his room which was his private domain and his personal space.

Was Donny there with Blake? Was Corleen alright? One of her sisters was fighting for her life wherever it was that Aro took her, she didn’t want to learn that Corleen was too.

Suddenly Ruvin tilted back and sank onto the comfy mattress then sighed in content and closed his eyes. He pulled her into his arms and placed his face on her neck then threw a leg over hers to keep her in place.

“Let’s stay like this for a moment.” He murmured against her neck sending shivers down her spine. “Let’s forget about all that is surrounding us and just enjoy this moment.”

Alli closed her eyes too and sighed softly. It felt good being in Ruvin’s arms once more. He always had a way to curb her worries for a moment and make her forget that so much trouble was surrounding them. He made her feel stronger and loved. He made her feel like she could conquer the world with him beside her.

Several hours later...

The subtle knock on the door jerked Alli back from the long-awaited slumber without nightmares, without worry, and without demons. She lazily shifted around and felt strong arms wrapping themselves around her tighter. She felt hot and moist lips lazily caressing her neck and shoulder. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she snuggled closer...but the knock came louder.

“Alli?” Corleen called from the other side making reality rush back to Alli.

She sat up and her whole world spun out of control for a moment that she found herself sinking back onto the bed.

“Are you alright?” Ruvin placed a kiss on her forehead.

Alli nodded. “Yeah, just a little dizziness.”

“I’ll go get you something to eat while you catch up with Corleen and Donny.” Ruvin moved from the bed then quickly removed his T-shirt and undid his belt before he ruffled his hair up and opened the door.

“Alli—” Corleen stopped short when she saw Ruvin’s appearance. “What the hell?”

Ruvin turned to Alli and grinned before winking at her then turned to Corleen. “What do you think?”

“Ruvin!” Corleen growled at him.

“Serves you right for barging in where it doesn’t concern you,” Ruvin told Corleen before passing her and the stunned Donny. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”

“Why you—” Corleen was about to punch Ruvin but Donny quickly inserted herself between them.

“No violence in the presence of a patient!” She yelled holding onto Corleen’s hands.

Corleen turned to Alli then snarled at Ruvin before he left.

“Are you okay?” Corleen rushed to Alli, removing the sheets. Relief passed through her when she discovered that Alli was still dressed underneath.

Alli rolled her eyes. “He was just teasing you, you know that right?”

Corleen sighed helplessly. “I don’t know anything anymore. I think I have seen too much these past two days that I can’t even figure out what is entirely true and what is not.”

Donny was grinning behind Corleen. “I think Corleen has reached the limit of her sanity.”

Alli’s eyes turned to her friend and she smiled up. “Am I glad to see you.”

Donny dove into the bed and embraced Alli tightly to the point she thought she was going to crush her ribs! “I missed you so much!” She sniffed.

“I missed you too!” Alli assured her. “You don’t know how scared I was when I woke up and I couldn’t see you anywhere.”

“We went to the infirmary and they told us Ruvin took you away!” Donny exclaimed. “We thought they were preparing you for your cremation ceremony!”

“Where is Asari?” Corleen asked quietly.

Alli pursed her lips. “Aro took her away. Her soul was gone entirely and Aro said that only the Nosferatu fathers could help her now. Oh, you should have seen Zach’s reaction! If it weren’t for Ruvin and the others, he would have killed me for allowing Aro to take Asari away!”

“Zach’s Asari’s true mate?” Donny asked.

Alli nodded.

Suddenly Corleen clasped her hand over her neck and her cheeks heated up brightly.

Alli frowned at her sister. “What do you have there?”

“She was bitten by a vampire!” Donny blurted out suddenly.

“What!” Alli screamed. “Since when?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Corleen cleared her throat noisily. “The bloodsucker will not be showing his face any time soon. I will kill him when he does.”

Him? How did you get bitten?” Alli asked concerned. She couldn’t see Corleen even give the bloodsucker enough space to make it to her neck in the first place. Was she knocked out cold?

“Look, I don’t know what happened, okay? One minute I am looking for you in the hall, the next minute Lord Zayn is about to slice off my head from behind. I see this blur in front of me holding the Wolfen and me at the same time and after he fed off Lord Zayn, he turned to me.”

“I saw Zayn dying in the arms of a Nightwalker when he touched me on the Debut Night! Oh, that must have been a terrible experience. I’m so sorry, Corleen.” Alli said softly.

Corleen shrugged. “It’s in the past and I am trying to get over it.”

“But that thing isn’t healing, Corleen. That mark has been like that for the longest time.” Donny pointed out.

“Ruvin’s hasn’t healed either.” Alli defended her sister.

“And talk about Ruvin...” Donny’s face was stained with fresh color. “What did you guys do in the hours that you’ve been in here alone?”

Alli smiled. “Sleep. Haven’t slept like that in a while—look, about the shirtless and ruffled hair thing, he was just trying to crawl under Corleen’s skin.”

Donny giggled. “I thought you...”

“Not everyone is like you and Blake, Donny.” Corleen smirked turning to Idonea.

Donny stopped giggling as her face went pale. “Have you...”

“I sleep right next door, remember? And even though the rooms are soundproof, you can still hear plenty.”

“Oh, this is so embarrassing.” Donny covered her face making both Alli and Corleen laugh at her reaction.

“She has been marked too.” Corleen wiggled her eyebrows at Donny.

“Corleen!” Donny protested.

“Show me, show me, show me!” Alli clapped her hands excitedly.

Donny rolled her eyes and sighed then lifted her t-shirt and showed off the four black wolf claws under her left breast.

“Awesome...” Alli sighed longingly.

“Apparently it appears when you are with your true mate.” Donny caressed the mark.

Alli was glad that her friend finally became intimate with her mate. Every time she thought of Ruvin and her, her heart felt like it were about to burst with panic. She didn’t know what she was expected to do, how she was supposed to touch him and kiss him.

I’ll teach you...his voice shimmered into her mind.

How can you still connect with me like this without Ylva? Alli asked surprised suddenly.

I could connect with you like this long before Ylva...so, do you want me to claim you fully, Alli? he asked her softly.

Alli didn’t know if she was ready. She just woke up and there were so many things she needed to find out. She had forgotten what had happened on that mountain after Torin attacked Ruvin.

Everyone was fighting to the best of their abilities but she didn’t know how many survived. What of Tyson, Titus, Faelen, Larimar, Louise, and Alyse?

They are all safe and back in the human realm. Robin died but so did Charissa and everyone else who was under the Sorcerer’s dark powers. The body Rowan used this time expired but that doesn’t mean Rowan is dead. He is still out there somewhere. Ruvin explained.

“Alli, are you alright?” Corleen called to her.

Alli blinked and turned her attention to her friend and sister. “Yeah, I am just so happy you guys are all alright.”

“We are glad you are too.” Donny took Alli’s hands in hers and grinned.

“So, when are we going back home? Can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.” Alli asked eagerly.

Both Donny’s and Corleen’s smiles faltered and Alli knew something was definitely not right.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Uhm—Alli...” Corleen started, brushing a hair lock from her face lovingly. “About that—”

“What about it, Corleen? What aren’t you telling me?” Alli felt panic all over again.

“The thing is that we can go back home...but you can’t.” Corleen suddenly blurted.

“What? Why?” Alli asked softly.

“Because of your powers. You are very strong but not in the human world. It almost killed you there and we were told in order for you to learn how to control your abilities, you need to remain here until you are strong enough.”

“So, I can’t even go and say hi?” Alli asked thinking of everyone she was leaving behind. “I will not be able to see Levina or Louise again? Not to mention Titus and expressionless California?”

Why would you want to see all those males? A frustrated Ruvin chimed in.

Because they are my friends! Alli growled angrily.

You’ll make new friends here, female friends. Ruvin assured her darkly.

“I don’t want new friends!” Alli exclaimed out loudly catching Corleen and Donny by surprise.

“Are you still able to connect with Ruvin psychically? I can’t do so and I can’t feel your wolf anymore.” Corleen asked curiously.

Alli ran her hands through her locks and let out a frustrated growl then nodded. “Yes, Ruvin is haunting my head. As for Ylva, I don’t know what happened to her. She suddenly disappeared on me.”

“She’ll be back, don’t worry—”

The door suddenly flew open and Ruvin stood in it with a tray of food in his hands. Alli’s mouth ran dry when she saw how handsome and mouthwatering he was. She was hungry for food but at the same time, she was hungry for Ruvin.

“Twenty minutes aren’t over.” Corleen turned to him.

“They are to me.” Ruvin seethed, his eyes not leaving Alli’s.

He was pissed!

Was it because she didn’t want to listen to him about having new friends? Well, he had to prepare to seethe for a long time because she was always going to keep those guys as her friends.

Donny quickly got up. “Blake gets like that when I start talking about other guys so I understand where Ruvin is coming from. I need to go find him before he gets into trouble.”

“I am not going anywhere—what the fuck!” Corleen was suddenly lifted up from the bed and thrown over Ruvin’s shoulder before he stalked to the door and placed her outside then slammed it when Donny barely managed to squeeze herself through it.

When he turned to her, he was panting and small growls were escaping his throat.

“Ruvin, what is it?” Alli pushed further into the bed as Ruvin prowled towards her like a predator on the hunt.

“Never mention or even think of another male in my presence.” He reached the bed and crawled over it until he was hovering above her.

Alli wanted to shrink away somewhere until he leashed his fury. She knew he wasn’t angry with her directly but this was a pureblood lycan they were talking about. They were very possessive.

“They are my friends.” Alli protested softly.

“We males, tend to befriend the females we want. We tend to be overprotective, we tend to want them to trust us and I have seen those traits with Louise, Titus, and recently—Faelen.”

“Oh please!” Alli said suddenly. “Faelen wants me? Really, Ruvin? The man hates me to hell and back...” Ruvin shook his head slowly as if feeling sorry for her.

“You are so naive to can’t see anything other than the picture you painted in front of you about these males. They all wanted you! Faelen’s objection to my claim wasn’t only because I was an enchanted beast. It was because I was claiming the female he wanted. I could smell his need for you from miles away...but I don’t share and I have already claimed you. Now, all I have to do is seal the deal.”


A wicked smile appeared on Ruvin’s lips and before Alli could react, she found herself in his tight grip with his lips and teeth teasing hers to the point of insanity. This was it...this was finally the last thing that was going to tie her for eternity to Ruvin’s side.

So many things filled her head. Everything she had said she wanted to do before Ruvin claimed her fully had suddenly evaporated into thin air. There wasn’t much she wanted now that Ruvin was kissing her.

She was ready...

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