Chapter 20

“What was that?” Indigo came down the stairs and found Ruvin and Tessa turning towards the windows.

Ruvin had a feeling something was wrong. He tried to connect with Lukas but the male had blocked him off. Lukas only did that when he needed intense concentration and that meant that he was under attack.

“Tessa, make sure all the entrances and windows are secure.” Ruvin moved around the small female and turned to the wide-eyed Historian beside her. “You’ll be safe in here.”

Indigo gave him a flat look before arching her eyebrow at him. “You actually believe that I can’t take care of myself being in the Lord Mage’s service and all? I went through intense training just like you and I think I can help you out there.”

Ruvin knew that but this was an entirely new realm Indigo was caught in. There were some things she couldn’t do and it might end up costing her her life. “Get used to the atmosphere first.” They all turned to the male jogging towards them.

“Human hunters have Lukas, Quentin, Jake, and Izzy surrounded,” Raul announced as he threw two guns towards Ruvin. “Some of the surveillance cameras are off but I managed to see where they are.”

“Let’s get going.” Ruvin brushed past Indigo and Tessa.

“Be careful!” Tessa called out.

Both Ruvin and Raul nodded as they made their way out. None of the half-bloods were dead because he would have felt their connection cut off if they were. He wasn’t sure about Jake and Quentin though. They were human and they didn’t have the ability to heal their bodies like them. The urgency Ruvin felt was like a living entity within him. He swore to protect them just as they swore to be loyal. If he lost them...Tessa was never going to forgive him for it.

Raul and Ruvin called for the change the moment they reached outside. It was quicker and quieter than going by car or bike. Raul’s wolf sprang forward, his paws eating up the distance like crazy. The male was strong and fast and urgency was also driving him to the location where Lukas and his team were. They were a family and they protected each other through and through. Losing someone in the family was the worst thing that could ever happen.

Ruvin changed into the ultibreed and arched his head back before howling into the night. He was thirsty and in need of a fight. If any of the human hunters so much as caused a scratch on any of the members of his team, he was going to tear off all their limbs before feeding them to the mountain wolves.

His howls were answered by the mountain wolves from a distance. Ruvin sprinted behind Raul, jumping over fallen logs and landing with so much power that it sent minor tremors around the ground. All the night creatures sensed the danger and scurried away, hiding for the night. The woods were eerily quiet with only Ruvin’s own breathing and thudding of his legs on the ground to be heard.

Even the night chill did nothing for the volcano that roared inside of him. He tried connecting with Izzy and pain raked through his guts that he almost lost himself in it. His mind went numb and he had to sever the connection. Izzy was wounded and she was in great pain.

Hawk, make sure none of the hunters escape tonight. Izzy is gravelly injured and I can’t connect with Lukas...I don’t know about Jake and Quentin but these fuckers are not allowed to leave these woods alive. Ruvin connected with Raul’s wolf.

They are already dead. Hawk growled as he launched himself in the air and disappeared into the bushes.

Ruvin didn’t know for how long they had been running but he soon slowed down when he realized he was just a few meters from where the hunters were. He could hear their spiked heartbeats. He could smell the pungent smell of adrenalin and fear in the air. He could also smell alcohol and drugs. It wasn’t easy hunting beasts and so the human hunters had to give themselves a boost in order to mask their fear. The stench of blood in the air overpowered everything else.

Ruvin snapped his eyes grimly towards them. They didn’t know fear until he was done with them, he thought grimly as he moved forward and noticed that Lukas was barely standing with blood oozing from different parts of his body. The wounds on his cheek and neck were opened again and bleeding profusely but Ruvin doubted the male felt anything at that moment. On one side, Izzy was writhing on the ground with blood running down her mouth and nose, and on the other side, Jake was holding his thigh and shoulder trying to stop the bleeding. Quentin was lying on his back and it looked like he had passed out.

Four of the hunters were down, two of them had no heads, one was gutted and the other had no arms.

The three that remained standing had so much fear and horror reflecting on their faces. One was clutching his arm and when Ruvin looked closely, it was cut off. The other two had minor bruises and cuts.

Ruvin was stunned. This was Lukas. He was a male like no other. He had the ability to bring down an entire army alone. Ruvin knew it was a little hard for the male to bring down all the hunters because Izzy and the humans were there but if the male was alone, Ruvin knew they would have all been dead.

Lukas stood so still with his blades in his hands that anyone else would have thought he was a statue. The three wounded hunters moved back slowly but Ruvin caught a glimpse of Raul’s wolf inching in. When he was close enough, Raul leaped up and clamped his powerful jaws on one of the males from behind.

Just one yelp of surprise was released from him before the sickening sound of his neck snapping echoed in the air. Ruvin transformed back into his human form and walked into the fight.

Lukas, calm down. Put the blades down. We need these two alive so that we can interrogate them. Ruvin tried to push the words into Lukas’ mind but the male was too far gone. His eyes sparkled with violence and a hair-raising growl rumbled from his lips as he prepared to end their lives.

Izzy will die if you don’t take her back to the house. Ruvin pushed harder.

Lukas winced and turned slowly to the female moaning in pain on the ground. She had multiple gun wounds on her stomach. Lukas must have felt her pain and her fading soul because of the mate bond.

“Death...” The word hissed from Lukas’ lips as he turned to the two males who were being circled by Hawk intimidatingly.

“I’ll take care of them. You need to take care of Izzy.” Ruvin eyed Lukas for a moment.

It seemed like the words didn’t reach him again but then he suddenly dropped his swords and crouched down, a soft groan of pain escaping his lips because he, too, was wounded and carried Izzy. He started for the truck while Ruvin turned to Jake who gave him a pained smile.

“I’m fine...” His words faded as he looked at Quentin. “Please check my father.”

Ruvin turned to the bleeding man who hadn’t even moved ever since they got there. Ruvin slowly crouched down and touched Quentin’s neck. A chill went up to his spine when he felt the coldness that had already settled over him. Ruvin’s body stiffened as he turned to the wound on the side of his head. With his keen sight, he noticed that Quentin’s skull had been smashed in.

The male was dead...

“Is he going to be alright?” Jake asked, his voice wary.

Ruvin gritted his teeth as so much fury filled his veins. He turned his eyes to the two hunters standing before him and a ragged hiss escaped his lips as claws unfurled from his fingers.

“Ruvin?” The helplessness in Jake’s voice had Ruvin wild beyond words. “Is my father dead?”

Take Jake away from here. Ruvin tapped into Hawk.

Hawk snarled and snapped at the two hunters then moved towards Jake who was struggling to get to his father.

“Dad! Get up!” Jake exclaimed in pain. “Get up! Dad, I said get up! For fuck’s sake, get up!” Raul took his human form and grabbed Jake but Jake fought the male off trying to get to his father in turn causing more blood to gush out from his wounds. “Dad? Not like this. Not like this!”

“Jake stop it,” Raul said softly pushing Jake away from the scene.

“He...he...” Jake’s voice cracked as all the fight drained from him and he cried silently for his father.

The silent cries had Ruvin turn towards the two hunters maliciously. Satisfaction thickened in his veins when he saw how terrified they were. They messed with the wrong beasts and now Ruvin no longer wanted them alive.

Quentin deserved better than what he got. He was a man of his words, loyal and courageous and those animals killed him without mercy. They killed a fellow human without remorse.

Claws unsheathed from Ruvin’s fingers slowly and intimidatingly. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t carve your balls out and feed them to you.”

Their faces ashen even more before one stammered.

“Information.” He said sweat running down his forehead. “We will give you information if you spare our lives.”

A cold smile appeared on Ruvin’s face. They valued their worthless lives yet they were able to kill off a man without giving a thought to what his life meant. “What information can you give me that is even an ounce worth of your pathetic lives?”

“We’ll give you the names of the wolves who sent us here.” The other quickly answered.

Ruvin gritted his teeth. They were wafting out too much fear for him to even concentrate. They were teasing him with it because at that moment, all Ruvin could think about was tearing them into pieces. He reached for his phone and dialed Tron’s number.

“I need you and Willow to follow my print right now.” He hung up.

Within just a few seconds, Tron and Willow had appeared behind Ruvin. The two hunters yelped in surprise and staggered back, falling onto the ground.

“Tron, carry Quentin’s body back to the house,” Ruvin said not removing his glare towards the hunters.

Willow gasped softly. “Is he....” Her voice faded but the sudden chill that engulfed Ruvin’s back told him just how angry she was.

She moved forward wanting to harm the hunters but Ruvin quickly stepped in her way.

“They have information to trade,” Ruvin assured her.

Willow turned her eyes towards Ruvin and they kept alternating between yellow and green. “Once they have done so, they are mine.” She gritted her teeth.

Ruvin clamped his mouth shut. The last thing he needed was to argue with a pissed-off High Mage.

“Get Jake out of here,” Ruvin muttered to her.

Willow turned to Jake and her lower lip trembled as she made her way to him. She murmured soft and encouraging words before wrapping her arms around him and flashing him away from the scene. Tron got Quentin’s body and he too disappeared leaving Raul and Ruvin with the terrified hunters.

“Let’s get these monsters back to the house.” Ruvin gritted his teeth and yanked them up on their feet.

Alli looked down at her watch and sighed in annoyance. Donny was late and they had to meet up at the Treasure House before eight. Alli had a curfew thanks to everything that happened. In the beginning, Corleen outright refused for her to go out but after a couple of hours of begging and nagging, she finally agreed provided she took someone with her.

Now, Alli had an extra appendage on her side, following her everywhere she went. His name was California. When Alli heard the name, she burst out laughing and made jokes about how people went around giving their kids names that got them bullied at school. Then, she met him and all the jokes died.

“Alli!” Donny exclaimed and waved towards her.

Alli smiled but her smile slowly faltered when she saw the man behind Donny wearing all black following her. She frowned when she recognized him. When Donny got closer, Alli forced a tight smile on her face and pulled Donny closer.

“I thought it was just you and me? What is Blake doing here?” She hissed.

Donny rolled her eyes. “He was busy the whole day and I didn’t get a chance to spend some time with him. I thought it would be great if he tugged along. Besides, you need to clear the air with him.” Donny turned to Blake who gave her a wicked smile that had her shudder.

Just seeing Donny with Blake reminded Alli so much of Ruvin. After their little...episode last night, he disappeared and didn’t even bother to call her and see how she was doing. Truth be told she kinda missed him and his cocky ways. Tomorrow she had to choose between the Debut Night or the cleansing trip. She tried talking to Faelen and Titus into letting her ditch the Debut Night because she wasn’t even ready for it but they completely ignored her and Titus even went out hunting for a gown for her.

“Who’s the robot behind you?” Donny turned to California who eyed Blake suspiciously. The man didn’t have a funny bone in his body. He followed orders like a machine and wasn’t into making small conversations. Whenever Alli tried to start a small talk, he remained quiet staring up ahead.

“California,” Alli smirked knowing Donny would giggle at the name too.

A broad smile appeared on her face but it quickly vanished as California narrowed his eyes at her, daring her to laugh. Blake smoothly moved forward, blocking Donny from California’s glare. The movement was so subtle that Alli was amazed when the man was suddenly between her and Donny.

“Let’s go inside,” Blake commanded not taking his eyes off California.

Both Alli and Donny rolled their eyes in unison.


“So, got a dress already?” Donny asked when they found a nice cozy corner to sit. She quickly fished out her phone as Blake sank beside her and turned to the approaching Sheyster.

Sheyster was a very nice woman and Alli was positive that she was an enchanted being but she wasn’t sure whether she was a wolf or something else more shocking. She smiled at them as she got closer.

“Good evening you lot.” She greeted them cheerfully.

“Good evening, Sheyster!” Donny gave the woman a little wave.

Alli did too and Blake gave her a little nod. She quickly took their orders and when she turned to California who was standing a little far from them, he gave her a curt shake of his head to tell her that he didn’t need anything.

“Wanna see my dress?” Donny asked flipping through the gallery in her phone. As Blake moved in to see it too, she pushed him away. “It’s supposed to be a surprise!” She exclaimed.

Blake sat up straight and said. “I’m going to find out soon anyway.”

“How?” Donny looked at him, a smile dancing on her lips.

Alli had never seen her friend so happy and carefree as the way she was with Blake. She looked like she loved being around him. She accepted him so fast yet there Alli was pushing Ruvin away with everything she had.

“I have my ways...” Blake drawled then smirked and settled back cozily on the sofa.

Alli chuckled just as the door swung open and West and his gang of goons entered. They were noisy as they made their way to the counter. They had not spotted them but Blake suddenly sat up and his arm snaked around Donny’s shoulders, pulling her close to him.

West’s wandering eyes suddenly settled on them and his cocky grin disappeared. He elbowed one of his friends and pointed towards them and Alli knew they were in for an episode.

“Yo, Donny!” Terrance hollered. “Come over here for a sec!”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Blake said in a very calm voice that had Alli shake away a shiver.

How was it that he was so calm yet he managed to appear so dangerous at the same time?

“C’mon Donny!” Terrance started moving towards them. “Just like old times.”

Alli knew Terrance was just causing trouble. There were no old times with Donny. They were picking on her because she was always quiet and because she was Alli’s friend.

As Terrance got closer, California stepped in his way to stop him.

“That’s far enough,” California told him.

Terrance chuckled in surprise. “What, are you their bodyguard now?”

“Yes.” California answered simply.

The grin disappeared from Terrance’s face and was replaced by anger. “You dare stand in the way of a Wolfen son?” He asked California.

“You’re causing a racket, so yes, I will stand in your way.”

Alli sighed and rolled her eyes. “Terrance stop being an ass and just get out of here? Why are you always out causing trouble?”

“Hey, no one was talking to you.” Terrance turned to Alli with hatred burning in his eyes.

Ylva made her presence known when she felt the threat to Alli.

It’s okay, Ylva, he is all bark and no bite. Alli tried to calm the wolf down.

Ylva’s smirk shimmered in Alli’s head.

Blake suddenly got up and grabbed Donny’s hand. “You see this, Wolfen son?” He pointed to where his fingers were laced with Donny’s. “This is what I call claiming. I have claimed Idonea as my mate. If you want to challenge me for this, go grow a set of balls first then show your face in front of me again and we will waltz.”

Alli’s mouth fell open. Talk about being insulted and not even recognizing it. Blake was....awesome!

“You fucking—” Terrance moved forward but he didn’t didn’t even reach the table before he was toppled down by California.

Alli felt a burst of energy from Blake as he eyed the fallen boy intently and suddenly Terrance was gripping his head and screaming like a banshee.

“Oh goodness, Blake stop!” Donny quickly grabbed Blake’s hand and forced him to look at her.

The energy faded as he turned to Donny, his blue eyes were brilliant with danger.

Donny ran her trembling fingers on Blake’s cheek. “It’s alright. I’m here with you. I want you to claim me tomorrow. I’m yours, remember?”

Blake turned his face in Donny’s palm and purred softly, rubbing against her hand. “Mine...”

It seemed the most dangerous of beasts were kitties in front of their mates. Alli turned to Terrance and he had blood dripping from his nose. West and his other friends moved forward to help him up.

“You’ll pay for this!” Terrance exclaimed as they carried him out.

Sheyster huffed from her counter as she stared at the boys exiting the shop. “Those boys never learn.” she clucked her tongue as she brought them their orders.

“Thanks, Sheyster.” Alli said and turned to Donny and Blake. “Are you guys okay?”

Donny nodded. “Yeah, we are fine. I don’t know why those guys always want to pick a fight with me.”

“West has always had a crush on you.” Alli reminded Donny.

Blake scoffed bitterly and turned his eyes to the steaming cup of coffee in front of him. “Well, he is not allowed to have a crush on my mate.”

“You know, you are no different from Ruvin.” Alli blurted then bit her lower lip when she realized what she had just done and clamped her mouth shut. “Uhm—”

“Ruvin?” Donny turned to Alli in confusion.

“The Ghost Runners’ leader,” Blake stated and Alli kicked Blake’s shin from under the table.

Blake’s eyes narrowed at her.

“What about him?” Donny had suddenly forgotten everything that had just happened and was solely concentrated on the new gossip. “What happened?”

“He—uhm—” Alli felt it wasn’t fair that Donny told her everything about her and Blake yet she didn’t tell her about her and Ruvin. “He sort of—uh—”

“He’s her mate.” Blake suddenly stated and that earned him another kick on the shin—only this time, he pushed his legs away and she connected with the sofa.

“What?” Donny exclaimed almost spilling her hot chocolate in surprise. “And you didn’t tell me about this? All this time you were there with him it was because you are his mate?”

“Keep your voice down, will you?” Alli growled at her friend. “And I didn’t go to him because he is my mate. I went there because of Corleen.”

“Yeah right,” Donny answered flatly sipping her drink. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I didn’t know it myself. I had not transformed, remember? It was quite hard for me to recognize him.”

“Well, what about now?” Donny asked.

Blake moved forward and sniffed her softly then smirked. “She’s reeking with his scent though he has not claimed her yet.”

“Blake, shut up!” Alli exclaimed turning to the maddening man in front of her. Though he had a beautiful face, she could look past that and do damage!

Donny squealed. “You guys didn’t!”

Blush stained Alli’s face as she growled in frustration. “We didn’t!” Donny reached forward and pinched Alli’s arm.

“Ouch! What was that for?” Alli pulled her arm away and rubbed away the sting.

“That is for keeping Ruvin a secret from me.” Donny frowned. “I thought we were best friends and we could share everything.”

“We are—but if Corleen learned about this, I will be grounded for life!” Alli breathed in hard and cringed just imagining how Corleen would react to the information.

Donny sighed softly. “You should have seen Louise. He hasn’t been at home ever-since the argument about Blake.” She looked up at Blake who took her hand and placed a kiss on it. “At least my mother is warming up to the aspect.”

“What about Alyse? Has she thrown herself on him yet?” Alli teased.

Blake winced as if the thoughts about that dreadful woman were painful.

“At every chance, she gets,” Donny muttered distastefully. “I can’t believe she’s my aunt and she’s acting like that with my mate.”

“She’s desperate.” Alli chuckled.

“She’s still bitter about your sister though. Why do I have a feeling it had something to do with a man?” Donny said pensively.

Alli’s eyes widened. “Do you think she had the hots for Xavier?”

“I don’t know but she certainly became a whole lot bitter after his death, and when Corleen was promoted to HOS,” Donny said quietly.

“Sheyster!” A voice boomed from the doorway catching everyone’s attention.

A tall man entered and went straight to the counter. Sheyster’s spine suddenly became rigid and Alli knew it was not good news.

“I’ve come for Lotta.” The man said loudly. It looked like he was drunk. “I want to know where Lotta is!”

“Get out of here, Tonny—before I call the cops. You and I both know she is dead. You got your wish, you sick bastard. You wanted her dead, well she is dead.”

A chill went down Alli’s spine when she almost recognized something in the male. He wasn’t a good person and there was something about him that was offing all her warning bells.

A cold chuckle escaped Tonny’s lips as he moved back and produced a gun. Everyone in the shop who was paying attention to what was happening gasped started running out.

California quickly removed his gun and pointed it at Tonny.

“Put the gun down, sir,” California called out.

“Shut the fuck up!” Tonny turned to California. “This doesn’t concern you.” He said then turned back to Sheyster who was awfully calm behind her counter.

Alli hadn’t seen Blake getting up but suddenly he was no longer sitting down. He was standing right behind Tonny.

“What the—” Alli heard California growl in surprise.

“Get the hell out of here before you hurt someone, Tonny.” Sheyster seethed.

“Not while you are breathing.” Tonny corked his gun and so did California. As Tonny was about to shoot, Blake kicked Tonny’s leg and the cracking sound of his bone echoed in the air.

Donny muffled a scream but Alli was just dazed because she saw something that no one else saw. There was a gray-like aura radiating from Tonny’s body like smoke. She had seen that somewhere but she couldn’t remember where.

Tonny groaned in pain and fell to his knees. Blake reached forward and took the gun from his hands twisting his wrist while at it. Tonny howled in pain but he suddenly started laughing as he turned to Blake.

“You messed with the wrong guy, asshole.” He spat as he looked up at Blake then muttered. “I have your scent—beast. And so do I have your mate’s.” And just to emphasize the point, he turned towards Alli and Donny with his eyes eerily maniacal.

Blake swung his hand up and knocked him out then turned to Sheyster. “How did he get out of prison?”

“I think he is a human hunter. He could be the one in charge of the disappearing weakbloods.” Sheyster’s face was pale suddenly.

California moved forward as he removed his phone. “I’ll take care of him.”

“No, he needs to die.” Blake gritted his teeth. “He just threatened my mate.”

“You don’t get to just kill anyone in public. There are eyes everywhere.” California answered tightly.

“He’s right.” Sheyster nodded. “Let him take him away and deal with him. You need to take Donny out of here. It seems this place is attracting nothing but trouble this evening.”

Blake looked reluctant to leave the man unconscious on the floor but when he looked up and saw how pale both Alli and Donny were, he quickly made his way to the them and helped Donny to her feet.

“I need to get you home. Alli, you should go too.” He said turning to California. “I will tell Ruvin what happened.”

“It’s alright, I will tell him myself.” She turned to Donny and hugged her. “See you tomorrow, okay?”

“I didn’t even show you my dress.” Donny’s voice trembled in fear.

“It’s a surprise, remember?” Alli tried to smile for her friend but she too, was scared out of her mind.

Donny nodded vigorously and said her goodbyes before Blake took her to the black GMC and they were soon on their way.

Alli turned back to the man who had the gray smoke wafting from him. Didn’t anyone else see it? She narrowed her eyes when she saw the mark on his neck; a small circle with strange symbols inside. She crouched down next to him and extended her hand lightly towards him, wanting to trace the symbol when a large hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her away.

“Don’t touch him,” California warned her.

“Can you see the mark on his neck?” Alli pointed at it. “What is it?”

California frowned and looked at Tonny’s neck. “What mark?”

Alli quickly took a napkin from Sheyster’s counter and pen and drew what she saw then held it up for California to see. “This!” she snapped.

“Alli, there’s nothing on his neck,” California answered irritatedly. “Now, go and sit down and let’s wait for backup.”

“Let me see that.” Sheyster took the napkin from Alli’s hand and looked at it. Alli watched as the woman’s color leached from her face so suddenly.

“Do you know what it is?” Alli suddenly whispered to Sheyster as California paced away from them to answer his phone. “I know you recognize it.”

“Is there anything else you see?” Sheyster answered, staring at her as if she was seeing her for the first time.

Alli nodded. “He has this strange gray smoke wafting around him. It’s not something good.”

Sheyster gasped and placed her hand over her mouth.

“What is it?”

“It’s not possible. You....are you....” Her voice faded as California returned to grab her hand.

“Come on, you need to go back.”

“You need a witch to block the enchantment done to him,” Sheyster stated. “He is a doorway to the spirit world. That symbol is a resurrection spell.”

Alli tried to figure out a witch then recalled Zach. “What about a Mage?”

Sheyster nodded. “Even better.”

“You’re not getting involved in this, Alli,” California told her as a car suddenly screeched in front of them. The back door opened and California pushed her inside. “Take her straight to the Fortress, I’ll take care of things here.”

“California, you don’t understand. That man in there is very dangerous.”

California smirked. “I can handle it.”

But that was the thing. He couldn’t.

Alli quickly reached for her phone as the car raced away and dialed Ruvin’s number.

He made sure it was the first number on her contact list.

“Alli.” His voice came through and Alli sighed in relief hearing him. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I am fine but you need to send Zach to Sheyster’s shop. She’s in danger. There’s a man there and he has this symbol on him...something about a resurrection spell. Zach needs to counter it.”

“Hold on Alli, you are not making any sense. Take a deep breath and start off slowly.”

“Sheyster is in trouble!” She exclaimed. “You need to get to her now—and take Zach with you.”

“Where are you?" His voice turned grim.

“I am safe. I am heading back to the Fortress as we speak but please get to Sheyster as soon as possible.”

“I’m on my way.”

Alli sighed and nodded. “Thank you.”

“After I’m done there I’ll come and see you.” Ruvin assured her.

She didn’t mind because she missed him. “Okay.”

“I’ll see you later.” He hung up.

Alli sighed and closed her eyes praying that Sheyster would be alright.

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