Chapter Chapter Twenty

“What the fuck happened! Drake hissed as he dragged the bleeding Aleric from the ground and dangled him in the air.

Aleric groaned in pain and passed out. Drake dropped the male as fury churned in his gut. He arched his head back and roared to the heavens to let them know just how pissed off he was. The spikes down his spine burst out of his back and flared up like angry, jagged protrusions behind him. His scales rattled around his body, their rattling sound singing the promise of retribution as he stormed towards the hole made in the Fortress.

“Drake!” Queen Malenna called behind him. “Where do you think you are going?”

“To find my mate!” Drake snarled, double voices escaping his throat.

Red was as pissed off as he was. The Dragon was scanning the premises in case the rogue left behind a trail but there was nothing. It seemed like they disappeared into thin air.

Drake’s heart threatened to fail him as wings burst out from his back.

“You are not going anywhere.” Queen Malenna’s Dragon Dame seized Red’s mind sending crippling pain searing through Drake’s head. Drake ground his teeth as his legs gave way and he crumbled onto the floor clasping his head.

“Stop!” He cried and immediately the pain stopped but Drake couldn’t stop the tears from coming down his face. “Maya!” His throat burnt as he abused it, crying for his mate.

His heart felt empty and his soul felt incomplete. He needed to find her before something terrible happened to her but he couldn’t get to his feet.

Cease fighting, warrior. Dame’s aristocratic and statuesque voice purred into his mind.

“You can’t do this!” Drake roared to Queen Malenna. “If anything happens to her, I will never forgive you!” Tears rolled down his cheek and splotched onto the ground.

The Dragon Queen curled her small hands into fists and closed her eyes then turned her head to one side, not wanting to see him.

Pain crippled his skull as Dame seized his mind once more and black spots began blinking in front of him before he passed out.

“Take him to the infirmary....take care of him.” Queen Malenna turned away. “Wren, find any means to get the human back--alive. Someone take Aleric to the healers! Now!”

Malenna stormed away.

Maya smelled cinder and something sweet. She felt hot air fanning her face and body as if she was lying somewhere in the open air. She could felt some sort of heaviness and pain but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly where the pain was coming from.

Maya finally managed to open her eyes and a red horizon appeared in front of her. The bright, fiery orb was levitating in front of her and when she tried to move, pain shot through every part of her body. The wind was picking up around her, slapping soil particles on her skin. She was back on that barren red world she had been the time she was attacked by the leprechaun.

Your wounds are worse now. There was a note of reprimand in the words that shimmered in her mind.

“What is this place?” Maya asked. “Why am I back here again?”

Protection. The orb floated closer to her and Maya narrowed her eyes as she noticed there was something writhing inside it.

The orb quickly whizzed away into the fiery sky leaving Maya alone with the sand beating at her.

Maya closed her eyes and tried to swallow but it felt at if she had sand in her throat. “I need to get back. Drake will be so worried.”

You’re in danger. The voice said.

Maya opened her eyes and the orb was peeking at her from behind the clouds. “I was attacked again.”

Yes, and you are still in danger. The voice said.

“Can’t you help me get back to Drake?” She asked feeling panic because she couldn’t move without feeling pain that was threatening to knock her out.

It depends on whether or not you accept my help. The orb floated back to her.

“Do I have a choice?” Maya gritted her teeth.

Technically no but you have to accept it either way. The orb said.

“Fine!” Maya roared in frustration. “I accept your help, now please help me.”

It is not that easy. The time will come when you accept my help....The orb floated into her chest and Maya’s body arched up from the red ground. The winds picked up speed, numbing her skin and face with the particles of soil.

Heat coursed through Maya’s body and she felt her broken leg snap back together. The claw wounds around her arms and waist stitched themselves closed and the pain on her back diminished.

“Who are you and why are you helping me?” Maya asked, a soothing and balmy feeling going all around her body and aching throat.

Call me Danya. I am helping you because you are important to me and to the Fire Realm. You are important to the survival of the Dragon race. The orb floated towards the read skies again she disappeared.

“She is healed.” Shock rang in the woman’s voice and Maya found herself in what looked like a dark and cold cellar.

Her eyes darted toward the vault ceiling made from crudely cut stone and felt a pang a panic hit her. Where the hell was she?

“She’s conscious.” A male voice gruffed.

The woman hissed in contempt. “Next time I send you to do something, make sure you don’t kill it! Imagine what would have happened if she died? The Scarlet Shield would have been lost to us! When is the Rogue leader coming?”

“It will take him a little while to get free from the fortress.” The man answered.

“But everything went according to plan?” The woman asked.

“Yes, the plan was successful.”


Maya felt the cold floor underneath her. She turned her head to see who was talking and came face to face with cold hard eyes that made her shiver. The woman was beautiful but the evil in her made her seem wickedly ugly. She had dark hair that fell around her face as she narrowed her eyes at her.

Maya recognised the dangling pendant she was fidgeting with in her hands. Iyr, she remembered Trey calling it. So, was this the witch that was using the powers of the Iyr to help the rogues?

“Get up.” She approached her, a little apprehensive as if she were scared of her.

Maya felt her entire body go cold. This was the same voice she heard when the hideous creature tried to get her find her grandmother’s pendant in her dreams. She was the hideous creature! “Where am I? Why am I here?” Maya sat up quickly and scooted away from the woman.

She smirked, suddenly a little more confident. “You are in a place that not even the Lord Mage can find you. If you cooperate, you will actually leave this place alive.”

“You are lying.” Maya blurted seeing the resolve in the witch’s cold eyes. Maya was not going to leave that place alive. Her heart twisted painfully in her chest. She wasn’t going to see Drake again...but if this was going to keep him alive then she was ready to lay her life for him.

“Just shut up for a minute. I am the one who asks the questions around here. Now, i know you are somehow using the Scarlet Shield to protect and heal yourself but it is time to give it up. Where is it?” She held out her trembling hand to her while the other greedily clasped the Iyr.

“What are you talking about?” Maya asked.

The large bronze skinned male moved from behind and Maya pushed further into the cold wall. He raised his hand and struck Maya across her cheek. Pain rippled on her skin and Maya whimpered, blinking away the stinging tears that wanted to come out.

Maya tasted blood in her mouth and felt the tear inside her cheek.

“Lode will not get tired from striking you so you better start talking.” The witch snarled.

“I don’t know what you are talking about and I don’t have the Scarlet Shield.” Maya answered turning back to her.

“The pendant, you insignificant insect!” She exclaimed. ” Where did you hide the pendant. I saw it in your dreams. I know you have it. Serensa was kind enough to give me access to you while you were cozy and cuddly with your mate. Now hand it over!”

Lode struck her again and Maya’s sight was momentarily impaired. She gritted her teeth. She was not going to cry in front of them. She was strong. She tried to crawl away but Lode stepped in front of her and his thick hand went around her neck. He pulled her up and Maya found herself dangling like a baby. She tried punching and kicking him but nothing deterred the man’s attention. He was feral. He had blood-lust written all over his face.

“Speak up, human!” He spat out on disgust.

Maya gagged and coughed, her throat was constricted by the man’s thick and meaty fingers.

“Let her lose, you idiot! The witch exclaimed. “She is no use to us if you suffocate her.”

Lode abruptly let her loose and she dropped down like a sac of rocks. She rubbed her neck and gasped for air. “I told you, I don’t know where the damned pendant is! I lost it when I came to this world!”

“You have it.” the witch hissed. ” And you are going to give it me or I will do something so terrible to your mate that you would never get the image out of your mind even in the afterlife.”

That threat touched a nerve and fury swelled in Maya. “Touch even a hair on him and I will bring hell to your doorstep.”

The witch laughed. “I’d like to see you try. I want to see what a mere human can do in this world. Just because you are mated to a Dragon does not make you one.”

She was right. She couldn’t do so much but every time she thought of someone harming Drake, something swelled within her, threatening to engulf her with fury.

“You will give me the Scarlet Shield or I will make sure you rot in here.” She turned on her heels and stalked away with the giant behind her. The iron door slammed hard and she heard the clinking of keys as she got locked in.

Maya breathed in hard. The air was moldy and damp and she wondered if she wasn’t going to meet her death just being in there.

She rolled to her side and leaned her head against the stone wall. Her head thrummed in pain from the beating she received from Lode. She wiped away the blood that was smeared on the corner of her mouth as a hiccup of tears escaped her lips.

Tears began rolling from her eyes as she silently cried, wishing that Drake would find her soon. She was worried about the people she had left at the Fire Fortress. She was very worried about Aleric and Juliet. She felt sorry for the Phoenix that died and the many more that may have been injured.

“Aren’t you Drake’s mate? What are you doing here?” A small laboured voice came through from one corner of the cell.

“Who’s there?” Maya cried wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. She didn’t want anyone to see her cry. She had to appear strong if she wanted to survive that.

“It’s Serensa.” She crawled out of her corner and let the little light that was allowed in the room highlight her face.

Her face was pale and strained. Sweat glistened on her forehead. She was clutching her stomach.

“Serensa!” Maya cried as she crawled to the woman, catching her before she fell onto the ground. Her head lolled to the side. “What happened? Have they captured you too?”

“Orisidia is controlling me using some sort of spell.” She breathed in hard. “She brought me here after she made me hurt Shancy and Twiska.” Tears ran down her eyes. “I am so scared. I don’t know what they want from me.” She cried out loudly, her terror and tears wrecking her body.

Maya pursed her lips not knowing what to do. She hugged the woman but her face cringed as a shudder went through her body.

“I--I think I am...going into heat!” She gritted her teeth as another shudder passed through her.

Oh no! Maya remembered what Drake told her about the mating frenzy that would happen if an unmated Dragon female went into heat!

“Hang on Serensa, I will find a way out of here--just hold on!” Maya cradled Serensa as her body shivered and quaked with the ripples of her heat period.

“Someone help me stop the bleeding!” The healer exclaimed as Aleric’s body bucked and violently jerked on the infirmary bed. Drake heard the male healer exclaim next to his bed.

His head felt like he had a thousand bees trying to stink their way out of it. Dame, that bitch. He thought bitterly as he turned to witness the horror unfolding right in front of him.

Aleric had been poisoned by the rogue dragon’s claws and the poison was corroding its way through his body.

“We are losing him!” The healer cried as everyone rushed about trying to help him.

Drake had seen this before. The Lord Mage was once poisoned and almost lost his life because of it. It took several high Mage to get the poison out. Drake watched helplessly as Aleric spasmed and arched off the gurney. He was losing so much blood. So much of it was frothing out of his mouth.

Drake’s body tightened with untold rage. He had just seen the male again after such a long time. They were ready to let their differences go and return to being brothers but Aleric was dying!

“Dios In’counter!” the healer exclaimed zapping Aleric with energy but nothing happened. Aleric suddenly stopped fighting and slumped back on the gurney.

The Mage zapped Aleric again but the male was gone.

Drake felt tears running down his eyes. That day was the darkest he had ever had. Not only had he failed to protect his mate but his lost the male who was more than a brother to him.

“Stop it, Blake!” a female healer came forward and held the frantic male back. ” He is gone!”

Blake pushed his hands through his hair and stalked away. The female healer started pulling the sheets over Aleric’s body and Drake snapped.

“No!” He exclaimed staggering from his bed towards the gurney. “You can’t cover him because he is not dead! He is not dead!”

Two of the warriors held Drake back while the healer rolled the gurney away for the preparation of his cremation.

“Bring him back!” Drake roared then crumbled to the floor and had to take a breather because the tears wouldn’t stop coming down his eyes.

The female healer took Aleric to the back of the infirmary while the other warriors helped Drake up. He shrugged their hands away, fury competing with the volcanoes of Akarl churning in his gut. He was going to be sick and he didn’t have anything in his stomach to retch out.

He stumbled blindly away from the grim warriors oblivious to where he was going or what he was going to do. He felt lost and defeated.

Red prowled angrily in the confines of his skull. The Dragon was on the edge of taking over. Drake could feel him crawling underneath his skin. He had to start looking for Maya. His sanity desperately yearned that he found her before he lost it completely and did something that they would all regret.

Drake bee-hived to his quarters and entered the bathroom. Scalding hot water splashed out of the shower wrapping the entire room in thick steam. Drake undressed and stepped into the water, a hiss escaping his lips as the water burnt his skin. Red quickly covered his body with scales.

Harming yourself will do nothing for Maya and Aleric. Red rasped. The commander died trying to save her, you should honour him by finding her and bringing her back!

Drake rubbed the water from his face. Never in his life had he felt so much anger and fear at the same time. He was wasting time. He had to find Maya before they killed her.

All this was because of that stupid pendant. He was very sure of it. The rogues must have heard her conversation with Sabine and think that she had it. Well....she didn’t and once they realised that, her life was in danger.

Once Drake was done he stepped out of the shower dressed up for a war and he stalked out towards the weapons store. A foul shadow of his mood followed him down the corridor that everyone who he met had to move out of the way.

“You have no authority in here, sir.” One of the guards step forward and held his hand up trying keep Drake from entering the store.

Drake gripped the male’s hand and twisted it, a satisfying crack of the bone echoing. Two of the remaining guards surrounded him, ready to subdue him when the need arose. Drake was not in the mood. He let the wailing male’s hand go and stepped over him.

“Let him go.” A tired voice came from behind.

Drake didn’t need to turn around to see who it was. The guards stepped away letting him pass.

“I could give you several males to go with.” Wren followed him inside while one of the guards helped his colleague towards the infirmary.

“I don’t need anyone.” Drake snarled silently as he sheathed blades down his boots and back. He got hold of two double barreled guns and snapped them on the holster hanging loosely around his tapered waist then grabbed the sting bombs to shock the rogues before he slaughtered each one of them.

“You will when the rogues are about to kill your ass.” Wren growled. “Am I the only one who actually gives a fuck about you? How are you going to save your mate if you are dead, you thickheaded asshole!”

Drake didn’t understand why Lord Wren would even waste his breath on him. Lord Wren didn’t associate himself in matters that made the wheels of his mind turn tirelessly. He took the easy way out of things....just like being the High Lord for the Realm of Fire more than being in the front line at a battlefield.

“I don’t need anyone to help me save my mate and I will live to the last second until she is safe. That is my promise to you.” Drake turned to him.

“Then what happens after she is alive and you are dead? Do you think she would want to live on without you. You and I both know she is special and very important. I need you to live long enough for me to know what makes her special. So suck it up, you impetuous motherfucker and accept my help.”

Drake’s eyebrows shot up. Lord Wren was seething. He was right. He couldn’t fight all those rogues alone especially if they were going to use their Iyr weapons against him. They would surely cut him down before he even made it inside. “Why are you helping me, Wren? If I remember correctly, you would have rather had me rotting down in the dungeons than join the Mage army all those years ago.”

“I told you.” Wren scowled. “I need to know what makes your mate special. Czear is very curious about her.”

Drake shook his head. “No, Wren. Give me the real reason.”

Seen inhaled and rolled his head. “Fine....we need you, Drake. My sister will not tell you anything but the rogues are out of control. They have been attacking and taking unmated pureblood females and we have been helpless to the attacks. Glaeders have been recruited less and less because no one wants to take any chances recruiting the source of rogues and this has weakened our ranks.

“No one wants you here, Drake, because they all believe you could be the new Rogue leader.” Wren answered grimly.

“And what do you believe?” Drake scrutinized the male’s face not letting anything pass.

“I believe you are the last hope to the Realm of Fire.” And his words were true. Even Red felt them and stirred in his skull.

Drake looked down at the blade in his hands. “I’ll do this one thing for you, Wren, but after this, don’t go breathing on my neck. Whatever decision I will make, you have you honor it.”

Wren gritted his teeth and his hand curled into tight fists. “We have an agreement.”

Drake quirked an eyebrow. “Show me your men, Wren.”

“It is Lord Wren to you.” Wren said tersely then turned around and led Drake towards the warriors who were waiting for commands.

Maya dragged her fingers through Serensa’s hair, trying to give her a measure of comfort. When the witch came in the second time, she realised what was happening and forbade the unmated dragon rogues from entering the place.

She looked at them bitterly and sneered. “He’ll be here soon for you, Serensa.”

The loathing in her eyes made Maya tremble in fear. She didn’t want to meet whoever this man was. She didn’t want anything to happen to Serensa because she had already been through a lot. She was taken from her home, forced to fear for her life and virtue then she was possessed and now she was in heat.

For a few minutes she was able to calm down and get the strength to fight off the next waves of desire and the need to mate. Her skin was burning hot and Sonia covered her with mesmerizing gold scales, trying to protect her keeper but it was getting difficult.

Maya’s bruises on her cheeks and neck healed right after the witch had left with Lode. The witch was infuriated that Maya was able to use the abilities of the Scarlet Shield yet she didn’t have it on her.

“Strip her!” The witch came in again with two women.

They nodded and pulled Maya away from Serensa as new waves of her heat period began. Maya screamed and tried to fight off the women but they were so strong as they tore through her clothes.

“What are you doing?” Maya cried as they tore through her blouse and left her in her bra then attacked her floral gypsy skirt leaving her in her underwear. “Stop it!”

“If you are not going to give me the Scarlet Shield, I am going to use any means necessary to make your stay here uncomfortable until I attain it.”

The two women took the clothes to her and Maya cuddled at a corner, the chill sending goosebumps on her skin. The witch hovered her hands over the clothes then tossed them to the side. “Get rid of her underwear!”

“No!” Maya fought with all her might and the women returned once more and stripped her of the little pieces of cloths that still kept her dignity intact.

Tears burnt at the backs of her eyes but Maya refused to let them loose. It was only a cold day in hell until they saw her tears.

A cruel smile appeared on the witch. “You will remain like that, catching you death in this dreadful, moldy and cold place if not raped by Serensa unless you tell me where the shield is.”

Maya dragged her knees up to hide her sex and wrapped her hands around her chest to cover her breasts. “I don’t have it. How many times do I need to tell you that?”

“You have it and you will give it to me.” the promise behind the witch’s words made Maya tremble.

She was a cruel woman and Maya was very convinced she was ready to use whatever means necessary to get what she wanted. She turned away and the two women collected her clothes before they walked out with her.

Maya crawled back to Serensa whose breath was coming out in short bursts of air. “Serensa, how are you holding up?”

Serensa turned her head to her and scanned her naked body. Molten gold churned in her eyes as she growled.

Maya moved back as Serensa got up. Before Maya could move, Serensa was on top of her, pinning her to the cold floor.

“Serensa, what--” Maya’s words were cut short when Serensa kissed her hard on her lips.

Maya’s eyes widened as the feeling of discomfort undulated down her spine. Serensa’s hands clasped themselves on her breasts and teased her nipples.

“Relief.” Serensa muttered against Maya’s lips, hot air bathing Maya’s face. “Must. Seek. Relief.” She licked Maya’s lips, coaxing her to response but Maya couldn’t stop the feeling of revulsion from welling up in her gut.

“Serensa, stop!” Maya fought away Serensa’s hands tears streaming down her temples but Serensa only rubbed her body against Maya seeking for whatever relief she could get from the desire wrecking her body.

Serensa was stronger than Maya and it was easy for her to grab Maya’s hands and pin them above her head. She looked down at her and Maya could see how angry she was with what she was doing. She, too, didn’t want to do this but the heat period was driving her to the brim of her sanity.

“Please don’t do this.” Maya begged her.

A single tear ran down her cheek. “I am sorry.” She whimpered and ground her teeth as a pulse of desire went through her, this one so strong that her entire body clenched and quivered. She turned to her once more, her mouth clasping on one of Maya’s nipple and sucking hard.

“No! Serensa, please stop!” Maya screamed.

Serensa continued gorging on Maya’s nipples while her hands stroked and kneaded every other part of her.

The door flew open and the witch re-entered. “Are you ready to talk now? Or are you enjoying this as much as Serensa is? You see, when dragons go into heat, doesn’t matter to them who brings them relief, as long as it is beneficial to them. If you want me to stop her, tell me where the shield is.”

“You have checked my clothes. I have nothing on me. How could I still have it?” Maya struggled against Serensa. “It could have fallen in the forest in Tacinia, I don’t know! But I didn’t have it when I woke up.”

The witch clucked her tongue. “The rogue leader will know what to do with you.” She waved her hand and Serensa flew to the other side of the room and hung on the wall, held up by invisible shackles.

She roared turning to the witch. “I will drink your blood, Orisidia.”

“If I had it my way, you would have been turned into cinder a long time ago.” Orisidia turned to her in distaste. “But I don’t have to do anything. When he comes, you will be at his mercy.”

Maya returned back to her corner catching the witch’s attention once more. “I would like to see Drake’s face when he finds your broken body once the rogue leader is done with you. He has all this....” She ran her hands over her body. “....and I can understand why he wants Serensa....but I don’t understand why he would want you...a mere human. What can you give him that I can’t, huh?” Bitterness rang in Orisidia’s voice.

The thought of someone else touching her body brought bitter bile in Maya’s mouth. The rogue leader wanted her. Was he someone she knew? Someone she met?

“When he returns I will show you who has the upper hand.” She walked out.

Maya felt exhaustion override her senses. Serensa was whimpering quietly on the wall. Maya didn’t have the strength to go and help her. She was terrified of her and what she was capable of doing to her.

Maya drew her knees up and rested her forehead against them while she wrapped her hands around her.

“Will you stay long enough for Aleric’s cremation?” Wren asked as they prepared to move out.

Drake’s felt the cold unyielding fury unfurl in his gut. “Yes.” He adjusted his guns on his waist.

“You are a good male, Drake.” Wren patted Drake on his shoulder.

Drake stiffened. “I hope this doesn’t mean we are going to kiss and make up.”

“I still hate your guts, you ball of smoke, so don’t hold your breath.” Wren growled as Queen Malenna came to them, her face etched with concern. “Wren, I need you to stay. Let Drake and the warriors go and find his mate. We are at our most vulnerable with the second in command dead. If the rogues are going to attack, now would be the best time.”

“Sister mine--”

“The army is yours to command. Fortify the security of the fortress now.” Malenna held up her hand when his brother was about to protest. “Make sure no one else gets killed today.”

Wren sighed and inclined his head. “Yes, my queen.”

“And you, make sure you return in one piece together with your mate. The warriors you have chosen to go with you are most loyal and great males. Take care of them and they will take care of you.” Queen Malenna said.

Drake inclined his head to her and turned to the twenty Glaeder and Naga warriors he got. “Let’s move out.”

Drake sprinted across the yards in front of him and took off, Red emerging in mid air. The other warriors took off with him changing into different coloured dragons following Drake.

Queen Malenna.....

Queen Malenna walked ahead of her brother towards the Fortress. She could feel his fury jackhammering her back. He must have questions as to why she kept him there. He knew she was more than capable of leading the army herself yet she kept him by her side. Truth be told Queen Malenna feared for her brother. She felt like somehow he too was a target for the rogues and sending him out with Drake was only going to bring him to the hands of the enemy. She needed him there with her, somewhere she could keep her eye on him.

Malenna couldn’t believe she lost two of the most promising warriors in her army. She had less Glaeder because of the rogues but Naga, Phury and Stealth were enough though not as good as the Glaeder warriors. Aleric and Claus were very good warriors. Though Claus and his twin brother Anton were two hotheaded Phoenix, they knew when it was game and when it was not. Malenna could only imagine what Anton was going through losing his brother like that.

“Malenna, I don’t believe it even for a second that you have me here because you believe in my abilities to keep this Fortress safe. Tell me the truth, why did you ask me to stay?” Wren finally caught up with his sister and glared at her suspiciously.

Malenna swung her long and straight hair to her back then looked up at her brother. Wren just didnt get it. He didn’t understand that if she were do fall down and die right then and there, he was going to be king. “I want you here with me to keep you safe. If anything is to happen to me, you are this Realm’s future. I have a sinking feeling that something terrible is about to happen and I don’t want us to be torn apart during that time.”

Compassion entered Wren’s always stern and grim face. He touched her hand lightly and leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. Malenna felt it all the way to her bones. The two of them were very close with only a few arguments that any siblings had. She loved her brother dearly, just the way he loved her. They have been standing together since the death of their father and they have been inseparable ever since.

“You worry yourself with very insignificant and minute details. This Realm would never have a better queen than you. You belong here, on that throne and I will do everything in my power to keep you there. Do you trust me to protect you?” He touched her cheek softly.

Queen Malenna nodded. “Yes.”

“Then let me do this my way. I have some suspicions at the back of my head and I need to do some scouting but I will be by your side until we see this threat on your life come to pass.” Wren straightened his coat.

Queen Malenna sighed. She knew how stubborn her brother was when he made up his mind about one thing. “Fine. Just hurry up with it and return here immediately.”

Wren grinned and nodded before he hurried away.

Queen Malenna breathed in hard. She was terrified but she didn’t want anyone to see it. No one knew of this but she desperately depended on people around her. Most of the time people saw her as strong and quick to act but she wasn’t. In all the times she came out victorious, there was always someone to hold her hand. First there was the Lord Mage who helped her with Kruk. She was forever in his debt. Then there was her brother and Drake. There was also Zee and Aleric but now all those people were far out of her reach. Only her brother knew of her vulnerabilities and that was why he stood beside her.

Now, she needed for Drake to return to her ranks. She knew with Aleric dead and Zee out of sight, she needed another second in command unlike any other. Drake was outstanding in that category and if he refused to stay at the end, Queen Malenna felt like she was going to lose her courage to wake up every morning and look at the people who she was supposed to provide for and keep safe.

She sighed and made her way towards the conference room where her Court was waiting for her.

Maya must have fallen asleep at some point because suddenly she was brought back from the sweet dream she was having of her being back in Drake’s arms to the bleak and drab surroundings of the cellar. The heavy iron door was unbolted as a broad male entered and eyed her and Serensa who was still hanging from the wall.

A hiss escaped his lips as he walked in with the witch right behind him and another woman.

“See, just like I had promised you. You have both females in your hands.” The witch said as she touched his hand.

Maya wrapped her hands around her body as she tried to make out who the man was. When he moved deeper into the room, her face paled and her throat dried up when she realized who it was. “Aleric? You are the rogue leader!” she asked, shock freezing her in place.

He smirked and moved towards her. “In a flash, human.”

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