Chapter Chapter Eight

Maya settled on the chair at the terrace a short distance from where Drake and the Lord Mage were standing, muttering quietly to each other. The night was cool and clam with a lot of brightly shining stars twinkling in the inky sky. Maya hated the smell of the infirmary and was also lightheaded when she heard what Drake had told her and the Lord Mage. He decided to carry her out for some fresh air and almost to clear the addling feeling in her head. Drake said that she was his mate. She still didn’t understand what that meant in the Enchanted World. What criteria qualified her to become his mate? She was, in doubt, very attracted to him but this was not the twelfth century where he could claim her without her consent. Maya asked herself if she could refuse him if he did? Drake turned his violet eyes to her and Maya felt her heart swell inside of him. His mere glance made her body a slave to him. Even when he touched her, her skin tingled, blatantly accepting and familiarizing itself with his fingers and body. She touched her cheeks lightly. Why was she acting like that? It is not like she was going to be there forever. With the way things were going she was bound to remember everything about her past life pretty soon. That meant she was going to have to return home and forget about everyone from that place. She wondered if passing through the gateway robbed her of the memories about that mystic world? Her throat throbbed painfully and it was not from her earlier injury due to her screams, it was from unshelled tears. The mere thought of her being away from Drake raked a shudder of sorrow and grief through her body.

She felt a heated stare on her face and when she looked up, her eyes glazed with a layer of tears, Drake’s eyes churned and he approached her, his steps sure and eating up the distance between them so fast that she was in the middle of letting out a shaky breath when he reached her side. He crouched down where she was standing and touched her cheek softly.

“Are you alright?”

A small sound between a mewl and a purr escaped her lips before she could stop it. She pursed her lips when she saw amusement dancing in the depth of Drake’s eyes. In the dim light, they shone like great amethyst gems. “I’m fine.”

“Are you cold?” He frowned taking her cool hands in his warm ones. “Do you need to return inside?”

“No!” She quickly shook her head, the thought of him being away from her almost unbearable. Fire licked her veins at his touch and settled warmly in her stomach. “You still haven’t explained to me what you meant by me being your mate.”

His nonchalant appearance was betrayed by the anxiety reflected in the depth of his eyes. “It is a complicated thing.”

“We have all night.” Maya assured him, snaring his straying gaze with hers.

Drake swallowed visibly and groaned in frustration. “Don’t say that. The beast in me will take it as an invitation to claim you and the last thing I want is to scare you.”

Maya laughed nervously. “I have been scared to the point I thought I was going to lose my mind yet here I sit, talking to the same man who subjected me to it. I doubt there is a lot more that can scare me right now.”

Drake’s eyes darkened to the point they were more blue-black. “Do you know what it means to claim you, Maya?”

Maya shrugged with uncertainty. “Ask me to be your girlfriend?”

Drake laughed bitterly as heavy boots knocked softly on the wooden terrace floor. The Lord Mage stood behind Drake and crossed his arms.

“I have to return to Agore but I expect to see you there in a week’s time.”

“Sure thing.” The words sounded sad as they escaped Drake’s lips.

Maya was not prepared to look up at the Lord Mage and see him wink at her before he materialized and disappeared like he had never been. A yelp escaped her lips as she found herself clutching onto Drake tightly.

A chuckle escaped Drake’s lips as he pried her hands away. “I thought you said there is nothing else that would faze you? Hold on me any tighter and you’ll break my bones!”

Maya felt heat flood her face. “How did he do that?”

“He is a royal blood Mage. He can move through space and time with a mere thought.” Drake explained.

“Can you do that?” Maya asked her caution discernible.

Drake sighed and shook his head. “No. I can fly if that is anything to brag about.”

Maya’s eyes widened with refulgent excitement in her eyes. “You can fly?”

“I am the scaly serpent with the bat wings, large claws and breathing fire sort of dragon.” He grinned at her.

Maya scrunched her forehead. It sounded quite offending when he said it. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“You didn’t.” He got up and helped her to her feet. “Come with me.”

Maya was glad when she got up and didn’t stagger. “Where are we going?”

“We are going flying.”

“Really?” Maya thrill that echoed in her voice stunned even her. How could she be so excited to go flying with a dragon?”

He held his finger up telling her to hold on then took several steps back. He took a deep breath and eyed her for what felt like an eternity. Everything inside of her turned to soup at his heated gaze. Was it normal for her to feel so strongly about a stranger, especially someone who was just passing by in her life?

Suddenly a pair of wings shot out from his back like someone had opened an umbrella. They were large and beautiful and had Maya’s jaw dropping and her face leaching of color. He really was a dragon. She kept on deluding herself that maybe he was just a normal man, until he did things like that!

The wings stretched behind him, glowing iridescently in the terrace lights. They were beautiful and large with sharp claw-like protrusions at the ends. Maya unconsciously stretched her hand, wanting to touch them but Drake folded them behind.

“We don’t want you to have another episode of seizures now, do we?” He said warningly.

Maya nodded wordlessly.

“Come here.” Drake held his hands out to her.

Maya’s heart thundered loudly in her ears as she stepped into his arms. He smelled divine that she had to bite back yet another purr. His thick arms went around her small waist, locking her pliant body against his iron body wrapped in silk. Maya felt every sinew muscle against her. She quaked as the nearness brought about feelings she didn’t understand, like the insatiable need to feel his lips against hers. Her eyes instinctively turned to his tempting lips. There were just centimeters from hers. All she had to do was stand on her toes and let him meet her half way and she would kiss him.

Drake’s hold tightened around her, crushing her body closer to his. She felt a rumble make its way up his throat and his lips opened slightly before the growl escaped his gritted straight teeth. Her breath hitched when she felt a hardness throb against her stomach. She knew what it was but she didn’t even have the strength to move away. She couldn’t bear the thought of severing the contact.

“The beast is prowling for his mate.” Drake growled, the pupils of his eyes turning into slits like those of a cat.

“Perhaps this was not a good idea.” Maya passed through her thick throat, wincing when her nipples tightened hard against Drake’s chest.

“I can’t tear myself from you.” Drake assured her, nuzzling her cheek and neck then Maya felt a light nip on her neck and her legs buckled under her and a shudder quaked through her body.

Drake held her up, the wings behind him beating loudly as they slowly took off. Maya stiffened when she realized what was happening and wrung her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. She was not a heights person, she figured because suddenly she was terrified was the increasing distance from the ground.

“Drake!” She exclaimed alarm.

“Don’t worry, I got you.” Drake murmured against her neck, sending more shivers rippling down her spine. “Close your eyes.”

Maya pinched her eyes close, gritting her teeth at the fact that her feet could not feel the solid ground underneath her anymore. “I’m scared.” She whimpered.

“I’ll never let anything happen to you.” Drake moved his head from her neck and looked at her face. “I promise.” His drawl faded and Maya felt the warmth of his lips against hers.

Her eyes fluttered open and she took in the man who was kissing her in mid-air in the middle of the night. She could feel hysteria creeping in and had to quickly tell herself not to think too much and just let the kiss happen. She tightened her hold around his neck, pushing her body harder into his arm as she tilted her head to the side to gain more access to the lips that were wrecking havoc through her body. They were just as she imagined them; soft and warm against hers. Drake teased her with his teeth and tongue until she managed with open up to him, allowing him to invade the cave of her mouth. He teased her tongue with his, rolling and tugging as their teeth scraped against each other. Desire exploded like a supernova deep inside Maya and its fires coursed through her body igniting every single cell of her body with desire. A moan escaped as the kiss became hot and demanding. She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to taste every single thing that was him. She didn’t want him to let go until she had her fill of him.

Drake’s skin felt hotter than usual under her figures. A guttural purr brought her back from that sensational place she was taken to and realized that he was changing on her!

She quickly broke off the kiss and gasped. “Drake!”

He gritted his teeth. “I know.”

She watched as his scales rippled about his skin until finally they disappeared under it. That was when Drake was able to look up at her.

“I don’t know how long I can control myself with you.” He rasped.

“Why is this happening all of a sudden?” Maya asked, concerned for him. She didn’t want to turn into a dragon entirely and being unable to turn back into a man.

“It is the pull of the mating bond. It is forcing me to claim you, to claim your body. It is only going to get worse with time until it becomes unbearable. I will have to--” He looked wretched as he teased the wisps of air caught in the wind from her face.

“What would you have to do to stop this?” Maya persisted.

“I will have to sleep with you and mark you as mine.” Dragon said.

Maya blanched. It wasn’t that she was disgusted but rather she was stunned that being someone’s mate in that world was way deeper than relationships back home. “Would I be able to go home once you claim me, Drake?”

Sorrow and regret entered his eyes as he shook his head. “You will not be able to go anywhere for a long time without me in close proximity. They said the mating bond becomes tolerable with time but the pull will always be there for all eternity.”

“Is there a way to undo this bond?” Maya asked frantically.

“The heavens chose this for us; it can’t be broken.”

Maya stiffened. “How is this even possible? I mean we are literally of two different worlds, how can I even be a mate to you?”

“I don’t know.” Drake gritted out.

“Take me down, Drake.” She was upset and devastated that such things existed. How could she be mated and an other-worldly being? How were they even going to survive? She knew she had a shorter life-span as compared to him, not to mention she had no remarkable traits going for her at the moment.


“Take me down!” She cried. She was panicking and she needed to retreat to her room where she would try and figure out what to do about her situation. It wasn’t sexual frustration she was experiencing with Drake, it was something deeper and more complex and it scared the hell out of her. Just when she thought she was getting the hang of this new world, more facts began surfacing making it all the more scary.

Drake’s arms tightened around her but as he was about to dive back down, Maya heard the whipping sound of something coming blazing towards them before she heard the slash sound and saw Drake arch back and roar. She froze in horror when her ears caught the loud flapping of wings and her eyes saw the dark silhouette of what looked like a fully changed dragon. Drake’s arms loosened around her and Maya screamed as she slipped down, plummeting towards the ground.

Her body went numb with terror and the scene around her changed abruptly. Instead of seeing Drake, she saw a plane. It was early morning and she had dived out of a plane! She could see others around her but her heart was filled with so much dread.

Her chest began to burnt and when she looked down, her pendant, the ruby Grandma Frida had given her, was burning a hole through her skin! She screamed, trying to get rid of it but it stuck on her skin, melting it away with its heat. Maya pulled on the latch of her parachute and it opened but the nylon wrapped itself around her, changing fire and burning her through and through. Maya screamed for help until her voice became hoarse and finally everything went black.

Drake heard Maya’s scream and saw as she lost consciousness and dropped towards the ground like a broken doll and quickly dove down to catch her. Red was already taking possession of his body. His bone elongated and his skin rippled with scales. His back was on fire from the rogue dragon that attacked him.

Scan the perimeter for any immediate danger. Drake commanded Red.

The danger is close, keeper. We need to protect Maya. Red said, malice underlining his words.

Just as Drake caught Maya with his claws, fully turned into Red a fireball sailed towards him catching him on his wing.

Drake growled. Take Maya to safety first!

Yes, keeper. Red answered as they flew away from the danger towards the house. Because of his large body, Drake couldn’t land close enough to place Maya somewhere safe but he was flooded with relief when he saw Ryuu dashing out towards him.

Drake reared his head up and roared loudly, the cry shaking the windows in their hinges and the trembling the ground. Ryuu was bracing for the change when Drake pushed Maya towards him.

Take care of her, this rogue dragon is mine...He communicated with Ryuu’s dragon through the mental channel that all beasts had so that when they changed into their counter-parts they were able to still communicate with others.

Ryuu nodded and hefted Maya in his arms before rushing with her back inside.

Drake took back into the skies.

I need that asshole’s location now, Red! Drake was pissed off. The rogue dragon attacked him and nearly killed his mate. There was no other way forward than to have his head!

Behind you. Red warned.

Drake turned abruptly startling the small golden dragon. He shifted his flight, escaping Drake’s wings but Drake managed to scrape him on his ribs shuttering several supposedly indestructible scales in the process. The dragon shrieked and wanted to fly away but Drake wouldn’t have it. Because he was almost three times the rogue’s size it was easy to move around the rogue like a lion hunting an antelope. Drake slashed his tail covered with razor sharp protrusions and caught the rogue dragon right in the middle of his shoulder blades. His flight faltered as one of his wings turned an odd angle.

Fire-ball. Drake commanded. He was going for the kill, singeing that fucker and making sure he never walked the ground again but his attack was countered as Shancy and Bryon took to the sky.

Shancy extinguished Red’s fire-ball while Byron concentrated his energy on the small, weakened rogue dragon suppressed his transformation. Only High Mage and Royal Bloods were able to pull that stun off.

Drake was infuriated.

Again! Fire-ball, Red. Drake growled.

Red released yet another fire-ball but Shancy quickly erected an invisible wall and the fire-ball exploded harmlessly in the air.

“Stop it already!” She snapped at him and turned to Byron who was successfully suppressing the golden dragon back into his keeper. The dragon folded unto itself until finally emerged a small body in its place. The body plummeted from the sky and Byron quickly dove down to catch it before it fell into the trees.

Drake landed with a thunderous thump before Red retreated. His body raged with pain but his anger was more pronounced.

“What the fuck is wrong with you two!” He snarled at the two Mage who landed right in front of him.

“You were about to kill an innocent.” Byron said grimly presenting the body in his hands.

Drake staggered for stance when he saw the body. “A female dragon?”

The female had passed out but her breathing was ragged and she had wounds and bruises all thanks to him. Pale and long hair fell around her face. She looked sick and very skinny for her own good.

“What is this?” Drake asked once he found his voice.

“Shancy, take her to the infirmary immediately.” Byron handed the unconscious female to Shancy.

Drake felt his shoulder blade snap back in place and growled in pain but he didn’t lose focus. “Explain—and what are you doing here when you were supposed to be at the mines?”

Byron sighed and ran his hand from his silver while hair. His icy blue eyes narrowed as if he was trying to figure out the right words to tell Drake so that he would understand. “The Rogue dragons are smuggling pure-blood female dragons from the Realm of Fire into the mines. They are keeping them there for breeding. That female dragon you almost killed—she escaped when we ambushed the convoy of boats that were bringing them in. I have been following her through the night. She attacked you because she thought you were one of her pursuers.”

Cold, hard dread settled deep in Drake’s gut. This was not the news he was expecting. He expected someone to tell him that they were smuggling some priceless jewels for money that would finance their aims but not female. Drake seethed with so much rage that he couldn’t even see straight.

“Have you caught them?”

Byron shifted warily as he eyed him. “We managed to capture three. Four escaped.”

“What about the females?” Drake asked.

“They are being taken back as we speak. None of them have been harmed in anyway. The others are returning with the captives.”

Drake nodded and stalked in towards the infirmary. This information needed to reach the Lord Mage so that a bigger team was send to the mines to make sure that all the dragons that were there were caught and answered to their heinous crimes. He couldn’t believe Noble Orisidia let this happen right under her nose. It was unacceptable and she better come up with a good explanation or Drake was personally going to make sure that she was dismissed at the Noble member of the District of Gyan!

But Drake couldn’t shake the thought of how it was possible for the female to transformation into a fully fledged dragon. Female dragons could not change into full dragons. Stronger ones were about to cover their bodies with scales when attacked but that was as far as it went...only Royal Blood female dragons were able to change--

Drake stopped in his tracks. There was no other royal blood female he knew about other than the dragon queen, Malenna. So, who was this female that was able to pull off turning into a complete dragon and have fighting tactics, rivaling with dragon warriors?

Drake burst into the infirmary watching as the healers rushed about the two females. His eyes settled on his mate. The conversation they had was her asking him to put her down. He heard the panic nearing hysteria behind her words. She was terrified being mated to him. He didn’t blame her. He was a pure-blood beast for crying out loud. He was more beast than he was man.

“Commander,” A healer approached him, eyeing him from head to toe. “You need a healing session.”

“Heal them first.” Drake stated.

The healer inclined her head and went back to the female dragon.

A collar bone snapped in place and Drake let out a curse. Though their bodies healed so fast, pain was still pain and it was something no one could get used to.

“Is it true?” Ryuu came forward, his eyes wide with both incredulity and excitement. “Is it true about her? Is she a full dragon?”

Drake gave him a nod. “We have to wait until she wakes up. We need to know what she knows and how come she can take the dragon form.”

Ryuu turned his dark head towards the unconscious female, wonder gleaming in his eyes.

Maya was having a nice dream. She was running on the beach with her friends Francesca and another pretty Latino girl.

“So, Natalie,” Francesca coaxed as they rested on their towels and put on their shades. “Did he ask you out?”

Natalie blushed prettily fanning her face with her hand while she grinned. “Yes, he did.”

“Oh!” Both Maya and Francesca exclaimed.

“How romantic.” Maya pouted. “I wish I could find someone as romantic as that. I don’t know why but I can’t seem to find the perfect guy I will fall helplessly in love with.”

“It’s because you are picky!” Francesca said.

Maya stuck out her tongue at her. “I’m not picky!”

“Yes you are. I mean Gavin is right there drooling all over you but you rebuff him like some bouncer outside a popular club!”

Natalie giggled. “I believe there is a Mr. Right out there somewhere for Maya.”

“He better have a pair of low hanging balls to keep up with her demanding ass.” Francesca muttered under her breath but Maya caught it.

“Ohh you bitter little thing!” Maya jumped on her sending her friend into the sand giggling.

Maya was happy as their laughter echoed and faded slowly. The echoes were soon drowned by the sniffing down coming from behind her.

Maya opened her eyes and scanned her surrounding. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, are you kidding me? I’m in this place again?”

The sniffing persisted, making Maya turn around.

There was a blond female resting on the next bed. She had her back turned to her but Maya could tell that she was crying from the way her body quivered.

“Hey, are you alright?” Maya asked sitting up.

The girl stiffened and stopped sniffing then answered in a small sad voice. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine.” Maya pointed out.

“I said I’m fine, okay?” She turned around with angry red and puffy eyes. “Just leave me alone.” She turned back to her position.

Maya mouth okay warily and quickly slipped out of bed and tip-toed out of the room. The last thing she remembered was sharing a kiss with Drake in mid-air then something attacked him causing him to drop her. Other than the little bruises she saw on her left side, she was alright. She was more concerned about Drake. Was he alright or was he lying wounded somewhere. The latter made her quicken her footsteps towards the door out.

“And where do you think you are going?” A voice came from behind.

“Akira.” Maya murmured dreadfully then turned to the woman and plastered a bright smile on her lips. “I was going to sleep in my room. It seems sour-puss in there doesn’t want to specialize.”

“The female is awake?” Akira asked.

Maya nodded. “She is crying. I tried to ask her what the problem was but she turned all viper on me and I fled.”

Akira nodded. “You can go. I’ll take care of her.”

“Good night, Akira.” Maya waved sweetly.

“Try not to get yourself brought in here again.” Akira looked exhausted.

“Can’t make promises I can’t keep especially given the circumstances that I am in.” Maya assured her.

Akira sighed in defeat and walked away. “Good night, Maya.”

Maya escaped into the quiet hallways of the house. Several guards were positioned outside the infirmary and when they saw her, they gave her stiff nods. Maya nervously walked away making her way up the stairs to the room several doors from hers. She stood outside wondering if she wanted to enter. She was worried about how Drake was doing but at the same time she remembered what happened between them. Her lips still tingled when she thought of the kiss and her body clenched deliciously around her. She curled her small hand into fists and stiffly knocked on his door.

It was awfully quiet on the other side and she concluded maybe he had gone out or was somewhere fighting for his life. A sad pout appeared on her face as she turned to leave but suddenly crushed into a warm hard wall. Her brown eyes turned up and they brightened.

“Drake!” She couldn’t help but smile. “You are alright.”

Drake nodded softly confused at why she would think otherwise.

“I remember what happened before I lost consciousness. What was that thing?” A shiver of dread passed through Maya’s body.

“Another dragon--what are you doing wandering the hallways? You should be in the infirmary.” Drake stood in front of her with his hands deep in his pockets. He was cleaned, his hair still wet from a possible shower, his torso clad in a white v-neck t-shirt that outlined every sinew muscle underneath and his gray sweat pants hung low on his hips. His cute feet peeked underneath the pants. She wondered why he went around without shoes in the evening. As she took him in, she couldn’t help but want to jump back into his arms and let him hold her through the night. She found that she slept better with him there with her, like the last time.

“Akira allowed me to sleep in my room tonight.” Maya remembered the girl who was sleeping next to her. “There is a very sad girl in the infirmary. She wouldn’t stop crying and she wouldn’t tell me what happened to her. I felt so sorry for her.”

Drake turned his eyes to a point just above Maya’s right shoulder. “She was taken from her home by force. She must miss her family.”

An awkward silence settled between them. Maya too was missing her home but she truly wondered if there would ever come a time when she was able to go and see her family.

“I just wanted to make sure you are alright. Good night.” Maya went to pass around Drake but his arm shot out and stopped her. Maya felt her heartbeat pick up pace and her blood whizzing in her veins at a speed that left her dizzy with desire. She bit into her lower lip to fight this new temptation. She couldn’t even look up at him because she knew if she did, she was going to drown into his eyes and lose herself in him.

“I want you to meet a couple tomorrow morning after breakfast.” He rasped, his voice thick and reverberating through her body like the strings of a guitar.

Maya gave a little nod.

“Lock your door behind you.” He added.

Again, Maya nodded and went to her room. She turned the key and listened against her door until she heard the soft sound of Drake’s door closing. She closed her eyes and tried to bring her erratic heartbeat in control. Drake was wickedly sinful with the way he played with her body. When she stood beside him, it was as if her body had a mind of its own, raging with a wild fire that was threatening to engulf her. Maya shook her thoughts away. She had to think about other things such as where she would start looking for her grandmother’s pendant and how she was going to get back home.

Drake heard his door open and his eyes snapped. The spikes down his spine flared up in alert and his body stiffened awaiting the right moment to strike. He heard lightly padding across the tiled floor before someone slipped into his bed and curled beside him. Her scent hit him hard like a pheromone awakening everything fibre in his body and leaving it zinging with lust. Her warmth radiated against him as she whimpered softly against his body.

“Maya, what are you doing in here?” Drake asked turning to her. He noticed the tears in her eyes and Red stirred in his head.

“The nightmares are getting worse.” She managed to say.

Drake curled an arm around her small waist and pulled her closer to him. “It’s alright. You are safe now.” But he knew she wasn’t.

With the way Red was prowling in his skull, it was only a matter of time until he forced his will on her and claimed her. He gritted his teeth and prayed that the night went on without him losing it. Her body silky soft and hot against him. Touching her set ablaze his groin and fueled on his intense desire for her. Her scent teased him, seducing and nipping at his control. She was a force to reckon with and all Drake could see himself tasting each part of that beautiful caramel skin of hers, discovering every alcove, every curve and every plane on her body. He yearned to stitch his fingers through that midnight hair and hold her head in place as he ravished her lips and mouth, drinking from her and teasing her until she lost thought of anything else. Then he wanted to take her body hard and fast, watch as her brown eyes clouded with desire and an incoming orgasm.

He blindly sought out for her mouth in the dark as his body ground itself against hers. Maya’s head tipped and a gasp escaped before he muffled it with his lips.

It was a terrible idea for her to enter into his room like that. Now, he couldn’t guarantee that she would leave there alright. The sheer need for her beat at him like jackhammers and he couldn’t tear himself away from her even if he wanted.

“Maya!” A strangled cry escaped his lips feeling Red swell and emerge, ready to claim Maya. “You have to go while you still can.”

“No.” She said and Drake felt his entire body still in time.

“You don’t understand. Red will not let you leave this room without me claiming you!” He growled at her, his eyes hazy because they had turned into slits.

Maya looked up at him, fear etched on her face yet she didn’t budge. “I don’t understand what is happening to me but I can’t control my need for you, Drake. Please--just--just--”

She didn’t have to ask twice as scales rippled around his body and his claws tore away her night gown. Her breath hitched but Drake couldn’t couldn’t do anything about it. He was strung too tightly and the only thing he could think of was taking and marking his mate. Red was in control now and he was thirsty for Maya just as he was.

Drake claimed Maya’s lips in a time-stopping kiss. Her body arched up from the bed, crushing against his. Her small hands burrowed in his t-shirt and ran against his skin sparking more fire in his veins.

The urgency robbed him of his breath as he tossed away her garment and got rid of his t-shirt and pants. His erection throbbed like never before against her stomach. Drake had to snarl as he fought against pushing her thighs open and ram into her.

“Oh God, Drake!” She whimpered against his lips and that broke all the strings of his control.

He pushed himself between her, grinding himself against her body while his lips went to her nipple. The little berries stabbed into the cool air and when he took one in his mouth, a tremor quaked Maya’s body. Her short nails bit in his skull as she held him closer.

Drake sought out for her entrance and pushed in but then froze with utter astonishment. He found that he couldn’t go further and Maya’s face had contorted in a mask of pain. With the last ounce of control, Drake yanked himself away from her, landing on the opposite wall with a bang!

A small shriek escaped Maya’s lips as he looked at him horror. “What--”

“Get out!” He roared.

With a dazed look, Maya gathered the sheets around her and scurried out of the room.

Drake was quivering with the intensity of his need for his mate but he wasn’t going to take her at the state that he was especially now that he had learned she was still a virgin. The last thing he wanted was to tear through her in the state of utter urgency and fiery lust. He ran his hands through his hair and roared then turned to the wall behind him and punched it as hard as he could. He assaulted the wall until he was exhausted then stormed into the bathroom and stood under a cold shower. Blood ran down the water as his knuckles were torn and their bones shuttered.

Red hissed menacingly in his head causing a headache to throb on his temples. He was not happy with the outcome but for the mean time he had to stop or Maya could die from the experience. A wretched cry escaped Drake’s lips and his forehead rested on the marbled shower wall. What the fuck was he going to do now?

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