Chapter Chapter Nineteen

Lyrah sat quietly in one of the benches in the Temple Gardens. It was just two days ago that the entire Fortress and some relatives from outside the Fortress walls had gathered there for the cremation ceremony. Lyrah had never seen so many dead bodies before. Some were still young, some were the helpers trying to get away and so many warriors were finally put to rest. The Mage of Life in her mourned the lives lost to the Enchanted World and she prayed that they found peace in the afterlife. A tear ran down her cheek but it was not only for the lost males and females but also for herself. She felt that she was reduced to something she wasn’t familiar with. She felt almost desperate in her situation.

After arguing with Rhol three days ago, she tried to concentrate her energy on other things other than the fact her mate didn’t want a Union with her. She made excuses not to be in his presence and she bet his close people must have noticed it. He, too, didn’t want to anger her any more so he kept to his office or went to the different assessment projects that were being done in Shalarian.

In the evenings, she made her way to the Temple where she sat in the gardens and thought about everything that they had been through. There was no one to give her answers and assure her that everything was going to be alright. That was Drake’s job but he wasn’t there anymore. Another tear ran down her cheek and she angrily wiped it away.

“High Lady Lyrah…” A purr came from beside her.

Lyrah pulled down the veil to hide her face better. She didn’t want anyone to see her but apparently her plan wasn’t working. A delicate hand with well-manicured fingernails touched the hem of her veil and pulled it up then a breathtaking face appeared before her.

The female had fiery red hair, her complexion flawless. Her hazel eyes were big and spell-binding and her mouth was curled in a small smile. “You think you can hide from a Seer?” She smirked softly and Lyrah’s breath got caught in her throat.

A Seer was a very rare and special person in the Enchanted world. They were born with special abilities and not from any specific race. This one was a Jinn Seer. Lyrah had heard of their stories, how they could tell the past, present or future of a person but they normally don’t know the chronological order of the events. Their beauty was enchanting and that was why they had to cover their faces when they appeared in public. They stayed in Temples, rarely leaving the premises and they were not allowed to mate. If they happened to love or be with a male, they lost their abilities and were banished from the Realm they once served.

The Realm of Spells had not had a Seer in such a long time!

“You are a Seer?” Lyrah pushed her veil back to take a better look at the flawless and angelic figure before her. She was dressed in a white gossamer dress that barely left anything for the imagination. It was very pretty with pearls and crystals making patterns around the neckline and hem of it.

The Seer sat up straight, pushing her fiery mane of hair back from her face with a delicate flick of her wrist then placed one leg over the other. Lyrah noticed that she was barefoot yet she didn’t have dirty feet. There was also a glow to her.

“I am but you can call me Scarlett.” She tilted her head to the side and winked at Lyrah.

Lyrah gasped. She had the effect a lamp had on a bug or a dangling ball on a kitten.

“I have been watching you come here every night at the same time for the past three days. You are so sad.” Her crystal voice faded as she looked up at the twinkling stars. “You cry for the loss souls and also for your heart.”

Lyrah cleared her throat nervously not wanting the Seer to tell her about her miserable life.

“Rejection is hard to live from but why have you turned the tables?” Scarlett frowned at her.

Lyrah replied. “How did I turn the tables?”

“Why are you rejecting your mate?” She asked softly.

“No, I am not!” Lyrah exclaimed.

“Yes, you are!” Scarlett mimicked her outburst then the two of them looked at each other for a moment before Scarlett bubbled up with laughter.

Seers were unpredictable and sometimes they spoke like they were crazy. They also loved riddles that would have people thinking, that way they exposed their minds to them and they were not shy to go through their thoughts.

“King Rhol told me that if I wanted a Union with him I should just decide the date.”

Scarlett was tentative, as if waiting for her to continue and when she didn’t the Seer frowned once more. “And what is wrong with that?”

“He wants a Union with me because he feels obliged to do so not because he loves me.”

“And it is this love that brings you here every night?” Scarlett asked and Lyrah found herself nodding. “You are a terrible person, lady Lyrah!” She reprimanded.

“What?” Lyrah stared at Scarlett in alarm.

Scarlett looked angry. “You heard me! You are terrible.”

“He made it very clear to me in the beginning that I was a complication. If it weren’t for the mate bond I would have been on the first train out of the Realm! That makes me a terrible person?” Lyrah snapped incredulously.

Scarlett mumbled angrily to herself, mimicking Lyrah then she rolled her eyes and sighed. “A self-centered female you are too.”

Lyrah got up, outraged by the way Scarlett was talking to her. “If you were sent here to offend me then believe me when I say it is working!”

“You have looked at one side of the coin?” She produced a shiny silver coin in her hands then covered it with her palm before looking up at Lyrah, softness entering her beautiful eyes. “But have you looked at the other side?” When she opened her palm again, the coin had turned over.

“What other side?” Lyrah asked.

“Have you even taken a second to wonder what the Jinn King is going through?”

Lyrah found herself sitting down again next to the Seer. “What do you mean?”

“Self-centered.” She confirmed. “That’s why I said it.”

“I’m not self-centered.” Lyrah objected.

“In a way, everyone is self-centered, what differs is the percentage of it--just like madness.” Scarlett wiggled her red eyebrows. “Ever wonder what the Jinn King was thinking when he told you that?”

“Avoiding blame!” Lyrah said it like the was the most obvious thing.

“What if he was afraid that you might not want a Union with him because of everything he put you through? What if he feels guilty and anxious that you might not want to be with him.”

Lyrah turned the possibility around her head and then she felt the strange sensation caressing her mind. She turned to the Seer and narrowed her eyes. “Stay out of my head!”

Color bloomed on Scarlett’s cheeks. “Sorry, it is a bad habit I am trying to get rid of.” She slapped her hand lightly like the way a mother would at an errant child.

That made Lyrah smile. “You are something else.”

“Literary!” She rolled her eyes then asked. “So, what if that is the real reason why the Jinn King wanted you set the date?”

“But I told him I loved him, what more should I do?” Lyrah asked in frustration.

“We are talking about the Jinn King here. He had been around for the longest time alone and lonely. His social skills are very rusty if you ask me.” Scarlett said then frowned in surprise. “Wait, that long?”


“He loves you. And he has for a long time--or is it in the future that he will love for the longest time?” Scarlett looked confused for a moment.

“And how do you know that? He is not here.”

“But you two are connected, I can read him through you.”

Lyrah’s eyes widened. “He loves me?”

“Go and ask him yourself and this time let him speak!” She glowered then added. “He is in his office--” She scrunched her nose. “Or is that tomorrow?” She shrugged her shoulders and got up. “Oh well, best get going. The rains are coming.”

Lyrah turned to the sky and it was clear and blinking with thousands of stars then turned to Scarlett but she was long gone.

Crazy Seer! Lyrah thought to herself as she flashed back to the Fortress outside Rhol’s office. She saw light filter from underneath the door and knew he must have been inside. She knocked lightly but there was no answer so she opened it slightly and peered inside. Rhol was not on his chair but was standing at the large glass wall looking outside. She could tell that the male wasn’t even there. He was somewhere deep in his thoughts.

Lyrah drank the male in. His long hair was braided on his temples and those two braids were joined to the larger one that was dangling on his shoulder. His purple tattoos slithered around him soundlessly while his gold ones just stayed engraved on his skin. He was large male but he was a very beautiful male to look at and to stay beside.

He may have appeared brutal and ruthless but Lyrah saw just how he went out of his way to help his warriors and the people of the Realm of the Dark. She felt how sorrowful he was when he witnessed all the dead people on the cremation ceremony. He was a king and normally they were not allowed to show any emotions in front of their subjects but Lyrah felt it deep in her gut. She was just surprised she didn’t pay attention to this new feeling she was getting from him.

“Couldn’t sleep?” His voice filtered across the room catching her off guard.

Lyrah found herself clutching her chest as the new feeling twisted in it. “Uh—I was in the Temple gardens. I met a Seer there.”

Rhol turned to her, his muscles contracting and recoiling under his ocean blue lynak shirt. “Scarlett.”

Lyrah nodded and she was surprised her feet effortlessly carried her towards her mate until she stood a few inches away from him. “She told me a lot.”

“She can’t help combing her way through people’s minds. Better watch out for her.” Rhol said and Lyrah watched as his hands formed fists against him.

She knew he was fighting the urge to touch her but all she wanted was to feel his hands on her. She had missed him for three days and now she just wanted to hear what he had to say about the whole Union thing. She admitted guiltily that in fact she did not let him speak that day they had the argument but she was ready now. Whether he wanted to or didn’t want to, she wanted to hear it.

Before her nerves got the best of her, she reached for his left fist and placed it on her cheek. His fingers opened up and he tangled them in her hair while his thumb rubbed her cheek lightly. “Talk to me, please.” She said anxiously looking up at his eyes. “Tell me what you are thinking. Tell me what I am to you. I’ll listen this time, I promise.”

“Why this now?” Rhol frowned down at her.

“Because.” she said impatiently then breathed in hard and tried to keep her cool. “Because I can’t bear staying another day without knowing. I mean I can feel your sorrow, I can feel your anger but I can’t understand this new feeling that is--”

“That is twisting in here?” Rhol touched her chest softly. When Lyrah nodded, Rhol stunned her lifting her off the floor and carrying her to his chair. He sat down and arranged her on his lap facing him then caressed the silver hair dancing about her face. “All my life I have known having a mate in your life brought nothing but weakness to a male, especially a warrior. I have seen dozens of my warriors becoming weak once they had found their mates and that disgusted me. I didn’t want to fall into that weakness because I had a Realm to rule and so many people looked up to me to give them shelter, clothe them, feed them and make sure they were safe. But the danger around them was getting closer and I knew that I had to be tougher no matter what.

I knew you were my mate the night I came to confront your brother about him putting spies on my ass in my own Realm. I was infuriated—but then I saw you up that balcony, looking as fragile as a baby and I ran short of words. I was not ready to accept you as my mate and I knew that even though I knew of who you were, we had not yet formed the mate bond and so you were free to do what you wanted as was I.

“I never expected you to come to me, braving the North Road alone. When I got the information that you had been rescued by the Aryan brothers, you could have imagined how terrified I was. Whether I liked it or not, you had already settled somewhere deep within me. I was angry with you as to why you would subject me to one of fate’s cruelest tricks. But you surprised me again and again, daring where a royal female shouldn’t. I expected you to be spoiled and helpless yet you managed to save me for a terrible fate.

“All this time--” he touched her chest again and looked up at her, his eyes burning with desire for her. “I didn’t quite understand what this feeling is. Three days ago, when I told you to set the date for the Union it was not because I didn’t want it. It was because I was nervous and uncertain if you would want it. Any sane female would have fled for the hills but you remained beside me, still confusing me with your nature to fall in love with the same male who almost killed you.”

“I’m your mate, Rhol. Even if I wanted to flee for the hills, I wouldn’t have had a chance against the mating bond.”

“Have you ever thought of running from me, Lyrah?”

Lyrah thought for a moment and found herself shaking her head. She never thought of running away from him, only him pushing her away at every chance he got! “Never.”

A sad smile appeared on Rhol’s face. “Sumir naikal peeta nerim.” He said in his clan native tongue and Lyrah found herself just staring at him like she was seeing him for the first time. The words were beautiful but she had no idea what they meant. He must have read her confusion because he said. “Beautiful, brave little thing.”

Lyrah grinned and leaned forward then placed a kiss on his smiling lips. “I missed you so much.”

Rhol’s eyes smoldered, the fires inside awakening. “Forgive me for not telling you the truth but until this moment, I still fear for your safety tomorrow. I don’t know where Rowan is or if he is planning another attack. You being here makes me very anxious.”

“We can face Rowan together, Rhol. You are not alone anymore. You have Queen Malenna and the Lord Mage beside you. Though they are not the largest Realms, they have the fiercest warriors.”

Rhol smirked. “Only after the Jinn warriors.”

Lyrah rolled her eyes. “Of course--”

“I love you, dirani peeta.”

Lyrah’s eyes froze in the ceiling for what felt like eternity then she dropped them and looked at Rhol. “What did you just say?”

“That new feeling in your chest, that is the love I feel for you. Its been there for a while, I just didn’t know what it meant. It made me anxious every time I couldn’t see you and it bloomed every time you were close to me. It throbbed every time you smiled and jerked every time you said my name. You have tempted me away from the darkness and into the light with your love, a temptation I could never refuse even if I wanted to and believe me when I say I don’t want to.” He ran his finger over her lower lip, his eyes bewitched all of a sudden. “I want to remain right here with you like this.”

“Rhol...” She whispered caught between tears and happiness.

“I love you, Lyrah. I missed you very much when you were upset with me. I tried to come up with a way to ask for forgiveness. I know I should have told you sooner but I was anxious of your reaction. Don’t cry, dirani peeta.” He wiped away the tears on her cheeks then kissed her lightly.

He was about to move back and look at her when Lyrah wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. She felt his hands clamp harder on her hips as she moved closer to him, crashing her breasts against his chest. She took everything in her own hands, invading Rhol’s mouth and dueling with his tongue. Three days of being without her mate had left her blood boiling with desire. Being close to him made the fiery blood fizzle in her veins all the way to her head. She was deliriously in love with him and no one could tell her otherwise. She felt his love in her chest, blooming into something warm and familiar, blanketing her in the safety of its arms.

A groan escaped from Rhol as he managed to tear himself from her lips. “We can’t do this here. My guards, my warriors or one of the Nobles can enter at anytime.”

Before Lyrah could say anything, she found herself being flashed upstairs into their Mekkon quarters.

Rhol removed her robe and veil and wanted to start removing her dress when she beat him to it. She breathed in hard and the gown disappeared leaving her in her underwear on top of her mate. A slow smile appeared on Rhol’s face.

“I love that trick.”

Lyrah shrugged as she teased the buttons of his shirt from their holes and pushed the shirt back. “Too bad I can’t teach it to you.”

Rhol took Lyrah’s hair and flipped it to one shoulder then coiled it over his arm like a silk rope and tugged lightly until her lips were settled cosily on his. “But I have several tricks I want to teach you tonight.”

“I can’t wait.” Lyrah grinned between the kisses.

Rhol was a bit annoyed when he found Dante waiting for him in his office the next day. He was the charming boy every female wanted to be around, including his mate! However, a warm feeling settled in his gut thinking of the female he left sprawled on his bed in nothing but silk sheets and too much loving. Dante turned to him with a grim face and suddenly that feeling plunged a hundred degrees below freezing point into cold hard dread.

“What has happened?” Rhol asked him.

Dante placed the file on his table. “This is not the end of Rowan. It is just the beginning.”

Rhol frowned and took the file, flipping the pages.

“Of course the motherfucker had a plan B. I just don’t know why we couldn’t think of it in the beginning. Something kept on telling me to look back at those ghouls found in the caves with the strange markings. At first I thought it was just his way to put us off his real plan of taking you but I knew that scroll engraved on the Ghouls’ bodies had something to do with the whole plot. Rowan is not the male to do things that didn’t mean anything. I was able to find a very old book with Bachu’ane symbols. It wasn’t just a riddle in Bachu’ane, it was a prophecy of when the true king shall rise again. Four events need to be fulfilled before he can once again walk this land. Two of the events have already been fulfilled; sacrifice of a mass which was the Ghouls and falling of a great ancient which I take is Queen Seranis. You would have been his first priority but because love conquered the darkness in you, he went to his second plan; reawaken Aidan.”

“What are the other two?”

“Blood spill of a royal child on a Blue Moon day and falling of a Great Kingdom—which I take to be a Realm.” Dante explained.

Rhol didn’t know how he got to his chair but he settled down feeling like this war had just gotten worse. “If I had accepted the darkness, the prophecy would not have been needed?”

Dante shook his head. “No but in order to release the Dark Energy, other events would have happened...” he eyed his king cautiously and added. “...and I think you know well about those events.”

Rhol didn’t want to remember what they had to do to lock away the Dark Energy but they had no choice. A small sacrifice for the betterment of everyone. Those events changed all the ancients and although they were not documented they were still haunted the ancients day and night.

“Who else knows about this?” Rhol turned to the young Jinn-Mage.

“My aunt Muriel.”

“Keep it that way. I don’t want anyone alarmed until we are certain of this. Besides, there hasn’t been a royal child in ages.”

Dante cleared his throat funnily and Rhol found himself buzzing with anxiety.

“What?” he barked.

Dante took a step back and choked out the words. “Queen Noelle is pregnant, my king.”

Rhol’s eyes widened in shock, horror and regret all at the same time. “Does the Lord Mage know of this?”

Dante shook his head. “Until we parted, the Queen Mage had not told him but I don’t know about now.”

Rhol cursed colorfully and banged his fist on his desk. Selma and Yosurn child was not in danger because Rhol wasn’t sure if Yosurn was of royal blood and Selma definitely did not have royal blood in her even though one of her brothers was a member of the Royal Court but both Lord Mage and Queen Noelle were from pure royal bloodlines making their child far more susceptible to the attack. Just when he thought they were heading in the right direction, more obstacles kept on popping in the way!

“Fuck!” he roared.

Lyrah stretched lazily on the bed and turned to the young female opening up the gossamer drapes in the room. Leah had returned once more to her side and she already cheery and bubbly as ever. It was the first time she traveled out of the Realm of the Dark so she always had something to ask about the Realm of Spells.

“Good morning, Leah.”

She turned to her and quickly made her way to the bed, bobbing her head in mid-way. “Oh, good morning my queen! I hope I didn’t wake up with the sound of me moving about.” Anxiety clouded her face.

“Not at all.”

“I have prepared you dress for today. The King told me you are meeting the Royal Court for breakfast today--”

“Put it back.” Lyrah said. “A breakfast is nothing official. Get my jeans, my favorite blouse and a pair of boots. I plan to take a ride before breakfast—and make sure they serve breakfast at the garden terrace on the south wing.”

Color drained from Leah’s face. “Jeans my queen?”

“Yes, Leah. If they can’t deal with it, they can always complain to the king.” She got out of the bed and winked at Leah before she made her way to the bathroom where Leah was already running a hot bath for her then she remembered. “And by the way, I have a list of things to go through for the Union.”

“The Union!” She squeaked with excitement.

“Yes, Leah, the Union. I have a list of invitees, food, decorations, clothes—oh heavens, I have so much to do!” She disappeared into the bathroom and heard Leah squeal with happiness behind her!

Leah returned several minutes later when Lyrah was done dressing and braided her long hair coiled it into a fashionable bun on her head. Soon, Lyrah made her way through the hallways where the helpers’ faces were bright. A smile played on her face. Leah must have given them the scoop of the Union.

Even the guards had their eyes twinkling as they greeted her. As she rounded the corner towards the back doors to the stables, she felt she was no longer walking alone. When she turned to her side, she found Zafrina quietly mimicking her stride with her hands tucked behind her. She was facing ahead, her new blood red second in command uniform looking quite enthralling on her but Lyrah couldn’t ignore the small smirk on her face.

“Good morning, Zafrina.” Lyrah grinned at her.

Zafrina turned her eyes to her and inclined her head lightly. “My Queen.”

“You have been a hard female to find these past few days.” Lyrah said as she stepped out and let the warm sun kiss every inch of her exposed skin. A slight breeze teased the lose locks around her face and blew away a few leaves from the ground. The air shimmered with life and she was not the only one enjoying it. Just a few yards from them, a doe and her baby were trotting about, grazing on a lush tuft of grass.

“The king had me oversee the damage assessment in Suran and the Quegal Cliffs.” Zafrina also breathed in the cool crisp air.

“I take it Seygon is also somewhere up north?”

“He will be traveling with Noble Naliah and William up to Cardinia after the Union.” Zafrina said causally.

Lyrah nodded as she stepped down the terrace, catching the helpers laying the table for breakfast just around the corner. “So, you’ve heard about the Union.”

“The helpers have been gossiping about it. Have you selected the date?” Zafrina continued walking with her towards the stables.

“In two days’ time. I still have a lot to do but I don’t want to keep the nobles here much longer than necessary.” Lyrah explained.

Zafrina stopped on her tracks and turned to Lyrah. “My queen, please don’t take offense in what I am going to do in a second. I have no other way of showing my gratitude to you.”

“What are you talk--” Lyrah was cut short when Zafrina suddenly placed her lips against hers in a polite kiss. Lyrah’s widened and her face turned red as Zafrina moved away and continued walking like nothing was amiss. Lyrah had never been kissed by a female before but she didn’t take offense because somehow she expected something like that from her.

Zafrina was always overprotective when it came to her. She was always on the front line to stay beside her. And in the times where she least expected, she found the female watching her with her eyes dark but humble.

Lyrah found herself giggling as she followed Zafrina. “I thought you told me you don’t swing that way--often.”

Zafrina sighed staring up ahead. “I don’t but I have wanted to do that from the moment I saw you. Now that I have taken it out of my system, we can continue as before.”

“It won’t be awkward for you?” Lyrah asked her.

Zafrina smiled pensively. “I have done worse to make me feel awkward but I don’t. I was, after all raised in a brothel and taught all the techniques of pleasing males and females alike.”

Lyrah gasped looking up at the female she thought she knew. Zafrina was always composed, always straight to the point. There were only several times that she saw that marble face of hers falter but she had no idea the female had such a life background. She didn’t know what to say to her. She settled to patting her on her shoulder. One side of her mouth curled up at they reached the stables and found Tatiana being pampered by Furis and his little gang. Nile was feeding her apples that looked like they were straight from the kitchen, Sor was brushing her hair while Furis was cleaning her hooves and Jemsen was talking to her.

“You need to look the part for the King and Queen’s Union.” Jemsen told her. Tatiana snorted.

Lyrah rolled her eyes. It seemed everyone knew!

Lyrah and Zafrina returned to the terrace a little later to find the nobles making idle conversation. Rhol, too, was just arriving with Dante and Seygon. When he saw them he made his way towards her. He placed a kiss on her cheek and gave Zafrina a little nod. His eyes were sullen and when he noticed she had realized that something was wrong he quickly turned away, guiding her towards the table. Lyrah didn’t want to push him into telling her because they were surrounded by a nosy bunch. Even as they looked at her, she saw that several of them had a disapproving look on their faces about her choice of attire. She didn’t care much about what they thought of it. She only cared about what Rhol thought.

He held a chair for her to sit and when she did he moved his chair closer to hers then when he sat down, he slipped his hand between her thighs. She gasped and when everyone turned to her curiously, she cleared her throat and turned to Zafrina and Zax who were standing a few feet from them to see if they had seen what Rhol was up to. They were facing forward.

Rhol leaned to her and whispered. “What should I do with you? You know very well that the Court Members will always have something to say about your appearance.”

Lyrah swallowed back a moan as his breath tickled the little hairs on her neck. “You don’t expect me to go riding on a dress, do you--unless you are willing to live with a paralyzed queen once I tumble down from Tatiana.”

Rhol brushed a kiss on her temple while his fingers sought out the heat between her legs. “I know you, Lyrah and you only planned the ride when you discovered you were having breakfast with them this morning.”

“Are you taking their side?” Lyrah placed her hand over his and pried his fingers from her inner thigh. “Because if you are, you might as well ready yourself for a Union with them.” she ground between her teeth.

Rhol grinned at her and took her hand to his lips.

One of the nobles knocked his knife on his glass to catch everyone’s attention. “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the King and Queen on the Realm of the Dark on their coming Union. May you have long and prosperous lives ahead of you.”

Rhol smiled back at the noble and held up his glass. “Thank you, Ohamy.” he took a long swig of his juice.

“Have you set the date for the Union?” A pretty female, much older than Lyrah asked as she delicately placed a piece of cheese cake into her mouth.

Lyrah nodded softly. “Two days from today. I took it that because it is compulsory that the Royal Court attended the Union but at the same time you need to return to your Districts as soon a possible, it needed to be done quickly.”

The nobles grunted in agreement.

“That is a wise choice, my queen.” The female said then her eyes darted towards Rhol then back at her. “A wise and able queen, I might add. Not only did you stand beside the warriors determined to bring the king back from the darkness but you also fought bravely. Some might say it was a foolish and reckless thing to do as a queen but to others it’s admirable.”

Lyrah didn’t know whether the female was praising her or insulting her so she just a little nod and turned to the glass of juice in front of her.

“Queen Lyrah has a warrior heart and determination that surpasses that of many of the warriors. She fought alongside her army and her brother because she knew how important this Realm was to her king. Now, that kind of loyalty is priceless--even to me.” Zafrina said from behind and everyone turned to her in silence.

Rhol’s hand tightened around hers and when he looked at her, there was so much love and approval in them.

“But it will be a long time until she can get her hands on a blade again.” Rhol rasped.

Everyone laughed.

“Speaking of blades.” The female continued. “The execution is tonight, is it not?”

Lyrah turned to Rhol in disbelief.

Rhol nodded heaving a sigh. “It is, Naliah.”

So, the female’s name was Naliah. She acted more a queen than even her!

“It’s good that we can get all these other things out of the way so we can get back to the serious things.”

Lyrah narrowed her eyes at Naliah. “So, the Union and the Execution are just other things to you? They are not of great importance?”

“You quote me wrong, my queen.” Naliah inclined her head softly to her. “I was merely thinking of the hundreds of people homeless and hungry back home. Believe me when I say I did not mean to offend you in any way.”

Then why did every word that escaped the female’s mouth seem like an insult? Lyrah came to a conclusion that Naliah wasn’t her fan.

“The homeless and hungry are being taken care of as we speak.” Rhol said tersely then changed the subject. “While Ron and five dragons are having a hearing in the Realm of Spells, twelve sorcerers are being executed tonight. The interrogation had not yielded anything so I don’t see the reason why we should keep the prisoners any longer.”

“I don’t see the reason why the Lord Mage had to leave with Ron and the dragons. They are as guilty in our Realm as in the Realm of Spells.” A large male with tawny brown hair said, his frustration showing in the way his hands curled into fists.

“Ron slaughtered an entire village in the Realm of Spells. He kidnapped the Fae king and tempted to kill him together with his daughter who is Lord Mage’s mate. What more reasons do you need?” Lyrah countered. “If I wasn’t wrong, I’d say the Realm of the Dark’s biggest enemy is Rowan and Ron was just following orders.”

The male huffed in anger but he didn’t add a word.

“Whatever sentence the Lord Mage would pass against the dark Fae it would be fair and something that I would have do myself because Ron’s rogue dragons have slaughtered many of my men too, William.” Rhol’s voice came through.

Although William was not happy with his king’s answer he knew better than to try and object it. He ended up swallowing whatever bitter words that were itching his throat with a slurp on his coffee.

“I have heard the news that the Ghouls have returned to their normal habits in the caves now that the danger is gone--” A white haired female with the palest skin Lyrah had ever seen stated.

“The danger is not gone, Jyne.” Rhol quickly corrected her. “Rowan is still at large and many of his sorcerers have vanished with him.”

“He might be licking his wounds right now but he will be back.” Naliah added.

“Yes.” Rhol answered and Naliah’s face brightened. “And we need to prepare for that day when he graces us with his presences.”

Lyrah wanted to pout at the fact that another female was basking in her mate’s presence. The mate bond made her jealous and unpredictable. Rhol must have felt her sadness because they were connected after all so he let go of her hand and slipped it under the tablecloth, returning it to his favorite place; between her thighs. Again he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her temple. The elation she felt at the gesture made her heart take flight in her ribs.

“Are you okay?” He murmured to her, his intelligent eyes boring straight into her soul.

Lyrah pursed her lips to prevent the grin from escaping and nodded. “I am now.”

"Laryk teina peeta maiyan.” He ran his thumb against her lips not giving a damn that he was making it uncomfortable for everyone else.

“What?” Lyrah felt color paint her cheeks.

“My little attention seeker.” He stated, his eyes darkening with desire.

Lyrah stopped his hand as it hiked higher, his fingers brushing against the material that brushed against her skin. “We are in public.”

Rhol simpered and turned to the Court Members.

Soon breakfast was done and the Court Members were being accompanied to the city by the guards, Lyrah followed Rhol down the hallway towards the lounge they rarely used.

“When was the last time you talked to Queen Noelle?”

“Just before the attack. I can’t wait to tell her about the Union. She wants to help me prepare it.” Lyrah said excitedly.

Rhol nodded but Lyrah could tell something was disturbing him.

“Did something happen?”

Rhol settled on one of the chairs and pulled Lyrah to sit on his lap then sighed as he nuzzled her neck. “I should not be the one telling you this. She should tell you herself.”

“Tell me what?” Lyrah circled her arms around Rhol’s thick neck.

Rhol groaned. “Let her tell you.”

“Fine.” Lyrah surrendered then changed the subject to try and keep her mind off what Rhol didn’t want to tell her. “Was it me or was noble Naliah hating me?”

She felt Rhol’s smile against her neck. “She tends to act…motherly to everyone.”

Lyrah sighed and her eyes fluttered closed mumbling, “I didn’t catch the motherly part.”

Rhol chuckled. “Is that why you were pouting throughout breakfast?”

“I wasn’t pouting throughout!” She whined, gasping when she felt his teeth on her skin.

“You were pouting throughout, giving me a hard time because all I wanted was to kiss that pout away.”

Lyrah giggled as his breath tickled her. “She’s not very nice.”

“She believes in the old traditions and customs, the ones where the queen should know her place beside her king and should present herself as seen fit. You should not talk unless you are spoken to, keep, your eyes cast down, dress for the occasion, don’t interfere in things that concern you and so on.”

The look on Lyrah’s face must have been comical because Rhol ended up grinning at her his eyes dancing with mirth. “Are you serious?”

Rhol nodded. “I have had my share of her wrath. She prefers when my father used to rule because he was sterner and brutal than I am but what she forgets is that my father was a traitor and he died by my sword.”

Lyrah bent forward and kissed Rhol lightly. “You did what you had to. It’s painful, I know but it was either that or the deaths of thousands on this land.”

“I love you, Lyrah for who you are. You might be stubborn, daring, have a smart-mouth and contradict me in everything I say but you are wise beyond your years, you are brave, you are light and you are life.”

“I think I just fell in love you with all over again.” Lyrah rubbed her nose against Rhol’s.

Rhol threw his head back and barked a laughter.

He was very handsome when he laughed like that, when his eyes were not shrouded with fear and sorrow, when he looked like he didn’t have a care in the world and Lyrah planned to give him more of those moments when he laughed like that. She snuggled on his chest and closed her eyes, listening to the beating of his heart as it sang to her about the perspective future with him.

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