Chapter Chapter Nine

Lyrah found her way into the weaponry store in the training grounds where several recruits were practicing long range shooting. When the young recruits saw her, the quickly bowed and scattered from her. Lyrah felt a small smile play on her face. Males were all the same in all the Realms, she thought lightly as she ran her hand over the signature thyest crystal blade. She was very good in swords and wondered if anyone would have liked to take her on.

“I don’t think my queen is permitted to be in here.” A male voice came from the door.

Lyrah turned and noticed the Jinn she had met with Herik in Rhol’s office the previous day. He had a darker bronzed skin tone with molten gold eyes and jet black hair plaited in a tight braid that was wrapped around his neck. He looked like a very seasoned warriors with small silver scars here and there. “I happen to be one of the best swordsman in the Realm of Spells.”

Saigon smiled lightly and entered the dimly lit room. “I have heard of the adventures.”

“Adventures?” Lyrah’s head tilted to the side as she sized the male in front of her. “You are underestimating me. Should I give you a demonstration?”

Saigon shook his head. “You are my queen. The last thing I need is for King Rhol to behead me for getting a much as a scratch on you.”

“I’m not made of porcelain.” Lyrah pulled the heavy crystal sword and let the weight of it adjust comfortably into her hand. Saigon’s eyes widened. “You better come and practice with me. Better you than one of your recruits, right?”

without giving him time to answer, Lyrah stalked out into the training arena. She noticed that the army consisted of Jinns, Nymphs, Mage and Shifters. When they saw her stepping out with a sword in hand, they all looked like they were about to jump in and talk her out of it but then Saigon was right behind her and he held two.

This is going to be fun! Lyrah thought as she made her way to the middle of the ring. Murmurs of excitement broke among the warriors as more of them poured around to watch the battle. Lyrah was confident in her swordsmanship because it was the one thing she felt she could do right...with everything else being frowned upon by the Lord Mage.

“Last chance to walk away, my queen.” Saigon warned as he took his position opposite her,

“I don’t scare easily.” Lyrah grinned at him feeling the thrill coursing through her blood, thickening it and making her charged up and ready.

“I have heard.” Saigon muttered with regret.

The air between them was sparking with energy and anticipation. It was so quiet that the only thing that could be heard was the wind bristling around them. Lyrah watched how Saigon took his attack stance and immediately knew where the Jinn’s strength and weakness was. Though the Jinn used double swords, his strongest strike would come from his left hand so she had to be careful there. She also remembered how Zafrina attacked her using her braid, that was also something else to avoid. What else...what else...Lyrah eyed the Jinns and a grin spread on her lips.


“Ready?” Saigon asked.

Lyrah lifted her sword. “Only when you are.”

Saigon struck and Lyrah was glad and she discovered that she was right about the Jinn being a leftie. The crystal swords clanged and Lyrah had to step back to support herself because the Jinn leaned in and his body weight shifted into the sword, threatening to tumble her down. Lyrah twisted her sword so that the flat part of the blade met the sharp angle of Saigon’s and pulled it away while twisting away from the second blade which came stabbing towards her stomach.

Everyone muttered in amazement at her graceful movements. Saigon attacked again but Lyrah was ready for him. Every she was able to rebuff his advances and it could everyone talking. Saigon stopped attacking timidly in the middle of it and started putting a little more effort.

Lyrah giggled as she managed to pin one of Saigon’s swords down and kick the other one of his hands. She tucked the arm that had the sword under hers and elbowed him on the stomach. Saigon grunted lightly but she knew it would take a lot more to bring down such a mass.

Suddenly Saigon’s weight moved and in front of her, the Jinn King appeared. Lyrah’s eyes widened. How the hell did he know she was there?

Rhol eyed her with dark menacing eyes then turned to his commander. “Give me your sword.”

Both Saigon and Lyrah gasped in surprise.

“My king--” Saigon started.

“Sword. Now.” Rhol growled his tattoos hissing and snapping.

Saigon handed the King his sword and Rhol turned to Lyrah. “Raise your sword, dirani peeta.”

The entire training ground went silent.

Lyrah found herself wondering what was her best choice; to drop the sword, turn and leave or raise it and let king Rhol humiliate her in front of his warriors.

“Raise your sword!”

Lyrah’s heart jumped in her chest and she quickly raised it. It lightning speed, Rhol attacked. Lyrah could barely see where he was but she was able to rebuke some of his attacks. He attacked with so much effort that sparks flew from the swords and Lyrah’s arms felt as if they were about to fall off. She panicked and her heart jackhammered in her ribs but Rhol didn’t falter in his assault.

Breathe, Lyrah. Use your abilities to predict your opponent’s moves. She told herself and for a moment she viewed as Rhol came towards her, saw the angle at which he attacked. Because of his heavy body and large body, that angle was important to produce blows that were unavoidable. At the last moment, Lyrah was able to shift away to the side and avoid it and everyone gasped in surprise but her victory was short-lived as Rhol twisted and whacked her sword from her hands sending it flying across the ring to the other far end.

“You just died.” Rhol breathed in and stood in front of her, his eyes intense and his tattoos black with anger. “Wielding a sword is not about fun! It is not entertainment when your life is at stake!” he barked making her cringe. “You are defensive, Dirani peeta, but you never attack. Defending yourself will not keep you alive. If you can’t attack your enemy, then don’t pick up a sword!” Rhol threw his sword at her feet and stormed away.

Lyrah pursed her lips and looked down at the sword that was just dropped at her feet. She took in a deep breath and turned to Saigon who was as pale as her hair. Everyone was dazed, watching on her. Anger welled inside Lyrah’s heart that she reached for one of the daggers displayed close by and threw it at the leaving Rhol. The dagger sailed across the room missing Rhol’s ear by inches and dislodged itself on the opposite wall. Everyone’s eyes widened even more.

“I’m the Mage of Life. I put every life above anything else and that is the reason why I don’t attack. It’s not because I can’t. It’s because I don’t want to.” The last time she aided in killing a dragon, she went through a haze of fury and it scared her. Even the time when she attacked Zafrina, that same fury filled her and swell of the power in her was almost uncontrollable. She didn’t want that part of her to come out and that was why she defended more than she attack.

Rhol turned to her then to the dagger beside him. Something skittered in his eyes but he left before she could get a clear picture of it.

The moment Rhol left, the grounds broke into cheers and the warriors gave her a thumbs up and winks.

Saigon ran his hand in his hair and smiled sheepishly.

“You, my queen, are something else.”

“I warned you not to underestimate me.” Lyrah grinned at the commander then caught sight of Zafrina standing in the shadows watching them. Amusement danced in her eyes as she inclined her head towards her and took her leave. Lyrah smiled at the female and sighed. “I better go and see Muriel. Take care.”

Saigon and the warriors inclined their heads towards her and went back to practice.

Rhol punched the surface of his desk and his knuckles cracked and tendons ripped. In just a few seconds, blood pooled under the skin around his fingers. The pain seared some of the fury that was boiling in the pits of his stomach and sending bile up his mouth.

He had no right humiliating his mate in front of his warriors but why was she so burdensome? What did she think she would prove to take on Saigon who was the best in at least all the weapons? Was it because she was bored or maybe she had a death wish?

“You have a meeting at the city hall tomorrow with the people of Karah.” Zafrina entered Rhol’s office without even knocking.

Rhol nodded. “Has Herik left?”

“He left this morning for Goran.” Zafrina answered.

Rhol sighed and settled down on his chair feeling somewhat calmed down. “What about the symbols we brought for Muriel?”

Zafrina sighed. “She’s still working on them.”

Right after they had documented all the symbols found in the dead Ghouls, they burnt their bodies and brought down boulders at the mouth of the cave to make sure the Ghouls couldn’t occupy it again...Rhol looked up at his second in command before muttering. “Say what you want, Zafrina.”

Zafrina settled down in front of him and narrowed her eyes. “Was embarrassing your queen in front of your warriors like that really necessary?”

Rhol’s eyebrows arched up. “She almost ripped my ear off.”

“But you had no right to tear her down like that.”

“She’s my mate.” Rhol snapped.

Zafrina sighed and leaned back on the chair. “It seems you have no idea what a mate means.”

“I will not let it weaken me.” Rhol gritted his teeth.

“It’s not a bad thing showing affection every once in a while.”

“Affection?” Rhol turned to her. What the fuck did that word even mean. “What affection?”

Zafrina rolled her eyes. “The queen will accompany you for the meeting tomorrow.”


“Yes. She’s been cooked up in her, it’s only a matter of time until she finds her way out of the premises on her own. Trust me, this will be good for her. Also, the Realm needs to know about their queen.”

Rhol snarled at Zafrina but all she did was smile lightly at him. Why did everything get so complicated in such a short period of time? Was it a good idea taking Lyrah out of the safety of the fortress to the city? “I wish I never met her.”

“Well, we don’t always have what we wish for. I will go and see what Muriel is up to.”

Before Zafrina left Rhol called her back. “Keep an eye on her.”

“I always have.” Zafrina assured him and went out.

Rhol turned to the large window behind him and closed his eyes for a moment. He was calm and collected that morning until he saw Lyrah on that ring. Even the tattoos were barely made their presence known due to being sate after last night’s encounter with his mate. Rhol was basking in this new calmness and peace but it was always short-lived.

“Affection.” Rhol sounded the word in his mouth. It sounded very foreign and odd. But what affection would his mate want from him? Just what was expected of him from his mate? And why was he thinking such ridiculous thoughts? Of course it didn’t matter what she wanted because this was not a union. They were just mates, nothing more!

That cold hearted bastard! Lyrah thought as she sought out where Muriel was. She finally found her in the library with a bunch of books around her. Her beautiful face looked tired as she stuck her face nose-deep into the books. She looked deep in concentration as she picked up papers with stranger markings and scanned through the pages of the books as old as time.

“You look like you are about to collapse any time.” Lyrah sighed lightly as she made her way into the room.

Muriel looked up and sighed in relief. “Am I glad to see you! Come here for a moment.”

Lyrah nodded and approached the woman. She sat next to her and frowned down at the symbols. “What are all these?”

Muriel rubbed her forehead tiredly and pulled the brown envelop next to her. “I hope you have a stomach for this.”

Lyrah’s eyebrows arched up at she accepted the envelop and shook out the contents. Her eyes widened as photographs of what looked like a mass grave of Ghouls fell out. All the Ghouls were dead, their bodies taking on an eerie blue color. Black marks were burnt on their bodies and their grisly faces were contorted in pain and fear.

“What is all this?” Lyrah breathed in hard to try and control the bile that was about to boil into her mouth.

“That’s what I am trying to figure out but none of these symbols appear in any of the books. I know I have seen them somewhere but I can’t recall.” Muriel looked a little frustrated as she shut her book and placed it to the side then reached for another one. “These are supposed to be records of what symbols the Mage can use for their spells. I, the Mage of Truth, was part of a team that documented stuff like this but I can’t find anything--” she sucked in her breath and cringed as she touched her belly.

“Muriel, are you alright?”

Muriel closed her eyes for a moment then calmed down before she opened them and turned to Lyrah. “I guess I’m being too hard on myself. Even my son warns me now and again when I exert myself.”

“It’s a son?” Lyrah exclaimed.

Muriel nodded. “And he is very strong already. He also as possessive as his father.” she chuckled lightly and patted her belly fondly. “I guess I better get some rest before carrying on with this—do you mind helping me going through the books?”

“Sure, go upstairs and get some rest and I will try to look through this.” Lyrah assured her.

Just as Muriel stood up to leave, Zax entered with a young male behind him. Lyrah was shocked when she felt the male’s presence. It was as if he was a Mage but not quite.

“Dante.” Muriel looked up at him and smiled.

“Muriel.” Dante inclined his head to her. “I’m glad you have been well.”

Muriel laughed lightly. “With your uncle watching over me like a hawk, I have no choice but to remain well. How have you been?”

“Well--” Dante’s eyes strayed to Lyrah’s and his eyes widened. “Forgive me for my impoliteness, my queen.” He bowed.

“Don’t mind it so much. Family comes first.”

“Allow me to introduce my nephew, Dante. He is a half Jinn, half Mage.”

That made sense, Lyrah thought. She couldn’t understand his presence because he was caught in between two races and they were both quite strong and dominant. “Nice to meet you.”

“Dante has been studying the ancient spells from some great Mage at the Realm of Spells.” Zax explained. “Muriel thought it would be best if he returned to help.”

“That is great to hear.” Lyrah assured him.

Dante smiled softly and inclined his head. “I’m at your service, my queen.”

“Dante, you could start looking through the images the King was able to retrieve from a mass Ghoul grave they came across recently. Maybe some might be familiar.” Muriel touched the young male lightly on his hand.

Dante frowned. “A mass grave?”

Muriel sighed tiredly. “Well, you have to go and personally see King Rhol for him to fill you on what has been happening. I’m a little tired so I will leave you both.”

“Rest well, Muriel.” Lyrah called out.

Muriel nodded and turned to Zax who wrapped his arms around her and disappeared behind a ball of smoke.

Lyrah watched as Dante approached and couldn’t help but be curios. He had the black hair, quite long but not a long as the Jinns’. He had an odd color of eyes, ruby, like that of a blood-deprived Nosferatu. He wore leather pants and jacket but noticed the royal blue lynak slash-neck T-shirt inside. “I have never seen a Jinn-Mage before.”

Dante grinned and Lyrah fell in love with his babyish features and dimples. “And I have never seen the Mage of Life up close and personal. Who would have thought you would be King Rhol’s mate?”

“You and I both.” Lyrah muttered to herself and turned to the books. “So, you have been in Agore all this time?”

“Nope. I have been in Ullanis, the city of the Mage of Truth and Wisdom.”

Ullanis was the city of scholars perched up in the Snow covered mountains of Carpa in the Jude District of the Northern Sector. That was where all the Mage of Truth and Wisdom went to study in order to become the best and also stand a chance of being selected to join the house of Historians or become Lord Mage’s advisors. If not, the Mage were allowed to remain and train younger Mage or spread into other parts of the Realms spreading truth and wisdom. Ullanis was almost like Harvard, Yale, Preston, Cambridge and Oxford all wrapped into one. It was very prestigious city so if Dante was there then he must have been exceptional.

“Impressive.” Lyrah found herself saying. “Well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to help?”

Dante cleared his throat lightly. “I’m waiting for permission from my queen to join her.”

Lyrah rolled her eyes. “Come! Sit down.” She waved her hand at him.

Dante nodded and settled opposite her as he looked through the images.

“So, what abilities does Jinn-Mage have? I mean I have seen a Mage-Shifter, Mage-Fae but not a Mage-Jinn.” She frowned as she flipped through the pages to find a least one thing that resembled the symbols but there was nothing.

“Well, for one I can command my tattoos with spells.” then his dark eyebrows wiggled. “Wanna see?”

“I thought all Jinns could control their tatts.” Lyrah asked.

“Not the way I can. Watch this.” He shed his leather jacket and stretched a bit but Lyrah knew that was just for show. Suddenly, his ruby-colored eyes glowed as he chanted something softly. A red haze engulfed him and a slithering sound emerged as the tattoos underneath his t-shirt raced to his hand and elongated until eventually a black blade appeared.

Lyrah rolled her eyes. “Impressive but I know the Jinns can use their tatts to forge weapons.”

“But the tatts can never detach from their bodies...” Dante assured her and the blade dropped on the table with a clang sound.

Lyrah’s eyed widened.

“I can still command them even when they are not attached to me.” The blade glowed crimson before it split into two blades, then the blades morphed into two guns and whips before finally the tattoos to re-attach themselves back on his skin.

“Incredible.” Lyrah breathed.

“Thanks.” He shrugged sheepishly.

“Are you also part of King Rhol’s army?” Lyrah doubted Rhol would let such an exceptional individual like him go. He had Nosferatu, Nymphs, a Jinn-Mage was yet something else impressive.

Dante chuckled and shook his head. “I help where I can. It’s entirely voluntary. I plan to take my aunt’s place after she gets her hands full with the baby.”

Lyrah placed her hand under her chin and studied the male in front of him. “That’s awfully nice of you.”

He shrugged again as he closed the book he was looking through and sighed. “I don’t do things to be nice, just to be helpful and right now I think it will be helpful if we stopped wasting our time with these books.”

Lyrah frowned. “But we haven’t even made any progress. Ancient Mage is not easy.”

“We are going to make any progress because this is not ancient Mage. It’s not even Mage to begin with.” Dante linked his fingers together and regarded Lyrah seriously.

“If it’s not Mage then what is it?”

Dante frowned lightly. “Well, the symbols look Mage but they are not. It must be some sort of spells, or energy channeling crafts, I’m not sure. Then there is the mass grave of Ghouls—I’m thinking it’s some sort of sacrifice—tribute or energy channeling.”

“Energy channeling? What’s that?”

“Mage absorb and manipulate energy to their advantages right. There was one other race that used to manipulate energy.”

“The Bachu’anes.” Lyrah breathed. This was bigger than she thought.

“The Shadow Dwellers, the Ghouls of today.” Dante looked down at the symbols again. “If I am not wrong, which I hope I am, this is Bachu’ane.”

Lyrah’s eyes widened. “But what does it mean?”

Dante looked grim. “If it is Bachu’ane then everything has just go a lot more complicated.”

Lyrah sat up and breathed in hard. What the hell was going on? Just when they thought they were getting a lock down on an ancient sorcerer using the forbidden arts, this shows up? Did Rhol know about this? And how are these two linked? Lyrah felt a headache creeping in and massaged it away. She had to get to the bottom of this before more bizarre situations popped up.

“My King!” One of the warriors rushed into Rhol’s office as he prepared to go down for a meeting with several member of his Court. “There has been another attack at the borders of the Mekkon District.”

Rhol’s eyes narrowed as he got up. “Let’s go.”

“But my King!” The warrior’s eyes widened.

Rhol quirked his eyebrow at him and the warrior stopped. “Get Saigon. Zafrina is to remain behind.” and watch over my errant small mate. He wanted to add but swallowed it.

“Y—yes my King.” the warrior bowed and went out.

Within a few minutes, Rhol and his team flashed themselves to the scene.

Rhol felt the shift of the particles to his right side before he saw the attack. Sharp blade-like claws shredded his cheek sending him staggering for a stance. Rhol steadied himself and snapped his head towards the vile creature that had just attacked him. The Ghoul peeled back his scaley lips and let out a screech that was loud enough to make your ears bleed. More of the Ghoul’s answered the call and Rhol discovered that they were surrounded.

There were screams everywhere, with people running for cover. Cars had littered the streets, most of them smoking and burning. Body pieces and blood was everywhere as the Ghouls fed voraciously.

“How is this possible?” Saigon asked. “The sun is high in the sky and the Ghouls are out of their caves!”

Rhol watched as the Ghoul’s stalked them and that’s when he felt the subtle vibration of energy around them. It felt familiar and it was as if it was also tempering the inner beast in him. Rhol’s heart began to race as he tried to pinpoint where the energy was coming from. The Ghouls were being controlled by someone. He felt it deep in his gut.

Embrace your true nature. A hiss whispered in his head. Rhol tried to shake it away feeling a little disoriented for a moment.

This is who you are, embrace the darkness in you and lead your army! The voice rasped.

“No!” Rhol roared as he reached for his blades and started hacking through the Ghouls.

The Ghouls attacked all at once thrushing their poisonous claws everywhere and chomping down whatever they could with their teeth! Saigon got out his guns and shot them, catching them between their eyes. Black blood oozed out of them as they dropped to the ground one by one—but where one fell dead, ten more took its place as more of them started pouring out of the forest.

“They are too many!” One warrior cried out. “We need backup.”

Rhol shook his tattoos free and they elongated into sharp ended tentacles. They rushed towards the Ghouls about to attack him and ripped out heads and guts, spilling them onto the ground. The tainted energy zinged even louder around him and Rhol could feel whatever it was settling deep inside his gut and take control.

He threw his head back and howled as blackness bled into his eyes and he lost all the control he thought he had.

This is who you are! You are the Dark King! Accept your destiny and lead your army!

Rhol’s head felt like it were about to explode. He felt nauseated as everything around him tipped on its axis and began spinning out of control.

One moment he was fighting the Ghouls in the middle of the streets of Mekkon, the next minute he was standing in a wasteland with black clouds boiling above him and bitter-cold winds brazing his skin. A silhouette appeared in front of him with glowing red eyes. His thick black hair blew in the wind as he approached him.

“You need to act like the king you are and lead your army into war.” The male barked at him.

Rhol took a step back but the other male was on top of him before he could even move. Rhol’s eyes widened when he saw who it was.

Uzrel eyed his son with distaste and loathing.

“No! I’m not like you!” Rhol barked shaking his father’s grip away but Uzrel’s claws sank into Rhol’s skin and he let down a howl of pain.

“You can not deny it any longer. Your time is coming and you will accept your destiny!”

Suddenly Rhol felt excruciating pain go through his body and when he opened his eyes again, he discovered he was back in the battle against the Ghouls...but he wasn’t fighting the Ghouls, he had two of his warriors hanging in mid air, his tattoos wringing the lives out of them. Zafrina was standing in front of him, her face pale with horror and her tattoos stretched towards him. Rhol looked down at his chest and found the source of the mind-numbing pain he was feeling. Zafrina had attacked him.

Rhol’s legs bucked underneath him and he collapsed. The last thing he heard was Zafrina crying out his name.

Lyrah ran through the hallway with Dante and two guards behind her. Her heart felt as if it was seizing in her chest. Something was terribly wrong and she felt the urgency of finding where Rhol was. Tears stung in her eyes as she raced through the long hallways towards the infirmary. That dark feeling had returned in the fortress and it surrounded her like a second skin, making her very uneasy. Lyrah couldn’t catch her breath when she finally arrived in the infirmary and found several Jinns being attended to. Her eyes search frantically around and finally settled on Zafrina who had bowed down, covering her face with her palm. The female was trembling in her seat.

“Zafrina?” Lyrah called her.

The commander immediately got on her feet and bowed. “My lady.”

“What happened?”

“There has been an attack in one of the districts.”

“Where’s King Rhol?” Lyrah watched the commander apprehensively.

Zafrina swallowed hard and turned towards the private rooms at the back of the infirmary. Lyrah didn’t wait to be told twice and quickly rushed over there.

Everyone tried to hold her back but Lyrah resulted in flashing herself inside the room.

The darkness and evil was swelling throughout the room. The first thing that Lyrah noted was Rhol’s frantic breathing. As she got closer, she saw the clammy, white coloration Rhol’s body had taken. His eyes were fixated to the ceiling and they kept alternating between black and normal. It looked at if he was fighting something.

“Rhol?” Lyrah approached the bed and touched his arm.

When Lyrah saw the claw marks on his cheek and the way his body was twitching, she knew he was poisoned once more.

“Dante!” She cried out rushing to the door.

Dante came charging in. “Yes?”

“He’s poisoned--”

“There’s something terribly evil inside him.” Dante sensed.

Lyrah nodded vigorously. “We need to get rid of it. How are you healing skills?”

“Uhh--” Dante stuttered.

“Fine, follow what I am doing.” Lyrah pulled her loose hair into a tight bun behind her and reached for the small scissors beside the bed. She ripped Rhol’s shirt and discovered more of the wounds on his chest and stomach. “What the hell happened?” She whimpered.

She and Dante took their places around Rhol and started with the healing session.

Lyrah didn’t know how long she was in there getting the poison out of her mate. Dante lent her most of his energy and they had to turn to even the other Mage within the fortress. Everyone was worried for both the king and his mate but no one dared to disturb the healing session.

“My queen, you have done enough.” Dante finally stated as he collapsed on the chair and breathed in hard.

The sun had long slipping down the horizon and cool night air entered the room, sweeping away the scent of decay, death and evil with it.

“The poison has been eliminated. He is safe now. The nurses can do the rest.”

Lyrah looked at the male resting on the infirmary bed and couldn’t help but caress the locks from his face. He looked peaceful once again and his breathing was back to normal but his body was scorching hot, a residual effect for pumping pure energy into his body to purify him. Lyrah’s body quivered with fatigue but she didn’t want to leave his side. This was the second time he got poisoned. Why was he so careless?

“I’m going to spend the night here and watch over him.” Lyrah stated.

Dante got up and approached her. “You are about to collapse on your feet--” Before he even finished his words, Lyrah’s legs gave way and she almost staggered to the floor but Dante was able to catch her. “You need to take care of your health too.”

Lyrah pursed her lips and nodded as Dante took her out towards the king’s quarters.

“Food will be sent up for you. Get some rest and regain your strength. King Rhol is not going anywhere.” Dante smirked. “That male had nine lives. A little poison is nothing to worry about.”

Lyrah tried to smile but couldn’t. “Thank you for today, Dante.”

Dante bowed. “Anything for my queen. Rest well.”

Lyrah nodded. “You too.” She closed the door behind him and sighed.

She was exhausted she wondered how her brother managed to stand after every healing session. Lyrah collapsed on the bed and closed her eyes for a moment. She was terrified when she saw Rhol on that bed. She was confused about her reaction because she didn’t care that much for Rhol. She was just that mate that was rejected three times by him...yet every cell screamed at the thought of anything bad happening to him. Had she started caring for him? Lyrah flinched at the thought. Rhol was nothing but an egotistical brute!

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