Empire of Lust: An Enemies with Benefits Romance

Empire of Lust: Chapter 24

I freeze.

And so does Kingsley’s hold on my hair.

And so does the world.

For a single second, at least.

Then everything comes crashing back in like a hurricane. Not sure if it’s the alcohol or the excessive information I offered Kingsley or the fact that I got on my knees for him, but I feel so out of my element that I wish the earth would swallow me whole.

It doesn’t help that having my throat fucked by him has turned me on so much, a few strokes of my clit would be enough to give me an orgasm.

But the sound of Gwen’s footsteps down the hall is almost enough to dissipate the haze. Almost.

I slowly start to release Kingsley’s cock, but he pins me in place with his hold against my hair and thrusts in with a violence that catches me off guard.

What is the crazy asshole doing? If Gwen comes in, she’ll see an unflattering scene of both of us. But I don’t get a chance to protest or subdue the burning throb between my legs when cum explodes down my throat and floods my mouth. At the same moment, Gwen barges inside. “Dad!”

From my position behind the counter, I can see the tight lines in his face, but it’s also his expression when he’s angry, so I really hope that’s what Gwen sees. Not the pleasure part.

By the time he finally pulls out and tucks himself in, I’m close to hyperventilating. He takes a moment to catch his breath, then says in a tight voice, “What are you doing here, Gwen?”

“It’s my house, too, you know. I lived here not too long ago,” she says with attitude, and I hear her dropping something, probably her bag, on a stool and climbing onto another. “And don’t even think about kicking me out today.”

My thoughts of crawling away are completely impossible now that she’s so close.

I swallow as much as I can of Kingsley’s cum, doing a ninja-level job at not releasing any sound.

He grabs his glass of water and nonchalantly places his other hand on the counter. “We’re not really on speaking terms, Gwen.”

“How can you ever not be on speaking terms with me, Daddy? Aren’t I your little angel?” I can hear the spoiled princess tone in her voice. She really is Daddy’s little girl.

“Not when you accuse me of being a woman-beater.”

“I’m sorry,” she lets out in a huff. “I was just too emotional, because, well, I know you don’t like Aspen. Speaking of Aspen, is that her car outside?”

Oh, shit. Shit!

How could I think that I would ever get away with being a regular in Kingsley’s house without her finding out?

“No,” Kingsley says with his usual cool.

“Then whose is it?”

“One of my acquaintance’s,” he lies through his teeth with creepy ease.

“Where are they?” Gwen insists.

“In my office.”

“And why aren’t you in your office?”

“Why aren’t you with your husband that you fought me tooth and nail for?” he shoots back.

“I already apologized, so why are you kicking me out?” She huffs. “And Nate had an urgent meeting with a client. He’ll also be working late because of a certain partner who’s obviously not taking on the manager role.”

“So now it’s my fault you married a workaholic?”

“Ugh, you never let me win, do you?”

Tell me about it.

I glare up at him and pinch his thigh, to which he remains solemn-faced, so I do it again, harder. This time, he covers his groan with a sip of water and spares me a death glare.

“Not if I can help it,” he tells Gwen with a fake smile.

“You’re impossible. I’m not surprised no woman wants to settle down with you.”

“It’s the other way around. I’m the one who’s not interested in settling down with anyone.”

“Because they wouldn’t have you.”

“Because I wouldn’t have them.”

There’s a pause and I imagine father and daughter glaring at each other, or at least, she is. Kingsley appears to be more entertained than anything.

He’s not the one on his knees on the damn floor.

Gwen releases an exasperated sound. “Whatever. At least Aspen is settling down.”

Kingsley gives me an amused glance as if saying, “Since when?” then asks Gwen, “Did she tell you that?”

“No, but the other night, when I went to her place, I saw a man’s jacket behind a chair. I think he forgot it there.” I hear her footsteps around the kitchen and then catch a glimpse of her arm as she reaches into a cupboard. “It was weird because I can’t imagine Aspen doing anything sentimental, but maybe she’s different with the one she’s in a relationship with. Anyway, I’m excited for when she’ll introduce me to him.”

My heart beats loud in my chest and I’m so focused on her words that the position I’m in doesn’t even matter anymore.

Gwen wants me to introduce her to the man I’m in a relationship with. That incidentally happens to be her father, and no introduction will be happening, but still.

“I see.” Kingsley sounds so pleased with himself.

“That’s all you have to say?” Gwen asks with a note of incredulousness.

“What else should I say?”

“I don’t know…you’re not jealous?”

Of himself?

“No,” he says with the same amusement that’s shaking my shoulders.

“Not even a little?” Gwen sounds wounded now. “He’ll be taking away Aspen, you know. And maybe you never had a relationship with her in the past, but you’ve been looking for her all my life.”

My lips part as I stare up at him.

He’s been looking for me? That’s a new piece of information.

Kingsley’s playful expression disappears, “I’ve only been looking for her to give her hell for abandoning you.”

“Still…you were never attracted to her?”


I narrow my eyes and then grab his dick and it slowly jumps to life beneath my hold. Never been attracted to me, huh?

He glares down at me, his eyes shining with dark lust before he swiftly switches attention to Gwen who’s probably making her favorite tea.

“Your loss,” she says. “Aspen is a catch.”

“Is that so?” Kingsley asks on my behalf.

“Of course. She’s beautiful, smart, and the most accomplished woman I know, so yeah, she’s definitely a catch anyone would wish to have but can’t. Except for that man, obviously.”

A salty taste explodes in my mouth and I realize it’s a tear. A happy tear.

I can die an accomplished woman now. I never thought there would be a day where I’d hear my daughter complimenting me.

It makes all the hardships I went through worthwhile. The bad, the scary, and the terribly ugly.

“If only she weren’t a bit of an alcoholic.” The sadness in Gwen’s voice slaps me across the face.

Kingsley eyes me with a gloating I told you so expression written all over his face.

“I didn’t catch it at first,” Gwen continues. “But she always pours alcohol in her coffee when she thinks I’m not looking. The other day, I sat beside her and opened an article about diseases caused by alcohol, but I don’t think she noticed it. I don’t want to tell her about it directly, because she might hate me for it. Oh, do you think I should ask Caroline?”

“Don’t know, don’t care. Also, why are you getting all cozy with Aspen when you hated her to death not a few months ago?”

“That was before I got to know her. She just has no clue how to express her feelings, and it’s adorable sometimes when she stares blankly while trying to make conversation.”

My cheeks heat. Jeez. I’ve never been ashamed of my character until now. The fact that I’m being discussed in third person while I’m right here is even more embarrassing.

“Besides, you’re the one who hates her and I was just following you blindly. Now, I’m my own person.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right. So don’t interfere or turn her life into hell just to satisfy your ego. I’m watching you, Dad.” I can imagine her making a hand gesture.

“Is this the part where I should be scared?”

“Yup. I’m not going to let you hurt my mom after I finally found her.”

My heel scratches against the floor in my attempts to stop myself from rising and hugging her. While she’s awake this time.

Gwen called me Mom.

Not directly, but it’s close.

“What’s that noise?” she asks suspiciously.

Damn it.

“The cup,” he says without a hint of being flustered. “Now, leave or go to your room so I can work.”

“But I want to have dinner with you.”

“Not tonight, Gwen.”

“Whatever. I’m going to make dinner for Nate instead and you’re going to regret not accepting my company.”

“I’ll live.”

“In a boring way.” I catch a glimpse of her reaching over the counter to slap a noisy kiss on his cheek, and I shrink farther into my hideout. “Love you, Dad.”

His stance and expression soften. “Love you, too, Angel.”

I release a breath when her humming and steps disappear, but I remain hidden for a bit longer, just in case.

“Are you campaigning for a second round of sucking my cock?” Kingsley smirks down at me with his otherworldly arrogance.

“As if. I can’t believe you came down my throat while our daughter was so close.” I pause at how I called her our daughter. Shit. I need to get it together because I’m starting to believe in our things.

Our time.

Our work.

Our relationship.

Jeez. This isn’t what I signed up for.

“I wasn’t going to let her cock-block me again. Or else I’m going to cock-block her husband worse than I’ve been doing thus far.”

“You’re awful.” I start to get up and lose balance due to my numb feet.

I fall against Kingsley’s chest and he grabs me by the waist and sets me on the counter, then unapologetically gets between my legs, hiking my skirt to my waist.

He unbuttons my shirt and forcibly pulls it down my arms and throws it on the floor. The bra follows until I’m half-naked and so ready for his ravaging that it’s a little scary.

“Pity.” He wipes my mouth with his thumb, gathering the cum that remains there, then slides it between my lips. “You looked good on your knees.”

“You’re the only man I would get on my knees for.”

His eyes darken and his grip turns possessive like nothing I’ve witnessed before. And for some reason, my mouth goes dry.

“And you won’t get on your knees for anyone else in the future,” he announces out of nowhere.

“What do you mean—” My words are interrupted by a rush of footsteps.

“Dad! It is Aspen’s car. It has the same plate—Holy shit!”

Kingsley and I stare at each other with “holy shit” expressions, too.

I bury my face in his torso to hide my nakedness as all hell breaks loose.

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