Emmitt’s Treasure: Judgement of the Six Companion Series, book 2

Emmitt’s Treasure: Chapter 10

Twenty minutes later, a sound from across the hall had me smiling.  Michelle was brushing her teeth.

After the water turned off, it grew quiet.  Worried she might be second-guessing her choice, I went to check on her.  As soon as I opened the door, I saw her.  She stood by the kitchen doors leading to the balcony.  When she turned to look at me, the morning light was her backdrop.  My angel, I thought.  A slow smile grabbed me at the sight of her stolen pajamas.

“Nice shirt,” I said.  Had she been wearing my shirt every night since she’d taken it?  I hoped so.

“Thanks.  It’s really comfy.”

“I know.  Want some breakfast before we face the music for last night?”

She nodded and followed me across the hall.

“How’s your back?” she asked, sitting on a new stool at the island.

She watched me, showing interest in our conversation.  No hesitation.  Did she understand how badly I’d wanted this?  Needed this?

“Fine.”  I moved to turn the bacon.  “Is the floor behaving this morning?”

I plated up our breakfast, giving her the smaller share of a pound of fried bacon.  When I set the loaded plate before her, she eyed the eggs and meat with a hint of distaste.

“Too heavy after last night?” I asked, studying her.

When she nodded, I reached over, picked up a single piece of toast, and handed it to her. “Better?”


I took her plate, content to eat both our portions.  She turned slightly so she could watch me.

“I was thinking maybe we could spend the day together,” she said hesitantly.

Did she honestly think I’d say no to that?

“We could all go to the lake again,” I said.

She made a face. “Maybe somewhere less public?” she said.  “I’d like to learn more about you, like why a strong, fast…person, such as yourself, could get knocked over by a nineteen-year-old lightweight.  And, I’d prefer my brothers don’t see anything unusual.”

“Nineteen?”  I echoed.  My mind went numb with shock, and I dropped my fork.

When I first saw her in the diner and helped her with David, I’d naturally assumed she was older.  And, with every small detail I’d learned of her life before coming here, my assumption had only firmed.  She shouldered so much responsibility to provide for and protect her brothers.  Too much for someone that young.  She needed help and protection.  My protection.   And instead, I’d let her drink and had taken her into a bar.  I swallowed hard, thinking of Winifred’s reaction.

“She’s going to kill me,” I said under my breath.  I pushed my food away, no longer hungry.

“What’s wrong?”

I barely registered Michelle’s words as I considered not telling Winifred.  It was no use.  She’d probably already heard.  The door was open, and her ears were far better than mine.  Yep, I’d be joining Jim, listening to a lecture.  No, wait.  She was mad at Jim.  I just needed to keep the focus on him.  After all, Jim had taken an underage girl to the bar last night.  Not me.

Michelle moved next to me, drawing my attention to her growing concern.

“We all assumed you were a bit older than that,” I said as I stood and started cleaning up.  “Come on.  Let’s get this over with.”

I held out my hand.  She hesitantly took it.

“Are you telling me I look old?”

“Ancient,” I said with a teasing grin.

She continued to hold my hand as we walked together downstairs.

Did you hear? I sent Winifred.

Yes.  We’re waiting for you to join us.

That didn’t sound good.  When we walked into Winifred’s apartment, we found Jim already at the table and Winifred leaning against the counter, her death glare pinning Jim.

“Sit,” she said.

I held out a chair for Michelle before taking my own seat.  Michelle fidgeted beside me.

Winifred’s attention remained on Jim.

“Your irresponsibility knows no bounds.  What were you thinking, taking her to a bar?  Our job is to keep her safe, not keep her stocked with booze.”

He’d been listening to this for over an hour, along with a lecture about an Elder’s responsibility to confer with others before making decisions.  If he wanted to be an Elder, he needed to start conferring.

“And you,” she said looking at me, “are supposed to have her best interests at heart.”

“That’s why I tracked her down and brought her back,” I said quickly.  Jim grimaced.  It was all on Jim this time.

Then, Winifred turned to Michelle.  “At nineteen, you have no right to be going out drinking.”

Michelle’s mouth popped open.

Winifred, I warned at the same time I caught a whiff of Michelle’s anger.

Her face flushed red.

“That is so—my age doesn’t matter.  It never has,” she said.

I studied her, wondering what she meant by that.

“You have a responsibility to your brothers,” Winifred said.

Michelle laid her trembling hands flat on the table.  Had I not smelled her temper or noted the steely glint in her eyes, I would have thought the shaking was from fear or nervousness.

Michelle defiantly met Winifred’s gaze. “No one knows that better than I do.  Their wellbeing, their existence, depended on my obedience.  Complete and absolute.  Don’t speak.  Look up when addressed.  Return to your room when your presence isn’t required.

“I messed up last night.  I get it.  My brothers could have been found, and I wasn’t here to protect them.”

Pain and regret soured her scent, and my heart broke for her.  I had a feeling she’d endured a lot more than what she’d just said.

Nana made a slight noise as if she would continue, but Michelle didn’t let her.

“I don’t need your lecture,” she said angrily.  “I will not be ruled by another—”

She clamped her mouth shut and closed her eyes with a flinch.

Winifred, Jim, and I shared a look.

This conversation needs to lighten up, I sent to Winifred.  I don’t want her comparing us to whoever she left behind.

I agree, Winifred said.

Michelle breathed deeply and opened her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she said.  Then she stood and left.  We remained quiet as she raced up the stairs two at a time.

“She’s wearing your shirt,” Jim observed with a grin.  “One step closer to cookies.”

Winifred’s gaze narrowed on Jim.

“Emmitt, perhaps you can go check on the children.”

Jim slumped in his chair as I went outside.

With the doors and windows open, I still heard every word of Winifred’s continuing lecture.  Jim didn’t say anything in his defense. He just sat there and took it.  We’d both learned early on, saying anything only prolonged the lectures.

When Michelle came back down and went straight into Winifred’s apartment, I was tempted to go inside.  I didn’t want Winifred upsetting her again.

If we push her too much, she will leave, I sent to Winifred.

I’m very aware of that.  I will not lose my temper again.

I continued to play with the kids as I listened.

“Jim,” Michelle said.  “I’m sorry I used you yesterday.  I should have faced the issue instead of running from it.  Can I talk to you alone for a minute?”

When Jim flew out the door at werewolf speed, slowing when he hit the porch steps, I knew Michelle had asked to speak to Winifred.  Aden saw Jim and cheered.  Jim took over pushing Aden’s swing, and I focused on Liam.  From inside, I heard Michelle talking to Winifred.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did.  You’re right.  I’m not being responsible.  My past, whether good or bad, doesn’t earn me any hall passes.  I’m sorry I left like I did yesterday.”

Keep it light, Winifred.  We need her.  I need her.

Emmitt, I’ve been an Elder longer than you’ve been alive.

Confer, I said, using her own words about Elders and the decisions they make.

You two will be the death of me.

“You are an adult.  You’re correct that you don’t need me to lecture you.  We are here to help you, Michelle, if you would just let us.  We don’t know who you’re hiding from or why.  Is leaving here dangerous?  Is there a chance the people you’re hiding from could track you here?”

“I don’t know,” came Michelle’s faint answer.  “I’m so afraid, Nana.  I’m afraid they’ll find us and afraid if I trust…I’m afraid you’ll be just like them.”

“Never, Michelle.  We are an entirely different species.  Loyalty runs deep with us.”

There was a moment of silence before Winifred started communicating over our link.

Interesting.  What I just said scared her enough that she paled.

Frightening my Mate with what we are isn’t interesting, Winifred.

It wasn’t what we are.  It was when I mentioned our loyalty.

“You’re right,” Michelle said.  “You’re different, and I haven’t taken the time to learn about you like Emmitt asked me to.  I’m sorry to ask this again, but can you and Jim keep an eye on the boys?  I swear I won’t ever disappear like I did yesterday.  I just want to take Emmitt to the front yard where the boys won’t see or hear anything.  Then, I’ll ask Emmitt the questions I should have asked from the start.”

“Of course we will.  You don’t have to ask Emmitt, you know.  You can ask me anything as well.”


I’m just making sure she knows I’m here to answer questions as well.

Instead of coming outside for me, Michelle went to Jim’s apartment.  She moved around in there for several minutes before going back upstairs.  I waited, watching the door and straining to hear anything.  Just as I was wondering what she was up to, I faintly heard her call my name.

I motioned for Jim to take over pushing Liam on the swing, since he could easily handle pushing them both, and jogged inside.

“Tell her I’m her slave for life,” Jim said, before I cleared the porch.

As soon as I hit the steps, I used my real speed.

She was at her door, waiting for me when I reached the landing.

“Jim told me to pass on his pledge of servitude.”

She smiled slightly.  “He’ll pay it back today.  He and Nana are going to watch the boys so I can spend some time with you and learn what makes a werewolf tick.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“According to your boast, you’re faster, stronger, have better sight, hearing, and sense of smell.  I’d like to know just how good you are at each.”

“All right,” I said, wondering how she was going to test me.  “What do you want me to do?”

“Let’s go downstairs.”

She walked beside me until we reached Jim’s apartment.

“I went inside and hid something.  Can you find it?”

She wanted to see how well I could follow a trail.  Her trail I could follow anywhere.  Focusing, I allowed hints of sweet vanilla and maple trees to tug at my senses.  It would have been easy to lean forward and inhale it from the source.  Instead, I turned and strode into the apartment.

The sound of her following me and the false trails she’d left didn’t distract me.  She’d been sure to touch everything in here.  She’d even sat on the couch where I slept.  Maybe tonight I’d sleep better.

Following her scent to the spare room, I walked to the bed and pulled out the aromatic source that had called me there.  My shirt.  I lifted it to my nose and inhaled.  No trace of my scent remained on the material, just hers.

“It will never smell like me again.”

“Sorry,” she said softly.

I opened my eyes and met her gaze. “I like it better this way.”

She blushed and glanced away, studying the room I didn’t use. “How did you know where it was?”

“Your scent is impossible to mask.”

“But I touched everything along the way.  I even hid it in two different places before picking here.”

“I know.  Under the couch cushions and in the silverware drawer.”

“But, how?”

“The fragrance of you led me.  The lighter trails, I ignored.  I went to the place where it was most saturated.”

“How long will they last?  My trails.”

“The places you touched?  Less than a week because of the contaminations here.”


“Your brothers, me, Jim.  We are the contaminations.  We touch the same things in here and eventually wipe away the traces of your scent.  On the road, other vehicles do the same to the scent of your truck.  Think of scent trails as delicate strings.  If too many other strings cross them, they break and fall apart.  We might be able to find fragments of the trail after a week, but the longer it sits, the harder it would be to try to follow.”

She’d looked worried when I’d first mentioned contaminations, but now seemed relieved.  I wanted to know what she was thinking.  However, asking would probably send her running again, so I kept quiet.  Time would earn trust and trust would reveal her secrets.

“Is it just my scent that’s hard to mask, or any person’s?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer that.  If I admitted her scent called to me like no other, would she panic?  Would she look at me with fear again?

“Am I asking something I shouldn’t?”

“No, you can ask anything.  I just don’t want to upset you with the answer.”

“If I’m asking, please just answer honestly.  I need the truth, not the dance around it.”

“Everyone’s scent is as difficult to mask, but their scent wouldn’t be as compelling to follow.”

“What do you mean?”

The words were like an invisible command.  I stepped close and gently ran my hands down her arms as I leaned in to inhale deeply.  A tremble ran through her, and I reminded myself to keep it as general as possible.  If she knew just how much her scent called to me, my testicles would never survive the kneeing she’d give.

“Your scent calls to our kind.  Remember Nana mentioning a certain scent calls to a Mate?  Yours teases all of us.  Calls us closer to test it, to see if you really might be a match for us.”

I nuzzled her cheek, and her breath caught.  The flavor of her scent deepened, growing richer.  My canines lengthened, and need clenched in my gut.

“And when you do that, it just about brings me to my knees,” I said softly against her ear.

Her embarrassment told me I’d said too much.  She pulled away and retreated to the kitchen.  I let her go, but followed closely behind.

“If my scent is hard to mask, and you can smell my trails crisscrossing the apartment, why would one of your kind need to lean in close to scent me?”

A shudder of fear ran through her, making me regret saying so much.

“I’m sorry for upsetting you.  I didn’t think you—”

“Oh, no, not you,” she said quickly, turning to face me.  “I just meant—”  She exhaled heavily.  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fair enough.  You know I’m here when you do.”

“I’m sorry, Emmitt.  I’m just not ready to divulge all my secrets yet.”

“I understand.”

“Will you show me again how you shift?”

I studied her for a moment.

“Are you sure?”

Since the morning after I’d revealed what we were, her moments of fear and panic had decreased.  Yet, each time she felt either emotion, it worried me that I’d finally pushed her too far and she’d leave.

“I’m sure.”

I led her out into the heat, waving at the boys as they called to us.  Winifred and Jim were playing baseball with them.  Winifred had probably joined to keep Jim in check.

She’s testing my abilities so keep the boys back here.

We will.  Don’t show her too much.  She’s taking a lot in very quickly.

She wants to see me shift again.

It might be better to hold back on a full shift.


The heat pressed in on us as we walked along the porch to the front.  In the shade, it wasn’t too bad, but it would be hot in the sun.  The front was an ideal place, though.  Branches from the trees surrounding the space extended over the lawn by several feet, creating cool pockets.

Michelle stepped off the porch and walked to the center of the lawn.  The sunlight glinted off her dark hair as she inspected the clearing.

“Nana said no full shifting.  She doesn’t want me upsetting you.”

“Um, okay.”

I didn’t need her scent to know she was disappointed.

“Nana mentioned that the benefits of both forms differ.  What are the attacking benefits of each form?”

She wanted to know how we fought?  I wanted her to know everything, but found it odd that was the first thing she wanted to know.  Well, maybe not odd.  She was afraid of Blake and probably needed assurance that we could handle him.

She seemed to read my hesitation.

“I want to know the strengths and weaknesses of each form.  Like speed, for example.  How fast can you move?”

Speed was easy.  Sprinting, I made it to the other side of the clearing in a second.

“Can you move as fast carrying someone?”

I grinned and ran toward her.  Before she could focus on me, I had her in my arms and we were running the perimeter of the yard.  Her breath caught from the wind, and she turned to bury her face in my neck.

I swallowed hard at the feel of her exhale on my skin.  Her fingers clenched at my shoulders as I continued my sprint, waiting for her to signal she was done.  The signal I got wasn’t one I expected.  Her lips brushed the crook of my neck, the place where a Mate bit to establish a Claim.  Too many emotions exploded in me for me to maintain control.  Hope, lust, and aggression clouded my reasoning as I quickly set her on the ground and stepped away.  In a crouch, I struggled to pull back the change that fought to burst forth.

My teeth crowded my lips and fur rippled up and down my arms.  Closing my eyes, I focused on my human form.  Jaw level with my cheeks and eyes.  Nose long, not elongated.

“What is it, Emmitt?”  She scrambled close, clinging to my right arm.  “Did you hear something?”

Her fear cut though my change, along with the realization that she didn’t fear me, but that something might be coming for her.

I took a slow breath as my mouth returned to normal.  Then, I opened my eyes.  Hers were wide and frightened and staring into mine.

“What?  What just happened?” she demanded.

“I had to set you down.”  I gently smoothed my hand down her arm.  It didn’t seem to reassure her.

“Yeah, the fur gave that away.”  She arched a brow at me.

“I was taken by surprise, that’s all.”  I stood and offered her a hand up.  Her fingers wrapped around mine.  She never took her eyes from me as she stood.  She didn’t let go, either.  I liked it.

“By what?” she asked.

“You were just a little close, and I wasn’t expecting it.”

Her mouth dropped open just the tiniest bit. “You picked me up, remember?”

Seeing she wasn’t going to let it drop, I tried to find a delicate way to tell her she’d just about made every dream I’d never had come true.

“Michelle, Claiming is pretty serious stuff, equivalent to getting engaged in your world.  If a guy would give you a small, velvet box, your first thought would probably be ‘it’s a ring.’  Turns out, it’s tickets to a ball game.  Guys know girls associate those little boxes with rings, so it’s cruel to use them for anything else, right?  Claiming is a quick, hard bite to the neck.  We grow up knowing a werewolf’s neck is a special area that you don’t go near lightly.  It’s the small, velvet jewelry box.  Do you understand?”

She paled and glanced away.  Strange expressions crossed her features, swiftly changing along with her scent.  Confusion, revulsion, then arousal.  I wasn’t sure how she could go from one to another like that.

“But you said you thought of me as a friend.”

“If that’s all you can give me, then I’ll respect your choice.”

Michelle looked away from me uncomfortably, but didn’t let the emotion hold her for long.  She shook it off and returned to meet my gaze steadily.

“Stay away from werewolf necks.  Got it.  Sorry.”

“No,” I said a bit forcefully.  “You can get as close as you want to mine.  Just avoid anyone else’s.”

She blushed and cleared her throat.  Adorable.

“How strong are you?”

That made me grin. “Strong enough that any display would catch the attention of Liam and Aden.”

“So, how do you fight a werewolf?” she said as if to herself.

“With another werewolf.”

She turned away from me, and her lack of amusement over what I’d meant to be a joke worried me.  Had I pushed too much information at her too quickly?

She remained quiet as we walked to the front of the house and joined the rest.  Jim had just set up the sprinklers for the boys.  Liam was in the process of bringing Winifred over to the starting line when he saw us.

“Emmitt, you too!” he said, waving me over.

“Go ahead.  I’m going to sit this one out,” Michelle said.  She settled onto the front steps and watched as we raced through the water.

How Winifred managed to avoid most of the droplets was beyond me.  Jim and I plowed right through everything with the kids.  They giggled and squealed, their happiness a direct contrast to Michelle’s solemn expression.

Did it not go well? Winifred sent to me.

I think it did.  She’s struggling with something, though.  Not fear of us.  I think she’s past that.  Something else.

When she’s ready, she will tell us.

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