Emma: The Forgotten Luna

Chapter 52

It’s easier said to be done.

Emmaline had her eyes plastered on the grey walls for the last thirty minutes. Though she had reminded herself to stay strong, her mind kept drifting to Matteo again and again.

Emmaline was determined and had already commenced a new journey that will be full of ups and downs. She knew that Damien for sure would take her to his pack house because it wasn’t safe for them to stay in the city when the Stephaninis were chasing them like rabid dogs. They needed to flee as quickly as possible.

After the little fight, Damien didn’t return but Emmaline was cool because she had completed part A of her plan. Then why her eyes kept turning teary every now and then?

There was no perfect answer for it but it could be justified by only one simple reason.

The person whom you have trusted the most, who became so indispensable to you in such a short span, with whom you had laughed and cried, with whom you had spent the most joyous days of your life, it’s really too hard to erase him from your life forever.

Emmaline was being an emotional wreck but it wasn’t her fault too. His smiling face kept flashing in front of his eyes.

Why? Just why in the world he must betray her?

Since childhood, she was all alone. Born without parents, rejected by society, called a weirdo, and left isolated. The girl had gone through all.

Doesn’t she deserve happiness? Why does everyone enter her life only to use her? Why isn’t she precious to anyone?

Fisting the silk covers, Emmaline blinked the tears but it wasn’t easy to dry out the ocean of miseries.

She had only requested one thing from him, not to leave her side, not to betray her. Deep down, her cold and dead heart had started beating for him. Feeling things that she considered forbidden.

It happens when you are bogged with troubles and you find someone in the crowd whom you can bank on. Matteo was breaking the chains that she had wrapped around her heart and she was unknowingly admiring him for that.

But again, she made a mistake. Perhaps loneliness and endless despair were written in her fate.

Her lips stretched into a sad smile.

“I am not worthy enough to have friends.”

Emmaline stuttered as her eyes again swelled with fresh tears.

“They must have done something extraordinary in their past lives that people love their company. How lucky they are to have a family, luxury, and most importantly friends. I wonder what crime have I done that I couldn’t be like them?” She said while referring to Jason, Matteo, and all the other people whom she had met in this ill-fated life.

Facing the ceiling, she closed her eyes freeing some tears.

“Why do I have no one?”

Her lips curved downwards as she spoke with a broken voice.

“You have me, Princess.”

Her eyes shot open and got connected with the gray ones that were teeming with love and remorse. Placing his palms on the mattress beside her, Damien crouched down to her face level and gently swiped his finger over her face, collecting her precious tears on his fingertips.

“You are my jewel, baby. My cornerstone. Why do you say you have no one?” He spoke and flashed her a small smile.

Cradling her face in his palms, he brushed his lips on her. Her eyes fluttered as his touch brought tingles to her stomach.

“I am sorry for everything. For shouting at you, for making you cry, for hurting you to the damn point where you lost yourself.” He murmured against her lips.

Damien was genuinely guilty but as usual, his words mean nothing to her.

A cold sigh left his mouth after earning her glare, “I know no matter what I say, you would never believe me. That’s why this time I will prove it to you. Not by words but by actions. I will show you how much you mean to me and to what extent I can go to earn your forgiveness.” He spoke sincerely.

‘That’s what I wanted.’

Emmaline mentally smirked. She wanted him to kowtow so that she can get him to do what her heart desires. Either being the Luna or executing his father.

Masking her wrath with a coy smile, Emmaline looked down and bit her lips.

Damien frowned at her reaction but his eyes widened after noticing her wobbling chin.

“W-What happened bab-“

Emmaline didn’t let him complete as she grabbed his collar and placed her lips on his to shut him up.

Damien froze but lost all his damn control when her cold, quivering lips rubbed against his idle ones. Grabbing the back of her head, he threaded his fingers in her locks and kissed her passionately.

Emmaline was taken aback by his aggression. She squeezed her eyes, her hands grabbing his biceps hurriedly when Damien glided his left hand down to her waist and squeezed it.


A soft moan slipped through her mouth when he prodded his tongue and coaxed her dry one softly. Her ears turn red with the sound of wet smooches reverberating through the closed walls.

Emmaline whimpered when Damien bit her lower lip, licking it gradually to ease the pain. Pulling her from the bed, he coiled his arm around her waist in a steady hold and continued assaulting her mouth. Her small nails dug into his shoulder blades when his callous fingers groped her rear and gave it a rough squeeze making her jolt.

While holding her tightly in his muscular arms, Damien pushed Emmaline down on the mattress and hovered over her, his knees locking her from both sides. He felt her struggling as she couldn’t breathe anymore. Tugging her lower lip, Damien sucked her lips one last time and slowly pulled off.

Emmaline panted heavily, her body shivering as Damien left open-mouth kisses all over her chin and jawline. Her soft skin felt like butter and he couldn’t help but devour it to his heart’s content. On the other hand, the tigress was squirming beneath him, her body enjoying his shenanigans.

Emmaline couldn’t understand why his touch always overpowers her senses. It defies all the hatred she has for him and she couldn’t help but act wanton.

Damien was right. The night they made out was consensual. His mushy kisses and the way his warmth made her feel safe and comforted her were heavenly. Just like right now, her body ached to get ruined by him.

But wasn’t it right? He was her mate and to go forth with her plan, she had to make him realize that she is willing to give him a chance.

Assuring herself, Emmaline circled her arms around her neck giving him access to pleasure her when Damien grabbed her wrists breaking her trance.

Confounded, Emmaline looked at him, “W-What’s so wrong? You don’t want me anymore?”

The hurt in her lust-filled eyes pierced his heart. Damien shook his head and gently caressed her forehead, removing the wet strands of her hair stuck on them, “No Princess. But this is wrong. You’re heartbroken and upset. I don’t want to take advantage of your situation.”

Emmaline gasped in shock. She stared at him in disbelief.

‘He cares for me? No way. It is one of his acts.’

Damien staggered when she shoved him away and jumped from the bed. A searing pain shot up his spine as her immense strength shocked him to the core.

Narrowing his eyes, Damien was about to retaliate but stopped after watching her glassy eyes.

“Stop it okay? I know you’re enjoying watching me broken and at your mercy. If you don’t want me, just say it to my face. If my kiss repulsed you this much then why did you even return it in the first place?”

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!!” Damien growled. His temper flared after hearing how low she thinks of him.

Stepping forward, he grabbed her forearm but Emmaline yanked her arm away and again shouted.

“NO!! I know you’re only toying with me. On one hand, you want my forgiveness, and on the other hand, you back out when I am willing to-“

“BY FUCKING YOU?? HELL NO!!” Damien cut her rambling and grabbed her both shoulders harshly. He was failing to understand her.

“You’re underage damn it. Even if you weren’t, still I wouldn’t have that.”

“WHY? WHY IS THAT??” Emmaline yelled in his face. This question came straight from her heart as deep down, some part of her also wanted to test his sincerity for her.

Clenching his jaw, Damien pushed her onto the wall before cupping her chin. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Because I want to win your heart, not claim your body.”

He sneered while looking straight into her eyes.

Emmaline flinched as those words knocked the door of her heart.

A lump formed in her throat. Was it guilt? She had no idea.

Emmaline tried to look for any lies but his eyes were crystal clear. She could read his heart through them.

Damien noticed it too. Smirking, he rested his forehead on her and pecked her swollen lips.

“I know what you’re thinking but this time I wouldn’t justify myself nor restrict your assumptions. Just remember that I love you. You’re my everything that’s what I know. Think whatever you want to but I would love you, hug you, kiss you as you’re mine.”

Red hues crept on her cheeks hearing his raspy voice.

Emmaline stiffened when he cupped her left cheek in his palm and made her look into her smoky eyes, “I know you don’t trust me now and you’re just using me to get rid of your pain, your heartbreak, and on top of all, to get rid of that fucking boy. You can use me for your pleasure, I wouldn’t mind but you would end up getting hurt in the process. And I can never let you do that.”

Her heart did a wild flip-flop. A shuddering breath left her mouth when her gaze landed on his jet-black tousled hair curtaining his eyes. His rugged breath and the sweat lining his broad forehead made him look damn hot.

Damien gazed at her parted lips and hooded eyelids intensely. It took him all his self-control to not take her against the wall right now but he threw his sexual thoughts out of the window and concentrated on the teen that was super aroused.

Damien knew that Emmaline wasn’t at fault. She was giving in to her matebond which was compelling both of them to unite. Her hormones were uncontrollable and so was his. But he knew that she would just let him use her. It would be simply casual sex and after that, she will die in regret.

Swallowing his frustration, Damien closed his eyes and pulled Emmaline into a bone-crushing hug. Emmaline was perplexed but nonetheless, return it by wrapping her arms around his torso.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be all right. We’ll leave for Northern Valley tomorrow.” He spoke and kissed her neck.

“B-But your father-“

“Leave everything to me. You’re my responsibility.” He spoke and buried his face in her hair.

Emmaline was awestruck. Her heart thawed at how he made her feel so precious. A smile graced her lips as she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

“Thank you.”

It slipped from her mouth automatically before she could control it. But she wasn’t concerned because she just wanted to live in this moment.

Even if it was fake.

Even if it means nothing to her.

But she wanted to cherish it before she begins her journey of vengeance.


Only one chapter left.

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