Emma: The Forgotten Luna

Chapter 21

Matteo’s P.O.V.

Damn, I just hate chaos.

I told Dad that I didn’t need to be admitted to a university to complete my education. I could have done that by myself but he just doesn’t listen.

I was so pissed since morning. Reasons? Man, I have a never-ending list.

Firstly, when I entered my class, a swarm of caked bees attacked me but the saddest part is that they have been chasing me since morning. I hate socializing, but I know it’s not their fault. They are only trying to befriend me but my silence must have given them the innuendo.

Somehow, I succeeded in saving myself from these piranhas who were eyeing me as if I were a snack. Entering the cafeteria, I just bought a coke for myself and turned to leave when I saw a skimpy figure beside me vacillating in the air. I immediately leaped to help her but my hands froze midway. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She was again a girl.

Oh No.

Without wasting time, I forwarded my legs not to help her but to leave this place. No way, I am gonna invite any more trouble for myself but God maybe was adamant to punish me today as that girl abruptly collapsed in my arms. I held her out of instinct but the moment my gaze dropped to her face, I nearly stopped breathing.

She was no less than an enchantress. Her beauty was natural yet captivating. People gathered around me, some in worry, some out of curiosity but my eyes were fixed on the thick curtain of her eyelashes that were caressing her soft skin.

A stupid thought entered my mind as I watched her sleeping peacefully in my arms. I didn’t want her to wake up. But the commotion going around spilled water on my dreams as her facial expressions slowly started to change.

A small smile made its way to my lips when she scrunched her nose while massaging her forehead. She looked adorable.

Blinking her eyes multiple times, she eventually showed me mercy and looked at me. But the moment, our eyes met, my world stopped.


The word almost slipped my mouth but I controlled it. I held my breath and kept staring at her in awe. She was out of this world.

Surprisingly, she was also staring at me. I initially thought that she must be shocked but when she did not make any attempts to move, all my concern disappeared into thin air.

She is also like one of them.

My jaw clenched; her touch was now irritating me. Instead of steadying up, she was shamelessly checking me out. Anger kicked me with full force. I so badly wanted to push this dumbo away from me when an idea popped into my mind.

Let’s see what she’s up to.

The morning incidents have already spoiled my mood. My inner volcano is about to burst. So why not let it out so that I can finally come to peace? After all, I found my trigger.

I simply waited for her to pounce on me so that I can push her away and show her damn place.

But it never happened.

Her eyes all suddenly widened catching me off guard. She suddenly pushed me away making me collide with the counter but somehow I saved myself.

How dare she.

My temper flared as I marched towards her and was about to lash out at her but restrained myself when I noticed her pale face. She looked scared.

For what?

Her blue eyes were fixated on the floor as she rubbed her arms nervously. I again tried approaching her but she didn’t give me a chance as she clutched her bag and ran away from the cafeteria, pushing the students out of her way. Everyone including me stared at her vanishing figure in shock and confusion.

I silently gazed at the undulation of her silver tresses as she weaseled out of the cafeteria without looking at me once.

What a brat, she didn’t even bother to thank me.

I balled my fists in anger. She disrespected me. I reminded myself of this again and again because apart from the rage I was groped with another strong emotion.

And it was hurt.

I don’t know but I felt dejected. And this time it kinda felt hard to digest it.

End of Matteo’s P.O.V.

Time skip

Placing the bag on the table, Emmaline plonked on the chair with a thud. Her heart was still beating erratically. Those unique but enthralling pair of eyes were still on her mind.

“The hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about him again and again?”

Letting out a groan, Emmaline placed her head on the table trying to erase that picture but every time she failed.

“Great. What my life has come to now? First Damien then this man, why am I getting so affected by such unnecessary people in my life?”

Emmaline kept talking to herself, pulling her hair in frustration rather than she knew that someone was watching her the whole time.

After letting out a train of profanities, Emmaline finally calmed down. She rubbed her face vigorously with her palms and let out a deep sigh.

“Forget it, it’s not a big deal anyways.”

She said and rested her elbows on the desk when all of a sudden someone banged his fist on the table with full force making her recoil in fear. Emmaline was initially shocked but soon anger coursed her veins. She shot her eyes up only to confront a furious David.

“What are you doing??” She snapped at him.

David looked ready to kill. A crease formed on her forehead as she had never seen him this angry.

“You still got the guts to ask me this?” David sneered at her face. Emmaline kept her expressions neutral. She was in no mood to entertain his questions so she simply stood up, grabbed her bag, and turned around.

But she had hardly taken a step forward when her left wrist was grabbed in a lethal grip. Her jaw ticked. She turned to face him when David abruptly hauled her to himself. Emmaline wasn’t prepared for his sudden attack so she bumped into his chest.


A scream left her mouth when her hair was taken in a painful grip. David fisted her locks and pulled her face up to his level and bellowed.

“You never let me touch you, even never let me come near you. But you did nothing when he held you that too by your waist. Why so huh? What’s so special about him that YOU FUCKING LET HIM TOUCH YOU WHEN YOU ARE MINE!!!”

Emmaline gasped in shock, too stunned by his revelation.

Did he like her? Since when?

Taking the advantage of her frozen state, David ducked forward to kiss her but Emmaline’s reflexes were quick as she immediately moved her face away making his lips land on her cheeks. His touch retched her to the core.

That was the last straw.

All she could see was red. Her pupils dilated and her expressions turned dour.

Emmaline started to shake in fury while David continued struggling to kiss her. She kept curling her fingers in and out when a drop of blood trickled from her right palm and hit the floor. Her eyes dropped to her palms only to find red crescent moons carved on them.


Her wolf was taking control.

Emmaline usually never felt the need to let Reina out because she was capable to tackle her problems alone. But today she willingly let her take control as she was so tired of fighting with these perverts who only see women as a trophy, as punching bags on whom they could unleash their desires and frustration. She was helpless, something which she hates to her core.

She tried her best to make them understand but continuous defeats forced her to surrender.

So, the only option left in front of her was to fight.

Fight for her rights, fight for her dignity.

She tried her best to stay calm and sane, and always avoided fights. For that, she even let her wolf despise her, and hate her for abandoning her but today she was ready to accept her.

Because if being a human couldn’t save her from protecting her dignity, her wolf definitely would.

Opening her eyes, she let out a snarl and shot a death glare at David. He was still blinded by rage as he failed to notice her golden eyes.

Emmaline slowly snaked her arms up and grabbed his neck. That’s when his trace broke. David choked and looked down only to see her right hand wrapped around her neck. But Emmaline didn’t give him a chance to defend and increased his grip.

David looked at Emma in horror. His eyes turned blurry as Emmaline was strangling him to death. He choked on air and started thrashing in his hold but she showed no mercy.

Emmaline smirked when she noticed the life slipping out of him. She could see the purple blemish around his neck. David continued gasping for air, his face turned pale as a sheet. A psychotic look entered her eyes when she felt him going limp in her hold.

Emmaline slightly tilted her head and smiled at David who was about to bid goodbye to the world. Her lips curved in a sadistic smile as she increased her grip and was about to end the play when suddenly someone grabbed David by his collar and snatched him away from her.

As if pushed back to reality, Emmaline blinked her eyes and stared at David who was lying on the floor unconscious. She palmed her mouth in shock when the realization struck her.

She was about to kill someone.

“N-No, w-what have I-I done??” Shaking her head, Emmaline started moving backward, her eyes still staring at David’s almost lifeless body in horror when she was pulled into a warm embrace.

“Don’t worry. He’s alive Princess.”

A deep voice rang in her ear. Emmaline shuddered when she felt the familiar touch against her body.



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